Ordinance No. 0072 06-13-1956• • • • C� OSDIYAIPCE FO. 7! T�e Villuga Conueil of the Vlllaga o} Fildley do oxdain us followe: 8eclian 1. Dd'QGEROCS BUILDI�*G DEFINIDll. Any building or strueture which hae any or all oP the followinG defects ahall be deemed a"dangerous build- ing." a. Thone whoee interiox walis or othet vercical struch�raL memhzss list, ]ean or buckle Lo such an esient that a plumh line yassing through the cen- ter of gravity fa115 oatside oP the m�d- dle thicd of i6s baee. b. Those tishieh, exclasive oY tho foundatio�, show thir[y-three (33) pet• cent or �nore, of damage or deteriora- tion of the supportin� member or membeea, or fifty (60) Der cent oP damage or ileierioration of the non- suDPOCting enclosi��g or outsiiia walla or covering. c. Those zvhich have improperly dist��ibute3 loads- upon Ehe floors or wofs, or in scl�tuh the same are over- loarle3, or whidi have insufficiont atrength to be reasonably Safe for tha purpose used. d. Those tichich hace been damaged by fire, wind, or other causes so as to have beeurne da�igeruus• to life, safetY, mora7s, or t}�e goiieral health and wel- faro of the oceupants or the People of the �'il!age of l�rlAley. e. Those n-hich liace beuome or are so �iilaPidated, decayea, wisafe, insan- itary or wiiich s� uttedy Yu�il to Ur�- vicle the amenities ess'enfie,l to 3�cont living that they arc witit for human hab5tation, or are ]iRa]y to oauae uick- ness or diEe&ee, so a9 to Norlc in.jury to the hoal[h, �norals, Safety or �an- eral welCare oI [LUSa oowDP��6 or using the samo. P. Those having li�ht, air, and sani- tation facililies' which are i��a3equate to pm[er.c the health, morale, safety. or general K�ui[are of human beinga who live or may live therein. g, Those 1�aving inadequale Yaoili- ties Por egress in case of iire or panie. h, Those which have Darts thereof which are 5o attached thxt they may injure membes's of the �ublic or pro- perty. i. Those w7ilch becauee of their eon- diLion are u�aafG insanitary, or dwn- gerous to the health, moral�, safeC9 or Keneral welfare oY the people oP Yhis Village. j. Those buildings existing in viola- timi of a�y Provision oP any ordinance of �ha ST11ssfie rela.ting W the construe- tion o� buildings or tl�n �nstallation thecein or thereon of h�a.tinR. Numb- ing or elec[�1c�I equipxoent, aL>plianceE, or devices. The tettns "buil�3ii��' and "struc- ture" as used herein shall be Qofined as deYined in the Zoning OrOlnance oP tho Village of i�'ridley un� e:�ch shv�ll inelnde underground .trucb�res, iu- cluding tivalls, cisterne, ceespools, base- ments, and 2ouada[ione, trh�thcr or not thero is a��Y structure or building thereun. 9ection ° CTANDN,.U3 I�OR Rb]- PALR, VACATION OF DEMOLITION. Tha following eta,ndarda- shaR be followo�l in s�bstanr.e by the Building InspccLOr anQ th�a Ti"1➢iuga Conncl7 in ordering roPair, cacation ot demolitiov. &. [P [he °dangexovs bulldinq" ca�� reasone.blY be repaired so that it �vill no longer cons[itnte 2 �laugerous buiiding under this ncain¢m;G it ahall he nrdered repaired. b. If the "�an6erous bUttding" ia in auch conditioa as Co mu,i<e it dan.�eroue to the healU�. riiornls, gafaty, or geo- eral weLfarc of iLS occuDants, it ehall be ordere�i to bo vacated. o, Tn any case whet'e 3"dangerous butldi�ig" is 60 percent tla'na�ed ox deoaye8, or deterio7ated lrmn its ori�- ina7 value or strnctu.e, it sFiall be de- molis}�ed, and in z�I ra.ses �+�hc�e a "da��gerous buildin�' cannot bo repair- ed so that it will no longcc esi5t as x dangerous built3ing under the terms of this ordi�iance, it shall be Aemolished. 6oction �. llAtiCIDY0U5 I;G[LTJ- IvG N[IISASCES. A➢ °tlan4eroue bui]dings" witiiln the torfns of Seocio� 1 of this ordinance are hereby dedared to be public nui- sances, an� uball be rePa9ced, vaca:ed, oc demniinLed a he��einbefore and herefnaffm- P�'wltled. i � C � � ` I � ✓ U1cDIFANCE FO. 7E (COntinaed) Section 9. DUTI�S OF BUILDING IICSPECTOR. The Building Inspec[or shall: a. TnsPect =emi-annually, all public building&, schools, halls, ehurehes, theate��s, hotels, restaurants, tene- ments commercial manufacturi�g oC ]oft buildings for the purpose af de- tertni��inG whe6�er any uonditiona eziet whicti ren3or any such �laee a "dangerous buildi�R' within the terma of SeChinn 1 nf Lhis oidinance. b. Insnect any building, wall o[ structure about which Complaints are Piied by any person to the effect that a building, wall ur s6ructure is or may be esisting in violation ot Lhis oidi- nance. u. Tns[�ect aaiy building, wall oc strucLare repoited (ae l�e�ebiaftee pio- vi3ed for) by tkie P�ra or PoLice De- parttnent of tho �'illage as Frobably existing in violation of tLe terms of thie ordinance. d. Noliiy in writing by mail the Owner, nccupant, lesaee, mortgagee, agent anA all other persone having an intemst in said builr7ing as shown by the land ��mras' of the Register of Decxls oL tLe Cuunty of Anoka, and N'LlOSB 2(�QC283B9 C3Sl i18 3YCECGlIS12(i. OP any buildiitG tound by t�iin to be a "3a��erous builcling" within the stan- Aaetls set forth in Sectiau 1 of this ordinaneq tUat: 1. 7Jlie oo�ner must cacate or re- pair, m• demolieh said building in xecro>'danr,e with the terrns of the nocice a�d this ordinanee; 2. The occupant or ]e&see must va- cace said buiLdinti, nr may have it renairecl in accor�iance with the no- tice and remain ia possession. 3. The mor[gagee, agent or othee person having an intecest ia erafd builcling as shown by the land rec- orde of the Rogister oF Deeds of the CuuuC9 ot Anoka may at hie own rislc renai�', vacate, or dernolish said buil<lixig oe have saeh worlc or xct dono. ProviAed that anY persox�no- tified undes' this s'ubsectian W re- ��aii', vncate or de�noliBh any build- ���g strall be given such eeasorutble time as may be necFSSary to �o, or havo done, the worlc or aet requit'ed by tlie notice providet3 fur l�erein. e. 3ct for[h in the nutice provided for in sobseecion (d) hereot, a descrl[I- tion of Lhe building, or structure Qeem- ed urisa.IG a stale�nent oY the particu- laiy which madc fhe buiffiing m'struo- tuve a "�annerous buildinK" �nd an ai�ier xuquiring [ha S�me tu be Put In sach emidition ae to comply with the taru�s oC tLiis ordinanez withic� such ]eugtti of tlme ae is rea5onabLe. P. Heport to the Village Council any iioncomV��ancn with Che nutice pro- cided for in subeecLions (d) and (e) hereof. g, Appear at all hearings sonducted Ay the �illage Couneil an�3 LesCify ae lo the cm�al[ion of "danKeruus build- 1CIg9.'� h. Ylaca a imtice on all "dangeroua buildiugs" reading as follows: ' This building ha? baen found to he a dan- gei'ovs building by the Building Im spector. Tl�is notice is to eemain o� this builciing' u��Bl tt is repaired, va- catea or tlemolisbed in accordanee vvich Lhe notice wl�lch haS been given the owneq oceupsnt, lossee, mortgagee, or agent oC this buildinb'� ��d :�ll olher persons, havuig an interes't in said buildinK as shown by the land reco�ds of the Registex o2 Deade of the County of Anoka. It is unlawful 6o reinove ;his notice until such notiee ia com- plied e�ith." Scetlon u. DUTI�S OF 4ILLAGE COUNCII.. The �illage couneLL shatl: a. UPOn receipt oP a report of [he Building ImPt�tor as procided Lor in Secfiun t subscct�o�� (f) hereof the Village (.lerl� :lia1L ive written notioe to the owner occupunt, mmcgagee, ]eesee, agcnt and .�Il oLher p�rsone hacin�; a� mterest m eaid buildmg as sho�vn by the land recorda oP th� Ileg- isfer of lleeds oc [he County of Anoka, and �i'lioso adcliess¢s are aseortainable. to appear hePore Lhe Ci➢aFe Cou�cil on the �afe snccifieA in [he notice to show ca�use zvhy the buildina or strvF ture reported to be a"dangero�is build- in�" sho��ltl not be roptiireci, vacated, or demolishet] in accortlance �cith the stafement oF �artisulars set [or[h in +�� the Buitding Inspector's nottce pro- vided Yor herein in Section d eabseo- tio�i (e). b. Upon receipt of a re�ort that a "dangerous building" exists �vhieh may endauger �ubLic health, the Pillage Cleik ahall forthwith notify the Village Health OtCicee who shalt thereupon in- speet the premises and report the re- sult ol Llie said investigation to the Fillage CounciL. If he ehall determine immediate acLinn neceseacy ro nrot>_et the public hcalth, he si�a1L issue an aba[ament order as authorized by Bec- tion 146 23, Ylimmwta SfaLUtes Anno- tated, or lia enay issue ouch order fol- ]owi�s hearinb hy the 1'illage Council and deter�nintUion by it [hat a nui- sanoe exiete, and auch oraer roay be served wncurrently with any order maAe by the Villahre Council. c. Hold a heaci�ig and hear such testimm�y and argument as the Baild- iug I�eUector or Lhe o�vnee, occuDanl, mortgavee, lessee, or any othee i�erp.on having an inte[est in Said bmlding shall of2er relative to the "dangerous building." d. yIake by reeolution or ordinance written CinQiuFS oP Ynut from the tes- timony oYferet3 �nrsuant Lo subs¢eLion (b) as to whether or not the building in ques[ion ie a "tla�igerous bmlding" within the terms oi 3eclion 1 hureof. e. Issue an order or xdopt an m�di- nanee Ga5ecl uPon f'intlines ot fact f1l3dP. PuCSUBnt Co suG9CCti0n (f�) COm- manding the ownar, occupant, mort- gflgee, lencee, agent antl ali other De*- sons having an interast in said building as show� by [he lxnd records oI the Register oP Deede' of the County of Anuka, to repaiq racate, or demolish any buildi�g found to be a cla�gerous bailding within the [armg of this ordi- nanca within such r'easo�able time ae the Council shall sperlfy in said ordeq ancl �roviding that any [�erso� so not�- Pled �vho is not an owner shall have the privilege of vacatlng or reP���'�r�g sai3 3angerous building, at hfs own risl'y to p�'event [he ncyi��ring by the \illage oI a lien agains[ the land uPOn which �aid "dangerovs bvilding' stands, as Feoviclecl In subsection (f) hereof'. f. If the owner, uccuPant, tnurtga- gee, or lessee fails to co:nply �vith the order Deovided for in subeectlon (e) hereuf, within the ti�ve specified theie- in che l�illage Cnoncil shall cause eneh buildlug or sttructure to be repairad, vaoatcd, or dernolished w the Pacts rxy waer:�nt, nntier the standartls hereinbefoee provl�led for in Sentimi 2 of this ordinance, or di[eeL the Health OI'I'icer to Pi'o�eed under any abate� meut m'der he rnay have i�ue�, anA shall cause tLe cos[s of such repaiq vacx[io�i, or demoliLion to be charged against the land oei �chioh Lha �uilaing existed as a muuicipal lien, or cause sur.h cosLS to Le levied as a 6pec�al assessnen[ agains[ the land uVOn which Lha buildinK stands or did etand to the v�[ent ni�fhm�izetl hY La�v, or to be recovzred in a=ui[ at law against the o�cner; provided [hat in c:�ses where sueh procedure is desirable and any c?elay Umreby caused �cill noL be dan,°.crnus to [he healfh, morals. saPe- tF, or t^neral welfare of the neop]e of this �'illa�e, the Village Council shall direct the Village Attor'ney to take lp,sa] ac.io� to aDate the nvisanc¢ ov to force the owner to make a11 nacassary repairs or de��nlfsh the bvilding. g. If the tiiilage Couneil shall �3e- tennino [Y�at �ny dwelli�g or mmmer- cial establishmeu[ ia a "dnnROrous building" because there is �o Loilet therein, and there shall be se�rer and watermains in the _ctreet abnttiag m� or a�liacznl to the Pwpe�ty upon whieh 'eai�i Tuildirig stands, Ue Cotmc� ehnll orcler the o�tinee af svid proPerty Ln inatall a milet in 9aifl hni7dinF' Nithin su��h reasnnable ti'-�e, a,s ihe (:ounci] shall sDecify, anA i�� AePaulc thereof Lhe Council ma9 Arovide [or inst2�7a- t o�i nf �o�h toilet and charKe tY e cost aga�net the V�operLy a,g a ePeciul as- e �enL Section 6. �ROL_�TTONS PPl� .11:1'Y I�OR DISkIRf.ARDING 1�OTI- C�5 OR UILllPRS- The o�v��er oF uny ^aanzemus bnlld- ing" s��d the occunant or lessee in Dos- 5ecsion thereof �vho fails to co�npip with any no[ice ne order to vacate. de^nlish or re[rair eaid buil�i�g in awer�ianne with ench �wlice or ordee riven an pro�°i[lerl for in lhis or�linance shall be guilty o[ a misdemeanor and upon com7etion thereoP ahall be fined not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars Por each ofPense, a*�d in de- Yault of payment of such fine may be imprism�ed uoL Lo exceed ninety (90) davs. Section 7. FbiN�RGEVCY CASIDS. In cases where it reasonably appears that there is immediate dang5r to the li[e or safety of a�y Person uniese a "dwngeroua buitding" as defined here- in is immediately rep:�ired, vxcatecl, or �emolished, the I3uilding lnspeetor st�all �tipos't such LactS W the V"illage Council anM1 the 4"illan Cummil shall cause tho lmmet3iats repair� vacation. or tleniolitlon ot such 't3angerous buildin�." 'l`he coats of sueh emergen- cy �'apair, vauatio�i oe demoliLion of such "dangpvoue buildinq° Shall be colleeted in the same manner Procided iei SecLion 5. Snbsecfion (f) hareoT, Bect7on 9. WHERP O'WNPEi AB- SENC N'ROSf THE tiILLAGI9 Iu cases, except emereency oases, where tl�e orv�er, omuyant, lessee, ox mortgaKee is absent ]'com the Village, all �mtice5 or orders provlded Cor here- i�� ahalL nc ceuc �y rneil lo the owner, occuyant, mo�LgaS'�e, lcssee and all u[hei' pereona 1�avinS an intoxest in sai�1 buildlnK as shotivn by Lhe land eecords of Lhe Regiatee of Deeda of t6e Counry oY Anolca to lhe last Known addre.�a of e:�ch, a�d a co�y oP such uotica ahall be pu5ted in a conspicuous n��.ce rn the "3angerous building° Co e•hich it relates. 6uch maSling and ponting shall be dearned adequate ser- vice, Section 4. ADMTP�IST1tATIVE LI- AIIILl'f Y. no of.iczr, agenc, or emll�oyee ot the Fillage of I"ri�iley ahal7 render him- self Pe�sm�atly liable foc any clam&ge chat may accxue to Fe�'�oi�s or Frop- erly as a result ot any act required or ycrvnit6ed in the dtschar'ge of his dut- ies unAer this ortlinance. Any auit brouKht against any oPLieer, agent or employee of tha Viltage oP Fridley ae a result of any act required or Dermitted in tlia �iiacharge oi his duties under this or�li�mnce shaL1 be Acicnded by the VilLage AttoxncY at ViL7age ex- pense unfit tha PinaL �eterrninafion of the pmceedings therein. ceu[!on 10. DU'L'1k;5 Ob` THE FIRE DILPAR'Cl3liV'P. 'Phe Chief oi the l�tire DeDartment shalL n:al<e a reporL in writing to the 13tdlding [nau�tor of all buiLdings or structures which are, may be, ue are ansnecte�3 6o bo "dangerous buildings" w'ithin the terms of this ordinance. Si�rh reports �nust be deliver��i to the RulAing Lneu�tor within 24 hours of the discevere of auch bniLdings by any employee of the Fire Dep�rtme�t. ,5ecpon ll. DVPIF,S OF TI3L�' PO� 7dCP; DIDPhR'CA41:N'C. 'Phe Chiet of [he Folice Department shall rc:ake a repor[ in any buildings or structnres which are, may be, or are suspee6ed to be "dangerous build- ings" wiCYiln the terms o£ this ovdi- nance. Cuch repnrt� must be within 24 hnurs o1 the disewery of such build- ings by any emPloyee oL the Police Denartment. Kor.timi 12. SF,PARARIDITY. It ia the intention of the Village Council [hat ea.ch separate provision �f [his ordivwnae shaLL be cleemed in- dePendcnt of all othei ➢iovisions here- �n, 2n�1 it iS inirther the inlcntion of n�� pilla�-c Council that if any pcovi- sion of i.his ordinancc be cler�.l:�red in- valirl, a11 olher provisinns thereoY shall re^�.ain valid and enforceable. Rection IB. Th3a ordtnance shal] be in forr.e and Fe irr-efPeot trom and gPter iCS publication. � � Passerl by the Vi➢age C n thie 13th day oY .Juna. 195� T. E. GR7�:IG, Mayor Atte . ERNI�]S7' MAD9TCN, t'illage Managec .rmr is. isss _ Published in the C�lumbia Aeights RF.CORD, July 19. 1956.