Ordinance No. 0007 07-13-1949� t � ! ' • � • e `� • ORDTNANCE NO. 7 �� AN ORDIrAVCF. DEFIKIVG CER- TAIV hiISUEEIEANOR6 AFD PRF.SCRIBI.�'G PENALTY FOR VIOL.4TION THEREOF: The Village Conncil aP Friddeg do ordain as fallows�: Sectinn 1, The do�ng of any ot Yhe 2c[s or 'thin6s proLibited or the f2ilin� to do anS of the things or acts commanded �fo be done as set forth in this ordinance is here- by declared to be an affense ag- ainst the aood order, pobtic pettce, moralB, heal'th, �celfara and proper gavernment o�f this cillage and nn- ]awPul. An� 7ierson, firm ar eor- puratian convicted of violating any uf the provisiona of this ardinanc0 sha11 be deemed guiPty of a mis- demeanor and pimished 6g a fine uf not less ffian one dullnr nor mare than one hundred dollare or by,�rieomnent nt hard lsbor oY oYherrvise at �thc di,�ceetion nf fSe Jud�e -fcrr not�-ie�s tfian �one day nor more � than three � months, � To �etLer with the� costs of prosecu- tion in either case, and in defaalt Af pa9ment of fine nr cost?, the nerrnn coinmiiTed ehalt 4e covfined in eneH jail x❑ ad�itional num�ber of days ehnal to 'tLe numher in �Yollaxs of fine or cv�ts asseesed, and not to�esceed three monthe. Sertlon 2. Any pereon, firm,.Mr- �ratian or asRceiation who, wi[h -intent ta sell or ip ans n�ise d3R- pwe oY meceLnndixe, secnrities, Ser- vice, or anSthinfi offere� by Hvch peraon, firm, cornnrntion or assoc ia�tian, -direcfly or indireetlp, to the pnblic Por eale or Qictrihn- tion, or mith intent ta increase the caneumntion thereof, oc to inQucc the public in auy manner to enter into anS obll�n- tian rela'ting thereto, or to acqnire tifle therefo, oc any intere=t there{u, makes, pnblished, dia=emioate�, <ir cula'tee, or places hefore fhe pufl- lic, or cati�s, directlS ar indirectlp to be mnde, published, di.semin- atcv7, cicenlat�, or placed bePOre thc pu6lic, in thia state. in a-nemP- p�flper or other publicatinn, or fn the form ot u hook, notice, kiand- bill, roster, bill label, circular, pam�hlet, or ]ehter, or in any other R'ff{} :1R Il�{'PT[lEf1ll¢Ilt O£ IIP}' S6T� xegaidin„ merchandige, eecitritie9, sercice or anSthing so offered tn thr public, which adverkicement contains any asaertion, repreeentu- tion or stat¢menY o1 fact mbieh is un[�ue, decepti�e oc mislending, al�all be E»i�ty of a miedemeanor. Sectlon 3. F,very person who shnll injure or Qefraud anathcr by using, with knowledge that the eame is Yalse, a false tceight, mea- sure, or other apP%�i'utus foc deYer- mini�ig tfie qpantitS � any comm- odity ar artie]e nf inerchandise, oT by knowingly delivering less than the quantitp be represents; vr who ehall retain in his possessi0n any «e� ht or measure, knowin� it Yo Ue fulse, imless it appears be5oud ¢ reaeonable doubt that it was so retaiued withont in[ent to usg it, or permit it to be n�d in violatton of the fnregoing procisions oi tliis sectton; or wha ehall kno�vingly maxk or stamp faLse or sLOrt� . �ceighte w� fxlse tare ou any cask ar packnge, or knon�inKly sell or offer for sale nny cask or pack- age so marked, shnll be 6uilty oY a mi�demeanor. nring any bank or dam of�--auq ricer m- other �vat�r, o�r any dock, quxy, jettg, ox lock; (3) d buoy or bcacon lawfully nlaced ia ang wnters; (4) A teee, r�xl, post, or otbec mamumeut which h[is been zceeted ar marked. for the pnc�nse of des- i�un'ting a poiut i❑ anp bovudary or any mar6 o�r inscription thereon; (b) A mileLoard, a mileetone, or gaide�;t e��ected nPon x higLway, or :tn5 i��acri�rtion theton; (61 3 line of telcgraph or tele- phane, or nny part tLereof, or nny nPPUrtenaoce or appraratns connec- ted a-ith the n�arkinR af any mag- ne�tic nr electric ir]egraph or telr �hone, nr the semling or com�ey- anc of ine�sages thereby; (7) � jV1(IC trL ID21ll i6P CO➢QllCf111g gas ur �vater, or heat or any works erected ior snpplying �buildinge rnith gas or Lea�t or water, ox any appnrtenanee or appen3age conn- ectcrl therewith; � (8) a server or drain, or a pfpe or main com�erted thereM1Vith or iorming part therof; ar ('J) \Vhn shall des�troy, or damage witL inttm�t to destrac ar render ❑seles�, any enginey macMne, tool, or imple�nent intende3 for nee in trade or hu�b2ndrg, shaII be guilty of a misdemcanar. �$eetion 5. It sLall. be unlawfnl for any LoascM�at, or other craft not used for the trancporta4ion oP freight or paesengers, to mom• or 1av at �the pnblic levee where it reill interLere «ith, iuconvenience, or endanger the lamding of an5 freight, passenF�•. m' tnwing veqsel. Fverg owner or pzrsom in charge of any �ach beat or ccafiG npon notice by the police or r2�c u�wner or �agent of anS freight, passenger, ar towinK crnft, that it is obstruMing the leoee, interferin� mieh, inconveni- rncing, or endan�ering the landing of any frei�ht, pascenger, or towing ve�seel, sLall immediately ca¢se �ihe Seetion 4. Every person mho same to be removeU, and, npon rhnll wi]Pnlly ox mnlicianaly dia- ne�lrct or refiisal rn to do, sLall plaee, remorce, injnrc, or desteoy /by'gailty of a miedemeanor. (]) 9 highwnp, or a private�vay ,/ Sectton 6. F]�very pereon mho laid ont bv antho�rity o€ law, or Y shull malicioualS �njure or deetrtry a bridge oPOn such nublic or Priv- flny standin� �crops, gr�in. cultic- ete n�as; nted fruits, or v egetablee, the pro�p- (2) 3 Pile or other mntei�al fised erty nP anotLer, in anV case for in tLy gronnd, and ueed for seC, which punishment Lns not been 0 � � � � . � athei�vise prescribed, sball be yuilfy hf a misdemeanon 5eetion 7. Eveiy Per:mn whu, not Uein� the o�cner thei�eof, and without lawfnl anthacitS, ebazl mil- fally injure, disfiguce, rev�ove or destro9 a gravestone, monument, n�ork of art, useful or ornamental irnprncement, ehade tree or pxna- mentnl pla�t, whether upon private grotmd, or upon a raad, street, eidewalk, cemeters, or public park or plam; or acho shall rnmoce trom any grace in a cemeter5 any flo�cca:c, memorials, or other tokena of affection, ur anyt6ing connected theremith; or mho shall wilfally mar or deface anp bnildin� or slgn- boarA; or «�hn shnll estin�vi?h a Inmp�, or bre�ak, destro9 ar remove anc IamP or lamqr�et, or an.9 rnil- 4ns or �t erected on a bridge. tide�oall:, rand, atreet, covrt, or n�se�ee, eball be guilt9 of a mis- demeano1r. � Sec[ion � Every person who shaill wilf�IIl,v �esh�o5. injnre, dia conaecf, displace, eut, break, da- face, grnund, oc in any way inter fere �vith nng �le cnLle, or wire le�ally q'ecteil, Pat n�. or strvng. or anS underground condnit, snb n•np. or cable�, or anp electrical or nther apnaratne, kamps, traneform- er, amihrh, ¢P�liance, inctrumant, or mnchi�ery of any 1,-ind o�ed in the con�;Lruetion ac operation o2 an�• electiic or trleplione plant, ]ine or s}-stem, or nsed in the Produr ing, ceneraPing, or transmitting oP electric li�Lt. heat, ar iro�cer, or wno sha➢ aid agree with, emplov, or conenire with anS �tber per._on to do sny of eaid actc, chall be �nilty af a misdeme�anax. Fertion �J. Evcry Pecqon wLo ahull wilfnlly make any connac- fian mith anc mefer, pipe, condult, wire, line, nr a[her npp8ratua be- lonnin� to anc �•�?an or com7rang n�ing, or en.Gnged in the manniaC- tnre, sapPlc, c�le nr di,ctribtrtion of, elee[rieitv nr crF eleetric citrre�L or sh�all wilfully Precent fln elec- tric mryter irom du]p meaenrin� nr reSieterin.g Yhe qoantity ai elec- tricfty snPPlied, ar sLaR. in any �m;i� intpi�fere with iia {rrarzr ae- tion or just reXistration, or shxll withmit the consent of ench person or eo�tnpan9, �ilfnlly Qivert nnp .electricnl current or iwwez of sach person or wmpany or in ans �cay wilfully use or cause to be nscvl �cithoat the coneei�t of stich per- eon or companc : ny� eleetrieity mauufaetured or distiiboted by such person or compan�•, or shalt aid, egcee with, emP�aY, or cnns�irp with any other per�on to do anS of suid ncts, or caho ?hall �teposit in any eleetric meter or other :�ppar- atus used b,p an etectrie liRht ar telephone co-mpanp for thc Prr papmeut for cun•en[ or sercice any tokex�, article or decice, excepF lawful coin of CLe Lnired Cqatw, for the pm7wse of fraadiUent]y obtaining sach cn�rent or �er��ice, shall be guiS[y of a mi�lemeanor. Secfion 11. F,�err per=on, nat an employee af a railn�ap com- panc, �vho, .without permi�¢ian froa� �tiCh camp�n9, on fcwt nr R�ith ang animal or cehicle, sb:ill enTem np��n zny rail�v2r brid�e ox trestle, oc who, �vithont v �ermit, ShAll eide, o�perate or prope] a relcei�de, track bicgcle, or trieS�le on or gl- nnK the track af nnp i�ailwnS, ehall be Ruilty of a miedemeanor. �a nart, ar at wLich any gambling concesnons are r ven or gnme� oP chance practiced, or in os a�bovt which actors or atl�ee� �raous c�m� nected therewith xre engaged fn immoral �uisai�s, m� at �vliich a�tb ractione are eshibtted which a£fect the heslth oc moral,4 oY the com�fl- �mitS� AnS per�o�n �cho eha11 part iripate in allmving or condvcting'� anp itlnerant earniva] shall be Rni1[Y of a micdemeanor. Section 1§. E�-ery nerson whn �J ehall cwnmit or mxin�t�in a Public nui:ance, for which no sPeciul pun- ishineftt is Pi•escri6ed, ax mho sharl mi1fu11S ovit or reiiise tn perPorm any legal dnty reluting to The re- moval of .uch nuieanrn, and every ner.son who shall let, or Frermit to . t� n�l, any buildio$ oc portlon thereof, kuomin,G that it i� intended to be uwrl fnr cammiting nr main- faining nnS such noisance - shall be ,rruilty of a misdemeanor. Bection 16. Every person wLo Fhflll R'11£ll1�V Op�OSP OP O�11S1lVCL Sectian 11. EeerS 'f�Teon who a healtL officer o�r �PhYSicfan shsll in anS manner �cilPUliv dnm- charged with the euforee�meut .of- nRe anv buildiug or nnrt tLereo4, the h'ealth lnwa, in performing any thro�v any stone or other mi�le �� tegal dut9� shail Ue �vilt9 aE a mSe- at ar break an� �vindom therein, or �� demeaaor. wDo shall aid, cnunsel, hire, or Prn- enre an� person so to do, ehall be ���tion 16. Every manuYactnrer or cendor who shall sell or cavse wtltp af a misdemeanox. tp be sold, plaee or caase to be Sectioa 12. Fcery person em• laced, an played by s railtvay or pWer cor- p �'��line or benzine, fn quantities o�f mare than onz pint, poration, eserp �pce»s a�ent, stage �n nny rece[�taole ezecpt of 8 bright drtver, drafma�, hackmrin, or other yp� �lor an�l tagged .nnd labeled persoe wUO shall Lan�le, remove, ia ]arge pinin letters with tbz name oc tah-e csre of trveks, ��slises, of the coutente, or who :Lall selb 3 boxes, paekage5, or ot2ier baggage, or cuuee tq be sold, place or cauae �cho, �ehile Landling, I��ding, tran- aPOrting, n�lrniding, delicerin., o�r Tu be placed, kerosene or btber Ftoring the same, chaR wilfully, �IluminaGng oils in the same quan- n�flntonlS, or careleesly brzak, in- ?itiee, in a reeeptacle. of red rnlor, shall be guilt9 of a misdev�eanor. jure, ar destrop thc same, oc sn$ iwtrt thexeof, chnll he eniltp bf a Beett`m 17. Every person wLa, iniFrinneaom�. . with intent �t�hat tLe same may be 9ecrioo Y3. Itinerant carnivals snld aa onadulterated or nndiluterl, are herebc declared to b¢ a public sha11 adniteratC or dilv�tc milk, or nuisnnce anQ are proh[bited. An nnS drvgs, medicinz, foal nr dcink itinerant carnival is nn� itfoeran[ far man or beaet; or ehxil offer carnival, shom, act, or eahibitSon, for ea.le or se41 thy same xs nnad- ivhich is held in the oPen or iocloors ulterated or undiluted, or mi4hout or ❑pon o�r witl�in any pnblic ox �disclostng tn or inform3n� the 7run private grnunde nt �hich conRre2- ehaser tbnk �the eame hes. beea nfe, and assembles witL nr with- a�lulQerated 4r' dilnted; ar shall out paSment of any admission fee, manufxchire, sell, espose, ar offer a promiscumis gatLering oi people for sale, as� such art9cle nf foMl aq sPeCts}�� or othern�iee, and at or drink, any sntrstance in 3mlt� whicb ]eticd ar obsc�ene f@atures �are ation t7�ereof, wiT.haut cliselasipg 0 � . � i the imitxti�n by a evitable and plainlq cisible mark or brand; or �ciYh inteut tha2 the sume mey be n:�iKi 2s foo�, dcln$ or medicine, shnll �eil, oPfer ar es�rse for sale, aov article whatsoCVer whtch to his kno�vlerlge� I�as become epo5led, taiuted, or fac any cunee unfit to be used as food, drink or me�licine, sh211 6e gutlty of a mic�lemeanor. Set�tio� Y8. Eve�q <lexler in �Innghtered fre�h meatn, fish, fowl, or rame for haman food, at whole� anle or re�tail, nt anp established nlace ar aa a peddler, in tLe trana- porta[ion af Sueh faod fram Place to place �tp customers, �vho shall fail ta pmtect the eame from dust, flies, and other vermin oc subctanee whieh may injnriously affect it, hy secnrelv cocering it while being �o transported, sball he gailty bL a miwiemeanor. $ection 1�J. F.cet� person, firm, or eor�wrxtion who ahall ee31,�o8er ar es�xe for sale, or fiace in I�ae- ession tvith intent to sell, the vwl of calves killed mhen leas than fonr weeAw old, shall be guil�t9 of a misdemeanor. 5eetion 20. Every person, wLo shall sell, gire, loan or in any tvise Yurnish any firearm or ammunition to a minor under the age of eight- een years �vithout the writtev con- eent of his parents or gnncdian, nr af n police officer or mu�istrate, shall be gui]tS of a misdrmeanor. Seetion 21. Fvery person who ah>ill purc•LLase, manufaeture, vse, sell or keep for sale within tble village fiie crackers and okher esplasivy g9roteehnics, exceapt bp cpecia] Pe�•mit, ehall be guilty of n misdemeanor. Section 7?. Evety pereon who �s}�nll negliRently ot carelessly se� on fixe, or caase to be �et on fire, nn9 eombuefible ma�terinl, �chether nn his o�c'n lanQ ar not, b� means ' whereof the Pro�rty oP another iahnll be endangered, or who shall nc�7igenHv sufPer any Pire i�pon Lis � own lauds Yo extend besond tLe �limits tLereaf, shssll be guflty oY a misdemeanor. Section 23. F.cery engineer, dr3ving a locomatjve on any� raII- �vay, mho ahnll iail to ring ffie Yre41 ar soamd the mhistle npon sueh la.romoHve, ur enuse the same to be aung or sounded, nt leart eighty rods from an9 Dlace wLere such railtivay crosees a traceled road -or street, on the anme lecel, or to con- tinue the ringing of �uch t�ell or sounding oE such whistle at iu[er- vals until such ]ceamotice shall hnce comPletelS cro�sed euch rond demeanor. Sertion 24. ErerS Proprietar les�ee, or occupant of any �lace of amasemen[, or any plat- oE ground, nr bnildin¢, who ehall use or allom it to be ure�l for the eshiM i�tion of skill in tLromi��g an5 sharp iustrument ut o�r to�rard any� haman being, ar mho shall aim or dis- charge, or nllow to he nimcv] or clischxrged, at or toward u�c human �being, an9 blo�rgun, pictol, or fire� arm of an9 �1e�criPtion, eLa71 be g¢ilty oE a misdemeanoz. Section 2:i. Every person �vho �hall �vilfully expose himself or enother affec[ed with al�y crontag- iovs or iufectious �isease, in any public pince or thoroughfare, ea• cept unon his necessary removal in mapmer not �nngerove to the pubtic health, ehall 6e guilty oE a misdemeanor. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 30. Every �erson whq after Lavin� bceu. �lamfully camm- ande<I by anS mngietrste to arrest another person, shall wilfullv neg- lect or refase to do so, and ervecy peraon who, after hxving been luwfully commanded to uiQ an bff� icer in arrestin� any nerson or in retaking auy person mho Las es- caped frmn lamful cnatodp, or in eaecuting any le6'2� procesa, sl�all be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 31. F.cerc per�on �vho ahall �lirec8y or in�lirectly adUresa RuS threut. or Intimi�ation to a gub- lic ofEicer, a�r to a i'eieree, arbib ra1oq apPcaiser or asseseor, or tp anS other pereon authorized by law to hear or determine any conf 4rocers,v or matter, with intent� to Induc� him, contrar9 to hfe dat-y, to do or make, rvr to omit or dela9 any act, decision or defer- mination, shall be F��1ty of a mia- Qemeanor. Section 32. Whevever two or � more persone sball canePire to � commit an9 act injurioue to thC pv�blic health, public morale, tiade or commeme, or for the perversion � or abstruction. oP pablie justice or �._:_� Section 26. Every neraon who, The due administmtian of the �:.�;i by fome or fra»d, shall resc��e from �atss, everS svch person ehall be lamful custaly, or from an Mficer EuiltS of a misdemeanor�. ur person hacing him in lawful ✓� $�tron 33. \o. �Person eLall ea• .. cust«IS, s Ui'isoner held u�n a ter into or upon any lat, blcek, or �_�,.� charge, arrest, commitment, con- tract o4 ground in the village wbich ;_;j viction, or eentenee for x mia• is under cultivation, uniess sueL � demeanor, ehall be guilty oY a mis- Person be an o�vner, lessee, or persan �- �.,� demeanor. entitled �SO to enter, or the daly ;� anthorized agent tLereof, and any .� � Qection 27. Ecerp Per�on who person found by thg peace officex � shnll take from the custod5 of an �n and upon ang 9ucH premises officer or other nerswf reo I��eeball Ua trrated as a trespuaeer un- � pro�ert9 in hia chnrge lesa h� Cnn prodoec rudistactory a.;� process oY lam or tcho 5ha11 wil• ecidenee of mcnership or right to .. � fully injury ar de�troy sach prop }� in and upon anS such premises. ertS, shall be guilty of a miedem- ,�iiy pen;on wha sball violate the T� eanor. Provisione of thtg section shxll be �� Section 28. F.very Fdeouer �aho �ilty of a misdemeanor. shull escape from custods, or who Passed b9 the Village Coandl � chall de�pflrt from tLe jnil witlmat t111e 13th day oi 7u19, 1949. , permiss3on, or ehall fail to retnrn CARL HARTl�i� � in acrnrdance witL Lia permiseion, J�Mayar shall be guiltv af a misdemeanor. �$�gL� ,�Section 2�J. Every person who Atteet�: shall knawinglS or wilfu119 con- R'�RD NO . G ceal, o�r harbar for tLe parpo�e of Clerk � �oncealment a person who Lae es- Published ia tLe lumbia enped or is escaP�aK from custodp, Heights RHOORD� an �a 22, 1949. . /o