Ordinance No. 0369 07-05-1967� , � , . OSDIPAPCS 1P0. 369 AN ORDINAN� DEFINING CBRTAIN FIRE ALARM REPORTING 9YSTBMS AND SS'!`PING FORTN RULSS AND REGULATIONS FO& TH6IR IISE, SSCTLOPT 1. Definitiona: As herein, unlesa othnn+iae indicated the following terms are defined as foll.ows: (a) Emergency Reporting System - A direct reporting communications systems foc reporting emergency information to alarm headquarters, this system shall be installed and maintained by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Compeny. (b) Private Alarm Equipment - Any fire or burglary alarm equipment owned or installed by any person, partnerahip or corporation and wholly used fn or on the premi.se of the owner. (c) Secondary Alarm Equi�nent - Any equipment, ccmductors and associated appurtenances to connect an approved Private alatm syatem to the emergency reporting system. (d) Auxiliary Alarm System - Any approved system thTt is connected by ser_ondary alarm equipment to the emergency reporting system. SECTION 2. A_�roved Alatm Syst__ems: (a Any fire suppression or detection eystem desiring to be connected to the Pmergency reporting system ahall be of an approved type. Labels of the Undercrz�iters Laboratories or the Factory Mutual Testing service shall be deemed as prima facie evidence of approval. Systems for hold-up and burgarly protection shall be approved by the Chief of Police. 3&CTION 3, Permita: • (a) Any person, partnership or corporation desiring to connect a private alarm aystem to the emergency reporting system shall first obtain a permit £rom the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Building Inapection Department. (b) A copy of pZana of proposed syatem ahall be approved by all interested agencies, thia ehall include the Fire Prevention Bureau, Police Department and Electrical Inspector. No such installation oc conversion shall be made until such approvat has been obtained. 3SCTLON 4, Operation of Auxiliary Systems: (a) All auxiliac;� alarm systems shaZl be inRtalled, operated and main- tained in conformance with the current �tan.lard set forth in Pamphlet No. 72 of *_he American Insurance Association of July 1962 and including June 1964 amendmenta, entitled Auxiliary Eire Alarm Syatems said Pamphlet is herein made a part of this ordinance by - reference and copies of which are on fi7e for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk. SF.CT70N 5. Master Fire Alarm Box: Cost of Installation: <a) All costs and recurring charges incurred in the inatallati.on and maintenance of secondary alarm eauipment shali be borne by the person requestin� the eame. 5 SfiC1TON 6. Cause of DiaconnectinPZ System; (a) If any anxilfary fire alarm system is not operated and ^�.^.intained in accordance �aith the provisione of this ordinance, tho Fire Prevention Bureau shali after five days written notice to the owner of the system, to the occupant of the property protected by the system and to the Underwriters having jurisdiction, req�iest the Northwestern Bell Tetephone Company to dier.�nnect the awciliary fire alarm system from the emer�ency reporting system. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Q TY OF FRIDLEY Tk1IS STH DAY OF JULY, 1967. - .. . . _ . � �!i'� ���'��ir.��:. ATTI�TTIiST� �, — JACR O. KIRKHAM �a � CITY CIERR — MARVIN C• BRUNSELL F;rst Reading; June 1,9, 1967 S�cond Reading� Jul.y 5, 1967 Publish: July 21, 1967