Ordinance No. 0706 02-04-1980� � � ORDINANCE N0. 706 AN OR�INANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CATU ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 405 The CATU Ordinance �s hereby amended to read as follows• SECTION 405.22 RNTES Rates charged by the company for monthly serv�ce hereunder shall be fair and reasonable and designed to meet all necessary costs of service, includ�ng a fatr rate of return on the original cost, less depreciation, of the properttes devoted to such service (w�thout regard to any subsequent sale or transfer price or cost of such properties). Maximum rates shall be set for the operation and maintenance of a CATU system as fair and reasonable under existing conditions tn connection with the rights granted herein, and sa�d rates be approved by the counc�l. The company may collect from its subscribers any governmentally tmposed copyright fee or royalty; the amount collected by the company shall not exceed the total amount pa�d by the company for said fees or royalt�es. SECTION 405.211 INSTALLATION l. Single Family Dwelling, Multiple fam�ly pwelling, Commercial, Mobile Homes. First Connect�on - Not to exceed $25.00 one time fee. For senior citizens, age 65 or over, not to exceed $7.50 one time fee. Proof of age sat�sfactory to the company shall 6e requ�red prtor to receiving the senior citizen rate for installation. Second Connection - Gratis if installed at time of first installation. Add�t�onal Connect�ons - Time and material cost of the company �n making the installation(s), however, not to exceed $25.00 per installation. For se m or citizens, age 65 or over, not to exceed �7.50 per installat�on. 2. The company here6y agrees to waive all connection charges for Single Family �wellings, Multiple Family Dwellings, Commercial Establishments and Mobile Home Parks if the connection �s performed during the �nitial construction of the CATU system within the City. 3. In addition the regular connection fee may be waived or reduced during certain sales campaigns the company may w�sh to conduct during the year. 4. Schools, Libraries, City Offtces and Otner Public 6u�ld�ngs. There shall be no charge for installation in each school building, library, City office or other public building in the City, except when said mstallation per 6uild�ng exceeds one, in which case the charge shall be at cost (not to exceed $25.00 per connection). SECTION 405.222 MONTHLY SERUICE CHARGE 6. Senior Citizen Rate Upon applicatton the monthly serv�ce charge for subscribers, 65 years of age or older, shall be reduced by 25% of the regular monthly rate charged other subscribers. In order to be el�gible for this reduced rate, the owner of the home, or �f owned in ,7oint tenancy, one of the owners of the home must have atta�ned the age of 65 years. When persons are renting property, at least one of the tennants responsible for paying the rent shall have attained the age of 65 years to qualify for the senior cittzen rate. Proof of age sattsfactory to the company shall be requ�red prior to recetving the senior c�t�zen rate for monthly caule service. �� L + �� Page 2-- OR�INANCE fVO. 706 SECTION 405.28 CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION The company shall fur m sh the Commtss�on with 6usiness reports on or befor? April lst and October lst advising the Commission on: progress made in installat�on of the system, utiltzat�on of channels; program schedules; new services planned; and an annual pro,7ection, i.e. business plan for the forthcoming year. 5pecific form and frequency of reports shall be specified in a memorandam of understandinq between the City and the company. The Commission shall review the accomplishments of the company and determtne if progress is consistent with the company's pro,7ections. The Commission shall issue reports, at least semiannually to the residents of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 4TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1980. ATTEST � ����,�,,��� CITY '��RK - MARUI '. BRU� Publ�c Hearing: F�rst Hearing: Second Hearing: Publish: Z,�a��:�� �� WILLIAM J. NEE - AYOR January 14, 1980 January 21, 1980 February 4, 1980 February 13, 1980 � � I � �� ��