Ordinance No. 0060 03-08-1954� • � • ,s d� ORDINANCE NO. 60 AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE AND RIEGULATE PERSONS IN- STALLING, ALTERING OR RE- PAIRING GAS PIPING FOR IL- LUMINATING OR FUEL GAS AND INSTALLING, ALTERING, REPAIRING AND SERVICING GAS �URNINf� DEVICES CON- N�CTED THERETO IN OR FOR 6CJILDINGS OR STRUCTURES, OR ENGAGES IN THE BUSI- N�SS TNEREOF, WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF FRIDLF_V AND PROVI�INC FOR AND ESTAB- LISHING FEES TO 6E CHAR- GED FOR PERMITS ISSUED BV THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OF THE NILLAGE OF FRIDLEV FOR THE INSTRLLATION OF ANY GAS PIPING OR GAS FIX- TURES OR DEVICES IN THE VILLAGE OF FRIDLEV. SECTSON 1. _T.o peraon, firm or corporation, esecpt duly certi- fied Sourneymen Gas Fitters wor- king under the immediate super- vision and control of a licensee hereunder, shall hereafter install, alter or repair any gas piping for i7Lirninating or fuel gas, or install, alter, repair or seraicc any gas burning devices connected theretq in or for any bu,iiding or struct,are in the ViRage of Fridley without first having secured a li- cense from the Village Council of said Village authorizing hun or Ulem so to do, and paving the fee and giving the bond hercinafter provided for. • SECTI6\T 2. ltvo Classcs of Gas Fittera Licenses. Such licenses jh-sll be known zs Gan�Fitters' Li ierse� ann sha!1 6e of rioo ciasses, to-wit: C1ass A and C7ass B. 2:Y. Class A licenses. A Class A Gas Fitters' Licence shall entiUe the holder thereof to engage in all branches of the business of instal- ling, altering, and repairing gas piping for illuminating or fuel gas and installing, alter:ng, repair- ing and scrvicing gas burning de- vices connected thereto, including gas burners and gas burner e-quip- ment, as herein defined: and for the F�irposc of this ordinance the tcrm, "gas Burner" shall be taken io mean and include: (1) a de- vice for the final conveyance of the gas or a mixture of gas and air, to the combustlon zone of a boiler or Turnace used in conncctioo with a heating system: (21 a power burner in which either gas or air, or both, are �upP'-�ed at pressures excceding, for gas, the house line preseure, and _`or air, atmosphcric pressure: or (3) an atmospheric burncr (other than a gas ran_e,e o: a gas �vater heater) in which air at atmospheric pressure is injected into the burner by a jet of gas imder pressurc, and ���hose inp°.it exeeeds iif[y tl�ousand (SQ0001 BTU per hour; and the tcrm, "gas burncr eqaip_nenY', slial inrude "gas buruer,s", as above det:n�d, ai;d all D-P-n� (other Lhan suPP�Y p=pin� fi�cm m�ter to �ppliance shut-ofi valve, blowers, control devices and accessories, connected to such burncrs. 2:3. Class B. licenses. A Class B Gas Fitters' License shall entitle thc holder thercof to engage in all b��anches oC the business cov- ered by a Class A licen;e, as a6ove set forth, e�cecpt t�he inst¢lling, altering, repairing snd serviciug of "gas burner;' and "gas bm:-�a• equ+pmen'r', as aGove detinod. SECTION 3. APPIicaYion. Eeery per:;�n. tir!n cr corporation desir- ing to en; age in tl:e 6usiness ef in;talling, alterin; and repsiring gas p-ping for illuminatin� or fuel gas znd ins*_alling, altering and re- pairing and serc;cing gas burr.ing devicas conneeted thereto, includ- ing gas burnc:s and gas bu.-ner equipment, within tne Villag� of Pridley shall m�ke written ap- plica8on to the Village Council of sai;l Village for a licensc so to do, stating themin the name of the pe.son, firm o�° co:poratio» c!e- siring such lic2nse, his or their ad- dress, that he is or thcy arc duly trained in the business of gas fitTing, of F;cod reP�xtation and well qualificd 6y experience to carry on or engage in said business. No such licease shall be issued unlass the person applyin� llsrefor, or where the applicant i� a firm ar corporation, a member of such firm or an officer of such corpor- ation, shall be qualificd thercfor by examsnatio� by thc building insp°ctor of tVie Viilagc ot Frid- ley. In the event Uhe zpp�icant de- sires a Class A Gas Fitters' Li- cense as hereinbefore dcfi7ed, said examinatio�n ma,� be waived by the buildind. inspcetor if said applicant holds a current C!ass <A Gas P'itte�:s' License issued by the City of ➢4innrapolis, NIinne- sota. In tl�e eveni tHe applicant desires a C!ass P� Gas L'itiers' Li- censc as hcrcinbefore dcfined, said esaminxtion may be wa=red by� tF� bu;iding inapector if said apnli�ant ho'�_�_,^, a cux�rent Cla�s B Gas Fit- ters' License is&ued by the City of b£inneanolis, Il4inne�ota. SECTION 4. Bond Lo Accompany Application for Lieense. With each such application for a Cas Fitter's License, Class A or C!ass E, the ap?'icant shall furnish a su.ety band to the Vi2lage of F'i�idley in the surn et Cne Tlzi�usaad (S1,C00) Do1:2rs, conditioned R�at the ]iccn- sec shaIl, in a'_l mat2rial a�vl equip- r_ient by him furnished and in all work 6y hirn done and perfor.ned in insialling, alterit�� or eepairins gas �iping ar in;�Cailing, al.cring, � repairing or servicing aas burncr devic.s or gas burncrs and das burner cyuipment, as herein de- fined, strictly conform to fhe pro- visions of fhe ordinanes of said Vi7legz relating thcreto. Said ap- plicant shall also furais� procf of his financia] respo�sibility by fi�rnishYng a certificate showing in- surance cov2ragc fo: public liabit- ity in tbe �n�niLntim amount of $25,000.00 and p;operty damaae in the mini��um amout oP �50,C00.00 SECTI0�7 3. Fee. Gas Fitte�s' Limnses shall be issucd by the building inspector and the fee for each Ctass A Gas Fitter's License is hereby tixcd in the sum of $5.00 Dollars per annum, and the fee for each Class B Gas Fltter's Li- cense is hcreby fixad in the sam of �1.00 Dollar per annum, which fee shall be paid at the time of the fil o� the app7� iuo�n H]ach &ucli lirvn .. sh?U t��n.aate the lst day of b4ay next suceceding the issua.nce of the same unless sooner rcvoked or forfcited, shall not be transferabic or assignable and may be renewed upon payment of the � • � �..- • � � fee herein provided for without examination unless permitted to lapse for period of one year when an examination shall be required. SECTION 6. Forfciture of Li- censes. All work for th� carrying on of which a]icense is required under the provisions of this or- dinance shall he done under the ixnmediate supervision and control of the licensee,. �o holder of any Gas Fitter's License shall allow his or their namc to bc used by any othex� person or persons either for the pnrpose of doing gas fitting work or installing, altcring, re- pairin� or scevicing gas burners or gas burner equipment or ob- taining a permit thceclor, nor shall any such liccnsee take out or se- cure a permit such as required by ordinance for any such work to Ue done by any person or persons not cunnected with such licensed Firm or corporation nor in the em- ploy of such licensed firm or cor- poration, nor shall any sttch li- censee cause or perm3f any person in his or their employ to do or perform for him or them unless such employee shall ha��c first ob- tained a Certificate oC Competen- cy as hereinafter set forth. Any such ]icensee who shall v:olate any procision of this secUon of this ordinance shall by such act, upon conviction thereof, forthwith for- feit his or their license and the buildtng insPector shall £nereaf- ter refuse to issue any further per- mits to do any such �york under any license so forfeited. . SPCTION Z Upon the presen- tation of sati=factory proof to the Village council that any such li- censee l:as failed to conform with any ordinance provisions of the Vil7age of Fridiey rclating to the ins:aL'ing, altering or repairing of gas piping for illuxninating or fuel gas or the installation, alteration, repsiring or scrvici�g of gas bur- ners and gzs burner equipment or other gas burning deciecs connect- ed to auch pipcs, thC Villagz coun- ci!. shall revoke his or their li- CC1l5E. SECTICN 8. Journeymen Gas Fitters to Obtain Certi;icates of Competency. It shell hereafter be unlawful for any pzrson to work at or engage in the occupation of installing, extending, altering or repairing gas piping systems for ill,�minafing or fuel gac, or Snstal- ling, alteri,�g, repairing or servic- ing any gas burners or gas bur- ner equipment (as defined herein) or other gas burning decices cor.- nected with an}' such gas piping systems in the Cilla�e of Fridley without having first obtained from the building inspector of said �'il- lage of Fridley a Ccrtificate oP Competency as a dourneyman Gas Fitter. Said t•.uilding inspector shall �rcperly examine and test each 2pplicant for suck certi[icate and, if satisfied that the applicant is competent to do the work hero- inbefore described, shall issue sueh Certificate uFOn payment of a fee o: $1.00 DoPax�: provided, however, �hat such examination may be waived in the event the applicant has a Certificate of Competency issued b5 Lhe Board of Examiners of Plum6ers of the City of Vlin- neapolis, blinnesota. SLCTION 9. Gas Fitting Per- mits. It shall be unlati�FCl for any person, firm or coiporation to in- stcll, alter or <xtend any gas pip- m� er any gas appliance connecb ed '1�ereto without first obtaining a permit from the building in� sp�eWr. The building inspector of ihe Village of Frid!ey shatl no� issuc any permit for the installa- Eion of any gas piping or Qas fix- tures or devices �cithout the pay- ment of the fees hereinafter pro- cided. ^:'he application for a per- mit shall contain inforraation as to the ]ocation, nature and extent of the proposed installation. The foilowinn fces s�hall be required before permits are granted: SL'I3D. 1. Incta'lin� Gas Piping for 1-10 Fixtures or Devices. For any p°rmit for instfllling gas pip- ing, praci3ing for not to exceed 10 gas fistures or gas devices, 75 cents. SliBD. 2. 11-25 Fixtures or De- vices. For any such permit pro- viding For trom 11 to 25 surh fix- tur2s or decices, $1.50. SI'BD. 3_ b4ore than 25 Fixtures cr Devic�s. For any such permit providing for more than 25 cuch fixtttrzs or decices, �22.i. SUBD. 4. Each iastallation of Cas Sto�acs. Ranges or Water Heat- ers. Etc. For any permit for in- stalling gas stoves, ranges, hoC p!ates, steam tab'es, dental devices, refrigcretors, retorts, balie ovens, room heaters, barbecue grilles, hair drycrs or other similar gas burning devicea, the fee chargecl sha11 be 75 cents for each such de- vice included in such permit, which fee shall be in addition to the fee � charged, as above provided, tor the installation of any gas piping for said dc��ices and for any other gas fittin5 «'ork, if aay, included in said p^_rmit. For any permit for installing gas water heaters, the fee oharged shail be 51.00 for � each such device indaded in such permit, which fee shall 6z in ad- dition to Chc fee charged, as above provid^d, for the installat+cn of any � gas piping for said devices and for any other gas titting mork, if any, ind4ded in ^,aid pe;mit. StiBD. 5. For any permit for installing, altering or rcpairing gas burners and/or gas burning equip- ment for use in wnnection w:th a heating system, tbe fce charged c_hall be 52.00 fnr each gas bunner � and/or its equipment i�cluded in . � such p°rmit, whi�h fre shall be in addition to tl�e fee charp,ed, as above provided, for the permit ;or the installation of any gas piping fo^ said burner and�or cRUipm^nt. Where any such permit is iseued � for both gas piping and p�ur.�bing, the fec for such pc*mit shaL be equal to the combined fees for � each of said class of c.-ork or in- stall2tion. � SL:CTION 10. Should any sec- � tion or procisions of tt,i; ordinance �� be held wiconstitutionzl or inealid � by any court, aIl othcr sections � and Provisions shall neverthcless be deemed as effecUve as though ..^ h nneonstitutional or invalid section had never been inserted in this ordinance, � S?'CTION 11. Penalty. dny per- son, firm or corporat.ion who shall viciatc any provision of this or- dinance chall be subject, upon � conviction thescof, to a fine of not less than Ten {$y0.00) Dollars - nor more than One Hundred f5100.00) Dollars for every of- fenae, or to imprisonment no? ex- ceeding ninety f901 days. SECTIO:V 12. This ordi�ance shall take effect and be in force � from and after its passage and publication. Adopted this March Sth, 1954. Title� $OB�RT� S. I-I(JGH�S � v M9 R Attes • Title: ERN�ST-M2D�Eiv VILLAGE �IANAGER Publishe�' -.in the Columbia Heights Record.of Anaka Countv % � on Thursday,.NLny3�5����L !/ ��y,�y{' �