Ordinance No. 0025 09-06-1949� �� r • K �, � ' � t ' +. � �J � __� � � � . r. � �� � d�r ordaln as follows: � � �� � � Seetiai� 1. Sa Pcraon, firxq, ca ��. � � � � � liartne�ship or em�poration ehall � � � <Irive, oq3ecnte or keep for pay or - � hire within ttie limits af tt�e �'il]- . � flge of Fridley any tasicab witLnut � . � f�rst obtaininfi n license ac licenses ' � so to do iu accoedancre with tl�e Ivcvi?ions of f[iis Ordinance, . � SecGmi 2. ApPlication for lie- � enae or licr�ses eha❑ be mnUe in �vcitiog ta the �'ill¢ge Cler�k shom- in�: ORDINAN�CE N0. 2b . AN ORDINAN�CE TO LICEN3E AND REGULAI`E TAXICi1B DRI- VER3 AND TAXICAB OWNERB IN THE VILLACE OF FRIDLI.TY• The Village Coancil of Fridley �o n. DescriDtion of the tasicnb. �� b. OwnerehiP of tnxicab, and em- � q plaSees nf compang. � c. Copp uf ant��mobile llnbilitp insurance policg cocering ta�icaL. . d. Deposit oi licence Yee. � e. SchcrltUe of fnres and 1'RYP4 to Ue charged. f. IIours of opecnPion. . � =9 3 Section 3. An� license iTSUed � ¢nder this Ordinance sUnll term� � innte a�henecer dari�g rhe te�m �� of Said license the insnrance Po�licv shall not be kept in foil force and effeet. � Sectian 4. License or lieensee . .� ehxll be granted bS tbe �'illage Council. T6t license fee is $20.00 � � per ycar per cab commencing on Ma9 ist oP rach year. � gection 6. Eve�y ��cab ahall � keep a trip eheet, upon which aball be noted tbe sta.rting point and time, and thc teru�inartion and time � of eacL trfp o4 the tasicab, and thc �� amovnt af Pare cDarged, which in- � formntion shxll Ue acailxble to any -� law enforeement officer of the Vill- age. Sec[ioi� 6. �nc person, flrm, ar carporation violating any of the procicions herein ehall be� guilt9 of . a misd�nennor. . This ordinnncy.paaeed bS Ybe Vill- aKe Council of FridleT on ihe 6ffi . day of 8eptember, 1f119, and to be- come effectice npon publicntion. C9RL H�RT\fAV� � 'ViaroiM1� l :�ttest: (SE�AL) 'Ca� ���i''� . W:1RII \�ORT.1.�' iS �'illage Clerk ���� Q `� Pnblished in the Calumb�a Heig RECORD on SePiember �J, ]94 .