Ordinance No. 0031 04-03-1950�.��� ����� � �ORDIN9GC1. NO. 31 - AN ORlldNANCE PR¢VIDI\(: FOR THE F.STABLISf11iErT OF 9 FOLUNTEF.K FIR�: DEP:IRT- ; � mENmf a�n ��armc� srr.�s - ' AND REGtiI,AT10FS FOR THF, '��pOph71LNMFt�'P OF THF, S�'9A4� i ' The �iP�se Conu�il of FriQlep , � du ord:uv ,i. follons: � SE `(�PIOA ]. N Iltk. ]1Y;1'.A[tP- � �\LEST I 1L�17.ISHl ll. � \ P�� d Thete » herebti e taLlisUeil iu thL§ ril:.t��e a vriunteer fire� Qeparb ment cvusi*Ti��X ��f :� 1'hief, Au Aw �ist�nt CLieT, n Fire ilarahad, nnd vnt ]e�s th�o fifteen (161. � SrCL'TIOS 2 aPPOIST\IE_\T , TLe L'Lfef af tl�e Fire DePZtrt- , meny Phe .�ssisp�nt ('hief, an� the . Nire ]Lu:sh:�l nhsi]I Le electeQ tin- � nnaP9 trc t6e me�nhei:s nf tlfe de- , � �xiartment .cnbJect tu rmi£innatiou � by We <�nnncril. F;a�•h ahflll huld of- Pice fnr �one Sear :mQ nn[il his .ar �ieseor ha� UEen �nly elected, es- � �pt thaE he may be renoved 6y the co�nnr7 fon- �xnee nn<7 afrex n prtbliC hearinr. Firemen :md FTO- � �, bntiouar;c Piremivi Fhnll be nPPMnt- cd bs tlie wembpcn oP tlie de�tit- memi, siabject tn coufinnation hy � tha capncil. 1�5remen <,haR eontinue as members uf nhe �iel�Th��ent �lar- ing good Ge6ex�'ior, :in� may be re- move3 Uy The ivrnn�l +nily fnc ca.nae and :ifter a public heariug. SL�'OTIO� � 11T'TIE1 OF' FIRN: 3SARSHAI.. ' � The ofPire irf Fire Nurshnl maS Le hPki US tLe Ch�ieY nr by the �a- ' � sLtant �OLief, iY tt�e C�rimcil by res- � nHttiu�u xPproves. The Fire l.tar- xhal shall M1e eluu�Fed �sith Ylie en- , fnrceme¢t of :ill ar�livances aimed , xt Lixe greFe�rtirm. Ae .liall ha�ce � fnll.anthclritc eo inst�ect all i�rr � �. nti5ea tu�d tu cxnve. the rrmocal or :�batetuent of alt fire hazards. � � saxrri(iu -� ��ti-rn�:, ar CHIEF. • fiJ:,e U�irf aLtall Lare conttrol � ove!• all rd ttie fSrr TighYinK �IyPtx�'- . itn0 an�l sUa1L he solelv iv�p.rnaihlr. Enr it� �•are flnil rmulitinn. He . � shall make a rclr�n-t. .Fmi-an��u- � a'J,c. tn The �v>nucil nt ih meetluF in U:u•r6 �m�l RePte�uDer, as to the cirnilitino of [he e��niP�venk entl uee;� ��T the Yire de�:n�tmeiit. Iie m;q' Knbmit :u?�liti�m:il rel��'ts and r���:.mmrndation< a[ anc meeting of the com�cil, au�l he shxll report t xh ,o�ixn i�m lic hiw ai fl mem- bei uf the f�re ileIraitment at YYie f �st meetin af the crnmcii Yollo�v° 1D.; .I]CII SI19�fll81u➢. I]P R�lflll b2 e ie �m�ihle for the propec training nd �liscn�:lwe uf the member5 of flte ftl'P IIehI111lletlT, .1]]tl IDklv 9�,w �rem7 an�• memlzer for refnsttl or ue„lect to abe} niilex� peuilin� Yin- :d aictiwi by the eoancil un hia dis- rharge op retentiou. �F,CTiUS .-,. RFCORD9. The �'hieP �hflll keep in cuneenient fattn a euuiplete record aP all fires. SucH rrrorcl sRall in<�lade [he time of �the ailarm, loatiun of fire, cnn�e of Yire riF knnn�nl, �h'I� �H b��ilding. n:mte uf owner an�l temmt Pott�c�ee f��r r-hii�h acrni�ie�l, �ah�e oi baild- in; autil rontenta, mem6vrn of tlze drryartrnent recpun�linK fo th0 rilarm, :md snch uther informatian aa he map deem adcicnble o1• us nmc he re9�uxed frow tnne Pro time �iC fh2 tYl[1Rt'll OY 31fltP 1119ilTpllf!Q detui ctmertt. 3F.("PIUA ti. PIt9CT1("F; DRILL IT ah:Ql 6e tbe dnt�� uf the Chie1, �chero f4e meather permit�, to "Aold zi mrinthlF Drnctice �rill of at leart nne Imyr'F dmution for the fire �7e�uu•huent nln�l to give tLe firemen invT[nction iu appcnveil metLOBa af fire f:,;htin;, aml fire pTeveution. Si",l"LIOV i. AS8I8T�\T CA7F.F. In the aFnGenee or disx- � 6ilitr of flie chief, tlie �ssis�tnnt Chiet shatll perfo�iwn ell flie func- tious and eserci�e nll 01 the auih- r.rity nP the Chief. yr;[`�TIO� �. FIRE�tE\. The iacistaut ('hieY .md fi�rmen shail he nut letic than eiKhteen (16) noc more tlmn eisYC-Yice (C��) j'ears� nY age and nble-b<Hlies. They r>hall ber•o�ne mcmbers uf tlie fire de- pxrtruenY. onlc tiftcr 9is ( 6) in,3nt]�s' piobntionai5 perlod. The irvnncil mnS icK]nire thnt each can- di�istte, Lefore I�r, m:ty beeome fl� �� , �irubxHnn+iiq 4iremen, mvat satiefy . �=� i•ertnin mimimmn reRairemen[s of ����� I�eiRbt, weigLt, edocation :m� any a ��ther quxlifications ��'hicl� ma3 be . � >l�ified by ?he crnmril: anil t}urt :_�-,� I�e mnet paes u eutisfartuiS me�Gt:Q � .md phS�:iexl esxmiva[ion. .� SFCIIOC D IOSS UN 3Ik:3i\\\-\\\ � AtN:l2SHIt 1�"iiemeu aU��t fro�i��6'���. three can5ecntitie diill� ur c�lls un- le.s eaci�sed by t2ie Chitf, shall ' tnrfeit membei5hip in tLe deP�r ment. 3FCTIOS 10. �F.CTIOA 11. BF.CTIO\ 1'?. PAI:9b:ST )1F.af- AF}RS Yei�?ons who aU+e memberx oP t7�e Yire 4elrarhnent at tbe ttme +�f the ailoptinn of [his m•rlinance .�hnll not he requireil tT� eerve a �iro�ba.tianarp lieriod bePore r2ceiv- ing firemen's rsiting. BECTIOS 13. RF.LII�:F A89P CI �T10\. The membei:s �md oftl- cers of tUe Yire dePflrtment ahap or�nnize tl�e�u�,elves lnto a Firi� men'r, IZelief A�ceiniiov. SI�7CTIO:V 14. I\TERFERHNCI9 WI'14I DI�:I'9R:PBIEST. It sbnll he unla«�ful for any� pereon Ya gice OL Illii$2� OA' CAtIS@ CO Y12 g'IVPII OP made, nn alarm m• fire n�ithout prc�bable ut¢se, oc to negleet ar refase �to ohcy eins rensonable or Qer of the Wief at n iire, or to in- terfere tivith the fii�e dePttrtment 3n the discharge uf its dnriee; and nny l�t•°on emivicted oY ciolat3T�� this secPiav sLall 6e deemed guilts nP a mipdenieai�ar, fln� shall be paaislied bc a$ue af not� less than �2:�.fH1 nrn� nor�e thun $�0.00 and �vrAte, and in defatilt of Iracment af fine rn• c�t,c, or both, ha shall be rommitted tu The jail nn61 e�id fine nn� c,�YS are s�ati��fie�l ns Prn �ideQ by In�v. Yassed bg the Village Connil of NcidleS� 91ni1 3, 1�J50. CARL HARTEfAN � ?�fa9ar Attest. % 1VARD 10RLIS(} �%� • t illage Clerk (Publi�bed 1n thc Calumbia IIei�l�te Reror�l, d�i�51 14th, 19W / �' v�✓� ��' `�.