Ordinance No. 0738 08-10-1981ti� � � ORDINANCE N0. 738 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CHAPTER 217 OF FRI�LEY CITY CODE ENTITLED "CONVERSION CONDOMINIUNI" LICENSING 217.01. Purpose The Council of the C�ty of Fridley deems that it is m the interest and promotion of the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City of Fr�dley that the owner(s) of a multiple dwell�ng rntending to convert to condomin�um units, register the intent with the C�ty before such a conversion is �nit�ated 217.02. Definit�ons For the purposes of this chapter, except where the cortext rnd�cates otherwise, the following words mean: 1. Conaomim um A mult�ple dwellinq in which port�ons are designated for separate ownership and the remarnder of which is designated for common ownership solely 6y the owners of these portions. A multiple tlwelling is not a condom�nium unless the una�v�ded interests in the common elements are vested in the unit own ers . 2. Conversion Condom�m um: A multiple dwell�ng which has been converted from rental units to ownership un�ts in accordance with the Unifoim Condcmintum Act (CH. 582 - 1980 session) 3. Dwell�ng Um t: A single un�t providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons �ncluding permanent provis�ons for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and san�tation. 4. Multiple Dwelling: Any 6uilding or structure conta�ning therein two or more dwell�ng un�ts whether used solely or exclusively for residential purposes. 5. Owner The person or body having an interest in a multiple dwelling as a fee owner or subord�nate �nterest w�th the right to exercise control and management of the premises. 217.03. Registrat�on At least 60 days prior to the conversion notice given to the tenants, the owner of a mult�ple dwelling in the City of Fridley shall f�le with the City a certificate of registration on a form prov�ded by the C�ty. At that t�me, the owner shall also f�le therewith an applicat�on for license from the C�ty and pay the license fee. 217.�4. Cert�ficate of Registrat�on, L�cense, and Fees A Cert�ficate of registrat�on shall be required of any owner of a multiple dwelling 7ocated with�n the City of Frialey who intends to convert such a 6uilding to condom�m ums. The l�cense fee shall be provided in Chapter 11 of this code. Th�s section does not exempt an owners association from obtaining the annual multiple dwelling license as set forth in Chapter 220 of the Fridley C�ty Co�e. �, `a �:� � PURPOSE �EFINITIONS REGISTRATION GERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION LICENSE, AND FEES �� p Lr S Page 2-- ORDINANCE N0. 738 2'�7.05. Appl�cat�on Cert�ficate of registrat�on and application for a convers�on condomin�um license shall conta�n the follow�ng information 1. Descript�on of ground area by street number and legal descr�pt�on. 2 3 4 5 6 7 S�ze of the buiid�ng Number of stories and height �n feet/meters. Total fioor area of the building. Floor plans of proposed moaificat�ons. Number of dwelling un�ts �n the condomim um. Total area provided on prem�ses for off street park�ng. 8. A certif�cation by the owner that the bu�lding �s not �n violation of the prov�sions as set torth in Chapter 220 of the Fridley City Code. 9. The name and address of the tnd�vidual to which any notice or order respect�ng the premises may be served or gtven during the conversion 217.06. Condition of Den�al The C�ty may adopt an ordinance to deny a conversion condonnn�um l�cense if there exists within the C�ty a signif�cant shortage of suitable rental awell�ngs ava�lable to low and moderate income individuals or families or to establish or maintain the City's eligibi7ity for any tetleral or state prcgram prov�ding d�rect or indirect f�nanc�al assistance for houstng to the C�ty. The adopt�on of the said ord�nance shall comply w�th the provisions as set forth by M.S 575 A. 1-106 of the Uniform Condomirium Act (Ch. 582-1980 session) PASSED AND ADOPTED BY 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 70TN DAY OF AUGUST, 1981. A TTEST: ���-, �_ � v�-- . CTTY CLER - SIDNEY C. INMAN F�rst Read�ng. Second Read�ng Publish� 0014A/0974A ,luly 13, 1981 August 10, 1981 Rugust 19, 198 �'� i`-� 7 ,, , ��,,> r,�� �°,�� ,. , MAYOR - WILLIF�T� . NEE � APPLICATION CONDITION OF DENIAL �' � �