Ordinance No. 0717 10-06-1980f}� � !I i u ORDINANCE N0. 717 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BU�GET FDR THE FISCAL YEAR 1981 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTIDN 1: That the annual budget of the City of Frtdley for the f�scal year beg�nning January l, 1981 which has been submitted by the City Manager and modified and approved by the C�ty Council is hereby aaopted, the total of sa�d budget and the ma,7or d�visions thereof 6e�ng as follows: ESTIMATE OF REVENUE General Property Tax Special Assessments Licenses Contractors Business Other Permtts Grants and Shared Taxes Charges for Serv�ces Fines and Forfeitures Interest Earntngs Otner Misc. Revenue Insurance Refund (Police and Fire Pensions Transfers Seal Coating State Atd Surplus R�venue Shar�ng Fund Liquor Fund Other Gefteral Fund Surplus TQTAL: GENERAL FUN� State A�d Funds Revenue Sharing Funds C�v�c Center Bond Fund Cap�tal Improvement Fund TOTAL: OTHER FUNDS GENERHL FUND APPROPRIATIONS $2,644,346 General Government 8,500 Legislat�ve General and Financial 16,868 Management 108,832 Central Serv�ces (Civic 3,250 Center/Data Processing 104,822 1,435,060 116,364 98,000 170,000 63,700 120,000 Pu61ic Safety Po �� ce and C�vil Defense Fire Public Works Code Enforcement and Plamm�g Engineering and Public Works Maintenance 60,000 65,000 Recreation 245,000 Natural�st and 90,000 Parks & Recreation -0- 225,000 Reserve �5,574,742 OTHER FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 311,000 245,000 DEBT SERVICE FUN�S 40,000 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 92,100 � 688,100 �' � 163,462 594,881 146,034 1,558,926 384,057 299,707 1,011,033 1,161,642 255,000 � $5,574,742 __ 311,000 245,000 A0,000 92,100 � 688,100 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $6,262,842 $6,262,842 SECTION 2. That the City P1anager be directed to cause the appropriate accountinq entr�es to be made in the books of the Ctty. PASSED AND ADDPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1980. ATTEST: � � l N t��,� r��t - �%----.�-:, ACTIN'G CITY CLERK - NASIM M. QURESHI Public Heartng First Reading: Second Reading Publish GO�t4A/0804A September 15, 1980 September 22, 1980 October 6, 1980 October 15, 1980 �,P��.� `� �-��� �