Ordinance No. 0386 03-18-1968� d � i� � ORDIANACE N0. 3gb AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3�� SECTIONS 37.01 AND 37.C2 OF THE CITY CODE REGAR.DING GLEANING OF PREMISES AND REPEALI&G SECTION 37.C3. TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSs SECTION 1. Section 37.�1 of the Fridley City Code ia hexeby amended to read ea followe: SECTION 37.01. Cleatrup week. The Mayor aha71 proclaim Cleanup—Paint up Week. Owmere and occupanta of property ahall ba encouraged to reswne any existing debris� tin aens� manure and refuse from property. Owner a� occupsnte V141 be eMCOUraged to fiz up and paint up property ar�i to enhanc� the beauty and healthful em�ironnent of our coffiunity. SECTION 11. SECTION 37.02 of the Fridley Cidq Gode is hersby amarxled to read sa followa: SECTION 37.02. Entorcment: Iasp�ctions shall be made by the health oYfic�r or its authorised representative� Poliee Departmettt or such other representative as the board mny designate. IP necessary� such representative shall isaue specific ordere to individnal occupants and propertq owners to elean up their premises� and shall reinspect the same to inaure complisnce therewith. If at�q individuel ordor is not complied vith the local board of health or ita authorized z�pTe�e�Ja'Give: a�y: rsqt�QSt n aummons and complaint in the municipal court or caus� a ntzisance to be abnted and levy an assessment against said property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. SECTION 111. That Section 37.C3 af the City Code of Fridleq ia hereby repealed. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS 18th DAY OF MARCH � 19b6. �� CLF.�NIIP— PAINP UP WEEK INSPECTION a AND a �r ��� OH — JACK 0 SIR6HAM ATTESTs � � �tn...n. �.u�.7iy�t�'^4.�.(/� CITY CLERK — VIN C, BRU SELL � First Reading: MARCH ll. 1968 Socond Reading: MARCH 18. 1968 Publiah• MARCH 27. 1968 w � /