Ordinance No. 0077 09-04-1956� � � u � O1iD154RCE FO. 77 AN ORUSHANCE TO E9TARLI9Ii SF;N' HA'PES AAD CH3Hf7E5 19 COftNF.C710S �Tl'PFI 'P1IE �ti.l"CE2 aNll �};1YF.& DSS'PF.M OJ' 'L`HE V11.L4GE ANII l0 AniN�L VII.• 1.4GE Ol2DINANl.h NU. tiB IS UUR- Vl:flf0'_v TIiNRF.�{PI'H. [Clie ti illage Cmucil oP tlie ����age of FridleY. d�oka C.ounLY, �innesota, elo oriaiu as totlowe: 1. Section _ of FillaRe Ordinanco �'o. 63; passed Sep�ember 7, 7959, en- [Ltled 'An Oedinance to Heg�ulace tha Lse ot Water, anc] m Estaqlish Rules aud Y.egulations' for the Oye�atiitg of tlie bVacerwods and Sanitary and Stor�n Sawers oP the �'illage oY Nritl- ley, antl a➢ che Pmuerti�s, Ylaine, nnd �e�nmee, Hates and Chargea Yn Cmi- necuan Thee'ewith", is hereby ��neii�led to rea�i: "5eclinn '. RATT]$ autl T3TLTdnCD: A. Nater' wnsnmptien fli�ti s'ewer uee charges x�ul tates to wnsumers aha➢ become due anA payaU�e quax'- CCP]l OI A C21Bpfl'IY SCLiBdIlI2 DCBP%1�'e�� by the Citlage illa.nager. B tiiaLer raies ahall be �{30J min- imum per exlendar quacter, � ayable in adcan �, ioe the firsL 5,090 galloud in any calenclar quac[er anc� 39 anQ oae- hxlP eeuts per ],OD� galluns, or fy'nefion thereof, for all water conswned 9n ex- oees oI G,000 gallmis m each calevdar qua�ter prlor to S1nua�y 1, 137, and �0 ce t per 1,pU0 ga7lona, or traelion tt�ereof ior a1L ��atee consumed iu excesa ol' 6,000 gallons in each calendar quarter a[ter .7anuary 1, 1957. A eur- aharge of $1.25 per qyarter, payabte in ativance. ia imUUSea for each cale�rtlar quartel' aftet' .iarmary 1, 1968, in each year un1E � the net rvicenue after t]eclucbug all ezpenses oY opextt[io�� an�i maurtr �a ce, o[ tl e ��Ilage �+aLer and sexer tem in [ht [�eced S caLen- dar �eir shall ha e�. �Eeded $11 ODUAO. C Samcary sewer rates shall Le Su.00 per calen�lar quarter, pnyable in adva�ice, Cor earh �iomeatir sa�itaiy seweT usee. In�usl�'i�l, commereial an�7 mnitipLe d�tielling use sball be a[ a rate to he decermined hf the villaRe coun- ui1 nn�� a echedWe o�� fil@ with [he Pillage \fanager D }�gKM1T FF.➢9. A permit Pee of S7G.00 shall be paid uPOn any em�- necfion completed with the mwiicin�l eanitary sewer. A pevmit fee of $600 shall be Dd��l befo�o auy conneet�on is corntletei wilh �he mm�ici�ral wator SuPFh E Pr VIT;R �1b.thRS The tiillage ��tl] furush for ea�h water mnneetion a rtieter A deno it oi $'5.00 mu�t be i�a�d nto the clllage t�eacurY tor each me[e� by Lhe owner of Lhe P�opei[y bi which said me6e� �s place�. Ih� �ater metec shal] be the ProPerty of Lhe ci7- lage and will be aerviced, �md nain- cained by che village without rharge to the co��surzier except �vhe�i the metei has Peen dam2ged by smne neglect on 2he part ol' the consumer. The meter deposit sPtall De retw�ned �� t0 any rlepositon upon d�scuiinection oT �ervice, us uTron a chan*�e oY ownervhip . �vhen anothe�� cleposit has baeii made, esceyt thac [he vf➢age ehall refund � mlly surh Portiwi of Lhe deposit ae is in exeeas of chaiges for �vacer and � seuer ervires. � N Lhe ��Llaga may provide a sys- tem o- wa�e� ineler readins by poet � ca�d. Gach wnsumer shadl re[un� 2h0 metcr card on m� bePor'e the aevenffi r7ay of rl�e firct mmth in eaeh caleudv�' quar[er. ILach consumer shall Ae ae- sessed a oU cent neoalty tor any ec�rd not retuxned on the due date. Such � ��ene][y and chaegee baseA m� an esLi- mate of [he water eonsumed may be iuuluded on tlie uexc billing. The water rate cha�Kes ahall be oon- si[lereel grods rates c�ud shall be thC rate piuya�br, af(er tha lagl d¢p pI tht . month oC which [km bi]linas are aen[ �.� out. Yayaients PaiA befox'e the lent day of � the nionth ma.y be paiA on O�e vet vate basis, which shall be the geoSS rat¢ 1� � aU cents � (� A ser�ire Qi2ige of y3-00 1'or use ot tivater dunng wuat�o<t�on shedL '03 paid wheno��i rater is ti� ed m� in a ne�e buildinR befine intitallation oF a � metec However', a a�eter �nust ue iu- ' stalle� befure any �vater is u�ed foT ]a u p��n6Li� _ Se.Umi _A 4 7 he � illage wd➢ guarautee ]oca- � hon of seevi<.e connectio��s witliin a dictan;� of thrcc feet and in llie event Lttat ihe rnnnectinnd are not Tound � �.vithiu that space, the 4illage «�Il pny fm� Lhe cos[ of the ad�litio�al 11Fglug Ihxt 1s neecled. i lligging �t�[h mechan�cat equi�- a men6 on any Le� :ment t}ne �teert shall not be per uLted excePL b spec- � �al permi sion feom the A ill ige, lt any p rnnucnl. steet surface i ll b� Qis- tu bcd, a denos�e of J o0 .l�n➢ ne made to e.over Lhe cos� of �eplacing � such surfacin�. � ' C. A❑ installatio¢ �vorlc Including grados, bends ar.d bar�� tYlling shxLl be �7one ar aire �te�3 by the 1 illage Tn- p <tor � l� AVhene�er a u�aYer u-te questione the ie ;uracv of Yhe rneter vid wants li�s rciLLer teste[i, he shall � iy a Pee oP $a.OQ il Lt�e meteY tests accmate within 3%; it it is not aceurate, within 3% uo aharge will lie made Poe testing an�i an adjudtmenC on tlie wacer bill iyill be made tor the period of nme that the meCer is asvme�i to te �na�cuuate. � Thie ordinance sha➢ taice efrect uPOi Pvbbaa[�on as- eedm 1 ).law. � Pasaed thi 1'weffi d e➢1$� 1965 � / I � ( Ri [G Dlayor. 1LICSt' 7:ILNI9. MAD9Ch, - \'il]age Manager. Sent 13, 19FG. Pualiehcd in Columbia H¢ights Ree- � or�, eept. 13. 1956. . ,