Ordinance No. 0276 07-20-1964ORDINANCE N0, 276 AN ORDINANCE CONTROLLING DOGS WITHIP THE CITY OF FRIDLEY R&- QUIRING CONFINEMENT, A COMPULSORY SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION, THE ESTABLIStIDSENT OF AN ANIMAL CONTRAL OFFICER PRDVIDING FOR TIiG IMPOUN�IT OF DOGS, HEQIIIRING THE YACCINATION AGAINST RABIES; AND AMENAING UARIGUS PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 61 OF THE CITY CODE OF FRIDI.EY AND YROVIDING F'OR CONTROL UF ANIMAI. NUISAI3CES, The City Gouncil of the City of Fridley do ox�lain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 61 cf the Cit� Ccde dealing with the con- trol of dogs is hereby amended to read as follous: 61.01. (Confinement) Every ol+ner or keeper of a dog or animal of the canine breed shall cause the same to be: s) Confined to the owner's premises by training, fencing� or leaahing� and £emalea in hest shall be confined in an enclosure. b) While on any public street or public place, such as parks, schools or playgrounds, confined on a leash or ir an sutomobile and in the custody and under ade- quate control of a person at all timea. 61,02. (Registration) A compulsory system of registration shall be established whereby the City will issue City License tags t� owners of dogs over aix (6) months of age upon proof of rabies vaccination witl�in the preceding year and payment of bienniel £ee to be determined by the City Couneil. All tags expire on December 31st of the enen-numbered year next following the date of issue. It shall be unlawful to harbor� own, or keep any dog of more than six (6) months of age with- in the limits of the City unless said dog is licensed as herein provided. City license tags shall be non-trans£erable either from one dog to another dog of the same owner or from one owner to another owner of the same dog. Tags shall be affiaced to the collrs of the dog by a permanent metal fasten- er. 61.03. (Animal Control Officer) There ia herebg eatablished the position of Animal Control Officer (ACO) and his duties shall be: a) Periodically to patrol all aectiona cf the City for the purpose of picking up stray animals. b) To pick up and impound any dog running at large srithin the City. c) To pick up and diapoae of asay dead animala. - d) To inveatigate all cases of dog bites and other enimal bites reported to him and to be sure that all such dogs or other animals are confined and kept un- der observation for a period of fourteen (7.1,.) days. 61.031. (Appointment) The Animel Control Officer shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Gity I9anager} who shall also determine his basis o£ compensation. 61.Oy. (Impounding of Dogs) Whenever a dog is picked up and impounded by the aCO� the registered owner shall be noti- fied forthuith, If the dog is unregistered, the ACO sha11 make ever�� reasonable effort to identify and notify the owner. Before any impounded dog is released to its owner� the owner ahall: l aj Pay to the ACO an impounding £ee of �5.00. _ b) Pay to the ACO a boardi��fae oP'�3.00 per day or fraetion thereof that the dog was impounded, i E ORDINANCE N0. 276 (Continued) c) Show proof of vaccination� pay in addi- tion the current vaccination fee� for which he shall receive a receipt good for one (1) vaccination. d) If a dog is unregistered or registratioa is not current, pey to the ACO the current registration fee plus a penalty of fifty centa �50¢). 61.041. (Deatruction of Dogs) Any dog not claimed by the registered owner within a period of five (5) days following notification of impounding may be disposed of by the ACO. Any dog not wearing a City Tag may be disposed of after being impounded £or five {5) days. 61.05• ��bies) Enery dog shall be vnecinated against rabiea at least once every two (2) years. Any person knowing of a case of a human being bitten by a dog or other me�al shall i�nediatelq notify the ACA or the Po?ice Department, and said animal shall then be confined by the owner or by the ACO or by other competent authority and kept under observation for a period of fourteen (1Q) days before being disposed of or re- leased from observation. 61.06. (Unlawful to Kill) It shall be unlawful for any person other than the ACO or a Police Cf£icer to kill or destroy any dog £ound xvnning at large in the City or any mammal that has been known to have bitten a person within a period of fourteen {�) days. 61.07. (Cats) The Animal Control Officer shall have author- ity to pick up stray cats and the ACO shall make enery reason- able ef£ort to notify the owner of said cat. Before any im- pounded cat is released to its owner, the owner shall pay the same fees as provided for in 61.OQ (a) and (b) of this ordi- nance. �ny cat not clai.med by its owner within a period of five days after being impounded may be disposed of by the ACO. 61.08. (Nuisances) No persons shall keep dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, ehincillas or other small animals that habitually bark, howl, cry� habitually chase people or cars or habitually cause property damage or so as to cause any other nuisance. 61.09. (Complaints) Any person complaining to the ACO or to the Police Department that a dog or other animal is allegedly running at large or otherxise constituting a danger or nuisance shall identify himself upon request and shall make every reason- able attempt to assist the authorities in identifying the dog and its owner. 61.10. (Ef£ective Date) The compulsory regiatration portion of this ordinance (3ection 61.02 and Section 61.OQ-cl) shall take effect January 15� 1965. All other prov3sions of this ordinance shall take effect as provided by the City Charter. 61.11. (Rep�l of Conflicting Grdinancea) All existing ordi- nances of the City of Fridley are hereby repealed insofar as they may be inconsistent with the provisions o£ this ordinance. 61.12. (Penalties) This ordinance shall constitute Chapter 61 of the City Code of the City of Fridley and all general provi- sions of the City Code, including Chapter 105 entitled "Penal- ties", shall apply to this ordinance. , PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY CGUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 20TH DAY OF JULY, 1964. �, ATTEST: . _ ��a.ti,_,., �%�_ � ��/ MAYOR - Williamr ; ee , CITY CLE - Marnin . Brunsell � First Reading: July '7, 19b4 Second Reading: July 20� 19b�+ 3 -;; � I