Ordinance No. 0073 06-13-1956r � �� • � • � osnixaacE xo. aa � Aft OR➢ISANCE EBTABLISHIRQ $III.E9 AND KEC:ULATIOF9 FO& - � THE OPF.RA'PION OF ROA'P6 AND WATERCIEAI+T IS PURLIC 19AT- ERS AND THh' PR0111�7'PISCi OF MOTOB PROPELi,RD QI2AP'C R'ITI[- � IF THE VILLA6� OP' P1tIDI�EY, AHD PROVIDIN(i }'OE A PL�'SAI+TY FOR TI[E VIOI�ATION 7'HEREOF. Thx �illxqe Conncil of Fridtey do ordain ns Yullo�rs: � 6eetton 1. No pecson ahall navigat& oFerate, dock, anehor any boat or watercraft upon any water or watarv � way within the Village oP Fridley ps- � cePt in aceordance wi[h the Piov�atona of this ordinance and all other rules and regulations made a part hereoY Dy reterence. Sectlon 2, For the purPOSe of this ordinance, the term Person" shali IDe3n any Pe�sOn, Yirm, partneiship, corporation or o[her combination of persons. 9ection B. For the purpose oP thia �� ordinanoe, Yhe texm "boat" shall mean � every boat, houseboat, barge, cessel, xaft, canoe or other watea'craft used se a aupPOrt in or uiwn the water. , 6ection }, The doing of any thing, act, or Lhe operation oi any wutercraP[ �' in violation of ar�y aT the provisions of Lhie ordinance is hereby deolared W conatitule a DaLlic nuisance and as �� such is hereb7 Prohibited. �Jection 5. Ko person shall op0rate or have charge oP any motor boat, and m person under the age oT eleven pl) year�e shall operate any row boot, ca- �� noe m' sail boat unless accoaipanied Oy nn xdult, except and cnless a eyecied � permlt thereof, has been grantul by -� the �'illage Coonoil, no person, beine ..� the o�vrier of sueli a watercraft, shall ;� pe['mit or allo�v a Feison �ndei tk�e age hereSn prescribed, to oPerate or run such a�vateecraft, unlesa aecom- panied by an udult. 3 9ection 6. No person ahall nav.gate, :� direct or handle ax�y boat in such a manner as cu annoy, unnecessarily r� Frighcen or� eadauger the occuDants oI �� ot}�er boats or waEercraPt, or oY per- smiS in or uDOn the watee. .� 6ection 7. No person shall run, op- �� erate, navigake or direct anY sailbnat wiGiin 100 fee[ oP tt�e area being vsed by peesoivs Toc swimmhig or 8esig- �.� nated Uy the 4illage Council as a �� y' swimmiug area. ,� fleetlon 8. No boat exceedin� Six- � teen (16) feet we�'al] in length sha11 :3 be placed uPOn any lake or walerway �;� in the Villa�e ol Pri3ley, escePt and vnless 9 special penn9t has been granL . ed by the Village Council. ' Beatlon 9. A motor hoat is defined as a. boat propelled by an intev�al comGUetion enKLne an3 incl�t3ea Doth vai'ietiees co�mnonly known as "out- board" and '7siboard/' Tlie use of �notor boata R'ithin the village is pro- !� hibiLed. .3 SectiOn 10. Every sail boat ehall be �'=� navigalci i� xe<vrdn�roo rcit}i the rule,s - &nd regulatlons of the Diinnesota State ��^3 Marine Laws, wl�ich regulations aie :� hereby adoPted and by this reTerence .� aiade a part of thie octlinanoe. �_�� BecWOn 11. l�o person shall be or re- � . main in any boat or o[hexwise upon the ]aLCes or an}- other waterway w;th- in Llio Z"illybe uf h'ridleY u[tes 1�:00 � o'clacic midniRht nor beLOre dnylight of the Polloa'ing day. 6ection IE. ShOUId any eection, clause or provision of this oidlnance � ' be declared by the Court to be incu7id, the same shx71 xmt oPfe,c;t ,'he valiSity of the ordinance aa a whoie m� a�ry paiC thexeof, other than tho Pare so LLeclarNd to b� Invalid. 8ectlon 1%. PL+`N:1LTS. Any person . violating anY procisfon of Lhis ordi- �� nunce shall be gi�91Ly of a mivue::�ean- oi antl shall, ut*>�� convic6on thereof, be 5�unislied by Cine o£ not �:�ore than One Hondrerl !$100��U) Dollar's or by ' imprisonment for mt more tha?i Nir�e- . . Cy lYJ) tlAYS � tiection li. Thi5 Ordins�nce shal3 be � in fuI] fnrce and effect Pro�.n and aftea' '� its Passage a�7d Pubiir,ation. � . Pnssed by the Vlllab'e Conneil of the � �� ��illa�;e oC F13dley th� d oC� June, 19a6. Signed: �1'. E. GRIDTC bleq'or. ATTF.S Fav�;: . nran;rn, 4117age hia��ager. Tuly 19, 1'J56 � Yubliehed in the P�,lw^bia Floights HECORD, JWy 19, 196b.