Ordinance No. 0249 10-21-1963� � �I � t ORDIT;AAIC^ N0. 249 �`�G�CY 03DINAPIC,F '?pR T?tF C^P???iACTInG AIl'D F.XPF";DITL�RE D� FUNDS ;'OR TIiE R�PAIR OF A S?�',Jr'� P"AIP: Old 73RD AVT:l�UE N.E. It� '!'I-:E CITY Or FRIDLEY The Gouncil of the Gity of Fridley does ordain: S�GTION 1'; ?'hat the Council °inds that it ia necessary to repair a major break in the sewer line on 73rd Avenue N.E, in the nortion lying westerly o£ the ir.tersection urith Highway no. 65• T;�at ir conr.ection with such repair� other portions of the line in the sarie general area ma*r be involved. T!Zat the City Bngineer recor.miends that the Soi1 Solinifiers, inc., should perform woric ;rith itN equi;ment for,a,=um of not to eYCeed u3,°OG.00. :hat the contractor denies resnonsibility fcr tY;e brealcing of said ]_ine but 1,<il.l »ay,50`,°.- oi the siad :;'.'•3,900.00 . That accor- dingl,y an enereency exi.�ts within the provisions of Section 6.06 oi the,C_t,y �'harter. S�CTIOfi 2: That the City contraet ard purchase such necessary labor and :�aterials iimnediately� c�ithout advertising for bids, for the renair ci said se�•rer line on 73r� �venue, Ii.�. at the best available price to t'r_e City. SFCTI�N 3: That this ordinance supplement the City Code as Appendix �2. ADOPTL'D '�?IS ?_1;T AAY 0_^ OCTOEE?t, 1�63, BY 'I'.:E Ci',Y COUNCIL 0, TF?� CITY OF IRIDLr^.Y. � 11J! '�li✓+!!"_^'��v�- � �` '� — �� � . . , . . . r;�-' _ ° �l)1;�,:���i ..:eeT....,_.,_� / � ATTEST: �� Qn.�.� ��!.�e�!�oJ� C; _t C. :_� _ti:aell A