Ordinance No. 0029 01-02-1950� 4� • ,' � • ' i } _ i � �s ; AN ORDI\A\C,E REC.L'I.A'flSi: Tf[E SALE OF CIG�RETTEh ETC. AvU LICE\SI\G TAE 59ME URDI1*ANCE �IO. 29 The Village Conncil of Frullcp do ordain as follon�s: 8ection One: No Feraon, com- pany, or corpox•xtinn slial2 sell, �ive away, barter, offer or expoae for sale any cigarette, cigarette paper or �craPPers at any plam within the Village of Fxidley, «'ith- ovt 6aving first obtained a licenFe therefore aa pFOVided in this ord- inunee. Section 1tvo: Any person. firn�, or corporation desiring W ebtain euch a licen=e etall apply in H�"it- ing to the Village Clerk statir.g his name, residence, citizenship, the location o£ premises to be used for such sale, the nature and name of YLe business and Pac fo snid Clerk at the time of making� his application the required licen�e £ee. The Clerk chall preaent such aPP- lication to the Village Council at their next meeting Eor action. And upon the gxanting of the ]icense the Clerk shal] issue to ssid applic- ant a license which ehall be kept posted in a conspicuous place on applicant's premises. Section Three: The licens'e fee for every such license shall br. $12.00 per year. Every such lic- ense shall escpire on the �rst das oY April of each year. Section Four: Every such lic- ense may be revoked by the Village Council upon violation of any ord- inance relating to the operation of applicant's busineas in said vill- age. �ection Five: Any person violat- ing this ordinance shall be subject to a Eine o£ not more than $100.00 or punishment b9 imprisonment for not more than 90 days. Section Six: This ordinaxa^e shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Passed this 2nd of January, 19b0 by the Village Council of Fridley. -,-��"� _ CARL HAR'IATA3: Atteat: " (i'"C,�(/ WARD NORLING� �;y��—,`^';•0.. Clerk of Village of �ndley �/�t Published in the Columbia Heights RECORD on January 6, 1960.