Ordinance No. 0037 04-19-1951i . 1 • • r �- • � • er � ��. ORDINANCE NUMBER 37 AN OROINANCE, AMENDING NUMBER 24, BEING THE ZON- ING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF FRIDLEV, AND RELATING TO CITY PLANNING Planning Commission. The gov- erning body of the Village may approve ail plats of lands that have the approval 6f ihe sald Zoning and Planning Commis- sion. Any proposed �lat of lands �ehich does not ha�°e the approcal of the Zoning and Pla�ming Com- mission ahall not bc approved by the goccrning board of the Vil- lage until after a pubiic hearing. tiotice of the public hearing shall nllow at Icast ten (10) days aod be by publication of such notice in the official ne�cspaper of the Village. [4). :Vo buildfng permit shall Ixereafter be issued by the build- ing inspeMOr of the Villagc on unplatted lands or legal de- scriptions described by metes and bounds until thc ow�ner or thc applic2nt for such permit Uas: (al. furnishcd to the building inspector two copies of a survcy of the. lands cevered, du]y certi- fied by a licensed surveyor. (b1. furnished tn the building inspector the written approval of the sur��ey by tlre Zoning and Planning Commission of the Vil- Iage of Fridley or ny- the Village Couneil. SECTION %XXVII �5). No sarcey of unplatted lznd or lands described by metes The Village Council of Fridley and bounds shall be approved do ordain as follows: herrafter by thc Zoning and Plan�ing Commission unless said survey reasonably confornvs to the city planning mxp and the standan•ds anH ru]es set by the Zoning and Planning Commission. That the Village Council of Fridley may have power to ���aive the commissions approval in siU uations involving unnecessary hardship and �x�here the failure to cromply does not interfere with the purpose of city planning. �61. That this ordinance shall a�aend ordinance number 24 and be incorporated as Section XX3s"VII of ordinance number 24. - Passed Fj� the 4il]age Council of Eridley= this 19th day of April, 395f. (1). The Village shall here- after carry on city planning ac- tivities and adopt a plan for the regulations of the future phpsical development of the municipality and prepare and adopt an of- ficial map of all proposed alter- a6ons of existing lands and public spaces and tlie future de- -vQlopment of unplatted proper- ties, and approve subdicisions all as hereinafter procided. (2). The Zoning and planning COmmission, as procided for in ordinance Number 24, Section XXXV, shall hace and exercise all the powers, authority, and re- sponsibilities as set forth in Sec- - tions 47126 to 471.33 i�clusive, _ as amended of the h4innesota ,- Statutes. � = B)_ No plak of land within` the Village of Fridley shall be appmved until the Zoning and Planning Commission has deter- mined that the proposed plat is im m�formity with the city planning map and the standards and rules set by the Zoning and CARF. HAP,Th4AN Mayor `�}�%�7G�-��U' �i%ARD NOPLING� �. Clewk — iPUblished in the Columbia Heights Record on Friday, April 27, 1951) �"b � 410 III ORDINANCE NUMBER 37 AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 21 , BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF 7HE VILLAGE OF FRIDLEY, AND RELATING TO CITY PLANNING. SECTION XXXVII The Village Council of Fridley do ordain as follows: (1). The Village shall hereafter carry on city plann.activities and adopt a plan for the regulations of the future physical development of the municipality and prepare and adopt an official map of all propsed alterations of existing lands and public spaces and the future development of unplatted properties, and approve subdivisions all as hereinafter provided. (2). The Zoning and Planning Commission, as provided for in ordinance Number 24, Section XXXV, shall have and exercise all the powers, authority, and responsibilities as set forth in Sections !71.26 to L71.33 inclusive, as amended of the Minnesota Statutes. • (3). No plat of land within the Village of Fridley shall be approved until the Zoning and Planning Commission has determined that the proposed plat is in conformity with the city planning map and the standards and rules set by the Zoning and Planning Commission. The governing body of the Village may approve all plats of lands that have the approval of the said Zoning and Planning Commission. Any proposed plat of lands which does not have the approval of the Zoning and Planning Commission shall not be approved by the governing board of the Village until after a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall allow at least ten ( 10) days and be by publication of such notice in the official newspaper of the Village. (Li). No building permit shall hereafter be issued by the building inspector of the Village on unplatted lands or legal descriptions described by metes and bounds until the owner or the applicant for such permit has: a). furnished to the building inspector two copies of a survey of the lands covered, duly certified by a licensed surveyor. b). furnished to the building inspector the written approval of the survey by the Zoning and Planning Commission of the Village of Fridley or by the Village Council. • 4r (5). No survey of unplatted land or lands described by metes and bounds shall be approved hereafter by the Zoning and Planning Commission unless said survey reasonably conforms to the city planning map and the standards and rules set by the Zoning and Planning Commission. That the Village Council of Fridley may have power to waive the commissions approval in situations involving unnecessary hardship and where the failure to comply does not interfere with the purpose of city planning. (6). That this ordinance shall amend ordinance number 2L and be incorporated as Section XXXVII of ordinance number 24. Passed by the Village Council of Fridley this 19th day of April, 1951. Attest: Carl Hartman, Mayor. Ward Norling, Clerk. . , • AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 24, BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF FRIDLEY • The Village Council of the Village of Fridley do ordain as follows: 1) That Ordinance 21.4, being a zoning ordinance for the of Fridley be amended in the descriptions therein set forth for conilercia.L° ' zones to provide that the commercial zone west of University Avenue and between 57th street and 60th Street shall:.extend, only from University Avenue to the alley, said alley being midway between University kienue`and;' 3rd Street, N. E. Passed 'by the Village Council $ . this 7th day of May, 1951. Carl F. Hartman, Mayor • • A T TE S T : • Ward Norling, Village rC r , p 4. 44 • • • • n' J