Ordinance No. 0555 12-10-1973ORDINANCE N0. 555 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING CREEK AND RIVER PRESERVATION MAIVAGEMENT DISTRICT, REGULATING THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT THEREOF, THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS, PROVIDING PENALTIFS FOR VIOLATION 205.157 The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SBCTION l. Title The short form title by which this ordinance may be referred to shall be "The Creek and River Preservation Management Ordinance" and shall 6e added to the zoning ordinance 205.157 under addi- tional uses and restrictions - Al1 districts 205.15. Sk�CTION 2. Purposes and Intent. The purpose of this ordinance is to guide and regulate the orderly development of such land to preserve and protect the naCural state _- of the creeks and rivers, to prevent polluting materials from being carried directly into the natural streams, to preserve adequate ground water in filtration, to protect surface and ground water supplies, to promote public health, safety and general welfare by minimizing losses due to periodic flooding and eliminate obstruction of flood flow that would cause hazaxd to life and property. SECTION 3. llefinitions -- Accessory Building -- means a subordinate building or use which is located on the same lot on which the main building or use is situated and which is reasonably necessary and incidental to the conduct of the primary use of such building or main use. Channel - means natural or artificial depression of perceptible extent, with definite beds and banks to confine and conduct, either continuously or periodically, the water in respective creeks. Commission - means Fridley Planning Commission. Commissioner - means the Coumiission of the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Minnesota. Council - means Fridley City Council• CRP-1 - means Creek and River Protection Zone l. CRP-2 - means Creek and River Protection Zone..2. 234._ ORDINANCE N0. 555 (Continued) Flood or Flooding - Flood Plain - Flood Profile - means a temporary rise in flow or stage that results in inundation of the areas adjacent to the channel. means the areas adjoining a water- course which have been or hereafter may be covered by regional flood. means a graph or a longitudinal plot of water surface elevations of a flood event along a stream or a river. 240 Flood Proofing - means a combination of provisions, changes or adjustments to properties and structures subject to flooding primarily for the reduction or elimination of flood damage. Floodway - means the channel of th.e watercourse and those portions of the adjoining flood plains which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the regional flood. Obstruction - means any storage of material or equip- ment, dam, wall, wharf, embankment, levee, road, dike, pile, abutment, projection, . excavation, channel rectification, culvert, building, wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, deposit, clearing of trees or vegetation, structure or matter in, along, across or projecting, in whole or part, into any flood plain. Preservation District - means River and Creek Preservation District set up by this ordinance. Profile - means Official Creek and River profile. Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation -� means a point not less than two feet above the regional flood (lOG year flood) level. Structure - means anything that is bui.lt or con- structed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, whether of a temporary or permanent character. SECTIOIQ 4. Lands Subiect to this Ordinance a) The establishment of boundaries The boundaries of the Creek and River Preservation District are hereby established as shown on the zoning map of the City of Fridley. This boundary ' ORDINANCE N0. 555 Cont. � SECTION 5, , is made up of two pratee�zaa zones (CRP-1, CRP-2) wh::ch contains aIl_lands within the jurisdiction of the City which are subject to periodic flooding and which lie below the.regulatory flood pro�ection elevation on the official creek and river profile (hereinafter called the profile; on file in *_he City Hali! open £or inspection by the pub:ic, during regular business hours. b) Location o£ boundaries The �seaations as shown en thz Profile sha11 be the governing factor ;n locating creek and river protection boundaries. District Uses, Pexmits and Stan3ards a) District Use -� The intent of this.seeticn is-to provi3e a supple- mentary overlay district which is ma3e up nf two protection zones� CRP-1, CPcP-2, within any of the existing original zor�ing diatricts, DavelopMent of. th'is district wi11 follow the requirements of the orginal zoning district in addition to the re�uirements of,this �ection. b) Pexmitted Uses in CRP-1 Zone No sCruceure or any portion thernof sha11 be con- structed or placed'within protzction zone CRP-1 of the Preservation District. Nor shall there be any grading, fiiling or excavating of land or any land use_established on any property within this zone with the following exceptions: (1) Any use having::a low flcod damage potential c. including recreat;.onal uses, parking lots, residential,yards, loading areas, storage yerds� water controi struccnres and other op�n space uses, (2:j:- Structures accessory,to the above uses may be permitted if: a) Structur�s:ars not for human habitation. b) Structures 4ave a low filood da:uage po ten t:.a l. e) 5tr.uctuses are firmly anchorad to pre�rent floatation. d) :.�Aecessory be�il3ings are not more than 150 square feet, . (3),_:cA11-strucL'ures are pe:mitted in this sectien with the except.ion.'of public uszs require a Special Use Permit, (4) Any removal ef e�;i�ting trees over 3 inches in diametar shall requirs City apgro�ral, 2�1 z�� ORDiNANCE N0. 555 Cont. kc) Public Fkcilities Public utilitg f¢cilities, roads; railrosd tracks and bridges within Che pre�ervation District sha11 � be designed to minimize incr�ases in flood e1e��ation and must be reviewed by all govarnmental bndies having jurisdiction, but in a?1 cases the City cf � Fridley will make the final d�termination� (d) Permit*_ed UsES in CRP-2 Zene No buiiding or structure or any portion the'tzof shali be plaeed within protection zene CRP�2 of the::Preservation Distr�ct, unless a Special IIse Permit is granted. 1Qor shall there be any grading, filling or excavating nf land or any land use established on any groperty withi❑ the Fres.ervation District unless a special L'se Permit is granted. No Special Use Pzrmit �hall be granted within *_he CRP-2 zotte excapt in acr_ordance with the following xegulations. �1). No Special Use Permit shall be authorized which would result in incovnpatible land uses or which would be detrimental to the pro*_ection of surfac� and ground water supplies, (2) No Special Use Permit sha11 be authorized for structures which will incrsase th� financia: burdens impesed on the comrunity and its , indivi:duals through increasing floods and overflow of water onto land areas ad;jacent to _ . the creeks and ri¢ers. (3) No Speoial Use Permit shall be issued unless the proposal is in keeping with land use plans and planning objectives for the City of Pridley and which will_not increase cr cause danger to life or property, (4) Special Use Permits shall only be issed in ttose cases which are consitent with the eb- jectives and.encouraging land use compatible wt�th the preservatinn c�f the natural land ferms _ and,vegetation. , (5) No Special Use Permit shd11 be issued for any fill unless shown to have some beneficial purpose to the groperty and the amount thereof must not exceed.that necessary to achieve the intended .puzpose, a� 3enonstrated by a plan submitted by the owner �howing the uses to which the fi;.led la nd will be put, the kind of fi11,� and the tinal dimensions of the proposed fi11 or other materials. Such fill sha11 be � protectad against ero�ion.by rip-rap, vegeta- tive cover, or bulkheading if deamed necessary. � 6�INANC� N0: 555 Cont. (6) No Special Use Permit ,hall be issued for garbage or waste disposal sites or systems, (7?; No Special IIse Permit shall be issued unless the applicant� in suppor*_ of his application, shall submit engiaeering data, site plans an3 other plans and other information as *_hz City m8y require, in order to determine th� effects of such development on th� bed, bank, channel, fleodway or fleod plain in the Preservation District. The applicant shall submit follY copies of the application and the information, (8) No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the pxoposed use or obstructicn has been reviewed by a11 governmental bodies having iurisdiction over s�_i�h usa or obs*_ructinn, if said review is required by statutes, ordinances; rules or regulations appiicahle to su�h gov- ernmental bodies and tc such use or obstruc- tion,.but in all cases the City of Fridley will make the final determination, > ��-r� SECTION 6. Additional Restrictions a) In addition to the requirements set out in Section 5 of this ordinance, no Special Use Permit sha11 be , issued for any obstruction in the CRP-2 zone unless the following provisions are met: 1) Structures Structures for habitation constructed on fill shall tre constructed so that the basement floor, or first floor, if there is no basement, is above the regulatory flood protection elevation with the fill at that elevation at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the limits of any structure or building erected thereon. Where existing streets or utilit=es are at eLevations which make compliance with the foregoing sentence impractical, or in other special circumstances, the Planning Commission may authorize other techniques for flood protection under the Special Use Permit. l J 2) Other Uses Accessory land uses, such as accessory buildings, yards and parking lots may be at elevations lower than the regulatory flood protection elevation if a Special Use Permit is first granted pursuant to this ordinance. 3) StoraRe Any storage or processing of materials that ia time of flooding may be buoyant, :�'Lammable, explosive or could be injurious to human, animal or plant life is prohibited. 24-4 Ordinance No. 555 Cont. SECTION 7. fl rmits and Variances. (a) Administration; The zoning admini;strator sha11 administet and enforce this ordinance. (b) ..Special�Use-.PermiEc A Special Use Permit sha11 be applied`_for,and obtaiped prior to the construction, erection, addikion or,al,teration of any obstruction �wholly or partly-.in.the Preservation District, (c) A�plication for Perm'it: Application for Special Use Permits under this ordinance sha11 be made by the owner or owners of the 1and, in duplicate to the,eoning administrator, on forms furnished by the � - City.a�d,.sh311 be accompanied iniCially by the City and shall be,accompanied initially by such of the - following information., data a.nd plans, as is deemed �� -� necessary by the��oning adm�nistrator for determining , � compliance�with this ordi�ance, and for determining the - effects��of��the�propose�d activity in the Pxeservation pis.trict�and the buildability of the particular site - �for the��proposed improvement, use or obstruction, (1) Plans (surface view) including a survey by a Minnnesota registered land surveyor,_ showing elevations or contours of the ground, pertinent obstruction elevations, size, Location:special ' arrangement of a11 proposed and existing obstructions on the site, in relation to existing and proposed _ obstructions to the channel location, location and elevations of the streets, waLer supply and sanitary �acilities, photographs showing existing land uses and vegetation upstream and downstream, and soil types. (2) Specifications for building construcEion and matexi�ai.g, floodproo�fing, filling, dredging, grading, channel improvement, storage of materials, water supply (including withdrawal and discharge of ground and surface water), and sanitary facilities. (d) Application for Variance; Application for variance under this ordinance sha11 be made by the owner or owners of th�land, in duplicate to the Zoning Administrator on forms furnished by the City. Variances to the Creek and River Protection Ordinance must only be for reasons of exceptional circumstances when the strict enforcement of this ordinance would cause undue hardship and strict conformity with the standards would be unreasonable, im- practical and not feasible undex the circumstances. Variances granted under this ordinance must be consistent with the general purpose of these standards. Although � variances may be used to modify permissable methods of 1�� 1 � ORDINANCE N0. SECTION 8 Cont. flood protection, no variance sha11 provide for a lesser degree of flood protection than stated in this ordinance. (e)' Issuance of Permit: The zoning administrator sha11 issue the Special Use Permi_t upon approval of the application therefore by the City Council. Plannin� Commission; Powers and Duties and Technical Assistance �(a) The PlanninR Commission: powers and Duties (I} The Commission sha11 hear all requests for Special Use permits under this ordinance (as set by Section 205.194 of the City Zoning Ordinance). They will also hear a11 variances pertaining to this ordi=�ance. The zoning administrator or other officer designated by the local governing body shall submit to the Commissioner a copy of any application for a variance or Special Use Permit where a hearing�is to be held to consider such appli- cation, The Commissioner sha11 receive at least t�n.(10).�ays notice of the h�a�iag. Such notice sha11 specify the time, place and subject matter of the heari.sg and sha11 be accompanied by such supporting information as is necessary to indicate the nature and effect of the proposed use. A copy of a11 decisions granting a variance or Special Use Permit to the provisions of the Creek and River Preserva- � tion Management Ord�nance shall be forwarded to the Commissioner within tea (10) days of such action. (b) Technical Assistance (1) The Commission may transmit the information received by it to the appropriate Watershed District or the Commissioner for technical assistance, where necessary in the opinion of the Commission, to evalua.te the proposed pro- ject in relation to flood heights and veloci- ties, a.nd seriousness of flood damage to the use, the adequacy of the plans for protections, compliance with Sections 5, 6 and 7 of this oridnance, and other technical matters. SECTION 9. Existing Non-conforming �ses: ' (a) An obstructionpr structure, or the use of a structure.;or premises, which was lawful before adoption of this-ordinance but which is not in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance may be continued, subjeci to the following con- ditions. ��� ORDINANCE N0. 555 Cont. (1) No such obstruction, use or structure sha11 be expanded, changed, enlarged or a.ltered in any way without complying, in all respects, ' with this ordinance, including but not limited to, the obtaining of all required permits and -- variances. � (2) If such use of such obstruction or structure, or use of such premises is discontinued for twelve consecutive months, any subsequent use of the obstruction, structure, or premises sha11 comply, in a11 respects, w�th t�is ordinance, including, but not limited to, the obtaining of all required permits and variances. (3) If any nonconforming obstruction or structure is destroyed or dama.ged by any means, includ- ing floods, to the extent that Li�.e�.cost of repairing ot restoring such destruction or damage would be 50 percent or more of its market value tlZen it sha11 not be reconstructed except in full compliance, in a11 respects, with the provisions of this ordinance, includ- ing, but not limited to, the obtaining of all required permits and variances. (4) This ordinance sha11 in no way prohibit ' routine maintenance of existing properties. Routine maintenance is considered to be the . work property owners could do previous to the adoption of this ordinance without first ob- taining a building permit. SECTION 10. Misdemeanor; Public Nuisance; Penalty Any person who vioLated any provision of this ordinance or fails to comp�ly with any of its terms or requirements sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $300 or imprisoned for not more than 90 days, or both, and in addition shall pay all costs of prosectution and expenses involved in the case. Each day such violation continues sha11 be con5idered a sep- arate offense. Every obstruction or use places or maintained in the Preservation District in violation of this oridnance is hereby declaxed to be a public nuisance and creation thereof may be enjoined and the maintenance thereof abated by appropria.te judicial action. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City from , taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent,.remedy or remove any violation, 1 ' i ORDINANCE N0. 555 Cont. SECTION 11. Amendments (a) The Preservation District elevations on the Profile may be changed by amendment to this ordinance, and such change, when made, shall be shown on the Profile. If future conditions make it necessary to re-evaluate the district boundaries because of increased o-c flooding potential which would affect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens, the elevation wi11 be corrected by .. the Council by amendment to this ordinance. (b) All amendments shall be submitted to the appropriate Watershed Districts and the Commissioner, and sha11 be approved by the Commissioner prior to adoption. SECTION 12. Authority This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 1969, Chapter 104. SECTION 13. Interpretation In interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordi:nance, they sha11 be held to ue the minimum re- quirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, prosperity and general welfax.e. It is not the intention of this ordinaace to interfere with, abrogate, or annul any covenant or other agreement between parties, nor the provisions of any ordinance of the City; provided, however, whare this ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the use or improve- ment�of any premises than those imposed or required by other statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations or permits of the City, State, or a.ppropriate Watershed District, or by covenants�or agreements, the provisions of this ordina,nce.shall govern. SECTION 14. Partial Invalidity If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for a.ny reason, held to be invalid or unenforceable , as to any person or circumstance, the application of such section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause ot phrase to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it shall be held invalid or unenforceahle, shall not be affected thereby, and a11 provisions thereof, in all other respects, sha11 remain valid and enforcea6le. 241 248 ORDINANCE N0, 555 Cont. SECTION 15. Warning and Disclaimer of Liability This ordinance does not imply that areas outside the � Preservation District or land uses or obstructions permitted within the Preservat±_on District will be free from flooding or flood damages. This ordinance shall not create 1ia'�ility on the part of the City or any official or employee thereof, for any flood damages bhat result from reliance on this ordinance or any City action taken or administration or Council decision lawfully made hereunder. SECTION 16. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDL�Y THIS 10TH DAY OF DECEMBER , 1973. ATTEST: � MAYOR - FRA G. IEBL ' � � � CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing; November 12, 1973 First Reading: November 19, 1973 Second Reading: December 10, 1973 Publish.......: December 19, 1973 '