Ordinance No. 0059 03-08-1954� • � � OROINANCE NO. 59 TO PROMOTE THE HEALTH, $AFETY AND WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC AND TO SAFE- GUARD PROPERTV EY REGU- LATING THE MINIMUM RE- QUIREMENTS FOR GAS APPLI- ANCES AND THE INSTALLA- TIOPI OF GAS PIPING AND THE INSTALLATION, ALTERATION, MAINTENANCE AND USG OF GAS EQUIPMENT CONNECTED THERETO. THE VILLAGE OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. SAFETY STAN- DAItDS. 1.1. All gas appliances and ac- cessories hereafter installed, sald, or offered for sale shall conform to reasonable standards of safety. 12. The presence on a gas ap- pliance or accessory of a safety seal or label oF a nationally re- cognized testing agency or a certi- ficate or letter of approval Srom such agency or the inclusion of an appliance or accessory in an ap- proved listing by such abency shall be prima facie evidence that such app7iance or accessory conforms to reasonable stan�;rds of safety. Such nationally recognized testing agency shall be one yualified and equipped to perform and one that does perform pei�iodic inspections of current rsodels of gas appli- ances and accessories. SECTION 2. PROVI5IOiS5 RE- GULATING THE I:V'STALLA- PIOV OF APPLIANCES. 21. A1 gas appliances, accessor- ies and piping systems shall 6e in- stalled to contorm to rcasonable standards oF safety. - 2.2. Installation of appliances, accessories and piping that com- plies with the standards recom- mended by the e+merican Stan- dards Assceiation in their Iv7anual entit]ed "Installation of Gas Piping and Gas Applia.^.�°es in Buildings" 1950 ediGon, shzll be considered prixna facie as conforming to rea- sonable standards of safcty, the procisions of �chich are incorpora- ted l�erein by reference as thoueh �et out in full; the Village Clerk shall keep available in liis oFFice three wpies of ihe Code, macked as oificial copies, for study and inspection by any interested par- ties. 2.3. It shall be unlawful tor any person, firm or corporation, ex- cepting an authorized agent or em- ployee of the gas supplier to turn on or reconnect gas �eraice in or on any premises where and wnen gas service is not at the time be- ing rendered. This shall not pro- hihit an ir,staller from turning on ihe supply of gas temporarily for the purpose of testing the instal- lation made by hirn or from turn- ing on gas thathehad temporari- ly turned off for the purpose of ccnnecting an appliance or making repairs. 2.4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora2ion to in- stall any gas appliance for the purpose of space IicaUng without first determining from the gas sup- plicr that adequate facilities are present to supplv gas to sucn ap- pliances in quantities that will as- sure reasonably safe and unintcr- rupted operation. SECT'ION 3. ENFOACE1�fENT � 3.1. No person, firm or co:por- ation shall scll or offer for sale or install any gas appliancc or acces- sories or gas pipina s��stem if thc came rc�hen installed for use inou'd be in aiolation of an� of the pro- -�ieions of this Code or would be ���nsafe or ciangcrous. 3.2 The Building Insneetor is herpby autha°ized to disconnect ar to order disconnection of any gas appliance, accessory or gas piping which docs nat conform to the requirements of this ordinance or which may be found defective or in such condition as to endsnger life or property. Where su-^_h dis- connrcti�n h3s 6aen made, z no- tice sha11 6e attacLed to suc}i ap- pli�nce, accessory or gas p�p:ng whieh shall s.ate that it has bcen discennceted and tl�e rezsens there- for, and such noticc sha11 not be remcved nor shaII the aFP�ian^e, accessory or �as p'ping be recon- nected until it shall have been made to conform with the require- ments of this ord!nance and its rcconnection has bcen authorized by the Bin;ding Inspector. ,� � SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinanee shall taice effect and be in force�froen and aftcr its .. passagc and�b 'cati� `��i _ ,� , ) .. ntiri Title:. OB�AT HUGHES MAY'GR Attes • Tit'.e: ERNEST MA SEN VILLAGE M�:�aG�R Published in the Columbia Heights Record of Anoka County on Tlmrsday, blay 13, 1954. Adopted this 1�Yarch S, 1954.