Ordinance No. 0068 12-05-1955� i � . � � ORPT.\"ANCF. NO. 68 AA ORLINANCE OHEA'CINQ A PLANRI\G COVInIIB310N FU& TH& VILI,A(r'E Uk' N'HIIILF.Y"� DII7INE- SO'PA. The �i11aK� Council oY the Village of Frldley do ordahi.as Pollows: SEC'P10r 1 There is hereUy created a Planning Commission for U�e Village of Fridley, Minnesota. The Commisslon shaLl wnsis't oC a General ChaSrman and the Chairman of eaeh sab-eommittee established by this ordi�anee and a��y amendments heretu. The sub-co�nmittees hereby estab- lished nhall be: (a) Plats & Sub-divisiona oonsisting ot three membe[s. (b) Bui]�iing 5[andarda ooneiaLLng of Uree members. (e) Stree[s & Utilitiea eaneieting of [hree members. (d) Parks and Playgrounda conaiat- i�g of five members. (e) The General Chairman shall be an ex-0ificio member of ail commit- tees. S�CTION 2. All committee members shall be ap- pointed by the Council for three year terms and the Coune➢ shail designate the Chai�man of each Committee The Committees shall eanLi year, from thei[ o�vn nambens. chooee a vice-uhairman a��3 a secre[ary. At any ineeting of the Commisaion, iY the eegular cl�airma�� Prmn any cmnmittee is unable to aP ten�, the vice-chairman shall atte���i anQ aet in his place. So that lhe terins of all mambees will nut ex�ice at tho same time. tLie Ttret members, tabing office on January L, 1966, shall be ap- Dointed Lor the PolLOwing terms: PL.A'PS & SL.'B DI�'ISIDNO: Chairrnan for bvo years One member [oe une yoar One mee�ber for [hree yeare BU1Lll[FG STaNDAHll3: Chairman kor une yeav One membec [or ltvo vears One member fm� three yeara STREETS ti UIILITIY:S: Chairman fur nso yc2rs One member for one year One member for three years PAP,I{S & PI,AYGxOUNll9: Chai[man for three years Two members £or hvo yeara � � Two members for one vear GI�:NliRAL CHAIRbSA.�' for M[ee years 8EC110S 3. The Commission shall serve in an advisory cayacitp to the Coune[7 and manavement. Problema ahal] ba re- ferrerl Lo the pioper sub-cwnmittee for de[ailed study and tHen a��alyzed by tho Commissm� and recommendation made to the Cou�cil or management as the caso may be. The Comnusslon sha1L be charged with the res'uonsibili[y Yor cou[inuous com�nunity Dlanning inc7uQing coor�iei- ated "aub�3ivision develo��ment, deceloJr me��t uY paiks and playgrounde, main- taining up [o date building codes, study the nee[is and recommend extension, i��sta]la[ion and imProvement oP utlLi- ties, streets, street lighfing. s[reet and traffic signs aud �sm'k with commer- ciaL and induatrial deveLOners in an effort [o a+�hiovn flesireabLe induatria] and commeroial growth. 5PCTTO:v 9. 'Phe Commission shal7 meet �i- monthly and mm'e often as neerlerl. 'Pho sub-committees shall meet as ciio- ectecl by Che Com�nission and at thelr own discretion and minutes sha1L Fe keDt of all �neetings. Cmnmittee PinA- in�s xnd recrornmenda[ions shall be vansmitted by tho respective chairmeu to the Cmnmissinn and from the Oom- miss'ion to [he Cauncil. SL:CCION 5. Whcn in the opinion af the Villaga Council there is a need for additiona] sub-commi[tees such commit[ces mav De created bY the Council and the Chairman shaL1 become a member ot the Commission. S�CPIO,�* 6. ,_� `3 i 22 of the �illage ot . 4�n Ordinnnce Creat- .. �rl" and adopted Aug. � exFlressiy rePealed. � sha11 h? in fli➢ force � and afLer its adoPtion acmrdinR to faw. VLIIaFe u�ctl h"�s � �bor, 1955. .�p JBIiRT S HUGHES, ��1) . Mayor. Reprinted from the COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RECOHD, Thursday, - December 8, 1955.