Ordinance No. 0030 01-05-1950� I I,� • � � � � � ONDINANCE NO�. 30� � ORDI\.110E CO�CERVING llOGS The Village Council of Fridley do . ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Every owner or keeper of a dog or animai of the dog kind «'�thin the limits of the Fillage of Fiidley, shall cause the =ame to be xegistered, numbered, deecribed and license�l in the office . uf thc � i!lage Clerk of said Village. , gueh license shall 6e for the whole or u�iexP�rpd portion of the Sear ending on the ensuing first day of Mav. Provided that no license shall be required for a dog or animal of the dna kind while it is less than three monflis old. License shall be the sum of $3 for any unspaded fe�rale dog and �1.50 for a spade�l female dog or moile dog. SECTIO�' 2. The Village Clerk of suid �'illage ehall in the matter of is,uing such licenses Perform all duties fixed by the general laws of the =tate, and he shall keep a record cf all dog licenses issued, r,nd mar de�i�naYe a dog catcher ��PP��nted hy the Village Council to ae�int him in maintaining such � re^_ord. Duplicate license tags may be iss-'ed ta cover any Period a2- reaQy licensed fox a fee of fifty cents, hut no duplicate tag will be �=sued unless the tag nas actually been lost or stoten and satisfactor,v proof has 6een submitted to the Village Council. SECTION 3. Every owner or keeper of a dog or animal of the dog kind shall place and keep around the neck of the dog or anima! owned and kept by him, a collar on which shall be seeurely fixed the metallic tag above men- tioned. SECTION 4. The Village Conn- cil shall pay over to the Village Tieasm-er each month the monies collected from said license fees. SECTION 5. No person having - the custody or control of any dog, or any animal of the dog kind shalt permit the same to �o upon the streets in said Village, or to run at large within the limits of said Village, unless the dog wears � the coliar and tag above described. � SECTION 6. It shall be unlaw- iui for an}- person to kill or des- troy any dog or anima] of the dog kind found running at large within � the limits of said city contraiy to the provisions of this ordinanee. SECTION 7. No person shall k¢ep or =uffer to be kept on his �� premiaea, ox on premises occupied by him «�ithin snid city nor permit . nor su£fer to run at large, in said city or on anV stxeet thereof, any dog of a ferocio�s or vicious rLar- acter, habit or disposition. And � � it shall be latvful for any Person to ki]] or destroy any euch animal if foand in anc street xt large in said Village. SfiCTION 8. No owner or keeper of a female dog shall permit or suf£er the same to run at large. or be in an�� street, alley or Pu61ic . place in said city u'hile the same � is in heatw and it shall be lawful for any perSOn to kill or deattoy . . sach £emale do� if ao found cumiing at large im said city. SF.CTION 9. The Mayor of said Villag�c may by order and not- ice posted in three conspitvous places in the Village require that all dogs running at laige in the streets of the Village be muzzled i� such rnanner as the notice may prescribe, until the order is revoked. . Any person l�aving the care or control of a dog. who violate�. the � posted notiee and order o£ the Ma}�or shall be Ruilty of ��iolatin� this ordinance. SECTIOh 10. The Village Coun- cil may appoint a dog catcher to assist the Village Clerk in handling the duties oL this ordinance, and said designated dog cateher shall haee the power to pick up and im- pound any dog running at large in violation of this ordinance, and said dog catcher ma,v hold said dogs for a period o£ three da3�s, and if . the owner has not called for said dog within three day period and paid $I.00 for the expense of main- � " taining the animal to the Vi➢age of FridleF �n addition to securing � the necessary lieense, the dog cab cher may sell or dispuse of the ?aid ilog in a laa�ful manner. SECTION ll. The violation ot this ordinance shall be a misdem- � canor snbjeet to fine of not more � than One Hundred D o I 1 a r s ($100.00) or punishment by im- prisonment for not moxk that. ninety days. Fa=sed hy the Village Council this Sth day of Janvar�, 1960, �CARL F. FiARTbfAN � �y� .4T'fEST: j �VARD NORLING Village Clerk Pablished in the olumbia Heizht� RF.CORD on danuarc 13.. 1950.