Ordinance No. 0438 09-15-1969/ � � i � C `I ii J� �� : V ORDTNANCE N0. 438 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE r,-'[tECTION, COIVSTRUCTION, REPAIR, ALTERATTON, LOCATIOld, OR P�IN^1ENANCE OF SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS WITHIN TFiE CITY OE FRIDLEY, YROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF BONDS, THE ISSU'aNCE OF PERMITS, INSPECTION AND FEES, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, AND ANPNDING TfIE EXISTING CH�1PTEt� 56 �SIGNS & BILLBOARDS� F�toM 56.01 TO 56.12 OF TFIE CI^lY COD�. The Council o£ the City oi Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 56 by amending to read as £ollows: 56.01 - Purpose and intent The purpose of this Ordina.nce is to protect and promote the general welfare, health, saf2ty and order within the City of Fridley through th2 establishment of a comprehensive and imparl;ial series of standards, reo lations and procedures govern�ng the erectzon, use and�or dzsplay of devices, ssgns or symbols serving as a visual communicativz med�a to persons sitnated within or upon public right-of-ways or propertie�. The provisione of this Ordinance are intended to encourage c^eat�vity, a reasonable degree of £reedom of choice, an opportunity ior effective communication, and a sense o£ concern for the visual araenities on tne par� of those designing, displaying or otherwise utiLzing needed communicative med�a of the types regulated by this Ordlnance; while at the same time, assuring that the public nealth and welfare is not endangered. .02 - Definitions 1. "Accessory Use" means a use =dhich is s�abor3inate to the pr�nciple use being made of a parcel of land. Examples: ident�ficatlon si�ns, of£ street parking, of£ street loading, telephor.e booths, etc. 2. �'Advertising Sign" means a sign, gene-ra11y k-nown as a billboard, which is used to advertise products, goods, or serJices tiahich arz not related or inczdental to the products, goods, or services on the prer,LSes oa whach the sign is located. 3. "Adclress Sign" maans identiiicat�en nnr�bere onlq, whzti�zr ��rit�en or �n numerical form. 4. "Area Identification Si�" means a£ree standing sign whic:� iden�if�Gs the name of a nei�hoorhood, a residzniial subdivis�on, a multiple rasidential complex censistino of tY�ree (3) or morz structur�s, a shopping center consisting of �nr�e (3� cr more separa,e btisine�s concerns, an industriai area, �.n oifir,e complex cou�i�tieg o£ +hsee (�� or more struc�ures or anj comoination of the aY�ove. 5 5 "Banners and Penn�,nts" mean a,tiention getting devices which rese�ble fla�s and ar•e of a non-pzrmanent rap�r, cloth or plaei,c-lilse c�ns�st�nc,. "B�nch Sio�n" neans a si�n which is affixe�i �o a bench a� a b�.is s+eF. 7. "Businese Si�-n" means � sie relatln� in ita �uU,7ecc mat;,er to tY_e pzemise° on vrhich i', is located, or to pr:.duc�s, accommodati�ns, sec•;�ce^ or activities on tre Fremises on whidr. it �s located. -1- l 2pe ,� �l> Os PS;V',DICF SSO. �33 Continued, B 9 10 I 11 "Church Directzonal Sign" means a sign orhich bears the address and�or name of a church and diractional arrows pointing to a church location "Canopy and Marquee" means a roo£like structuse pro�ecting over the entranc2 to a theater, store, etc. "District" refers to a specific zoning district as de£ined ixi the Zoning Ordinance. °'Free-Standing Sign"' means a sign which is placed zn the ground and not affixed to any part of any structure, 12, 1°Governmental Sign" means a sign which is erected by a governmental unit fox the purpose of directin� or guiding traf#'ic. 130 "I1luminated Sign" means any sign which as illuminated by�an artiflcial 1�ght source. 14, "Information Sign" means an� sien giving in£ormation, containing no advertisirig or company name, to emplcyees, vivators, or d2livery vehicles. 15. "Institutiona,l Sign" mean� any sign or bulletin board which identifies the name and other characteristics of a public or private instltution on the site where the sign is located. 16. '�Motion Sign" means any sign which revolves, rotat2s or has �ny moving parts, 17. "Nameplate or ldentification Szgn" means a sign which bears �he name and�or addrass o£ the occupants of the building. iSo "Nonconform�ng S�o " means a sig^z which lawfully existed prior to the adoption of tihi� Ordinance but does not coniorm to the new1Y enscted requirementa of this prd�nance. 19. "Portable Sign" means a sign so desio ed a� to be movable £rcm one locatinn to another wh�ch is not attached to the ground or �n,r structure. 20. "Porta-panei" refers to a 10' by 20' back to back mobi�e advertis�ng 3evice, mounted on wheels and used for commercial as well as ci=ric promotions. 21. "Private Traf£ic Directional Sign" means a sign wh;ch ie erected on pravate propertY by the owner of sucn property for the purpose of guidzng vehicular and pedestrian tra£fic. Such sign oears -no advertising information. 22. "Pro�ecting Sign" means �ny sign, all or any part of whlch e�cte:!ds over public property more than twelve �12� inches. 23. '"Permanent Sign" ls any si�n whzch is not a temporary si�!. Q'� '°1 I� I � � Q � � � � � �r- ?� _ J ORDINANCE NO. 438 Continu.crl. 2¢. "Roof Sign" means any sign erected upon the roof of a structure to which it is affixed. 25. "P.00fline" is defined a� the top line of the coping; or, when the building has a pitched roof, as the intersection of the outside wall with the roo£. 26. "Sign" means any letter, word or symbol, device, poster, pict�zre, statuary, reading matter or representation in the nature of an advertasement, announcement, message, or visual communication whether painted, posted, printed, affixed, or constructed, which is displaye3 outdoors for informational or cnmmunicative purposes. 2%. "Sign Area" means tnat area within the cnarginal lines of the sur£ace which bears the advertisement, or in the case of inessages, Fi�zres, or symbols attached dlrectly to any part of a building, that, area which is included in the smallest rectangle wliich can be made +o circumscribe the messa„e, £igure or symbol dieplayed thereon. The stipulated maximum sign area £or a fsee stand�ng sign refers to a single fa�ing. 28. "Street Frontage" refers to the proximity of a parcel of land to one or more streets. An �nterior 1ot has one street fronta�e and a corner lot has two such frontages. 29. "Temporary Sign" means a sign which is erected or displayed for a limited period of time. Such temporary signs sh�11 include but not be limited to those listed in Section 56.03 and Section 56.05 ¢ b2, and pennants, banners, paper and other similar type signs. 30. "Wall Sign" means any sign which is affixed to a wa11 0£ any builcling. 31. "Window Sign" means a sign placed on a window, or a-ny sio placed within a building for the purpose of being visible from the public right-of-way. ' - General Provisions Anpiicable To A11 Districts 1. Address Signs One address sign shall be requirecl per building in a11 dis;r�cts. 2. Bench sig�ns shall be permitted only at bus s�ops. 3. Canopies and marquees shall be considered tio be an integral part of the structure to w':iich they are an acc�ssory. Signs may be a+tached to a canopy or marquee but sucn structures shall not be considered as part of the wall area and tnus shall not warrant additional sig-n area. ¢. Churcn dir�ctional s��ns sha11 be per�itted in all dzstricts provided the to�a1 area of such sig�ns shall not eaceed four �4� square ieet per facin�. -3- S (�;T f i i `' _ ORDIP�ATiCI, ISO. 438 Continuea„ 5. Constructlon � All signs shall be constructed in such a manner and of such material that they shall be safe and substantial, provided that nothing in this Ordinance shall be interpreted as authorizing tihe erection or construction o£ any sign not noor permissiole under the Zoning or Building Ordinance of the City. 6e Free Standin� Signs a. .1ny free standing sign within twenty-five �25� £eet of any inter- section of street right of way lines and�or driveway entrances shall have a sininum vertical clearance of ten �10� feet above the centerline o£ tihe pavement. b. The total sign area of any multi-faced free standing sign shall not exceed twice the permitted area of a single face siE;n. 7. General Requirements ae No sign sha11 contain any indecent or o£iensive picture or written matter. b. No sign other than governmental signs shall be eracted or temporarily placed within any street or public right ef way or upon any public easement. � c. A permit for a sign to be located within 50 feet o£ any street or highway reg��latory or warning szgn, of any traffic sig-a or sig;�al, or of any cross�oad or crosswalk, will be issued only ,°: �1� The sio will noti inter£ere w�_th the ability of drivers and pedestrians to see any street or high*�ray sign, or any tr�.ffic sign or signal, or any crossroad or crosswalk, and; �2� The sign will not distrac� drivers nor offer any confuaion to any street or highway sign, or any traffic slgn or szgnal. d. The issuance of a permit may also be subject to conoitions ,n order to promote a more reasonable combination o£ sze s�.nd to promote con£ormitp with the character and uses of ad,7oining property. The conditions wi11 bP sub,7ecti to the discretion of the Bui_ding Inspectioxi Departu�ent. S. I1luminated Sig,�s No illuminated .igm wh!ch chan�es in either color or intensity o£ light shall be Ferm�tted e:�cept one gsving publLc service informa+ion such as t�me, date, te�perature, �seather, or similar information. The City Building Inspector in oranting perruits for illunira�zd signs shall specify the hours durino wnich the same may be kept � lighted when nece�sary te prevent the creation o£ a nuisance. There shall be no �ise o£ re�+olaing beacons, zip flaahers, or similar devices which cause any or the sou-rces o� l�ght to chang� in intensity, unlees as noted abov�, -4- i f� � � �_. � s� � _ _�" ORDIid��IiCE NO. 433 Con.inucr. 9a Maintenance a. The surface and structure o£ a11 signs must be kept re£inished as necessary to prevent the sign surface from becoming unkempt in appearance. 4ihen any sign £or which a permit is required is removed, the Building Inspector shall be notified and the entire sign and its' components shall be remo-ved, b, The permit owner shall be responsible £or a11 of the requirements o£ this Chapter includin� the liabili�y £or expense o£ removal and maintenance incurred by the Cityo 10. Motion si�ns are permitted only in C-1, C-1S, C-2, and C-2S Districts. A1so the only type of motion sign allowed is a revolving sign whlch revolves 360° but does not exceed 8 RPNio Einal approval for installation of this type of sign must be obtained from the City Counci,l. 11, Portable signs are permitted only in the R-1 Diet-rict. Portable psivate traffic directional s�gns are pescutted in any districto 12, Porta-panels may be used in C-1, C-2, C-1S, C-2S, M-1, or N1-2 Districts with a Special Use Permit issued by the Building Inspection Department for 10 day periods, but limited to three (3� times a year per business. 13, Private traffic directional signs shall not exceed si;� (6) square feet in area, 1q. Pro,jecting Signs No pro,7ecting sio shall be permztted in any districta �5= Roof si�ns are prohibited, except ln C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S D�_str�ctso The type of roof signs permitted in the Comm�rclal Dzstricts shall be para11e1 to the outside wa11 of ihe building and pro,7ect only fifteen �15� feet above the roofline o£ the structure. Tris add�tional height, however, shall not be considered as oarti o£ the wall �rea and shall not warrant additional sign area, The supporting rrembers o£ a roof sign sha11 appear to be iree of any extra brac�ng, angle iron, �iy wires, cables, etc, The supports sYia11 anpear to be an arcnitectural and integral part of the buildingo Supporting columns of round, square or shaped steel members may be erzcted if required brac�ng, visible to the public, is min�mized or cavered, 16. Temporarv Signs The £ollowin� are +he only type of tenporary si�ns perm�tted unles= other types are specificaliy allowed in the individual zoning districts. a, Banners, pennants and whirlino devices or any such si�n reaemblin� the same ere prohibited irom ��ee wii,hin the City except wf�en ased as an integral part of the design of a build�ng or when used ir. con�unction with grand open�ngs �the �nitial coRimencement of business�, or v;hen �,lloored bv the prc��n_sions of chis Ordinanceo In the case of grand openings, b�.nners �nd pennants sha11 be allowed for the week �maximum 10 days) o£ said orand open_n�. In otne-r cases a special perm�t sha11 be issaed £or 10 da� per�ods, but limit�d to three �3� times a year per business, CrT. q � P. . s r ORDTIV�?.7CF. 110. 43G Col7tlnu^_c', bo Campa�g�n si�ns posted by a bonafide candidate for politzcal office � or by a person or group promoting a political issue or a political candidate may be placed in any district sub�ect to tihe requlrernentis of that districto Such sid s shall be reu�oved wsthin seven �7� days follooring thz election, A�15,00 deposit shall be received by tihe City of Fridley before any slgns may be posted. If all the signs are removed, the $15v00 will be refunded, but ii removal is not complete, the deposit will be used to defray the costs of rerioval. c. One t�mporary identification sign may be znstalled upon a construction site in any district, provided such sign does not exceed eighty SO square feet in areao d. Temporary real estate �igns may be erected for the purpose of selling or promotin� a residential pro�ect of ten �10� or more dwelling unzts or any non-residential pro�ect provided: �1� Such signs shal] not exceed one hunc�red �100� square feet ln areaa �2) Only one snch sib s;�all be permitted per street frontage upon which the property �buts, �3� Such signs shall be removed when the pro,7ect is °5� compl�ted, sold or leased, and (¢� Such sig-ns sh�ll be located nc closer t�an one hundred �100) � feet to an�r pre-existing residenceo ee Temporary sig�ns for the purpo�� of selling or 1eas�n� indlvzdual lots or buildings sha11 be permitted, prcvided: �1� Such sign� sha11 not excFed six �6� �quare feet �er residen+,lal property and twenty-four �2q� square iee+ for non-residential property. �2� Only one such sign is permitted per strEet £rontage upon which the prooeri.y abuts, (E.YCEF?'ION: An addi+,1onz1 "open house" sig�n m�y be usedo� �3� Suc'n s�gn shall be removed rrith�n t;zirtp �j'J� daps folloiaing the lease or saleo 17, Wall S� �ns ao Signs attadned to a'ouilding wali whlch extend more triar forty- eight �48j inches £rom such surface shall be proribited. b, A w�.11 sign or other buzlding facing �orhich is a.n inte�ral part of the structure� may pro�ec+ only iour (4) feet above the roofline of a struct�_trz, This add?tional hei�ht, howevGr, sriall � not be considerea as part oi the tiaall area and sY�all ne+, w�crant addit�ona] s�g^� area (1� nustr�ss �r_d ad��ert�sin; sigrs shai� net be pain+e�3 di„ectly to auy eat,erior buzldine surface but sha'_1 Ue on a se�arat2 frame exc�pt for t�mpor�ry r:iGplay wiadow,s� Sioi let+ere and_ -o- � � �t OT;DT_iralaCP NO 433 Continue� . � symbols may be attached directly to a wa11 by �dheszve or mechanical means. �2� In£ormation signs, containing no advertising, may be painted directly to the exterior buildit� surface. 56,0¢ - Special Rellulation: Advertising S�sns 1, Advertising wall signs shall be permitted only in the C-2 and C-2S Conmercial Districts according to tre requirements set forth for those distxicts, 2, Free standing advertising signs shall be permltted zn only tre C-2S, M-1 and M-2 Districts, but only after sec�iring a Special Use Permito The following conditions shall be considered as the minimum standards for free standing advertising signs, but the City still may impose additional conditions, a, Maxlmgm Hei�ht: Twenty-Five �25� feet above lot grade, unless the sign is intended to be viewed from a hlghway, then the 25 foot maximum height wiil be computzd from the centerline of the traveled highway, but in no case, shall the vertical distance belween the bottom of the sign and the ground be raduced to less than ten (1U) � feet. b, Dlaximum Si�n Area: Three hundred (300� jquare feet per facing and �, not to exceed two �2� iacings. Double faced sio s sha11 bz attached back to back, c, Minimum D�stance Between Si�ns Five hundred (500� feet. d. Minimum Setback From S+,reet Right ef Way Lines: mhirty (30� feet, � e, Distanca From Street Intersectzons: Not closer than £ive hundred 500 feet to the ,ntersection of two or more stre�ts or h�ghways, such distance being measured from +,he in+ersection of street or h�ghway centerlines, f, Prox�mit to Uses Perritte3 zn P�esiciential Area:: Not close_r tiran five hunclred 5or) ieeti to any resydEr_cial discriet or any park or play6rotmd> go Sign Struct�e Specifications: Tne s+,ructure sYia11 'oe a11 met�l� The netal sha11 be eith�r palnted or t-rcated to prevent deteriore.tior_o Lack o£ propsr ciaintenance shall be ca,use for revoc�.tion of the Spec�a,l IIse Per�it. -7- ,° � '�v �� � f O'2DIi�ANCN1 r�0, �38 Continued. �6.05 - District Regulations � In addition to those s��ns permitted in a11 distrirts, the followin� slgns are permztted in each specific district and shall be regulated as to size, locatlon and character according to the requirements herein set £orth: 1, R-1, R-2, R-2A Reszdential Dzstricts a. Name late Signs: One sign for each dwelling unit, not greater than two 2� square feet in area, indicating the name and�or address of the occupant. b. Institutional a.nd Recreational Signs: One sign or bulletin board per street frontage for a church, a. public institutional use, or a recreatlonal use in the R-1, R-2 and R-2A Districts. Such sign or bullet�_n board shall not exceed twenty-four (2�� square £eet in area nor shall �t be placed closer than ten �10� £eet to any street right of way linea c. Area Tdentiflcation Si s: One sign per development not to exceed twenty-four 2¢ square £eet in area, d, Temporary Sigr!s: Refer to Section 5b,03, No. 16, e, Maximnm Height of Free Standing S�o s: Six �6� feet �,bove the � lot grade, f. Minimum Setback: No part of �, sign shall ba within ten �10� £eet of an;� property- llneo �EXCEFT'�ON: Nameplace sigei nay be placed anywhere on the owners property,� 2o Multiple Resi3ential Districts R-j, R-3A and R-¢ a, Identification Sig�ns: One ,denti£ication sign or symbol per bullding not grea+er than six �6} square feet in area, prnvided such sign is attached flai aGainst a wa11 oi the bu�lding. b, Area Identification Signs: Otte area identification si�n per development, pro-rldin� such a�gn does not exceed twexi�y-£our �2[t� squarz £eet in area. ar.d furt7er provided, such sio� is place3 no closer than ten (10� iaet to any si,reet right of way. ce Institutional Sie s: One sig-o per stre°t irontaoe identif�lin� an institutional complex wzthin a nultiple res�dential d�strict (convalescent, nurs�ng, resti or boarding care homes, or mob�le home comple;c.� Such sig�n sha11 not exceed twenty-four �2¢� squarc: feet �n area nor ehall ,t be placed closer than zen (10� faet to any street riUht of way line, d, Business Sinns: Signs identifyin� uses accessory to a multzple � res�dential develonment �ha11 nct be visible from the public right o£ wayo � � � il_ �ff� . V (7PDI�I;�.�CE 110. 438 Cor_�inue�l. e, Temporary Signs: Re£er to Section 56.03, No, 16 f, Maximucn Height of Free Standin� S��ns: Six �6� ieet above the lot grade, g, Minimum Setback: No part of a sign shall be wzthin ten �10� feet of any property line. h, Private Traffic Directional Signs: Refer to Section 56.03, No, 11 and No. 13, 3o Commercial Distr�ets C-1, C-2, C-15, C-2S a. Wa11 Signs and Roof Signs: The total area of all wall signs affixed to a building wa11 and a11 roof sig�ns pa_rallel i,o a spccified wall shall not exceed 15 % of the total area of that wall, However, the cnaximum size oi any roo£ sign ie 80 square feet. The use of a roof sign caill substitute for a£ree standing bus�ness sio along the £rontage it £aces, b. Free Standin Signs: One £ree st�nd�ng s�gn for each building per street frontage, The total area of a free standing szgn for a building having one street frontage shall not exceed � eighty (80� square feet in Commercial Dzstr�ct C-1 and C-15, nor_ sha11 it exceed one hundred �100� square feet in Commercial District C-2 and C-2S, Where a building has turo or more street fron+,a�es, only one free standing sign oi the above size sha11 be permitted. �._ Each permitted £ree standang sign in exce�s of one sha11 be no greater in area than one-half (2� the area o£ the first si�n. ihe maxinum height of free standing signs sha11 be twenty-£ive �25} feet, c, Area Identification Si s: One sign per development not �o exceed one hundred 100 square fee� in area, d, Temporary S��r!s: Re£er to Section 56�03, Noa 16. e, Private Tra£fic 1�irectional Si,�ns: Refer to Seczion 56,03, No, 11 and No, 13. f, Exceptions: Offices and medicwl and dental cl�nics in a commercial 3istrict sha11 comply with Section 5o.C5, E, "Medical and 0£fice Building Distr1ct". �. Minimum Setback; No part of a slgn sh�11 be within ten �10� feet of any property 1ine, Q, Automobile Se_rvice Arza means ga� stations, dri�re-in restaurants, � drive-in theatzrs, etic.; or any other t�e of business where an automobile is used as tae recip�ent of the service or product or �,rhate an a,utomob�le ia necessary �o obtain or to make uae o£ the s�rv,ce o� _ producto � � ,� � t � Oni,INANCr Sd0 93�5 Cor�-inued. a. Wall Signs and Roof Si�,Tns: The total area o£ all wall si�ns � affixed to a building wa11 and all roof signs para11e1 to a specified wall sliall not exceed 15� ol the total area of tha� wal1. However, the maaimum size of any roof sig-n is 80 square feet. The use of a roof sign will substltute £or a free si.anding business slgn along the fron�age it faceso b, Free Standing Signs: �1� One free standing sign per principle building per street frontageo The total area of a free stand�ng sio for a building having one street frontage shall not exceed eighty �80� square feet. Where a building has two or more street £rontages, only one (1� free standing sign of the above size shall be permitteda Each permitted free standing sign zn excess of one shall have a sig-n area not to excee� fifty (50� square £eet. The maxlmum height of free standing slgns shall be twenty-five �25� feeta �2� Temporary product sa1e, stamp and game signs may occupy the remainder of that area not utilized for the permanenz free standing brand si�-n, prov,ded the tctal area of a11 permanent and temporary signs does not exceed ei�hty (80) square feet for one si�n and iifty �50� square feet for each sign in e::cess of one. Alsc, the maaimum tctal area for te-nporary � sig�ns zs twenty (20� square feeto c, Pump S�gns: Lettering or symbols which ar_e an integral part of the design of a gasoline pumn shall be perc�itted, d, Private Traific Dire�tional Sig-ns: Re£er to Section 56.03, No. 11 and No. 13. e, Temporarv Sz�ns: Refer to Sectzon 56.03, No. 16. £. Restroom Si�ns: Signs indicating the location of restrooms and contain�ng no advertising information shall be per�ltted as needed. 5, Medical and Office Building D�s�ric± CR-1 and CR-2 a, Free Star,ding Si�=ns. One a��n per street £rontage, provtided such signs do not e�ceed £oxty-eight(43) sqL�are _`eet in area„ b, Wa11 Sions: One identificatlon wall s�gn per accessor_y uae attached to the £ac_nF of the building at the ground flcor 1ese1. The tot�1 ar�a of all wall signs shall not exceed fifteen per cent (15�� of tht ground floor wa11 iacin5 of *he accessory use. co Are? Ident�ficatson Sao s: One sio per d�velopment, not to e-:cee3 � chlrt�l-six 136 square £eet in area, -10- � � � t � �� � �� a � � ORDI�PIUCE PSO �33 ConLimiel, d. Maximum Height of Free Standin� Signs: Six �6� feet above lot grade, e. Temporary Si�t�s: Refer to Sectlon 56.0j, No 160 f. Private Traffic Directional Signs: Re£er to Section 56.03, Noo 11 and Noa 13, g. Minimum Setbac'>: No part of a s�o sha11 be within ten �10� £eet o£ any property line. (EXCEPIION: Twenty �20� feet from front lot line when located with�n twenty (20� feet of a drlvewaj,) 6, Heavy and Light Industriat DistricLs M-1 and M-2 a, Identification Signs: Onefree standing _ sigm per street fr�ntage not to exceed eightp (80� square feet in areao One (j� additional wall identi£ication s�gn £or each tenant having a pr,Jate entry te a multi-tenant building; and the total area of such sig�ns being displayed at or near the tenant's entrance, shall not exceed ten per cent �1Q%} of the area of the wall to whzch it is affixedo b< Area Iden�Li£ication S�_ s: One sign per development not to exceed eighty 80� square feet in area, c. Temporary Signs: Refer to Section 56.03, No. 160 do Maximum Height of Free Standing Sig-ns: ^�der_ty five �25� feet above lot gradeo e. Private Tra£fic Dzrectional Sig-ns: Refer to Section 56.03, PIo, 11 and No, 13. °a Minimum Setb�,ck: No part of a slgn snall be within ten �10� fe2� of any property 1ine, %, P and PD Districts: Si�n requirements in P and PD areas would be contsolled by the Council when the development se planned, 06 - Administrat�on Permits: Before a sign m�y be displayed in the City o£ Fridley, the oUmer of tl�e premises on which tr,e sign ls located shall flle appltication with the City Building Inspection Department for permission to display such sio . Permi�e are required £or all e:�isting, new, relocated, nodi£ied or redeslo ed signs except those speci£ically exempt under Sectzon 50.07, P?o.1, 1. Perr�it Applicai,�on: Appl.ication for permits sha11 be sade ttpon U1ank5 provided by th� Building Inspector and shall state or have attached thereto, the following iniormation: -11- . n P�_ ��i �F 08DINdNCZ NO. 4�� Continue., a, Name, address and telephone number o£ applicanta b. Locatlon of building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected. c. Position oS the sign or other advertising structures in relation to the nearest buildings, structures, public streets, right of orays and property lines, The drawing shooting such position shall be prepared "to scale"o d. Two �2� blueprints or ink drawings of the plans and specifications and method of coustruction or attachment to the bullding or ln the ground including all dimenslons. Locat�ng all light sources, wattage, type and color of lights, and details o£ any light shields or shades. e. Copy of stress sheets and calculations showing the structuse- is designated for dead load and wind veloczty in the amount rzquired by this and all other Ordinances of the Cit� 1f requlred by the Buila'ing Inspection Department, f, Name of person, f�rm, corporation, or a5sociation erectrng the structure. g. Any electrical permlt required for any si�n. - h. AN AGREF�t�'fENP 'vTI^lIi THE �1� Which would authorize and direct the City of Fridley to remove and dispose of any signs and sign structure on which a permit h�s been issued but which was not renewed, if the owner does not remove the sa�e withtin a thirtp (j0� 3ay period £ollowing the expirat�on of the permit. �2� Whicr would au+horize and direct the City of Fridley �o remove the si�,n and sign structure, at the expense of the applican+, where maintenance is required and the m�intenance is not furnisYied, but only after a hearing and after a notice o£ six_ty �0'0) Gyys speci£ying the nain�enance required by the C�ty� io I£ a si�n authorized by permit has not �een insta,lled within ninety ��0� daya after i;he date of issuar.ce o" said perLllt, the permit sha11 b2come nu11 and void unless an extenslon ie Gran+ed by the Bu�lding Inspection Department. ,7o The Euilding Inspection �epartment nay _equire other information concerning safe�ya 2. Fees: Permit feej for slgns shall be: z.a For signs forty (40) squ�.re feet or less an inicial fae uf $10�00 -12- � � � � � 1 ,_� � _ �,, � OPLIiSANCE NO, �13� Continued. � b. For sigr_s larger than forty �40� square feeL the initial fee shall be �2j.00 plus 25 cents pzr square £oot of the sign surface exceeding 100 square feet, c, An annual fee ior advertisin� slgns, of $5.00 pins 10 cents per square foot of the sign surface exceedin� 100 square ieet shall be cha.r�ed, The annual fee shall not be charged for business s�gns attached directly on a building which identify the activity os advertise products sold or services provided in that bu�lding. An annual fee will be due on April 30 of each yeara d. No fees are required for the non-permit signs provided for �n Section 56,0'j, Noa 1, and may be waived £or rel�gious, civic, school and publ�c ini,erests. e. For banners, pennants and whirling devices and porta panels or any such sign resembling the same, a special fee o£ $5000 is required for each ten �10� day period or lesso 3. Licenses and Bonds: No person, firm or corporation sha11 en��ge in the business of erecting szgns under thls Ordlnance unless licensed to do so by the City Counc�lo Such license may be granted by the City Council after written application to the City C1erk, accompan�ed � by an �nnval license fee of $25,00 and it may be terminated at any time for carzse. The lzcense sha11 expire on December 31st in the year of issuance and each year thereaFter. No license shall t�'sa � e££ect until the licenszes shall £i1e with the Czty C1erk a corporate surety bond in the sum of $1,000,00, condi�ioned that the licensees sha11 conform to all of the nrovisions of tnis crapter and indemnify and hold the City, its ofiicers and agents, harnless £rom and damage or claim resultino from or related to the erection or maintenance of any sign in the City by the licensee, A license and bond sha11 not be required of an applicant, •srho is not en�ae'ed in the buslness of erect,rn� slan.s. and who chnoses to 50.07 - Eniorcement 10 Exemptions: The exempt�ons permitte3 by this Section shall apply on1� to the requirement of a permit and�or fee, and Uha11 not be construo3 as relieving the installer of the si�, or the oumer of the propert;r upon which the sign �s located, from conform�ng with the other provisions of this Ordinance. a, Temporary signs erected by a non-profit oreanization are not exempt from obtaaning a persit for sig�na, but the City does waive 1 the £ee requirement. b, No persit is required under this Sec+ion for the follooring s��as -13- !j'a . /. l! ORiJIVP_NCE NO 433 CcnLinucr�, (1) A window sign not exceeding thirty per cent (3�/) of the , window area. — (2) Signs having an area of six (6) square feet or less. (3) Signs erected by a governmental unit or public school district. (4) Temporary signs as listed in Section 56.03, No 16, b thru e, Section 56.05,4,b.(2). (5) Memorial signs or tablets containing the name of the building, its use and data of erection when cut or built into the wa11s of the building and constructed of bronze, brass, stone or marble. (6) Signs which are completely within a buzlding and are not visible from the outside of said buiiding. 2. Violations and Fines: If the City Building Inspector or his agent - shall find that any sign regulated by this Ordinance is unsafe, insecure, or is a menace to the public; or has been constructed or erected without a permit first beino granted to the owner of the property upon which said sign has bean erected, or is ir_ violation of any other provisions , of this Ordinance, he shall give written notice of such violation to the owner or permitee thereof. If the owner fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provisions set forth in this Ordinance within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of said notice, such signs may be removed by L'ne City, the cost incident thereto being levied as a special assessment against the property upon which the sign is located. Any person, organization, corporation or their representatives foend in ciolation of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. IIpon convlction, a fine of not more than $100.00 shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in existence. A11 signs are subjec*_ to such penalty for violation of the requirements of the district within which they are located even though they may not be reqvired by Ordinance to pay a fee or acqt�ire a permil 3. Appeals: a. To provide for a reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this Ordinance, a permit applicant who wishes to appeal an interpretation �y the City Building Inspector or his agent may file a notice of apoeals �vith the City Engineer and request a hearing before the Board of Appeals. The Board sha11 hear the appeal and make their recommendation to the City Council, appeals or requests in the followinj cases: (1) Appeals where it is alle�ed that there is an error in any , order, requirec�znt, dec�sion ar determination made by the administr2tive oFficer ict the enfcrcement of this Ord�nauce -14- � r � Y � � �fj �I_h OI.,�I-�Ai1C� 1�0. ? �� Cen�inued. �2� Requests for variances �rom the literal provisions of this Ordinance in instances wher� their strict enforcement would cause an undue hardshipo b, Before the Board shall grant a variance, it is the responsibility of the applicant to prove: �1� That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the propertf or to the intended use tnat do not apply genarally to other property �n the same vicznity and zoning district; �2� That ihe variance is necessary for the preservation and en�oyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone; but which is denied to the property in question; � �3� That the strict applicatiott oP the ordinance urould const�tu�e unnecessary hardship; and �4� That the granting of the variance would not be materlally detrimental to the public welfare or in,7urious to the property or zmprovements in such Jicinity or zone in which the property is located, �6.08 - Non-conform�ng Sig-ns 1. Any non-conformin� temporary or portable sio existing at the tiime o£ adopt�on o£ this Ordinance shall be made to conply with the requirecnents set £orth herein or sha11 be removed withzn sixLy (60� days after the adoption of this Ordinance. 2. Non-conforming permanent buslness s�gns lawfully existing at t,tle time of adoptlon of this �rdiriance sha11 be allovred to continu� in use, but shall not be rebuilt, altered other than to change the message, or relocated wlthout being brought into compliance with the requlrementa of this Ordinance. After a non-con£orming sign hes been remo-ved, i+, shall not be replaced by another nen-conforming sign. 3. Non-coniorming advert�sing signs ex.-_stin� on the effectivz daie of this Ordinance sna11 l�ecou�e non-conforming uses and sh�.11 Ue discr�rttin�ied within the £ollowing period c£ amortization of the sign, unl2ss the requirzd Special Use Permit ie obtainedo The ner�od o£ aulcrtiz�tion for signs sha11 be not more than: a, Free stz.nding and =,ra11 szhns: Five (5) years £rom tihe efFective date of this Ordinance, b, Si�ns painted directly on buildln� facinPS: Three �3) years £rom the effecti-re date of thi� Ord_ran��, �. Wtzenever a non-confcrm!r.g pe^m�ner.� sirr ��se haa been 3iacontzati��d � for a per,o3 of thr�a �3) months, sich n�z sball not there�+_'+ar o� continued unlesa ir_ conformancz with the nrov�sions o£ thzs Ordinance. -15- �� � � 1 i ORDIPS�NCE NO 4�3 Continued. 5o'a09 - Severauce Clause Ii any Sect,on, clause or provision or portion thereof of this Ordinance shall be found to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent �usisdiction, �uch decision shall not af£ect any other section, clause, provision or portlon thereof of tn�s 0'rdinanceo 56010 - Hepeal 11nf portzon of the Fridley City Code inconsistent vaith thas Chapter is hzreby repealedo PASSED BY TftE C1TY COUNCIL Or THF. CITY OF FR]DLEY THIS 15TH DAY OF _SEPTEMEER _ _^_, 19G9 � € ` t ` / _� �,L.�,i� (� l�/� l�� �, � � �OR -^SACK 0 KIRRHAM ATTEST: ` r � _ ��2� _ �-��, �,.,�'�-1 _ CITY CLERK - :1ARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Reading ` Seetember 2` i969 Second Reading: S�temoer LSL1959 Publisii;_` ` Septzmber °4� 1969 -16- � �