Ordinance No. 0371 09-05-1967C_� � � ` ORD�NANCE N0. 371 AN ORDINANCB DNDfiR SBCTION 12.07 �' TR6 CIT1f CHARTSR '1'0 VACAIE STLF&TS AND ALLF.YS AND TO AMEND APPfiNDIX C OF TH13 CITY CODS The Council of the City oE Fridley do ordain as folloc,r�: SSCTLON 1. For the vacation of 57'as Avenue fran 2'� Street to the �sast to the West line of Rtock 28, Hyde Park Addition described as fotlows: All that part of 57� Avenue that is bounded on the North by the South ]ine of Block 27, Nyde Park Addition; ort the Weat by the Seutherly exteosion of the West line of Block 27, Hyde Park Addition; on the Bast by the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 6, Block 28, Hyde Park Addition; on the South by the North line oE Block �, City View Addition. Except that portion that lies inside a 60 foot strip whose centerline is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of Section 23 located 20fi f•eet North of the South line of the Northwest .__� �uartrer (NLi�)"�f s�id Section; thence East parallel to said Soutb line of said Northwest Qvarter (NW3) of Section 23, a distan�e of 858.96 feat; thence on a deflection angle to the left of 89° 35'u5", a distance of 2A.98 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve to the right whose delta an�le is 55° 12'15", tangent is 100 feet and radius is 191.27 feet, a distance of 184.28 feet to the point oE reverse curve; thence on a tangential curve to the left whose delta angle is 55° 30' tangent ia 68.40 feet and radius is 130 feet, a distance of 125.93 feet to the end of reverse curve; thenc:e Nocth tangent to said reverse curve approximately 165 feet to the ce�terline of 58th Avenue, thence terminating. All lying in the North Half (N"�) of Section 24, T-30, 8-24, City of Fridley, wunty of Anoka, State of Minneaote be and is hereby vacated, excepted that the City of Fri�lley retain an easement for drainage and utility purposes. SSCTION 2. The aaid vacation hes been made after Notice of Public Hearing in conformance with Minnesota StatutPS and pursuant Eo Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of City i.ode ahall be so amended. PAS38D BY '17� CITY COUNCiL OF TflB CITY OF FRIDLSY THI3 STH DAY OF SfiPTBMBSR, 1967. ' A1T6ST: < ,1 " j 1 � CITY CL�R MARVIN C. BR SELL t- it v� �/. YOR - JACK 0. [ RIaiAM � Public liearing: Au�ust 21, 1967 First Readin�: August 21� 1967 Second Reading:� September 5, 1967 ; Publiah: September 15, 1967