Ordinance No. 0245 08-20-1963� i ...,_ , ORDSNA2TCE N0. 245 AN ORDINANCE UNDF•R SECTION 12.0'7 OF THE CITY CHARTEft TO VACATE STRFF.TS AR'D ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: r^or the vacation of the atreets and alleys deacribed as follows: A. 3iver Street lecated between the westerly extensions of the north line and the south line o£ �1ock 21� FY�idley Park. R. Olive Street located between the westerly extensions of the north line and the south line of Block 22� Lridley Park. , C. All of the alleys located in Block 21 and Block 22� �'idley Park. All of tre above located in Section 15, T-30, R-?L,, Anoka County� State of N:innesota. �e and is herebv vacated, except that the City of Fridley resexves an easement for drainage and txtility purposes over the streets and alleys described and vacated. SECTIOhT 2: ?'he said vacation has been made a�'ter Notice of Public Hearing in conformar.ce with A'innesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 17_.07 of the City �harter. PASS�:D t1I�'D ADOPTED BY TfiE CITY COUNCIL 0� T?'fi CITY OF FRIDIF.Y THIS 20 DAY OF August , 1963 ����/� � hiAYLn - v+ill� . . ivee ATTFST: � Ci^_ C - ;;n ' ,,r�m. ,', - � . c : � ORDINAiVCE N0. 245 AN ORDIR'ANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALI.EYS IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY The Council of the City o£ i�Y�idley do ordain as £olloars: 5ECTION l: :or the vacation o£ the streets and alleys deaeribed as follows: A. �iver Street located between the westerly extensions of the north line and the south line of �lock 21, �idlep Park. , H. Olive Street located between the westerly extensions of the north line and the south line of Block 22� 'r�idley Park. C. All of the alleys located in Block 21 and Block 22, �'idley Park. All of the above located in Section 15� T-30, R-2l,, Anoka County� State of I�finr.esota, be and is herebv vacated, except that the City of Eridley reserves an easer!ent for 3rainage and ixtility purposes over the streets and alle,ys described and vacated. SECTIOAi 2; The said vacation has been made after Notice of Puulic Hearing in conformance with ;•`.innesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 17_.0^ of the Gity �harter. PASS�TJ AD'D ADOPTED BY TfIE CITY COUNCIL Or T!iF CITY OF FRIALEY THIS 2fl DAY OF August , 1963 hi6YCi'- - '-Jill' -� �1�� :�TTEST: r /^ � � _.._ . _ .____ l�. .. .. _�—'. _ . . . C'__ C �'`: - ��r .. _ _ � a- � . < @ � �