Ordinance No. 0314 10-18-1965I``� � , OBDINANCB Nd. 314 AN ORDINANCB AMBNDING CNAPTER 24 OF THE FRIDI,BY CITP CODE RB- LATING T17 THE ORGANIZATION, POWER, aND �UTHORITY OF T[� CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That various sections oi Chapter 24 of the Fridley City Code be amended as follows: Section 24.01. Q2EATi0N. There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation Commission for the City of Fridley. 'It:e commissior. shall consist of five Fridley residents, appoint- ed by the City Council. The Commission Chairman ehall be appointed by the City Council and shall also serve as a me�aber of the Planning Cpr�mission. The initial members shall be appointed for staggered terms, so that the term of no more than one wo:tld conclude in any year. Thereafter, the members shall be appointed for terms of three years. Both ori.ginal and successive appointees shall serve until their successors are appoint- ed and �calified. A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the City Conncil. Plembers of the commission shall serve without compensation and shall not be person- ally interested in any contracts of the cocrtnission. They shall at the beginning of each yVer select a vice-chairman and a secretary from their own number with duties in addition to commission membership implied by these titles. e maj- ority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 24.02. SCOPE, The Parks atsd Recreation Commission sh�ll advise the City Manager and Council on operation of a program of parka, p:aygrovnds, and public recreation. If any part of the public recreation program of the community is administer.ed directly by any public or private agency other than the City, the commission shall have power to make c000erative agreements with any such public or private agency for the purpose of coordinating all the activities and facilities included in such public recreation pro�ram. The commission may make use of public'propert� assigned to, or of private proper*y leased or otheru�ise made available for public recreational use. Upon recommenda*_ion of �he couuaission, the Council shell determine what land is to be acquired for recreationa2 purposes, �ohat land the com- • mission shall be permitted to nse in carrying on its recreational program, and what buildin@s o: ether perm- anent structures are to be conscructed upon such land. The commission shall advise the Council upon such matters and shall organize and review the operation of facilities made available to it for recreational p+�rposes, but it shall have no authority to acquire land in its own name or without the consent of the governmental unit in whose name such land is *_o be acquired. Section 24,03. POWER. In order to carry on responsibil- ities provided herein, the commission shall have power to: (a) Adopt rnles for its meetings and the transaction of its business and rules governing the use by the public of the recreation €acilities under its contro L (b) Censent an3 approve appointment by the Parks and Recrea*_ion Director of persanttel necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the commission. Ce) Accept gifts of real and personal propartv for public recreational purposes, subject to the provisions ef Secti_on 24.02. (d) Provide for maintenance and care of public property which has been assigned to it for �ublic recrea- ticnal puzpo��s. � (e) PerFO�m *ahatever other acts are reasonable and necessary and proper to ca*ry out the ^_�mmission's responsibi�ities under this ord=nance. �. Con't. i t •ORDINANCS N0. 314 - Con't. Section 24.04. PROGRAM. The commissior shall each year ptior to September 1, prepar� a comprehensive program for parks im- provement and acq•�isition anJ f�r public recreation activities f�r rn� eneuir,g year. The cor.unission's program sha11 be des- criued in terms of activities a-,m11 as finances. The budget of finances shalJ sho*a: (a) Estima*_ed revenue_s, divided as follows: (1) A�our.*_ ap�ropr.i.�`e� by City Council (2) wn*_ributions from private sources (3) Farnin�s fran ad.r.i=sions and other charges made for use of facilities (4) Miscellaneou; revenues; and (b) Sstim�ted ex,enditures, 3ivided as follows:- (I) Administration payroll (2) Instructional and supervisory payroll (3) M.aintenance and improve��nt payroll (4) Supplies (5) Printing C6) Posta�e, express f,reight, utility charges (7) ?:epairs (4) Rents (9) Equipmettt (10) Real estate and improvementa (11) Miscellaneous expenditures C12) Contractual Services (13) Taxes and assessments (14) Consultant fees. Su�h budget shall. be. submitted not later than June 1, to the City Manager. The final deci.sions as to these contributions shall be re�orted back to the commission, which shall adjust the budget, if necessary. The expenditure allowances, as finallq approved by the commission and City Council, shall control the year's spending program. The commission sha21 not itseif levy taaces or borrow moneY; and it shall not approve any claims or incur any obligations for expenditure. Sec*_ion 24,C5. FUNDS. For the purpose of financing the parks and recreatior. pro�ram authorized 6y this chapter, the account- ing shsJ1_ be the responsi`�ili•i�� of the treasurer of th� �;ity. The commission shall be au*_horized to establish charges or fees for the restricted use of anp facilities or to make any phase of the recreation program wholly or partiall,y self-sustaining. eny empl.oyees who hand).e cash in the process of collecti.cn shall be bonded. Section 24.06. REPORTS, In matters relatino to the recreation pro�ram, personne: ar�i finances, advisor.y reports shall be made directly to the City Council throu�h the City Manager. Matters relating to propertp pvrchases, capital imorovements and faci7ities shall be reported to the City Co•�ncil with rec- commendation of the Planning Commission. Section 24.07, nNNUAL REPORT. The commission shall, as soon as possibie after the end of each calandar year, present to tile City Council a comorehensive anaual r�port of its activities. PASSED BY TiIE CITY COUNCIL OF TH5 CITY OF FRIDLEY Tk'.IS 18TN DAY OF OCTOBER, 1965. I ^n �� � � /,1 `''I YY, _ V V "ln,�,Ul�Yy� MaYOFt - W L iam J. Nee AT7'EST: � �,� �in�i � CI ,' CI.h�RK - Plarvin , Brunsell First Reading: Second Ree�ling: Publish: October 4, 2965 October 18, 1965 Rcvember 3, 1965 �I 4r �