Ordinance No. 0775 05-02-1983l� �� � oRnzr�r,ivcE rp. � � s AN ORDII�INCE A�OPTING A NII+T Q�APTII2 205 ENTITLED ZONING; ATID REPEALING 'II�E OLD Cf3�PTER 205 OF THE �Tm•� CITY CODE IN I'PS II�'TSi �iE CO[]NCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORIlA1N AS E'OLI�CINIS: 205.01. P[iRY05E The following zoning provisions and the zoning map established hereby have been enacted for the purpose of protecting and pranoting the public health, safety, comfort, convenience. prosperity and general welfare of the City of Fridley. 205.02. (�OAI.S' OAI. These zoninq regulations are intended to achieve the following goals: 1. To develop and praanote the econanic well being of the community, 2. To pxomote sounc3 land maziagement and orderly development of the com¢nunity. 3. To i.mpxove and pro�note safety in all transportation movanents in the commtuiity. 4. Do pranote safety from disastets including fires, floods, etc. 5. To regulate the density of development in the City and to ensure adequate service by governmental facilities including streets, schools, recreation, fire protection, police, utility systems, drainage, etc. 6. To prwnote the conservation and improv�nent of the envizonment through a desirable and workable arrangement between natural features, land uses, transportation and energy systens. 7. To conserve and improve the econwnic value of land and buildings in the co�umity. 8. To pranote an econcmic base capable of supporting a desirable standard of living for all residents. 9. To maintain the City's image. 10. 7b prwide for and maintain a diversity of suitable housing and living envirornnent for all persons. 11. To achieve the goals and objectives and to guide and direct the community's develo�nt based on the "Canprehensive Plan" as adopted by the City Council. 205.03 For the purpose of this chapter certain terms and words are hereby def vzed: Words used in the present tense shall include the future; words in the singular include the plural, and the plural the . ..�. e�� / DEFIN.CTIONS singular; the word "buildi.ng" shall include the word "structure"; and the word "lot" shall include the word "plot"; and the word ' "shall" is mandatory and not directory; and the word "including" shall mean "including, but not limited to". 1. Accessory Building or Use. A subordinate building or use which is located on the same lot as the principal building or use and is necessary or incidental to the conduct of the principel building or use. 2. Alley. A public right of way less than thirty (30) feet in width which affords secondary access to an abutting property. 3. Alternate Energy Devices. Non-fossil fuel energy devices. 4, Apart�[�ent. A room or suite of rooms in a multiple dwelling which is arranged, designed, used or intended to be used as a dwelling unit for one (1) family. 5, Autanobile Service Station. A place where fuel and other essential operation of motor vehicles are retailed This does not include motor vehicle repair. 6. Bicycle Lanes And Ways. services related to the directly to the public. � A bicycle lane is any portion of a roadway set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or other vehicles propelled by himr�n power and so designated by appropriate signs and markings. A bicycle way is a path, sidewalk or portion thereof designated for use by bicycles or other vehicles propelled by hwnan power. � 7. Block. That property abutting on one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting or intercepting streets or nearest intersecting or intercepting street and railroad right of way, waterway, or other barrier to or gap in. the continuity of development along such street. 8. Boarding, Rowning or Lodging House. Any dwelling whexe meals and lodging for compensation are provided for five (5) or more people who are not members of the principal family. 9, Boulevard. That axea between the street surfacing or curb and the public right of way line. 10. Building. Any structure having walls and a roof, built for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or property of any kind. 11. Building Height. 205.03. 205-2 205.03. The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of a finished grade at the front of the building to the highest point in � the case of a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard roof; and to the mean distance between eaves and ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof. 12. Business. Any occupation, employment or enterprise wherein merchandise is exhibited or sold or which occupies time, attention, labor or materials or where services are offered for oompensation. 13. Church. A building where persons regularly assemble for religious worship and which is maintained and controlled by a religious body organized to sustain public worship. 14. Conm�ercial Recreation. Leisure time activities offered to the general public for a fee. 15, Conanon Open Space. Any land, water or combination which is intended for the use and enjoyment of residents of a development, but not including individual building lots and land accepted for public dedication. 16. Condominiwn. A multiple dwelling in which portions are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of which is designated for common � ownership solely by the owners of these portions. A multiple dwelling is not a condominitan unless the undivided interests in the common elenents are vested in the unit owners. 17. Curb Grade. The established elevation of the curb in front of the building measured at the center of such front. Where no curb grade has been established, the City shall establish such curb elevation. 18. District. A section or sections of the incorporated area of the City for which the regulations and provisions governing the use of building and land are uniform for each class of use permitted therein. 19, Driveway. A private hardsurfaced road giving access from a public way to a building or abutting grounds. 20. Dwelling. A residential building, or portion thereof, but not including hotels, motels, board�.ng, rooming or lodging houses, recreational • vehicles or tents. 21. Dwelling, Multiple. A building or portion thereof designed for occupancy by two (2) or � more families living independently of each other. 22. Dwellingr One-Faiaily. 205-3 A detached building designed exclusively for occupancy by one (1) family. � 23. Dwelling, 7Sao-Family. A building designed exclusively for occupancy by two (2) families living independently of each other. 24. Dwelling Unit, A single imit providing complete independent living £acilities for one (1) or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping. eating. cooking and sanitation, 25. Family. An individual or two (2) or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, including foster children and bona£ide domestic servants, sub�ect to the follaaing conditions: A. More than five (5) unrelated persons living in a dwelling unit shall not constitute a family. B, A group home which is a federal tax exempt nonprofit organization shall not constitute a family if the total persons other than the live-in staff or principal occug�nt exceeds five (5) . 26. Garage, Heavy Duty Repair. A place where ma�or repair of motor vehicles is conducted for vehicles licensed at category "G" oz above or similax weight � equiFanent. 27. Garage, Private. An accessory building or accessory portion of the princi�l building which is used to store motor vehicles or other personal property of the resident. 28. Garage, Public. A building used for the sale of new or used motor vehicles or where motor vehicles are parked or stored for a remuneration or where motor vehicles are repaired within the structure as a service accessory to the main use. 29. Garage, Repair. A place where ma�or rep�ir of motor vehicles is conducted, including engine rebuilding or reconditioning and collision service including body, fra¢ne or fender straightening and overall painting of motor vehicles. Service is limited to motor vehicles licensed below category "G". 30- Grade, Finished Ground. The average finished ground elevation along the front wall of the main building_ 31. Guest Rown. � A room or group of rooms intended for living or sleeping for compensation, occupied by one (1) or more people, in which no 205.03. 205-4 provision is made fox cooking. 32. Hwne Occupation, � Any occupation or profession engaged in by the occupant of a dwelling unit and carried on with�.n the unit and not in an accessory bui7.ding- Any home occupation shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the principal use of the prenises and shall not change the residential character. The following are criteria of home occupations: A. Professional offices, minor repair services, photo or art studios, dressmaking, teaching and similaz uses. B. No stock in trade is stored outside the dwelling unit. C. No over the coimter retail sales are involved. D. Entrance to the home occug�tion is gained from within the structure. E. Teaching is to be lunited to six (6) or less students at any given ti�. F. Day care facilities that serve ten (10) or fewer ch�ldren. G. In addition to spaces required by the occupant (family), there is no need for more than two (2) additiona]. parking s�ces at any given tune. H. F�nplayees shall consist of inernbers of the immediate family only. � 33. Hospital. An institution open to the public, in which sick or in�ured persons receive medical, surgical or psychiatric treatrnent. 34. Hotel. A building consisting of six (6) ox more guest rooms and designed for occupancy as a tenporary lodging place of individuals. 35. Integral Part Of A Principal Strueture. Constructed in general conformity to the principal structure in texms of framing, finishinq and overall use. 36. Jimk Yard. (Autanobile Recycling Center) An open area where waste and used materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, p�cked, disassembled or handled as a principal use, including scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber, wixe and bottles. A junk yard includes an autamobile wrecking or salvage yard, but does not include uses that are entirely within enclosed buildings or City Council approved recycling centers. 37. Kerunel. Any lot or prenises on which three (3) or more dogs or cats, or any combinata.on of three (3) or more dogs and cats, at least six (6) � months of age, are kept. 38. Laboratory. 205.03. 205-5 �I I� � A place devoted to experimental study such as testing and analyzing. The term laboratory does not include product manufacturing. 39. Landscaping. Zhe improve9nent of land by the addition o£ berms, trees, shrubs, ground cover, crushed rock, wood chips, retaining walls and other f�mctional, ornamental or decorative features. 40. Living Area. �e area of a dwelling unit desi�ed to be used for living purposes, including bedroams, dining roo9n, living room and the like, which are usually and customarily used for f�nily purposes, as distinquished fram any garage or other type of accessory s�ce. 41. Loading Dock. Any off-street area or raised platform, on the same lot with a building or contiguous to a group of buildings, for the temporary patking of a commercial vehicle while loadinq or unloading merchandise or materials. 42. Lot. A parcel of land sufficient in size to meet the minimun zoning requiranents for use, coverage and area, and to provide such yards and other open spaces as are required. A lot shall have frontage on a dedicated or private street and may consist of: A. A single lot of Y2CAiCI OT a portion of a lot of record. B. A combination of complete lots of record and/or portions of lots of record. C. A parcel of land described by metes and bounds, provided that any subdivision of any residual lot or parcel shall meet the requirenents of this chapter. 43. Lot, Corner. A lot situated at the intexsection of two (2) or more streets. 44. Lot Depth. The horizontal distance measured between the front and rear lot lines. 45. Lot, Double Frontage. A lot with opposite lot lines on two (2) nonintersecting streets. Both street frontages shall be considered as front yard areas. 46. Lot, Frontage. The front of a lot shall be that boundary of a lot along a street right of way. If a lot is a corner lot, the front shall be the shorter lot line that abuts the street right of way, but if the dimensions of a corner lot are within ten percent (10�} of being equal, the owner may select either street lot line as the front. 47. Lot Width. The horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point equal to the minimum required 205.03. 205-6 front yard depth. 48. Mobile Home Park. � An approved area for the �rking of occupied manufactured homes. 49, Motel. A building containing guest roaris, with direct access to garage or gsrking s�zces, and which is used for the accrnmna]ation of transient individuals. 50. Motor Vehicle. Any vehicle which is self propelled. 51. Nonconforming Use. Any building. structure or land lawfully occupied by a use or lawfully existing at the time of the passage of this chapter or amenc�nents thereto, which does not conform with the regulations of this chapter or future amenc3nPnts, for the district in which it is situated. 52. Nursing Hame. A State licensed facility used to provide care for the aged and infixmed persons who require nursing care and related services. 53. Parking Stall. A ten (10} foot wide by twenty (20) foot long area to store one (1) autmnobile, which has access to a public street or alley and permits ' ingress and egress of an autanobile. Where a parking stall abuts a curb or sidewalk the length may be reduced to eighteen (18) feet. 54. Parking Stall, Handicap. A twelve (12) Eoot wide by twenty (20) foot long area to store one (1) autoqnobile and located as near as practical to the building entrance as specified in State Statutes. Where a g3rking stall abuts a curb or sidewalk, the length may be reduced to eighteen (18) feet. 55, Public Facility. Any facility which is owned, operated or maintained by the City of Ftidley or any othet governmental agency. 56. Public Property, Any property a,med by the City of Fridley or any other governmental agency. 57, Service Use. The cleaning. washing, adjusting, repairing, rebuilding, overhauling or f�.nishing of manufactured products, 58. Setback, Front Yard. The minim�nn distance between the front line of a lot and a structure located on that lot, 59. Setback, Rear Yard. , The minimwn distance between the rear line of a lot and a structure 205.03, 205-7 � � � located on that lot. 60. Setback, Side Yard, The minimian distance between the side line of a lot and a structure located on that lot. 61. Single Family Attached Developnent. Individually awned dwelling units which share a common wall and/ox land including townhouses, townhomies and condwnini�uns. 62, Solar Collector, A device or structure used to gather solar ener�. 63. Solar Energy. Radiant energy received from the sun, either direct. diffused or reflected. 64. Solaz Energy Devices. A set of devices whose pru�ry purpose is to collect, convext and store solar ener�, including heating and cooling of buildings and other ener� processes, or to produce generated power by means of any combination of collecting, transferring or converting solar energy. 65. Speculative Building. A building or group of buildings, which consists of area whose use has not been determined at the ti� of construction. 66. Story. That part of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it; if there is no floor above it, the s�ce between the floor and the ceiling above it. A basement is a story for the purposes of height regulations if one-half (1/2) or more of the basement height is above the level of the ad�oining groimd, 67. Street. A public or private thoroughfare which provides the principal means of access to the abutting property. 68. Streets, Arterial. A street designed primarily to carry traffic between large land use uttits. 69. Streets, Collector. A street desic�ed primarily to carry traffic from local streets to arterial streets and highways. 70, Streets, Local. A street of limited continuity designed primarily to carry traffic to the abutting properties and higher order streets. 71. Structural Alteration. Any change, addition, or modification in construction in the 205.03, 205-8 � � � supporting menbers of a building, including exterior walls, bearing walls, beams, colwnns, foundationsr girders, floor joists, iafters or trusses. 72. Structure. Anything constructed or erected, which zequires location on or under ground or attachment to something having location on or under qroimd. 73. 7.bwnhouse. A imit where the a�mer has title to the unit and the underlying 1and with common ownership of the real estate which is not covered by the structure. 74. Use. �e purpose for which land, a building or stxucture is ar is to be used or occupied. 75. Used Car Lot. A lot containing more than two (2) motor vehicles on display for the purpose of resale. 76. Utility Co�npany. Any person, ficm, corporation, municipal department or board duly authorized to furnish to the public, undet public regulation, electricity, gas, heat, power, steam, telephone, telegraph, txansportation, sewer. water or cable television. 77. Utility Use. Transnission facilities and structures for electricity, power, gas, water, sewer, telephone, and cable television. 78. Vi.sion Safety Zone. The triangular area of a corner lot beginni.ng at the intersection of the street surface edge or curb lines, thence forty (40) feet along each curb line, thence a straight line between the two points, but nevet more than the triangular area measured from twenty five (25) feet from the intersection of the right of way luies. 79. Walkway or Sidewalk. A surface designated for pedestrian use. 80. Waterway. Any natural or artificial open water passageway thxough which surface water flaas to other areas before reaching a final ponding area. 81. Wi.nd Power Generator. A winchnill that converts wind energy by means of inechanical rotation directly into mechanical or electrical enexgy. 82. Yazd. An open space on the same lot with a main building, except as otherwise provided in this chaptez. 205.03. 205-9 � 83. Yard, Front. A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the front line of the lot and the nearest line of the principal building. 84. Yard, Rear. A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the rear line of the lot and the nearest line of the principal building- 85. Yazd, Side. A yard extending across the full length of a lot and the main building extending from the front yard to the rear yard and having a width equal to the shortest distance between the side line and the principal building. 205.04 GE[�[tA,L PRWISIONS 205,041. DECLARATIQTI OF POLICY 1. In the interpretation and application of this chapter, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the residents of the City. 2. Where the conditions imposed by any provision of this chapter � are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by any law, ordinance, statute, resolution or requlation of any kind, the regulata.ons which are more restrictive or which impose higher standards or requixenents shall prevail, 3. No structure shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed or altered, and no structure or land shall be used for any purpose or in any manner which is not in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. 205.042. SEVEE2ABII,ITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City that the provisions of this chapter are severable in accordance with the follaaing: 1. If any court of competent �urisdiction shall ad7udge any provision of this chapter to be invalid, such judgement shall not affect any other provisions of this chapter not specifically included in said judg�nent. 2. If any court of competent �urisdiction shall adjudge invalid the application of any provision of this chapter to a particular property, building or other structure, such judgement shall not affect the application of said provision to any other property, building or structure not specifically included in said judgenent. � za5.o4z. 'ela,�ia��. ••u � OF POLICY GT�1� :elTiily4MV 205-10 205.043. NO�ICJOI�bRMING USFS ADID S°iR[JCtURFS NONODNFORM � 1, Any structure or use lawfully existing upon the effective date U� `� of this chapter may be continued after such date except as 5��� hereinafter specified or as allowed under special district requizenents. 2. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the upgrading of a nonconforming structure to a safe condition when said structure is declared unsafe by the City. provided the necessary repairs shall not constitute more than fifty percent (50�) of the fair market value of such structure. 3. Whenever the nonconforming use of a structure is changed to a use permitted in a more restricted district. such use shall not thereafter be changed to a use permitted in a less restricted distxict. 4. Whenever a lawful nonconforming structure is damaged by fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, tornado. riot, or act of God, it may be reconstructed and used as before if it is reconstructed within twelve (12} months after such calamity, except if the damage to the building or structure is fifty percent (50$) or more of its fair market value, as determined by the City, in which case the reconstruction shall be for a use in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 5, Whenever a lawful nonconforming use of a structure or land is abandoned for a period of twelve (12) months, any future use of said � structure or land shall be in con£ormity with the provisions of this chapter. 6. Any nonconforming use shall not be moved to another part of the g3rcel of land upon which the same was conducted at the time of the adoption of this chapter. 7. Any structure which will under this chapter become nonconforming but for which a building permit has been lawfully granted prior to the effective date of this chapter or of amenclnents thereto, may be completed in accordance with the approved plans: provided const[uction is started within six (6) months of the effective date of this chapter or amenc�nents thereof and continues to completion within two (2) years. Such structure shall thereafter be a legal nonconforming structure. 8. Normal maintenance of a building or other structure containing or related to a lawful nonconforming use is permitted, including necessary nonstructural repairs and incidental alterations which do not extend or intensify the nonconforming use. 9. Alterations may be made to a building containing lawful nonconforming residential units when they will improve the livability thereof, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units or size of the building. 10. The �rovisions herein for the continuance of nonconforming uses � shall not prevent or interfere with action that may be taken to abate any nuisance in any manner provided by law. 205.043. 205-11 11. Any structure or any portion of a structure which is situated unlawfully within a public street or alley or other public way or � thoroughfare, is hereby declared to be a nonconforming use, whether or not its use is othen•rise in conformity with the regulations of the district in which said structure is located. Any such structure shall be subject to any and all applicable regulations herein for nonconforming uses except in the event the City Council shall require renoval of the structure or portion thereof for a public purpose in which case such requirenent shall prevail. 12. The provisions of this chapt nonconforming uses or structures as the performance standards outlined 205.044, BUII,DING SITE er shall pertain to all lawful applicable and specifically to in the established districts. 1. No lot shall be so reduced or diminished, nor shall any structure be so enlarged or moved, as to reduce or diminish the yards, lot area or open space required in the district in which it is located. No yard or other open s�ce required for any building shall be considered as providing a yard or open sg�ce for any other building. and no yard or open s�ce on an ad�oining lot or parcel of property shall be considered as providing a yard or open space on a lot where a building is to be erected, 2. Only one (1) principal �ilding shall be located on a buildable I�1 lot, 3. E�ery lot, in ordex to be built on, shall have at least one (1) � lot line which abuts for not less than twenty-five (25) feet along a street or along a pecmanent, unobstructed easement of access to the lot from a public street as approved by the City. � 4� Where no curb elevation has been established, the City shall furnish such elevations. If curb elevations are not available, the City shall approve the elevation of the buildinq and the drainage plan before a building permit is issued. 5. Sidewalks or provision for sidewalks will be required on all arterial and collector streets. The City will furnish the elevation for a sidewalk shelf, which is to be put at grade at the time a building is constructed on the property. The sidewalk shelf will provide the owner with an approximate finish grade for a sidewalk. 6. Easements for bicycle ways shall be provided on those lots desicg�ated along trail corridors as noted in the City's Bicycle Way Plan, The City will designate the required width of easements and elevations for grades at the time a building is constructed on the property. The bicycle way shelf will provide the owner with an approximate finish grade for a bicycle way. 7. Where the front yard settaack of existing buildings is within a distance of 100 feet on both sides of a structure to be erected and is more than the minimum front yard setback required, then the setback for such a buildi.ng can be six (6) feet more or less of this mean depth but in no case shall it be less than the required front yazd setback, B. In computing the depth of a rear yard for any building where the BUII,DING SITE 205.044. 205-12 rear line of the lot adjoins an alley, one half (1/2) of the width of the alley may be included as rear yard depth, provided that the � actual rear yard depth on the lot shall not be less than twenty (20) feet in any residential district and not less than twenty-five (25) feet in any other district. 9. No land shall be altered and no use shall be permitted that results in water run-off causing flooding, erosion or deposits of muierals on adjacent properties, Any run-off shall not exceed the rate of undeveloped land for a twenty-four (24) hour storm with a fr�lPncy of 100 years. All run-off shall be properly channeled into a storm drain water course, ponding area or other public facility designed for that purpose. Any change in grade affecting water zun-off on to an ad�acent property must be approved by the City, � � 10. The standards established herein sezve, amony the other purposes of this chapter, to provide each structure located on any land, a building site suitable to its g3rticular needs as well as adequate areas of open space between that structure and any ad�acent building. and as deened suitable or appropriate to each building or structure and their respective uses. It is also deemed a purpose herein to provide standards which encourage uses of land and the erection of buildings and structures in areas which are open, implatted or without aray substantial number of buildings located therein, as are of a type, size, style and design as are deemed by the City and its inhabitants to meet the needs and the purposes of residential, con¢nercial or industrial uses; and, to enable an owner to make a reasonable use of a parcel of land recorded or approved prior to the enactment of this chapter and is therefore, smaller or different in type, size, style or design from that otherwise required herein. 11. No changes in exterior building dimensions, exterior parking areas or drainage as established in approved City plans will be made imless reapproved by the City. 205.045. AC((�SSSORY BUIL�DINGS ADID S°IIgIClURFS 1. No accessory building or structure shall be permitted on any lot prior to the ti� of the issuance of the building permit for the construction of the pr�nci�l building. 2. Accessory buildings and stxuctures are permitted in the rear or side yard only. subject to the following restrictions: A. Accessory buildings and structures in the rear yard shall not be any closer than three (3) feet to any lot line. B. Accessory buildings and structures in the side yards shall not be any closer than five (5) feet to any lot line. C. Any accessory building or structure within three (3) feet of the princig3l building shall be considered attached and a part of the principal building for applying setback regulations. D, Unless othenaise herein specified, no accessory building or structure shall exceed the height or the size of the principal building_ 205.045. •« ��. � � u Y• � 205-13 E, Accessory buildings or structures shall not occupy more than thirty-five percent (35�) of the area of a required rear yard, � 3. �e building height limits for principal buildings established herein for districts shall not apply to belfries, cupolas, domes, spires, monuments, aicway beacons, radio towers, windmills, flaqpoles, chimneys, flues, bulkheads, elevators, water tanks, poles, tawers and other structures for essential services, nor to simil.ar structures or necessary mechanical appurtenances extending above the roof of any building and not occupying more than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of such roof. 4. In the event there is a request to place a structure that is over 200 feet in height. the C�¢nissior�r of Transportation shall be notified of the proposed structure. � ��. •or r a� �•� � n ��a ��«� 1. The follaaing shall not be considered an encroachment on yard and setback requirenents: A. Yard lights and name plate signs xn the residential districts provided such lights and signs are three (3) feet or more from all lot lines and meet size requirements under the chapter of the City Code entitled "5igns". Lights for illiuninating parking and loading areas or yards for saf ety and security purposes may be provided where necessary, provided that not more than three (3) foot candles of light intensity is present at the property line. � B. On the primary structure, chimneys, £lues, belt courses, sills, pilasters, lintels, ornamental features, cornices, eaves, bays, gutters and other similar pro�ections are permitted, grovided that they do not extend mote than two (2) feet into the required yard and in no instance in the residential distiicts, any nearer than three (3) feet from the lot line. � C, Unenclosed porches, canopies and steps to building entrances may extend not more than ten (10) teet into any required front or rear yard setback, provided they do noti extend nearer than five (5) feet to any lot line. D, On existing structures, vestit�ules may extend not more than five (5) feet into the required yards provided they are only one (1} stozy and do not exceed fifty (50) square feet. E. Open work fire balconies and fire escapes may extend not more than one and one-half (1-1/2) feet into the required yard. F. A fence bordering side and rear lot lines shall be no more than seven (7) feet in height in any residential district or eight (8) feet in height in any other district. G. A fence, wall or any natural hedge or closely planted vegetation that forms a barrier shall not exceed four (4) feet in height within the limits of the front yard in all residential districts. H. A fenae, wall or any natural hedge or closely planted vegetation that forms a barrier shall not exceed a height of 205.046. -a� ra� ��� � u �•� ••« 205-14 LJ � � thirty (30) i.nches if within ten (10) feet of a driveway access for a distance of 10 feet in each direction from the intersection of the property line and street right of way line in all residenta.al districts. I. On corner lots, no planting or structures shall impede aision between a height of thirty (30) inches and seven (7) feet above the curb line in the vision safetv zone. J. In no case shall a fence or simi].ar barrier i.mpede vision or cause a hazatdous condition to exist, 2. Access across the boulevatd is restricted to driveways and sidewalks. 3. Easements for sidewalks shall be permitted at a miniminn width of five (5) £eet unless inclu3ed with a 6icycle way trail, at which time the easement will be a minimtnn fifteen (15) feet in width. 205.D47. II�VIR��TPAL 4UALI79C In otdet to assuxe compliance with these environmental quality standards, the City may require the awner or operator of any use to conduct such investigations and tests as may be required to show adherence to the environmental quality standards. Any �nvestigations and tests shall be carried out by an independent testing organization agceed upon by all paxties concetned ox, if after thirty (30) days notice, there is failure to agree, an independent testing organization selected by the City. The costs incurred in having such investigations or tests conducted shall be shared equally by the owner or operator and the City. If the investigation and testing disclose noncompliance with the envirorunental quality standards, the entire cost shall be paid by the awner or operator. 'Ihis procedure shall not preclude the City from making any tests and investigations it finds appropriate to determine compliance with these standards. 1. F�plosives. No activities involving the storage, utilization or manufacture of materials or products such as TNT, dynamite or other explosives which could detonate shall be petmitted except such as are specifically licensed by the City Council. 2. Radiation And E].ectrical Emissions. No activities shall be permitted that emit dangerous radioactivity beyo�l enolosed ateas. There shall be no electxical disturbance (except those from domestic household appliances) adversely affecting the operation of any equipment other than that of the creator of such disturbance beyond the property line. 3. Other Nuisance (�aracteristics. No noise, odors, vibration, smoke, air pollution, liquid or solid wastes, heat, glare, dust or other such adnerse influences shall be permitted in any district that will in any way have an objectionable effect upon adjacent or nearby property. All wastes in all districts shall be disposed of in a manner that is not dangerous to public health and safety, nor will damage public waste transmission QUALITY 205.047. 205-15 � � i� or disposal facilities, Minim�un standards shall be as follaas: A. Noise: The noise standards shall comply with the chapter entitled "Noise" of the Fridley City Code. B. Odors: The odor standards shall comply with the chapter entitled "Air Quality" of the Fridley City Code. C. Vibration: Any vibration discernible (beyond property line) to the human sense or feeling for three minutes or more of duration in any one hour or any vibration producing an acceleration of more than 0.1 G's or resulting in any combination of amplitudes and frequencies beyond the "safe" range of Table 7, United States Bureau of Mines Bulletin No. 442� "Seismic Effects of Quarry Blasting", on any structure shall be prohibited, D. Sfioke: The smoke standards shall comply with the chapter entitled "Air Quality" of the Fridley City Code, except for woodburning devices used for supplemental heat. E. Air Pollution and Dust: The air pollution and dust standards shall comply with the chapter entitled "Air Quality" of the Fridley City Code. F. Toxic or Noxious Matter: No use shall, for any peziod of time, deposit or discharge across the boundaries of the lot wherein it is located, toxic or noxious matter of such concentration as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare or cause in�ury or damage to property or businesses. 4. Erosion. A. I� erosion shall be permitted onto neighboring properties or into natural waterways, A propexty aanex shall not pexmit the property to be used or built on without applying all such reasonable measures as may be required to prevent wind or water erosion. The City may require reasonable measures of a property owner or developer to prevent wind or water erosion. B, The City may review any development plan to ensure that erosion and sedimentation shall be effectively controlled. 5. Water Pollution. The discharge of raw sewage, industrial wastes or other pollutants into the waterways or lakes of the City shall be sub�ect to the regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 6. Solid Waste. Sanitary landfills shall be prohibited. 205.05. AIY+I.II9IS'IIi1,TION AAID 205.051. Z�iING AI)MINIS"1RA.'1nR The Zoni.ng Achninistrator as designated by the City Manager shall ;�u � � 205,051. 2�5-16 provide for: 1. The maintaining of permanent and current records of this chapter � including all map amendments, conditional uses, variances, appeals and applications hereto. 2. The receiving. filing and forwarding of all applications for amendments, variances, special uses or other matters to the appropriate Carnnissions and City Council. � � 3. The issuance of all permits and certificates required by this chapter. 4. The inspection and examu�ation of all buildings and land, and the issuance of written orders required in renedying any conditions which are found to be in violation of this chapter. 5. A liaison to the Planning Ccnunission and its member Canmussions. 6, The enforcement of the decisions of the City Council pertaining to this chapter. 205.052. A*�'Xn'�'ON Areas hereinafter annexed to the City of Fridley shall be considered to be in 1�-1 Districts, and may be changed wholly or partly to any other District or Districts only by an amendment or amendments as provided for herein except where a different zoning classification is established by and under any ordinance for the annexation of the affected lands. Within ninety (90) days after the effective date of any annexation, the City Coimcil shall cause necessary studies to be made for the determination of the need if any, for any change in the zoning classification. 205.053. AN�IDN�TP � � ZONII�]G ORDINANC.E The Council, by a four-fifths (4/5ths) vote, may adopt amendments to this chapter as required. The procedure shall be as follaas: 1. Initiation For ���*+t. A. Any person owning real estate may petition the City Council to amend the district boundaries so as to affect the real estate, B, The City Coimcil or the Planning Commission may, upon their own motion, initiate a request to amend the text or the districting map of this chapter. 2. Application For Amen�uPnt. 117.1 petitions for amendments shall be filed with the City on forms provided by the City together with such filing fee as may be established by the City Council. 3. Referral To The Planning Conmdssion. All petitions for amendments shall be referred to the Planning Ca�mtission which shall hold an official public heari.ng within sixty (60) days of the date of filing such pet�tion. 4. Hearing. 205.053, : �hi��. y � � � i� u i� � ii r � �•� � M 205-17 � � _.1 � A notice of hearing shall be published in the official newspaper at least ten (10) days, but not more than thirty (30) days, prior to the date of the hearing, 5. Action By The Planning Camnission. A. If the request is for district change, notices shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30} days prior to the heazing to all aaners of pxopexty within 350 feet of the parcel of land included in the request. Failure of a property owner to receive notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this chapter. B. The Planning Casmnission shall make its recommPndat�.on to the City Cotmcil within sixty (60) days of the day of public hearing or within sixty (60) days of any continuance of such matter granted at the applicant's written request. 6. Action By 'lhe City Council. A. The City Council may not act on an amendment without the recommendation of the Planning Commission or until sixty (60) days have elapsed after said proposed amendment has been heaxd by the Planning Conenission. B. All petitions for amencbnents shall be forwarded to the City Council from the Planning Co9mni.ssion. The City Council shall hold an official public hearing and follow the process for approval of an ordinance as required under the Fridley City Charter. C. If the request is for a district change, notices shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing to all owners of property within 350 feet of the �rcel of land included in the request. Failure of a propetty awnex to xeceive notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this chapter. 205.054. SPECIAL USE PERMIT 1. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide the City of Fridley with a reasonable degree of discretion in determining the suitability of certain designated uses upon the genera7. welfare, public health and safety. In making this determination the City may consider the nature of the land upon which the use is to be located, the nature of the ad�oining land or buildings, the effect upon traffic into and from the prenises or on any ad�oining roads, and all such other factors as the City shall reasonably deem a requisite of consideration in determining the effect of such use. 2, Application. Whenever this chapter requires a Special Use Permit, an application in writing must be filed with the City together with such filing fee as may be established by the City Council and shall be accompanied by a site plan or other dociunentation as required by the City. 3. Referral To The Planning Coaimiission. 205.054. SPECIAL USE PERMIT 205-18 The application and related file sha11 be referred to the Planning Conmussion for study concerning the effect of the proposed use on � the Camprehensive Plan and on the character and development of the neighborhood. The Planning Co�unission shall hold an official public hearing within sixty (60) days of the date of filing such petition. 4. Hearing. A notice of public hearing shall be published in the official news�pez at least ten (10) days but not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the hearing. 5. Action By �he Planning Camnission. A. Notices shall be mailed to all owners of property within 200 feet of the �rcel included in the request not less than ten (10) days nor moxe than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing. Failure of a property owner to receive notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this chapter. B. The C�¢nission shall make its recommendation to the City Council within sixty (60) days of the date of heating of the petition to the Planning CoR¢nission or within sixty (60) days of any continuance of such matter granted at the applicant's written request. 6. Coimcil Action. A. Approval: In considering applications for Special Use Permits under this Code, the City Council shall consider the � advice and reco�nendations of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use upon the health, safety and general welfare of occupants of surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions and the effect on values of property in the surrounding area. If it is determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the commimity, nor will cause serious traffic oongestion nor hazard, nor will seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and that the same is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Cocle, the City Council may grant such permit and may impose wnditions and safeguards therein by a favorable vote of a majority of all m�nbers of the Council. B. Agreement: The City Council may require a written agreenent, deposit of certified check or funds, a bond or other assurance of Paitl�ful observance of conditions, the violation of which shall invalidate the permit and shall be considered a violation of this chapter, C. Denial: Special Use Permits may be denied by motion of the Council and such motion shall constitute that conditions xequired for approval do not exist. No application for a S�ecial Use Permit which has been denied wholly or in part, shall be resubmitted for a period of six (6) months from the � date of said order of denial, except on new ground or new evidence or proof of changes of conditions found to be valid by the Planning Camnission. 205.054. 205-19 7. Lapse OE A Special Use Perniit By Non-Use. Whenever within one (1) year after granting a Special ❑se Permit, � the recipient of the Special Use Permit shal.l not have completed the work as required by the petmit, then such permit shall become null and void unless a petition for an extension of time in which to complete the work is granted. Such esctension shall be requested in writing and filed with the City at least twenty (20) days before the expiration of the original Special Use Permit. The request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attenpt to complete the work. Such petition shall be presented to the City Council for final action, 205.055, VARIANCE'S 1. Ap�eals Camnission. The City Coimcil created an Appeals C�unission to sexve as the board of appeals and adjustment, and to exercise all the authority and perform all fimctions of said board pursuant to Minnesota Statute 462.351 to 462.364 and operate according to the Fridley City Cale. 2. Petition By Owner. A. Appeals fro�n Decisions on Code Enforcement: At any time within thirty (30) days, any property owner who feels aggrieved by an alleged error in any order, zequirement, decision or determination made by an administrative officer in the enforcement of this chapter which affects the aaner's property, may appeal to the Appeals Coamnission by filing a written appeal � with the City. The appeal shall fully state the order appealed fram, the facts of the matter and the mailing address of the avner. B. Request for Variances from Zoning Chaptex Provisions: A property owner may appeal the strict application of the provisions of this chapter where there are practical difficulties or particular hardships preventing the s�rict application of the regulations of this chapter. An application fox a variance shall be filed with the City and shall state the exceptional conditions and the peculiar and practical difficulties claimed as a basis for a variance. 3. Rec�ndations By Appeals Camnission. Within thirty (30) days after filing an appeal from an acbninistrative order or determination, or request for variance from City Code provisions the Appeals Commission shall hold a public hearing Yhereon and shall hear such persons as want to be heard. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the date of hearing to the person or persons who file the appeals, and to all ad7acent property owners within a 200 foot distance of the requested variance location. Within a reasonable time, after the heating, the Appeals Commission shall make its reconm�endations or approvals subject to conditions of the Fridley City Code and fonvard a cog3 of such recom¢nendation or approval to � the City Council through the Planning C�tenission. 4. Uariances in I�1 Zoning, �T�[«� 205.055. 205-20 � � � A. In areas zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling District), the �ipeals Crnrnnission has the authority to grant final approval of variances when all of the folla�ring conditions are met: (1) There is unanimous agreanent of the Appeals Conmussion, (2) The staff concurs with the recommendations of the Appeals Co�nission. (3) The general public attending the meeting or responding to the notice of public hearing have no objection. (4) The petitioner is in agreenent with the recomn�endation. B. When the above conditions are not met, the variance request must be reviewed by the Planning Comnission with final approval by the City Co�mcil. 5. Record Of Action Taken. The Appeals Co�nission shall provide for a written record of its proceeclings which shall include the minutes of its meeting, its findings and the reco�idation or approval of each matter heard by it. The finding of fact shall contain the follaaing: A. The public policy which is served by requiranent. B. The practical difficulties or unique circumstance of the propezty that cause undue hardship in the strict application of the requirenent, C. In recommending or approving a variance, the Commission and/or Council may impose conditions to ensure compliance and to protect adjacent properties. 6. Action By The City Council. 79ze Council shall at its next regular meeting, after receiving the reconunendation of the Appeals Commission, with a policy review by the Planning Co�nission, decide on the action to be taken. 7. Lapse Of Variance By Nonuse. If within one (1) year after granting a variance, the recipient of the variance has not commenced the work as permitted by the variance, then the variance shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which to complete the work has been granted by the City Council. Such extension shall be requested in writing and filed with the City at least twenty (20) days before the expirat�.on of the original variance. The request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attanpt to complete the work permitted in the variance. Such petition shall be presented to the appropriate body for review and/or decision. 205,056. BiIIL�DING PIItMITS 1. No construction shall commence until a building permit has been issued indicating that the existing or proposed structure and the use of the land, comply with this chapter and all building codes. A. All applications for building permits which will affect the outside dimensions of a structure, shall be accom�nied by three i� . �. 205.056. 205-21 (3) copies of a site plan. B. If the site consists of land not a p3rt of a subdivision or � land composed of �rtial lots, the site plan shall be attached to a survey or a registered land survey showing the actual dimensions of the lot, lots or parcel to be built upon. The site plan shall also show dimensions of existing and or proposed structures to be erected or structural.ly altered, their location on the site in relation to the outside boundary, the required off-street parking plan, proposed and existinq grades, which - indicate drainage considerations, and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of these regulations. C. Site plans submitted for all uses except one and two family c�wellings shall contain lighting and landscape plans, and all site improvements are to be bonded at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times their esti�ted cost, quaranteed by cash, letter of credit or bond to the City based on the City's discretion, D. The Council may waive the bond requirement, but a performance agreement would then be required from the land aaner. requiring the work to be done within a reasonable time, to be fixed in the agreenent, and if such improvements are not completed within the time specified, the City may construct or complete such improvements and assess the cost against the wmer. � 2. No building peimit will be issued unless sufficient construction plans or written description of construction, grading, excavating and filling as required by the City to assure reasonable structural safety and adequacy of building and finished grades for the proposed use have been submitted and approved. 3. Once consttuction of the foundation has been completed, a certificate of survey shaainq the location of the foundation shall be required, before the fram�.ng of the structure is begun. 4, All institutional, multiple dwelling, co�mnercial and industrial develognents must obtain a parking lot (land alteration) permit before paving may begin on any �rking lot built or added onto, that is not a p�rt of a building permit. A plan for the parking lot shall be submitted to the City for approval. This plan shall show the proposed site. structures, access drives, off-street loading s�ces, screening, lighting, stacking spaces, curbing, drainage. striping. landscaping, pzrking s�ces, existing structures within 100 feet of the site and paving specifications. If the proposed plan meets all City and State requirenents, a land alteration permit shaJ.l be issued. 5, �ery permit issued by the City under the provisions of this wde shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time , aftex the work is com¢nenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recomar�enced, a new permit sha7.1 be first obtained, and 205.056. 205-22 the fee therefor shall be one-half (1/2) the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will � be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. 6. Any permittee holding an une�cpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he may crnmnence work under that permit when he is unable to conmience work within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The building official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee shaaing that circ�unstances beyond the control of the permittee have pr�ented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee. 205.057. CERTIFICATE OF OC(�7PANCY CERTIFICA 1, A certificate of occupancy shall be obtained for all new OF construction stating that all provisions of this chapter and the �P�Y chaptez of the Fridley City Code entitled "Building and Related Permit Fees" are in compliance. 2. A certificate of compliance shall be issued to all existing legal nonconforming and conforming uses which do not have a certificate of occupancy aftet all public health, safety, convenience and qeneral welfaze co�litions of the City Code are in compliance. � 3. No permit or license required by the City of Fridley or other governmental agency shall be issued by any department official or employee of the City of such governmental agency, unless the application for such permit or license is accompanied by proof of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance. 205.058. Violation A Misd�neanor; Pes�a].ty. The aaner of a building or prenises in or upon which a violation of any provisions of this chapter has been conuriitted, or shall exist; or the lessee of the entire building or entire premises in or upon which a violation has been committed or shall exist; or the owner or lessee of any �rt of the building or prenises in or upon which such violation has been coimnitted or shall exist, sha11 be quilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to all penalties provided for such violations under the provision of Chapter 901 of this code each and every day that such violation continues. Any such person who, having been served with an order to ranove any such violation, shall fail to comply with said order to ranove any such violation, within ten �10) days after such service, or shall continue to violate any provisions of the regulations made under authority of this ordinance in the respect named in such order shall be guilty of a misdemeanor � and suh�ect to all penalties provided for such violations under the provisions of Chapter 901 of this Code. Each day that such violation 205.058. 205-23 � continues shall be a separate violation, 205.06. FSTPiSLISAME�TP OF DIS°IIZiGRS For the purpose of this chapter the follaaing districts are hereby established within the City of Fridley: TitlP F�-1 Districts; or One-Family lkaelling Districts. ... i�2 Districts; or Rtao-Family Dwelling Distticts. .,. i�3 Districts; or General Mu].tiple Dwelling Districts. f�4 Districts; or Mobile Ho� Park Districts ..... SFA Develo�anent; or Single Family .�lttached Development . P Districts; or Public Facilities Districts. .... C-1 Districts; or Local Business Districts ...... C-2 Districts; or Genezal Business Distzicts ..... C-3 Districts; or General Shopping Center Districts. . C�1 Districts; or GPneral Office Districts ...... M-1 Districts; or Light Industrial Districts ..... M-2 Districts; or Heavy Industrial Districts ...,. A3D Distzicts; oi Planned Unit Development Districts . S Districts; or Special Districts, . . . . . . , . . S-1 - Hyde Park Neighborhood District. . . . . . . . . . S-2 - Redevelopment District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O- Overlay District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-1 Creek and Rivex Preservation Distxict. ....... o--2 Critical Areas District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .z . � . . . 205.07 . . . 205.08 . . . 205.09 . . . 205,10 . . . 205.11 . . . 205.12 . . . 205.13 . . , 205.14 . . . 205.15 . . . 2D5,16 . . . 205,17 . . . 205,18 . . . 205.19 . . . 205.20 , . . 205.21 . . . 205.22 . . , 205,23 . . . 205.24 . . , 205.25 � Said districts are shown upon the zoning map, as adopted December 29, 1955, and amended up to the date of adoption of this chapter. 5aid map and all notations, referesices and other inf ormation shown thereon, shall be as much a p3rt of this chapter as if the matters and information set forth by said map were all fully described herein. � 205.06. RSTART•ISi�aP OF DI57RICPS 205-24 � 205.07. 1�1 aIVE-FAMII,Y DWII�LII4G DIS'II2ICT RDC�ILF,TIONS 205,071. USFS PERMITTID 1, Principal Uses. The follaaing are principal uses in R-1 Districts: A. One-family dwellings. B, Single family attached developnient as per conditions under Section 205.11 of this Code. 2, Accessory Uses. A. The total floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 1,400 square feet. B, P.ny second accessoxy buildings in excess of 240 square feet sha11 require a Special Use Permit. C. The maximtun height for all accessory buildings shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet above grade. D. The follaaing are accessory uses in R-1 Districts: (1) A private garage is the first accessory building. It shall not exceed 100� of the first floor area of the dwelling unit or a maxim�un of 1,000 square feet. (2� Privately awned recreational facilities which are for � the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the princi�l use and their guests. (3) Hosne occupations. � (4) The rental of guest rooms to not more than two (2) persons per dwelling unit. (5) Solar energy devices as an integral part of the principal sttucture. 3, Uses Permitted With A Special Use Permit. The follaaing are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in R-1 Districts: A. Accessory buildings other than the first accessory building, over 24� squaxe feet. B. Churches and private schools. C. Private nonprofit golf courses, country clubs, yacht clubs, tennis courts, swumning pools and additional recreational uses. riot an accessory use to the princi�l uses. D. Utility companies having transformers, pumping stations and sub-stations subject to the follaving minimwn requirements: (1) There must be conformity with the surrounding neighborhood with respect to setbacks, open spaces and architectural design. (2) It must be screened. 205,071, . � �. ; yr, • • a�• a�� 205-25 L� � � (3) It must not have any regular enplayees. (4) The equipment must be completely enclosed in a structure. E, Automobile �rking lots for off-street parking spaces for any use on adjacent land, when the following minimum requiranents have been met: (1) The minimum front yard setback is thirty-five (35) feet, except where adjacent property has existing front yard setbacks exceeding thirty-five (35) feet; additional front yard depth may be required. A side yard and rear yard minim�nn setback of ten (10) feet is required. (2) Proper screening, which includes a planting strip, fence or wall shall be provided on the property. This must be substantial enough to create a physical separation between the parking lot and the adjoining properties involved and considered acceptable to the City. F. Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, convalescent homes and homes for the eldesly. G. Private radio or television antennas exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet above the dwelling roof. H. Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet above t1�e dwelling roof. I. Solar ener� devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. J. Exterior storage of materials. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses other than principal uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building. �rking, landscaping, screening, etc., shall be at least comp3rable to similar uses in othex districts, but also subject to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205.072, USPS EXCLUDID Any use allowed or excluded in any other distzict unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in R-1 Districts. i i • • a• r a ia� � u �: �.�� 1, Lot Area. A minimtun lot area of 9,000 square feet is required for a onrfamily dwelling unit, except: A, Where a lot is without City sanitary sewer, the minimum required lot atea is 18,000 square feet. B. Where a lot is one on a subdivision or plat recorded before Decembet 29, 1955. the minimtun required lot area is 7,500 square feet. C. As allowed under Special District Regulations or Planned 205.073. 1�1 Districi USFS �CI,UDID • � a• r a i� u •M 205-26 Unit Development District Regulations, 2. Lot Width. � The width of a lot shall not be less than seventy-five (75) feet at the required setback, except: A. On a subdivision or plat recorded before December 29, 1955, the miniminn width of a lot is fifty (50) feet. B. If lot splits are permitted with the lot width less than the required seventy-five (75) feet, the lot must still meet the most restrictive lot requirenents and setbacks; except for the lot area and lot width. C. As allaaed under Special District Regulations or Planned Development District Regulations. 3. Lot Coverage. Not more than twenty-five percent (25$) of the area of a lot shall be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings. 4. Setbacks. A. Front Yard: A front yard with a depth of not less than thirty-five (35) feet is required, except as noted in Section 205.044, #7. B. Side Yard: (1) A side yard of ten (10) feet is required between any 1 living area and side property lines, (2) A side yard of five (5) feet is required between an attached accessory building or use and side property lines. (3) Corner Lots: (a) The side yard width on a street side of a corner lot shall not be less than seventeen and one-half (17.5) feet, (b) When the lot to the rear has frontage along a side street, no accessory building on a corner lot within twent�-five (25) feet of the common property line shall be closer to said side street than thirty (30) feet; provided however, that this regulation shall not be interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than twenty-five (25) feet. (c) Any attached or unattached accessory building which opens on the side street, shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet from the property line of a side street. C. Rear Yard: (1) A rear yard wit,h a depth of not less than twenty-five percent (25�) of the lot depth is required with not less than twenty-five (25) feet permitted or more than forty (40) � feet required for the main building. 205.073. �1 D15ti1� 205-27 � � � (2) Detached accessory buildings may be built not less than three (3) feet from any lot line in the rear yard not adjacent to a street. D. Double Frontage: (1) The building lines will prevail in lieu of rear yard requiranents. (2) The setback for garages and accessory buildings in the rear yard will be the same as for a front yard. 205.074. BUII,DING RDQiJTR��'•G 1. Height. No building shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, enlarged, or moved so as to exeeed the building height lunit of thirty (30) feet from finished grade level. 2. Minimim Floor Area. A. For lots having a 9,000 square foot lot area and a seventy-five �75) foot lot width, and foz lots resulting from lot splits having less than 9,000 square feet and/or less than the seventy-five (75) foot lot width, the minimum gross floor area of a single family dwelling shall not be less than 1,020 square feet of finished floor area per dwelling unit, provided that: (1) A one (1) level onrfamily dwelling unit of three (3) bedroans or less shall have a minimiun of 1,020 square feet of living area. (2) A one-family dwelling unit consisting of two (2) full levels above grade shall have a minim�nn of 1,020 square feet of first floor area, at least 768 square feet of which shall be living area and the dwelling shall have a garage attached thereto having a floor area not less than 396 square feet, (3) A one-family dwelling unit of a split level design of three (3� bedrooms or less shall have a minimum of 1,020 square feet of living area in the upper two levels. (4) A two (2) level dwelling imit of the split entry design of three (3) bedrooms or less shall have a minimum of 768 square feet of gross floor area in each level provided: (a) The dwelling shall have a garage attached thereto having a floor area not less than 396 square feet. (b) The finished floor level of the upper level is not more than six (6) feet above grade. (5) A two (2) level dwelling unit having the upper level situated wholly or �zrtly �n the roof sp3ce provided: (a) The gross floor area of the first level above grade shall be not less than 864 square feet. (b) Each bedroam located in the upper level shall have a minimnn of 120 square feet of floor area. 205.074. 1�1 Districi : � � : 8.� 1• 3 171 205-28 (c) The dwelling shall have a garage attached thereto having a floor area not less than 396 square feet. � B. For lots less than 9,000 square feet, the dwelling shall have a first flooi azea of not less than 768 square feet exclusive of accessoty buildings or an attached garage. � II l _: 3, Basenuent. All one--family dwellings constructed on vacant lots, as of January 1, 1983 shall have a basement, 205.075, PARKING RDQUm�� 1. Gehecal Ptovisions. A. A minimum of two (2) off-street parking stalls shall be provided for each dwelling unit. B. The required parking stalls shall not be located in any portion of the required front yard except on a driveway or harc7surfaced parking s�ce approved by the City. C. All driveways and parking stalls shall be set back three (3) feet from any property line except as aqreed to by adjacent property aaners. 2. Garage Requirenents. A. All lots having a mvumtnn lot area of 9,000 square feet or resulting from a lot split shall have a double garage. B. All lots having a lot area less than 4,000 square feet and greater than 7.500 square feet shall have a single garage. C. The above requiranents shall satisfy the off-street parking stall requiranent. r� � . ��� •• � « v� u�•� 1. Parking Requiremnts. A. Existing Facilities: (1} At least one (1) off-street parking stall shall be ptovided for each chaelling unit. (2) The required parking stall shall not be located in any portion of the required front yard, except on a driveway or hazdsurfaced parking space approved by the City, and set back a minimum of three (3) feet from the side property line, except as agreed to by adjacent property aaners. (3) A garage shall satisfy the off-street parking stall requiranent. B, All driveways and parkinq stalls shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete ot other hard surface material approved by the City. 2. FSitexiot Storage. A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard, 205.076. Z�1 Distr:� • a� r a i� .'1�K �I�:: �.0 205-29 205.076. F�l Distr9 B. All �terials shall be kept in a building or shall be f ully screened, so as not to be visible from any public right of way � e�ept for stacked firewood, boats, and trailers placed in the side yard. C. The City shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials, except for B above. 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 4, Drainage and Grade Requir�er►ts. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The follaaing minimiun criteria shall apply: A. '[R�e minim�m+ elevation of finished grade shall not be less than one-fourth (1/4) i.nch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. B. The City may specify a mi.nimtmi finished ground grade for any structure in order to allaa propex dxainage and a minimwn top of footing elevation to allaa for connection to City utilities. 5. Iandscaping. The following shall be minim�nn criteria for landscaping: ' A. Sodding and landscaping shall extend across the entire front yard and side yards, including the boulevard. B. All open areas of any site, except for areas used for g3rking, driveways or storage, shall be sodded, seeded or have vegetative wver. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping. D. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly mviner free of litter and junk. 6. Maintenance, It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: A. �ery e�cterior wa11, foundation and roof of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentproof and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and xepair. E�erior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster. stucco, brick, wood or other material that is extensive and gives evidence of long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without limiting the generality of this section, � a protective surface of a building shall be deened to be out of repair if: 205-30 205.076. R-1 Districl (1) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is � blistered, ctacked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. Ebery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other e�cterior developments shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a premises shall be properly maintained, groomed and cared for by the abutting property awner. 7, Essential Services. A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. � � 205-31 � � � 205.08 1�2 7W0-FAM7LY DWELLING DIS`Il2IGT 205.081 USFS PERMI7.TID 1• PC171C].� US2S. �e follaaing are principal uses in R-2 Districts: A. 'itao-family chaellings. B. Onrfamily dwellings. C. Single family attached develolanent as per conditions under Section 205.11 of this Code. 2. Accessory Uses. A. Only two (2} accessory buildings allaaed per dwelling unit. B. The total flooz area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 1400 square feet. C. Any second accessory building in excess of 240 square feet shall require a Special Use Permit. D. The follaving are accessory uses in R-2 Distrists: (1) A private garage is the first accessory building. It shall not exceed 100� of the first floor area of the dwelling unit or a maximwn of 1,000 square feet. (2) Privately awned recreational facilities which are for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the princi�l use and their guests. (3) Home occupations, (4) The rental of guest rooms to not more than two (2) persons per dwelling unit. (5) Solar energy devices as an integral part of the princigsl structure, 3, Uses Permitted With A S�ecial Use Permit, The follaaing are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in R-2 Districts: A. Accessory buildings, other than the first accessory building. over 240 square feet. B. Churches and pxivate schools. C. Private nonprofit golf courses, country clubs, yacht clubs, tennis courts, swu�rtning pools and additional recreational uses, not an accessory use to the principal uses. D. Utility comp�nies having trattsfoxmers, pumping stations and substations subject to the follaaing minimiun requirenents: (1) There must be confotmity with the surrounding neighborhood with respect to setbacks, open spaces and architectural design. 205.081. R-2 Distri� I�-2 DIS'82ICT RFY�Tf.ATTQj�]$ ' 7i. �. M4�� 205-32 � � LJ �2) (3) It must be screened. It must not have any regular employees. (4) The equipment must be completely enclosed in a structure. E. Autamobile p�rking lots for off-street parkinq spaces for any use on adjacent land, when the following minimum requirenents have been met: (1) The minimum front yard setback is thirty-five (35) feet, except where adjacent property has existinq front yard setbacks exceeding thirty-five (35) feet; additional front yard depth may be xequired. A side yard and rear yard minimiun setback of ten (10) feet is required. (2) Proper screening� which includes a planting strip. fence or wall shall be provided on the propexty. This must be substantial enough to create a physical separation between the parking lot and the ad7oining properties involved and considered acceptable to the City. F. Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, convalescent homes and homes for the elderly, G. Private radio or television antennas exceeding a height of twenty (20) £eet above the dwelling roof. H, Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet above the dwelling roof. I. Solar energy devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. J. E�erior storage of materials. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than princi�l uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building, parking, landscaping, screening, etc. shall be at least comp3rable to similar uses in othet districts, but also sub�ect to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205.082 USFS �CLUDID Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in I�2 Districts. 205.083 IAT RDQO� ADID SE'�ACKS All requirements of this section are for two-family dwellings. One-family dwellings in this district shall be subject to the R-1 District regulations. 1. Lot Area. A minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet is required for a two-family dwelling unit. 2, Lot Width. 205.083. R-2 Distri � � « � a�� • • a• r a i� • n �•�M 205-33 The width of a lot shall not be less than seventy-five (75) feet at the required setback. � 3, i,ot Coverage. Not more than thirty percent (308) of the area of a lot shall be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings. � � 4, Setbacks. A, Front Yard: A front yatd with a depth of not less than thirt�five (35) feet is required, except as noted in Section 205.044, #7. B. Side Yard: (1) A side yard of �en (10) feet is required between any living area and side property lines. (2) A side yazd of five (5) feet is required between an attached accessory building or use and side property line. (3) Corner Lots: (a) The side yard width on a stxeet side of a corner lot shall be not less than seventeen and one-half (17.5) feet, (b) When the lot to the rear has £rontage along a side street, no accessory building on a corner lot, within twenty-five (25) feet of the common property line, shall be closer to said side street than thirty (30) feet; provided, however. that this regulation shall not be so interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than twent�five (25) feet, (c) Any attached or unattached accessory building which opens on the side street, shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet ftom the propexty line of a side street. C. Rear Yard: (1) A rear yard with a depth of not less than twenty-five percent (25�) of the lot depth is tequired with not less than twenty-five (25) feet permitted or more than forty (40) feet required for the main building. (2) Detached accessory buildings may be built not less than three (3) feet from any lot line in the rear yard not adjacent to a street. D. Double Frontage: (1) The building lines will prevail in lieu of rear yard requirenents. (2) The setback for garages and accessory buildings in the rear yard will be the same as for a front yard. f�d�l.'1f�F:L :. � � �. ; a�. r a�i:��t►.� 1. Height, 205,084. 1�2 D1Str� �- r � � G?,� r a ia� 205-34 � � � No building shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, enlarged or moved, so as to exceed the building height limit of thirty (30) feet. 2� Minimtan FZOOL Area. In a two-family dwelling, the minimwn total floor area shall be 1400 square feet, the minimwn living azea of any dwelling unit shall be 650 square feet, and in no case shall the first floor area be less than 768 square feet. i �• •�� rs i� ti L General Provisions. A. At least two (2} off-street parking stalls shall be provided for each dwelling unit. B. The required parking stalls shall not be located in any portion of the required front yard, except on a driveway or hardsurfaced parking s�ce approved by the City. C. All driveways and parking stalls shall be set back three (3) feet frmn any property line except as agreed to by adjacent property owners. 2. Garage Requirenents. A. A two stall garage is required for each dwelling unit. B. This garage shall satisfy the off-street parkinq stall requirenent. 205.086 PERE'ORMAN(� S'fADIDARDS 1, Parking Requiranents. A. Existing Facilities: (1) At least two (2) off-street parking stalls shall be provided for each dwelling unit. (2) No parking stalls shall be located in any portion of the required front yard� except on a driveway or hardsurfaced parking space approved by the City, and set back a muiimian of three (3} feet from the side property line except as agreed to by adjacent property awners. (3) An existing one and one-half (1-1/2) stall garage for each dwelling unit shall satisfy the off-street parking stall requirenent. B. All driveways and parking stalls shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete or other hard surface material approved by the City. 2, Exterior Storage. A, Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard. B. All materials shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any public right of way except for stacked firewood, boats and trailers placed in the 205.086. R-2 Ulstric • a� r a i� � .�. �. . M '1� :�US:�.y 205-35 L� � � side yard. C, The City shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials, e�ccept for B above. 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse or garbage shal.l be contained in closed containers as required undex the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 4, Drai.nage And Grade Requireoents. A finished gtound grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The follaaing m�.nimiun criteria shall apply: A, The minimwn elevation of finished grade shall not be less than onrfourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. B. The City may specify a minimwn finished ground grade for any structure in order to allav proper drainage and a minimiun top of footing elevation to allow for connection to City utilities. 5. Iarbdscaping. The follaaing shall be minimim criteria for landscaping: A. Sodding and landscaping shall extend across the entire front yard and side yards, including the boulevard. B. All open areas of any site, except for areas used for parking, driveways or storage, shall be sodded, seeded or have vegetative cover. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping, D. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly �intained in an orderly mariner free of litter or �unk. 6. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: A, �ery exteriot wall, foundation and roof of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentproof and shall 6e kept in a good state of maintenance and repair. Exterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears oi bxeaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that gives evidence of long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be deaned to be out of repair if: (1) More than twent�five percent (25$) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is 205.086. R-2 Dietri_ 205-36 205.086. R-2 Distri� blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�j of the pointing of � any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. E�ery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior developments shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept oondition. D. The boulevatd area of a premises shall be properly maintained� groomed and cared for by the abutting property owner. 7. Essential Services. A, Cauiection is required on each lot setved by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. ' � 205-37 205.09. F�3 GIIVERAi. MULTIPLE DWEf�IIJG DIS�2IGT 205.091. 1�3 DI5�2ICT � ICl'AaULLT1IVLVJ 205.091 USFS PERMITTID USES PERMITTID 1. Princi�xl Uses. The follaaing are princi�l uses in R-3 Districts; A. Multiple dwellings and multiple dwelling complexes including rental and condomini�nn apartrnents. B. Single fami].y attached development as per conditions under Section 205.11 of this Code. C. 7tao-family dwellings. D. One-family dwellings. 2. Accessory Uses. The follaaing are accessory uses in R-3 Districts. A. Parking areas and garage structures of adequate size to handle the required parking for the principal use. The parking requirenents shall be satisfied by the combination of garage and unenclosed s�ces. B. Maintenance, management or xecreation buildings incidental to the development. C. Privately aaned recreational facilities including swimming pools and tennis courts, intended solely for the en�oyment and � convenience of the residents of the principal use and their guests. D, Accessory uses for tenants provided they are intended only for the residents of the princi�l use and their guests and have no advertising or display visible from the outside of the building. Not more than ten percent (10�) of the gross floor area of a structure may be devoted to these accessory uses. E. Solar ener� devices as an integral part of the principal structure. 3. Uses Permitted With A Special Use Peimit. The follaainq are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in R-3 Districts: A. Churches, child nurseries, nursery schools and private schools. B. Private, nonprofit golf courses, country clubs, yacht clubs, tennis courts, swinmung pools and additional recreational uses not an accessory use to the princi�l uses. G Utility campanies having transformers, pumping stations and substations must conform with the surrounding neighborhood with respect to setbacks, open s�ces and architectural design and must be screened. D, Autamobile p�rking lots for off-street parking spaces for � any use on ad�acent land. when the following minimum xequiranents have been met: 205-38 (1) The minimum front yard setback is thirty-five (35) feet, except where adjacent property has existing front yard ' setbacks exceeding thirty-five (35) feet; additional front yard depth may be required. A side yard and rear yard minim�un setback of ten (10) feet is required. {2) Proper screening, which includes a planting strip, fence or wall shall be provided on the property. The screening must be substantial enough to create a physical separation between the parking lot and the adjoining properties involved. E. Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, convalescent homes and hames for the elderly. F. Hi-rise apartrnents, prwi�d the following conditions are met, plus any additional requirements the City Council shall consider reasonably necessary: (1) A minimtun lot area of one and one-half (1-1/2) acres. (2) Landscaping a minimtmi of twenty-f ive percent (25�) of the property. (3) A maxim�sn lot coverage of thirty percent (30°s). (4) Adequate p�rking facilities. {5) The miniminn building setta3ck shall be fifty (50) feet from any property line, (6) A minimtun height of seven (7) stories. � G. Hotels and Motels, H, Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet above the dwelling roof. I. Solar energy devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. � J. Extexior storage of materials. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than princi�l uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks� building, parking, landscaping, screening, etc. shall be at least comparable to similar uses in other districts, but also subject to additional provisions as prwicled by the City. 205.092. USFS EXCLUDID Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed undex Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in R-3 Districts. � �• • •a• rai� � u :�«� Lot requir�nents of this section are for three (3) or more dwelling units, 7tao-family dwellings in this district shall be sub�ect to the R-2 District regulations and one-family dwellings shall be sub7ect to the I�1 District regulations, 1. Lot Area. A. A lot area of not less than 10,000 square feet is required 205.093. I�3 District USFS EXCLUDID • � o-• r � i� u �« 205-39 for a three family dwelling. B. A minimtmi lot area of 15,000 square feet is required for a � four (4) family dwelling with an additional 1,000 square feet for each �it over fout �4) . C. The average lot area required per dwellinq unit shall not be less than 25,000 square feet per unit for the first three stories with an additional 950 square feet per unit from the fourth through sixth stories. D. For each underground parking stall, 300 square feet may be deducted from the minimLUn lot area requirenent. 2. Lot Width. A. A minim�nn lot width of seventy-five (75) feet is required for a three (3) family dwelling, B. A m�.nimiun lot width of eighty-five (85) feet is required for a multiple dwelling of four (4) or more units. 3. Lot Coverage. Not more than twenty percent (20$) of the lot area shall be covered by the main building and not more than thirty percent (30�) of the lot area shall be covered by the main buildiny and all accessory buildings. 4. Setbacks. A. Front Yard: A front yard with a depth of not less than thirty-five (35) feet � is required for all structures. B. Side Yard: (1) 7.tao (2) side yards are required, each with a width of not less than fifteen (15) feet, except where the height of the building exceeds thirty-five (35) feet, one (1) additional foot of width on each side yara is requirec3 for each four (4) feet, or portion thereof, of building height in excess of thirty-five (35) feet, (2) Where a driveway is to be provided in the side yard, the minim�n required side yard is twenty-five (25) feet. (3) Where a side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, the side yard requirenent is a minimtun of thirty-five (35) feet. (3) Where a side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, the side yazd requirenent is a minimlun of thrity-five (35) feet. (4) Aocessory buildings shall be set back a m�.nim�nn of five (5) feet from any property line in the side and rear yards not adjacent to a street right-of-way. Those structures ad�acent to street right-of-way shall be set back thirty-five (35) feet. C. Rear Yard: A rear yard with a depth of not less than twenty-five percent (25�) of the lot depth is required, with not less than � twenty-five (25) feet permitted or more than forty (40) feet required for a multiple dwelling building, and not less than thirty (30) feet permitted or more than seventy-five (75) feet 205.093. R-3 District 205-40 � � � required for any other kind of (1) additional foot of depth for two (2) feet or portion thereof thirty-five (35) feet. r� i•- �. •�• ra i� 1. Height. �in building, provided that one rear yard is required for each of building height in excess of A�imian of six (6) stoiies, but not exceeding sixty-five (65) feet, provided that no building shall be erected to a height exceeding forty-five (45) feet within fifty (50) feet of any R-1 or I�2 District, without one (1) additional foot of space between the matn building and the R-1 and R-2 District for each one (1) foot or portion of building height over forty-five (45) feet. 2. Extesior Materials. The type of building materials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specifically designed precast concrete, factory fabticated and f�mshed metal frame �neling, glass or other materials approved by the City. 3. Storage Sp3ce. Forty (40) square feet of floor area, floor to ceiling, shall be provided per dwelling unit for storage. A minimum of twenty (20) square feet of storage shall be provided in the dwelling exclusive of the dwelling unit. The renaining required storage area may be located anywhere on the lot (as herekry defined herein) provided this area is convenient and not located or included in the storage space within each individual dwelling unit, The storaye space for each dwelling unit shall be enclosed and separated from other storage s�ces. Laimdty Facilities. One (1) washer and one (1) dryer will be required in structures containing 4 units. Ztao (2) washers and two (2) dryers will be required in structures containing five (5) to twelve (12) units. One (1) washer and one (1) dryer will be required for each eight (8) units or fractions thereof in structures containing thirteen (13) to 100 units. One (1) washer and one (1) dryer will be required for each additional ten (10) units or fraction thereof in those structures containing over 100 units. 5. Floor Areas. A. An efficiency apartment is a dwelling unit which contains not less than 400 square feet or more than 525 square feet of flooz area in a mtil.tiple dwelling in which there may or may not be a sep3rate bedroom. In any one (1) structure containing four (4) dwelling units or more, not more than twenty-five percent (25�) of the units shall be efficiency units, B. Except for efficiency apartments, each single bedroom dwelling unit shall contain not less than 525 square feet in total floor area and not less than 650 square feet in total floor area for two (2) bedrooms, For units containing more than two (2) bedrooms, the total floor area is increased not less than 125 square feet more for each additional bedroan. Further, 205.094. F�3 District �� • �• r a ia� 205-41 no room therein designated as a bedroom or actually used for regular sleeping purposes shall contain less than eighty (BO) � square feet of floor azea exclusive of walls and g3rtitions. 6. Living Space. The dwelling structure site and each dwelling unit therein is desicpied to provide adequate and healthful residential living space to its occupants. Each imit therein shall be designed to provide living s�ce accommodations of not less than 200 square feet of floor area for each adult and 125 square feet of floor area for each minor in the unit. � � 205.095. PP,RKING RDQO��� 1. Reduction of Parking. When shown by the applicant that the provisions of space required for parking stalls due to the �rticular nature of the proposed use or other considerations would be an unnecessary hardship, reduction of g�rk�.ng stalls would be allowed provided that adequ�te open s�ce is provided to meet the total number of required stalls. 2. A�itional Parking. When the provisions for parking sg3ce required fox specific district uses is inadequate, the City may require additional off-street g�rking to be provided. 3. Parking Ratio. A. At least one and one-half (1-1/2) spaces per one (1) bedro�n unit, plus one-half (1/2) space for each additional bedroom unit, plus one-half (1/2) space fox each additional bedroom per dwelling unit. B. At least one (1) off-street parking s�ce shall be provided for each lodging room of a hotel or motel, plus one (1) additional sg�ce for each four (4) units of a hotel or motel complex. C. Handicap parking sg3ces will be provided as established in Table 55A of the State Building Code, 4. Design Requirenents. A. Drainage. All driveways and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles, shall be graded according to a drainage plan which has been approved by the City. B. Lighting. Any lighting used to ill�uninate an off-street �rking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light away from ad�oining property and traffic. C. Curbing. The entire perimeter of all �rking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading spaces or other hard surface areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb. (1) Curbing shall be required around safety islands. 205.095, P.-3 nistrict • �• r a i� • 205-42 (2) Curb cuts and ramps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law. � (3) Constxuction shall be in accordance with curbing specifications on file at the City. (4) The City may exempt curbing: (a) Where the �rking lot directly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the grade of the parking lot and satisfies the curbing requirenents. (b) Where the City has approved future expansion. D. Driveway Requir�nents. (1) A maximtmi driveway width of thirty-two (32) Peet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii, can be constructed. (2) The parking aisle shall be a minimur.: of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and eighteen (18) feet in width for one-way traffic. (3) The edge of the curb opening shall not be closex to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet, or two-thirds (2/3) of the lot width, whichever is smaller. (4) Where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located opposite the end of the intercepted street. � (5) The minimtun clrive�aay angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. E, All g3rking and hard surfaced areas shall be: (1) No closer than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-way. (2) No closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line, except for a common drive. (3j No closer than five (5) feet from any rear lot line unless ad�acent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to fifteen (15) feet. (4) No closer than five (5) feet from any buildinq. (5} Curbed with minimum driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. F. Off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles concerned with any use on the lot. G. AI1 g3rking facilities of fifty (50) spaces or more shall be subject to interior landscape improvements as approved by the City. H. Parking lots with more than four (4) parking stalls shall be striped. � I. Sufficient concrete areas may be required for motorcycle �rkinq in addition to the required vehicle �rking stalls. 205.095. I�3 District 205-43 � �� � J. Bike racks may be required in an area that is convenient to each ma�or building entrance and will not disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes. K. Safety sic,pis, markings and traffic control devices may be required to pramote vehicular and pedestrian safety. r� �•. � n •a• ra i� 1. The minimLUn landscaped area for all multiple family dwellings shall be thirty-five percent (35�) of the total site. 2. P11 open areas of any site, except for areas used for parking, driveways or storage, shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 3. The landscape plan shall be submitted for approval by the City, and indicate the location, size and species, and method and quantity of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction. 4. Underground lawn sprinkling systems shall be provided to maintain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and side yard areas. 205.097. Cyv:1�i��:`e7�Z`] 1. Parking Requirenents. Existing Facilities: A, Off-street parking facilities shall be no closer than twenty (20) feet frwn any street riqht-of-way, B. All driveways, parking areas and loading docks shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete or other hard surface material approved by the City. 2. Exterior Storage. A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard. B. All materials shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way. C. The City shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials. 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the Chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 4. Screeni.ng. A. Screening shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less than six (6) feet high in the side and rear yards and a maximum of four {4) feet high in the front yard, and shall not extend to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also be required in addition to, or in lieu of, fencing. The type, size and locatton of such plantings must be 205.097. 1�3 District � n • a• r a i� . ��..� 205-44 205.097. R-3 D�strict a�roved by the City. B. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines of � sight at street corners and driveways. C. The screening requiranents shall be satisfied by the use of a screening fence or planting screen according to the following standards: (1) A screening f�nce shall be attractive and compatible with the princip3l build�.ng and the surrounding land use. ,(2) A planting screen shall consist of a closely grown hedge, a row of trees, evergreens or other vegetation approved by the City, (3) If the topography, natural growth of vegetation, permanent buildings or other batriers meet the standards for screPning as approved by the City, they may be substituted for all or g�rt of the screening fence or planting screen. D. Screening of off-street parking shall be required for: (1) Arty off-street parking area requiring more than four (4) spaces or adjoining an R-1 or R-2 District. (2) Any driveway to a parking area of four (4) or more s�ces is within thirty (30) feet of an adjoining R-1 or R-2 District. (3) Any g�rking facility between the building and frontage street must be screened from the street by a hedge, solid � fence or closely grown planting strip, at least thirty-six {36) inches in height, E. All refuse and gar6age storage receptacles and loading docks must be located in the rear or side yard and be totally screened from view from any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screening from vehicle dvnage. F. Where any multiple dwelling district is adjacent to any other residential district, there shall be a minimun fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to provide for a physical separation. G. All roof equipment, except alternate energy devices, must be screened from public view unless the equipment is designed as an inteqral part of the building and is com�xitible with the lines of the building, 5. Drainage and Grade Requira�nts. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natvral drainage away from all buildi.ngs is provided. The following minimiun criteria shall apply: A. The minimtun elevation of finished grade shall not be less than one-fourth {1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. B. The City may specify a min�.mtun fuiished ground grade for any � structure in order to allaa proper drainage and a minimum top of footing elevation to allaa for connection to City utilities. 205-45 6. I�aridscaping. The follaaing shall be minimwn criteria for landscaping: � A. Sodding and landscaping shall extend across the ent�re front yard and side yards, Including the boulevard. B. All open areas of any site, except areas used for parking, drivc�vays� or storage shall have ground cover and be landscaped with trees, shrubs, berms, and other landscaping materials. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping. D. It shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all required landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. E. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly manner free of litter and �unk. 7. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: A. Et�ery exterior wall, foundation and toof of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentproof� and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and repair. Exterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that gives evidence of long neglect, � B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without limiting the gPnerality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be deened to be out of repair if: (1) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. �ery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, and landscaping and other exterior development shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a premises shall be properly maintained, groomed and cared for by the abutting property aaner. 8. Essential Services. A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by City water line. , 205.097. 1�-3 District 205-46 � � � 205.10 I�4 MOBILE AOME PP,RR DIS7YtICP RF]GCILATIONS 205,101 USFS PERMITTID 1. Princi�7. Uses. The follaaing is a princi�l use in R-4 Districts: f4obile hame p3rk developments 2. Accessoxy Uses. The follaaing are accessory uses in E�4 Districts: A. Parking facilities B. Individual storage buildings, with a maximum of 150 square feet per lot. C. Private recreational facilities or a central building which includes swimming pools, tennis courts, laundry facilities, etc., intended solely for the use and en�oyment of the residents of the princi�]. use and their guests. D. Home occupations. 3. Uses Pexmttted With A Special Use Permit. The follavinq are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in R-4 Dlstricts: A. Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet above the dwelling roof. B. Solar ener� devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. C. E�sterior storage of materials. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses other than principal uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building, parking, landscapinq, screeranq, etc. , shall be at least comp�rable to similar uses in other districts, but also sub�xt to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205.103. R-4 DI57RICP RDGULATIONS USFS PERMIZTID 205.102 USFS EXCLIIDID Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless USES specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are ��'�ID excluded in R-4 Districts. f�Z�l.'1fi�k �� :a�� ea�ia��ar. :�n a��:_.M� 1. Lot Area. A. Each dwelling site in a mobile home park shall have a minimtnn of 3,500 square feet, B, Each mobile home park shall have a minimum of ten percent (10�) of the �otal land atea to be used for open space recreation areas. 2. Lot Coverage. � • a• r � i� � I� M 205-97 � � � Not more than thirty percent {30�) of total area used for the mobile hame �rk shall be covered l� all units and accessory structures. 3. Setbacks. No mobile home shall be placed any closer to a public street right of-way than thirty-five (35) feet nor any closer to any other district than fifteen (15) feet. � i� • � •�• ra i� 1. Stall Provisions. 7kao (2) off-street parking sp3ces shall be provided for each unit unless the private access roads are surfaced to a thirty-six (36) foot m�nimtmi width. 2. Curbing And Drainage. All interior streets shall have concrete curbs and the road surface constructed according to City standards to handle drainage according to a City approved drainage plan. 2os.ios r�,rmsc�E �u��+� 1. As of February 1, 1983, the minimum landscaped area for a11 mobile hmne dwellings shall be thirty-five percent (35%) of the total site. 2. A11 open axeas of any site, except fox areas used fox parking, driveways or storage shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 3. The landscape plan shall be submitted for approval by the City, and indicate the location, si2e and 5pecies, and method and guantity of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction. 205.106 PII2F'ORMANCE STPd�1RDS 1. Parking Requirenents. All drive�aays and parking stalls shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete or other hard surPace iaaterial approved by the City. 2. Exterior Storage, A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard. B. All materials shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any public ri9ht-of-way. C. The City shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials. 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Ca3e. 4. Screening. 205.106. 1�4 District r �• r y i� ' I�ti • a• r y ia� .�. �.', « • u� � 205-48 A. Screeninq shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less than sxx (6) feet high in the side and rear yards and a maximum � of four (4) feet high in the front yard, and shall not extend to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also be tequired in addition to, or in lieu of, fencing. The type, size and location of such plantinqs must be approved by the City. B. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines of sight at street corners and driveways. C. The screening requirenents shall be satisfied by the use of a screening fence or plantinq screen according to the following standards: (1) A screening fence shall be attractive and compatible with the principal building and the surrounding land use. (2) A planting screen shall consist of a closely grown hedge, a row of trees, evergreens or ather vegetation approved by the City. (3) If the topography, natural growth of vegetation, permanent buildings or other barriers icieet the standards for screening as approved by the City, they may be substituted for all or psrt of the screening fence or planting screen. D. Screesiing of off-street parking shall be required for: (1) Any off-street p�rking area requiring more than four (4) spaces or adjoining an I�1 or R-2 District. � (2) Any driveway to a parking area of four (4} or more spaces is within thixty (36) feet of an ad�oimng R-1 ox I�2 District, (3) Any g=zrking facility between the builciing and frontage street must be screened from the street by a hedge, solid fence or closely grown planting strip, at least thirty-six (36) inches in height. E. All refuse or garbage storage reoeptacles and loading docks must be located in the rear or side yard, and be totally screened from view fram any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screenzng from vehicle damage. F, Where any mobile home park district is ad�acent to any other residential district, there shall be a minimwn fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to prwide for a physical separation. G. All roof equipment, except alternate energy devices, must be screened from public view unless the equipment is designed as an integral part of the building and is com�tible with the lines of the building, 5. Drainage And Gxade Requiranents. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The follaaing minimum � criteria shall apply: A. The minim�un elevation of a finished grade shall not be less 205.106. F�4 District 205-49 than one-fourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. � B. The City may specify a minimiun finished ground grade for any structures in order to allaa proper drainage and connection to City utilities. 6. Landscaping. The follaaing shall be m�nimiun criteria for landscaping: A. Sodding and landscaping shall extend across the entire front yard and side yards, including the boulevard. B. All other open areas of any site, except areas used for parking, driveways or storage, shall have ground cover and be landscaped with trees, shrubs, berms, and other landscape materials. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for matntenance of landscaping. D. It shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all required landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. E. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly mamier free of litter and �unk. 7. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: � A. Every exterior wall, foundation and roof of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentproof and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and xepair. Exterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that give evidence of long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be deened to be out of repair if: (1) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or �2} More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. Et�ery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior development shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a premises shall be properly � maintained, groomed and cared for by the abutting property aaner. 205.106. R-4 District 205-50 8. Essential Services. A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary � sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. � , 205.106. R-4 District 205-51 � � � 205.11 SIIVQ�E FAMILY A`�'�'� DEVEfAPME�Fr RDGULATIONS PNE 1. This section only applies to a development of five (5) ox more acres. 2. The purpose of this section is to provide for and encourage advances in housinq design� changes in types of dwellings, more flexibility in layout and site planning, and the more efficient use of land, open s�ce and public facilities. 205,111 PROCIDIIRE FOR SINGLE FAMII,Y ATTACHID DEVIIAPt�,TFP APPROVAL 1. The awner of any oontiguous parcel(s) of land containing five (5) or more acres in any residential district may apply to the City Council for development of said tract under this section. Application for a Single Family Attached Development shall be made by the aaner of the property, except that an option holder may apply for a Single Family Attached Development provided the application is accom�xvzied by signed letters stating that there is no ob�ection from the aaner or a•mers of all land included in the application. 2. The application shall be filed with the City and shall be accompsnied by a minimtun of three (3) copies of the preluninary plan containing the follaving information: A. A site plan showing buildings, parking areas, curbing, driveaays, sidewalks, fencing, drainage, outside utilities, and easements. B. A landscaping plan showing outside surface development including sodding, blacktop, concrete, and plantinqs. C, An architectural plan, sections and elevations specifying the exterior material to be used. D. The density oP land use. E. The height of all buildings. F. The size of all buildings. G. The feasibility study for disposal of sanitary waste and storm sewer. H. The proposed water service. I. The proposed staging and timing of the plan. 3. The Planning Com¢nission will review the preliminary plans and then submit their recommendati.ons to the City Council for approval. 4. If Council approval is granted, a final plan will then be prepared. 5. The final plan shall be filed with the City no later than 180 days after approval of the preliminary plan is given by the City Council. The final plan shall include three (3) copies of the follaaing: A, A final site plan indicating placement and type of all buildings and their uses, B. An elevation drawing of the proposed development which will best indicate the height and size of all structures. 205.111. SFA DEVIIAPNNIENNT RDGULATIONS � �� •�., 2D5-52 ' CJ � C. A landscape plan. D. A drainage plan. E. Any changes in the final plan caused by amendments to the pxeliminary plan by the City Council. 205.112 STADIDARDS 1. Lot Requirenents, A. Lot Coverage: The maxim�nn ground floor area for the sum of all buildings in the pro�ect shall not exceed twenty-five percent (250) of total land area in the Single Family Attached Development. B. Densities: The lot area per unit, for the following districts, shall be as follaas: � 4C_ � LOT P,REl1/UNIT 9,000 Sq. Ft. 5,000 Sq. Ft, 3,000 Sq. Ft, The lot area required per dwelling unit shall be computed by including the entire development, sncluding the streets, walks, open areas, and pu6lic facilities, 2. The Single Family Attached Development shall meet the minimum requirements for lot setbacks, building requirements, parking requir�nents and performance standards of the residential district in which it is being located. 3. Special Requirenents. A, Any and all common open s�ce shall be labeled as such. The intent or designed function and provis�ons for maintenance, aanership and preservation shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the "Apartinent O�anership Act", Chapter 457, Laws of 1963 (MSA/515.01 to 515.29), a copy of which shall be provided to the City. B. The final plan shall include all proposed covenants, restrictions and easements to run with the land, toqether with any provisions for release fran same; provisions fox dedication of easement for public streets, ways and facilities; density, size and location of all structures. All or any of the foregoing may be modified as deemed necessary by the City Council for the preservation of public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City of Fridley. C. When a Single Family Attached Developnent is granted in an R-1 District, the development shall consist of owner occupied dwelling units. D. Menbership in a Single Family Attached Development shall be made part of the agreanent of the sale of each dwelling unit. E. A fee for filing a Single Family Attached Development is required as established in Chapter 11. 205.112. SFA Development `I L�U:C�. 205-53 � � � 205.12 P PUBI,IC FACILI27FS DISIItiCT RDGULp.TIONS 1. P Districts include such land areas, waterways and water areas which are awned, controlled, regulated, used or proposed to be usea by the City of Fridley or other governmental body. 2. General Provisions. A. A P district is automatically desic�ated at the time of land purchase for the principal uses set forth in Section 205.121. B. A P district, upon xemoval of public use, automatically reverts back to the original zoning that was on the property prior to the taking for such use. 205.121 USFS PERMITTID 1. Principal Uses. The follaaing are principal uses in P Districts: A. Public build�.ngs and uses. B. Public pazks, playgrounds, athletic fields, golf courses, airports and parking areas. C. Public streets, alleys, easements and other public ways, higknaays and thoroughfares. D. Pu61ic drains, sewers, water lines, water storage, treatment and p�mrping facilities and other public utility and service facilities. E, T�nporary public housing required and designed to relieve a critical housing shortage. F. Other public or nonprofit uses as are necessary or incidental to a public use, 2. Accessory Uses. The follaauig are accessory uses in P Districts: A. Dwellings or dwelling units for enployees having duties in connection with any premises requiring them to live thereon, including families of such �nployees when living with th�n. B, Solaz energy devices as an integtal part of the principal structure, 3. Oses Pezmi.tted With A Special Use Permit. The following are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in P Districts: A. Utility comganies having transformers, pumping stations and substations subject to the follaaing minimtnn requir�nents: (1) They must conform to neighborhood setbacks, open s�ces and design. (2) They must be screened frwn adjacent districts by solid fencing or appropriate landsoap�.ng as approved by the Zoning 205.121. P PUBLIC FACILITIES DIS7i2IGT • �• �� 205-54 � , � Administrator. B. Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet above the structure roof. C. Solar energy devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than principal uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, t�uilding, parking, landscaping, screening, etc., shall be at least comparable to similar uses in other districts, but also sub7ect to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205.122 USES EXCLUDID Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in P Districts. � • •a• ro- i� � u �:�M' All lot requiranents and setbacks for uses in this district shall be comparable to other similar uses that are allowed in other districts, 205.124 BUIL➢ING RDQUIItFS7�F15 All building requirements for uses in this district shall be comparable to other similar uses that are allowed in other districts. 205.125 PARRING R�QUTR� All parking requirements for uses in this distxict shall be comparable to other similiar uses that are allowed in other districts, � • u.• . • a• r a i� All landscape requirements for uses in this distxict shall be comparable to other similar uses that are allowed in other districts. � •�• •� • « � i���� All performance standards for uses in this distract shall be comparable to other similiar uses that are allowed in other districts. 205.112. P District USES E7CCLUDID • • a� r y i� � u �« � • o• r a i� • �• r 5 i� • n • a� r o i� •�� �•�.� � � u • �. 205-55 � � � 205.13 C-1 IDCI�I. BUSIIVFSS DIS�2ICT 205.131 USFS PERMITTID 1. Principal Uses. The follaaing are principral uses in C-1 Districts: A, Art Shops B. Professional Studios C. Convenience stores, gxocery stores and services, including laundry, dry cleaning, barber shops, beauty shops, shoe repair, tailoring, locksmith, and othez small repair shops related to retail service and catering to neighborhood gatronage. D. Retail services, including jewelry, hardware, sporting goods, records and music, variety and notions, drug, appliance and clothing shops and flower shops. E, Professional offices including services of inedical and dental clinics, lawyers, real estate, optometrists, etc. 2. Accessory Uses. 7he follaaing are accessory uses in C-1 Districts: A. Off-street parking facilities. B. Off-street loading facilities. G Storage of inerchandise solely intended to be retailed by the princig37. use. D. Solar ener� devices as an integral part of the principal structure. 3, Uses Permitted With A Special Use Permit. The follaaing are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in C-1 Districts: A. Theaters, lodges and assembly facilities having a seating capacity of less than 300 persons, but not including outdoor theaters. B. Hospitals, nursing homes, com�alescent homes and homes for the elderly. C. Helicopter landing pads for hospitals, D, Liquor stores selling packaged goods. E. Banks or other fu�ancial institutions. F. Moto= vehicle fuel and oil dispensing serviae as an accessory use to a wnvenience store. If a Special Use Permit is granted, the following minimum conditions must be met in order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Because of traffic hazards, noise, 205.131. C-1 DISIY2ICT RF7GUI�F,TIONS USFS PERMITPID 205-56 light glare at night, outdoor storage of inerchandise, indiscriminate advertising and other characteristics of this � type of business which are potentially detrimental to the co�nunity� these minitmmistandards shall be considered, along with any other recon¢nendations the City m�y determine necessary to eliminate the paxticular problens in achieving compatibility with abutting and ad�acent land uses. (1) The use shall not provide for the outdoor operation of lubrication equipment, hydraulic lifts or service pits; or the outdoor display of inerchandise. The display of petroletan products between pwnps; or the temporary display of inerchandise within four (4) feet of �he station building is permitted. (2} The property shall not be used as a place of storage or depository of wrecked, abandoned or 7unked motor vehicles or the sale or display of used motor vehicles. (3) .Any required buffer or screening area will be so constructed as to obstruct headlight beams of motor vehicles on the property from beaming onto adjacent residential property, (4) Activities Prohibited: (a) Heavy duty repair garages. (b) Vehicular parking except that for the awner's and employee's autoqnobiles. � G. Wind generators and other taaer mounted ener� devices. H. Solar energy devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. I. Exterior storage of materials. � 4, Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than principal uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building, p�rking, landscaping, screening, etc., shall be at least comg3rable to similar uses in other cv stricts, but also subject to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205.132 USFS �[C[ADED Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in C-1 Districts. 1 �/ � D�: 1: SyI�I�iF. 4�I� �Y4::.r; • �.• IAt biLE'd. A minimian lot area of 20.000 square feet is requirecl. 2. Lot Cwerage. A. The maximum percent of the area of a lot allowed to be 205.133. C-1 Distric'� USES EfCCI,UDID � ' D• 1• ? I�I • � I� �• • �y 205-57 � �J � covered by the main building and all acoessory buildings is as follaas: (1) One (l) story - forty percent (40�) maxumsn. (2) 7.tao (2) story - thirty-five percent (35�) maximtiun. (3J Three (3) story - thirty petcent (30�) maximimti. B, The above lot coverages will be sub7ect to other wnsiderat�.ons, includin9 parking and open space requirements, use of facilities, and proximity to other districts, which may decrease the mascim�nn lot coverage. C. The lot coverage may 6e reduced by the City if and when there is provision for underground parking within the main structure, provided that the 1ot coverage shall not be more than thirty percent (30�). 3. Setbacks. A. Front Yatd: Permitted buildings and uses except automobile parking and loading sp�ces, driveways, essential service walks, and planting spaces shall not be closer to any public right-of-way than thirty-five (35) feet. B. Side Yard: 'Itao (2) side yards are required, each with a width of not less than fifteen (15) feet except: (1) Where a driveway is to be provided in the side yard, the minimum required side yard increases to thirty (30) feet. (2) Where a side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, the side yard requiranent increases to a minim�un of thirty-five (35} feet, (3) No side yard is required where a common wall is provided between two (2) buildinqs which meet the requirenents of the Building Code. C. Rear Yard: A rear yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet is required. D. Additional Setback Restrictions: Permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting sp�ces, shall not be closer to the boundaxy line of any ad�acent residential district than thirty (30) feet to allaw for planting buffers and screening. 205.134 BUILDII� RDQUUm� 1. Height. Building height shall be a maximum of three (3) stories, not exceeding forty-five (45) feet. 205.134. C-1 District . � . • a� r � i� 205-58 2. E�terior Materials. � The type of buildtng materials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specifically designed precast concrete, factory fabncated and finished metal frame paneling, glass or otl�er materials approved by the City. 1 � r � :��. : a�, r o�i���ti� 1. Reduction Of Parking. Reduction of parking stalls may be allowed when the provision of space required for �rking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship. Adequate open space shall be provided to satisfy the total nwnbez of xequixed parking stalls. 2. Additional Parking, When the provisions for psrking s�ce required for specific district uses is inadequate, the City may require additional off-street g�xrking be provided. 3. Parking Ratio. A, At least one (1) off-street parking sp3ce shall be provided for each 150 square feet of building floor area in the C-1 District except: (1) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 100 square feet of building floor area for all theaters, lodqes and assembly facilities. (2) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of building floor area for office use. (3) At least one (1} off-stxeet parkin9 stall shall be provided for each 200 square feet of sF:eculative building floor area. (4) The speculative parking ratio will be used for all mixed uses unless the owner agrees to entex into a written agreenent, in recordable form, with the City, in which the avner represents to the City what the ratio of all uses in the building will be. Upon this happening, the parking ratio for the building will be determined on a pro-rata basis by the psrking ratio per the nimiber of square feet for each type of use which the owner represents will be located in the building. After execution of this agreement, any changes to the specified uses will require a special use pezmit fram the City. B. At least one (1) handicap off-street parking s�ce shall be provided for each fifty (50) spaces or fraction thereof. 4. Desic� Requira�nts. A. Drainage: 1�1.1 dtiveways and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles, shall be graded according to a drainage plan which 205.135. C-1 District . qy�•a� rai� 205-59 has been approved by the City. B. Lighting: � Any lighting used to illtuninate an off-street �rking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light away from the adjoining propexty and traffic. C. Curbing: The entire perimeter of all p�rking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, txuck loading spaces or other hard surface areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb. (1) Curbing shall be required around safety islands. (2) Curb cuts and zamps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law. (3) Construction shall be in accordance with curbing specifications on file at the City. (4) The City may exempt curbing: (a) Whete the �rking lot directly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the gzade of the parking lot and satisfies the curbing requirements. (b) Where the City has approved future expansion. D. Driveway Requirenents: � (1) A maximinn driveway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening� excluding the entrance radii can be constructed, (2) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and eighteen �18) feet in width for one-way traffic, (3) The edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet ox two-thirds (2/3) oE the lot width, whichever is sma.11er. (4) Where a"T" �.ntersection exists, a drive may be located opposite the end of the intercepted street. (5) The minimtnn driveway angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. E. All parking and hard surPace areas shall be: (1) No closer than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-way. (2) No closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line, except for a coimmn drive approvec3 by the ad�oining property owners and the City. (3) No closer than five (5) feet from any rear lot line � unless ad�acent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to fifteen (15) feet. 205.135. C-1 District 205-60 � � � (4) No closer than five (5) feet from the main building. (5) Curbed with minim�un driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. F. Loading docks: �1) Outside loading docks shall be located in the rear or side yard and be properly screened, (2) The sp3ce needed for the loading docks must be adequate to handle the loading and unloadang needs, without obstructing the public right-of-way. G. Off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles concerned with any use on the lot, H. All parking facilities of 100 contiguous spaces or more shall be subject to interior landscape improvenents as approved by the City. i. Parking lots with more than four (4) parking stalls shall be striped. J. Sufficient concrete areas may be required for motorcycle parking in addition to the required vehicle �rking stalls. K. Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is oonvenient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes. L. Safety signs, markings and traffic control devices may be required, to pramote vehicular and pedestrian safety. � � u, � • a� r a i� 1, All open areas of any site, except foz areas used for parking, driveways or storage shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 2. The landscape plan shall be submitted for approval by the City and indicate the location, size and species, and method and quantity of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction. 3. Underground lawn sprinkling systems shall be provided to maintain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and side yard areas. 205.137 PERE'ORMANCE STADIDARAS 1. Parking Facilities, All driveways, parking areas and loading docks shall be surfaced with blacktop, wncrete or other hard surface material approved by the City. 2. Exterior Storage. A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard. B. All materials and commercial equipment shall be kept in a 205.137. C-1 Distnc'- • n, • a• r s ia� r�+• �• � « ��i� �: � 2D5-61 LJ I � � building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or adjoining property of a different district, C. 'i'he City shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of m�terials. 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse oz garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 4. Screening. A, Screening shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less than six (6) feet high in the side and rear yaxds and a maximum of four {4) feet high in the front yard, and shall not extend to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also be required in addition to or in lieu of fencing. The type, size and location of such plantings must be approved by the City. B. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines of sight at street cornezs and driveways. C. The screening requizanents shall be sati.sfied by the use of a screening fence or planting screen according to the following standards. (Z) A screening fence shall be attractive and compatible with the princip3l building and the surrounding land use. (2) A planting screen hedge, a row of trees, approved by the City. shall consist of a closely grown evergreens or other vegetation (3) If the topography, natuxal growth of vegetation, permanent buildings or other barriers meet the standards for screening as approved by tl�e City, they may be substituted for all or g3rt of the screPning fence or planting scree�. D. Screening of off-street parking shall be required for: (1) Any off-street parking area requiiing more than four (4) spaces or ad�oining a residenti.al district. (2) Any driveway to a parking area of four (4) or more s�ces with�.n thirty (30) feet of an ad�oining residential district. (3) Any �rking facility between the building and frontage street must be screened from the street 6y a hedge, solid fence or closely grown planting strip� at least thirty-six (36) inches in height. E. All loading docks must be located in the rear or side yards, and be screened with a six (6) foot high minimum, solid screening fence if visible from public right-of-ways or if within thirty (30) feet of adjacent residential districts, F. Where any wm�nercial district is adjacent to any residential 205.137. C-1 District 205-62 205.137. C-1 District district, there shall be a minimum fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to provide for a physical separation. ' G. Where any commercial district is ad�acent to a public right-of-way or across from any residential district, the following requirenents must be met: (1) There shall be a five (5) foot sidewalk easement provided along the property line, Council may allaa the applicant to delay the installata.on of the sidewalk, if the applicant signs an agreement that it will be constructed when the City requiras the installation. (2) There shall be a fifteen (15) foot planting strip located behind the required sidewalk, that is substantial enough to create a Fhysical separation between the public right-of-way and the w�nercial property. H, A11 trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the rear or side yard and be totally screPned from view from any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screening from vehicle damage. I. All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished products and equipment, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within an enclosed building or be screened on all sides from view from a public right-of-way or an ad�oining property by a fence or other approved screen which extends two (2) feet above the highest iten to be stored with the height of the fence ' not to exceed eight (8) feet. J. Motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the principal use may be stored without screening only within the permitted rear yard area, if they are not readily visible from a public right-of-way, K. All roof equipment, except alternate energy devices, must be screened from public view tmless the equipment is designed as an integral part of the building and is comp3tible with the lines of the building, as determined by the City. 5. Drainage And Grade Requira�nts. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided, The follaaing miniminn criteria shall apply: A. The minimtun elevation of finished grade shall not be less than onrfourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. structure in order to allaa proper drainage and connection to City utilities, 6. Iandscaping. The follaving shall be minim�nn criteria for landscaping: � A. It shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all required landscapinq is maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. 205-63 1 � � B. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly maru�er free of litter and junk. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping, 7. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: A. EF�ery exterior wall, foundation and roof of any builaing or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weatherti9ht, and rodentproof, and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and repair. Exterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that gives evidence of long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be deaned to be out of repair if: (1) More than twenty-five percent (252) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. E�ery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior developments shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D, The boulevard area of a premises shall be properly maintained, groomed and cared for by the abutting property aaner, 8. Essential Sezvices. A, Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. 205.137. C-1 District 205-64 205.14 C-2 GII�F1L BUSINFSS DIS7RICP � 205.141 USFS PII2MITPID 1. Principal Uses. The follaaing are principal uses in C-2 Districts: A. All uses allaaecl under C-1 Principal Uses and CR-1 Principal Uses of this chapter. B. Office facilities, including general business offices, corporate headquarter facilities and major enployment offices. C. Theaters, lodges and assembly facilities not including drivrin theaters. D, Co��ercial recreation, not including massage parlors. E. Restaurants, not including "drive-ins". F. Vocational trade schools, business schools, colleges or universities. G. Mortuaries. H, Offices. � � I. Day care centers. J. Hotels and motels. K. Muse�nns and art galleries, L. Department stores and variety stores, M, Other retail, wholesale or service activities which deal directly with the custosner for whom the goods or services are furnished and are simil.ar to those specifically allowed above. N. Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes� convalescent homes and homes for the elderly. O. Liquor stoxes, selling package goods. P. Banks or othez financial institutions, 2. Accessory Uses. �e following are accessory uses in C-2 Districts: A. Signs. B. Off-street parking facilities. C. Off-street loading facilities. D. Laboratories, such as medical, dental or optical, and other nonoffensive laboratories accessory to permitted uses on the property, E. Storage of inerchandise, solely intended to be retailed by the principal use, 205.141. C-2 DIS7RICT RDGUI�ATIONS USFS PIItMITTID 2D5-65 205.141. C-2 District � � ' F. Solar energy devices as an integral pait of the principal structure. 3. Uses Permitted With A Special Use Permit. The follaainq are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in C-2 Districts: A. Bus and taxi terminals, B. Automobile agencies selling or displaying new and/or used vehicles. C. Agencies selling or displaying recreational vehicles, boats and marine equipment, machinery, manufactured homes, or other similar enterprises having merchandise in the open and not within an enclosed structure, D. Repair garages. E, Autanobile service stations and motor vehicle fuel and oil dispensing services, If a Special Use Permit is granted, the following minimum conditions must be met in order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Because of traffic hazards, noise, light glare at night� outdoor storage of inerchandise, indiscriminate advertising and other characteristics of this type of business which are potentially detrimental to the cotmnunity, these minimtnn standards shall be considered, along with any other recot[¢[�endations the City may determine necessary to eluninate the �rticular problens in achieving compatibility with abutta.ng and adjacent land uses. (1) The Special Use Permit for an automobile service station is only for uses noted in the definition. (2) The use shall not provide for the outdoor operation of lubrication equiFment, hydraulic lifts or service pits; or the outdoor display of inerchandise. The display of petroleum products between pumps; or the temporary display of �rchandise within four (4) feet of the station building is permitted. (3) The property shall not be used as a place of storage or depository of wrecked, abandoned or junked motor vehicles or the sale or display of used motor vehicles. (4) Any required buffer or screening area shall be so constructed as to obstruct headlight beams of motor vehicles on the station property from beaming onto adjacent residential property. (5) Activities Prohibited: (a) Heavy duty repair garages. (b) Vehicular parking except for the owner's and employee's automobiles and a maximum of thxee (3) service vehicles. Automobiles being serviced may be p3rked for a maximtun period of forty-eight (48) hours at any one (1) time. 205-66 F. Motor vehicle wash establishments. G. Establishments of the "driv�-in" type, selling, serving or � offering goods or services directly to the customers either waiting in g3rked motor vehicles or to customers who return to their vehicles to constmie or use the goods or services while on the prenises. � � H. Exterior storage of materials. I. Couiu�rcial laundries and dry cleaning establishments. J. Animal. clinics, veteri.nary clinics, animal hospitals, public kennels, obedience schools and training services, provided the follaaing conditions are met in order to eliminate offensive noise and odors. (1) All windows in the area of the building housing animals shall be double glazed with a fixed sash. (2) Any ventilation system shall be designed so that no odors or organism will spread between wards or to the outside air. (3) There are no outside pens or holding areas. K. Bars and taverns. L. Arcades. M. Garden centers or nurseries which require outside display or storage of inerchandise. N. Structures exceeding six (6) stories or si�cty-five �65) feet in height. 0. Wind generators and other tarer mounted energy devices. P. Solar enerc� devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. �, Helicopter landing pads for hospitals. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than principal uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building, �rking, landscaping, screening, etc, shall be at least comp�rable to similar uses in other districts, but also sub�ect to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205,142 USFS EI{CLUDID Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in C-2 Districts. 205.143 LOT RDQUTR� AI�ID SE°ID�RS 1. Lot Area. A minimwn lot area of 20,000 square feet is required. 2. Lot Coverage. A. The maximum percent of the area of a lot allowed to be 205.143. C-2 Districtl USES EXQ,UDID • � s• r a i� u �M 205-67 � � � covered by the main building,and all accessory buildings is as follaas: (1) One (1) Story - forty percent (40�) maximtun. (2) Dao (2) Story - thirty-five percent (35�) maximiun. (3) Three {3) Story - thirty percent (30g) maxim�un. (4) Four (4) Story - twenty-five percent (25�) maximtun. (5) Five (5) Story - twenty percent (20�) maxim�nn. (6) Six (6) Story - fifteen percent (15�) maximtun. B, The above lot coverage will be subject to othet considerations, inclucling parking and green s�ce requirements, use of facilities, and proximity to other districts, which may d�ecrease the maxim�un lot coverage. C. The lot coverage may be reduced by the City if and when there is provision for underground parking within the main structure provided that the lot coverage shall not be more than thirty percent (30�), 3. Setbacks. A. Front Yard: Permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading s�ces, driveways, essential setvice walks and planting s�ces, shall not be closer to any public right-of-way than thirty-five (35) feet. B. Side Yard: 7tao (2) side yards are required, each with a width of not less than fifteen (15) feet except: (1) Where a driveway is to be provided in the side yard, the minimum required side yard increases to thirty (30) feet. (2) Where a side yard ahuts a street of a corner lot, the side yard requiranent increases to a minimiun of thirty-five (35) feet. (3j No side yard is required where a common wall is provided between two (2) buildings which meet the requiranents of the Builcling Code. C. Rear Yard: A rear yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet is required. D. Additional Setback Restrictions: Permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading s�ces, driveways, essential services, walk and planting spaces shall not be closer to the boundary line of any adjacent residential district than fifty (50) feet to allav Eor planting buffers and screening. 205.143. C-2 Distri� ri .: � �_._l � 205.144 BUII,DING REQUII2II�'�FPS 1, Height. Building height sha11 be a maxunwn of six (6) stories not exceedinq sixty-five (65) feet provided that no building shall be erected to a heiqht exceeding forty-five (45) feet within fifty (50) feet of any E�1 or 1�2 residential district unless one (1) additional foot of setkaack can be provided for each one (1) foot ot building height or portion thereof exceeding forty-five (45) feet. 2. Exterior Materials. The type of building materials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specifically designed precast concrete, factory fabricated and finished metal frame �neling, glass or otl�er materials approved by the City. 205.145 PARKING RF]QI1TR� 1. Reduction Of Parking. Reduction of p3rking stalls may be allowed when the provision of s�ce required for g3rking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or othex considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship. Adequate open space shall be provided to satisfy the total nwnber of xequired parking stalls. 2. Additional Parking, When the provisions for parking s�ce required for specific distiict uses is inadequate, the City may require additional off-street parking be provided, 3. Parking Ratio. A. At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 150 square feet oi building floor area in the C-2 District except: (1) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 100 square feet of building floor area for all restaurants, theaters, lodges and assembly facilities. (2) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each lodging roan of a hotel or motel, plus one (1) additional s�ce for each four (4) units oP a hotel or motel complex. (3) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of building floor area for office use, (4) At least one (1) off-street parking stal]. shall be provided fox each 200 square feet of speculative buildinq floor area. (5) The speculative parking ratio will be used for all mixed uses lmless the awner agrees to enter into a written agxeanent, in recordable forni, with the City, in which the aaner represents to the City what the ratio of all uses in 205.145. C-2 nistrict �� • a� r 5 i� ..� • a• r a i� 205-69 the building will be. Upon this happening, the parking ratio for the building will be determined on a pro-rata � basis by the g3rking ratio per the ntmiber of square feet for each type of use which the awner represents will be located in the building, After execution of this agreement, any changes to the specified uses will require a special use permit from the City. B. At least one (1) handicap off-street parking space shall be prwided for each fifty (50) spaces or fraction thereof. 4. Desic� Requir�ents. A. Drainage: All driveways and parking areas, except those for Iess than four (4) vehicles, shall be graded according to a drainage plan which has been approved by the City, B. Lighting: Any lighting used to illtaninate an off-street parking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light away from the ad�oining pzoperty and traffic. C. �rbing: The entire perimeter of all p3rking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading spaces or other hard surface areas that handle motor vehicle trafPic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb. � (1) Curbing shall be required around safety islands. (2) Curb cuts and ramps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law. (3) Construction shall be in accorclance with curbing specifications on file at the City. (4) The City may exempt curbing: (a) Where the g�rking lot directly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the grade of the parking lot and satisfies the curbing requir�nents. (b) Where the City has apprwed future expansion, D. Driveaay RequirHnents: (1) A m�imlun drive�aay width of thizty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii can be constructed. (2) The psrking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width fox two-way traffic and eighteen (18) feet in width for one-way traffic. (3) The edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet, or two-thirds (2/3) of the lot width � whichever is sma].ler. (4) Where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located 205.145. C-2 District 205-70 � I� � opposite the end of the intercegted street. (5) The minimian driveway angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. E. All parking and hard surface areas shall be: (1) No closer than twenty (20) feet from any street nght-o£-way. (2) No closer than five �5) feet from any side lot line, except for a common drive approved by the ad�oining property aaners and the City. (3) No closer than five (5) feet from any rear lot line unless adjacent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to fifteen (15) feet. (4) No closer than five (5) feet from the main building. (5) Curbed with minimtun driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. F. I,oading Docks : (1) Outside loading docks shall be located in the rear or side yard and be properly screened. (2) The sFxice needed for the loading docks must be adequate to handle the loading and unloading needs, without obstructing the public right of way. G. Off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles concerned with any use on the lot. H. All parking facilities of 100 contiguous spaces or more shall be subject to interior landscape imgrovenents as approvec] by the Citp. I. Pazking lots with more than four (4) parking stalls shall be striped. J. Sufficient concrete areas may be required for motorcycle g�rking in addition to the required vehicle parking stalls. K. Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is �nvenient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt pedestrian or vehiculac traffic or fire lanes. L. Safety signs, markings and traEfic control devices may be required to promote vehicular and pedestrian safety. � • u • a� r a i� r, 1, All open ateas of any site, except for areas used for parking, driveways or storage shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 2. The landscape plan shall be submitted for approval by the City and indicate the location, size and species, and method and quantity of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction. 205.146. C-2 District � u • a• r a ia� 205-71 205.147. C-2 DistricL-� 3. Underground lawn sprinkling systems shall be provided to maintain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and ' side yard areas. 205.147 PERFORMAN(� S'flfi�IDARDS P�b�� 1. Parking Facilities. STA�ID�RAS P�1.1 drivESaays, parking areas and loading docks shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete or other hard surface material approved by the City. 2. �terior Storage. A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard, B. All matetials and cotmnercial equipment shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or adjoining property of a different district. C. The City shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of m�terials. 3. Refuse. A11 waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required �mder the chapter enkttled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 4. ScrePning. A. Screening shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less � than six (6) feet high in the front and side yards and a maicimum of four (4) feet high in the front yard, and shall not extend to within fifteen (I5j feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also be required in addition to, or in lieu of, fencing. The type, size and location of such plantings must be apprwed by the City. B. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines of sight at street corners and driveways. C. The screening requiranents shall be satisfied by the use of a screening fence or planting screen acoording to the following standards: (1) A screeninq fence shall be attractive and compatible with the princi�l building and the surrounding land use. (2) A planting screen shall consist of a closely grown hedge, a row of trees, evergreens or other vegetation approved by the City. (3) If the topography, natural growth of vegetation, pexmanent buildings or other barriers meet the standards for screening as approved by the City, they may be substituted for all or g3rt of the screening fence or planting screen. D, Screening of off-street parking shall be required for; � (1) Any off-street parking area requiring more than four {4) spaces or ad7oining a residential district. 205-72 � (2) Any driveway to a parking area of four (4) or more spaces is within thirty (30) feet of an ad�oining residential district. (3) Any �rking facility between the building and frontage street, must be screened from the street by a hedge, solid fence or closely grown planting strip, at least thirty-six (36) �.nches in heiqht. E. All laad�.ng docks must be located in the rear or side yards and be screened with a six (6) foot high minimtnn solid screening fence if visible from a public right-of-way or if within fifty (50) feet of ad�acent residential districts. F. Where any commercial district is ad�acent to any residential district, there shall be a minimum fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to provide for a physical separation. G. Where any commercial district is adjacent to a puhlic right-of-way or across from any residential district, the follaaing requirenents shall be met: (1) There shall be a five (5) foot sidewalk easement provided along the property line. Council may allow the applicant to delay the installation of the sidewalk, if the applicant signs an agreement that it will be constructed when the City requires the installation. (2) There shall be a fifteen (15) foot planting strip located behind the required sidewalk that is substantial � enough to create a physical separation between the public right-of-way and the oommerciat property. H. All trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the rear or side yatds and tae totally screened from view from any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screening from vehicle damage. ��I I. All xaw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished products and equipment, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within an enclosed building oz be screened on all sides fram view from a public right-of-way or an ad�oining property by a fence or other approved screen which extends two (2) feet above the highest iten to be stored with the height of the fence not to exceed eight (8) feet except where: (1) A Special Use Permit has been issued for open sales or display. (2) Materials and equipment are being used for construction on prenises. (3) Merchandise is located on a service piunp island. J. Motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the principal use may be stored, without screening only within the permitted rear yard area, if they are not readily visible from a public right of-way. K. A11 roof equipment, except alternate energy devices, must be 205.147. C-2 Distric` 205-73 � � �I screened from public view unless the equignent is designed as an integral part of the building and is comg�tible with the lines of the build�.ng, as determined by the City. 5. Drainage And Grade Requirenents. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The follaaing minimiun criteria shall apply: A. �e m�.nimwn elevation of finished grade shall not be less than one-fourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade, B. The City may specify a minimiun f�.nished ground grade for any structure in order to allaw proper drainage and connection to City utilities. 6. Landscaping. Zhe follaaing shall be minimnn criteria for landscaping: A. It shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all req�ired landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept wndition. B. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly maruier free of litter and �unk. C. All uses shall pzovide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping. 7, Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the property avner to ensure that: A. Ebery exterior wall, foundation and roof of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentprooE and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and repair. E�terior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or bteaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that gives evidence o£ long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a buildinq shall be deened to be out of repair if: (1) More than twent�-five �rcent (258) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. Ebery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior development shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a premises shall be properly 205.147. C-2 Distnc'` 205-74 205.147. maintained, groomed and cared for by the abutting property C-2 Distric` ovmer. � 8. Essential Services. A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water 1ine. � � 205-75 � ' � 1 H�! 19i'. ��.. 1�. M�,�� � ii C�CiI : �_. 205.151 USFS �MT'rr�'n 1. Principal Uses. The follaaing are principal uses in C-3 Districts: A. Carm�ercial laundry and dry cleaning establishments, B. All uses allowed under C-1 PrinciFx�]. Uses and C-2 Principal Uses of this chapter, provided they meet the following conditions: (1) All uses are located with�n a shopping center building or a cluster of three (3) or more uses using common or shazed paxking facilities� ot (2) The use facilities require a minimum of 100 parking sg�ces. 2. Accessory Uses. The follaaing are accessory uses in C-3 Districts: A. Signs. B. Off-street parking facilities, C. OEf-street loading facilities. D. Storage of inerchandise, solely intended to be retailed by the principal use. E, Solar energy devices as an integral part of the principal structure. 3, Uses Permitted With A Special Use Permit, The follaaing are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in C-3 DiStllcts: A, Bus and taxi terminals. B. Autanobile agencies selling or displaying new and/or used motor vehicles, C. Agencies selling or displaying recreational vehicles, boats and marine equipment, machinery, manufactured homes or other similar enterprises having merchandise in the open and not within an enclosed structure. D. Repair garages. E. Autcanoblle sexvice stat,tons and motox vehicle fuel and oil dispensing services. if a Special Use Permit is granted, the following minimum conditions must be met in order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Because of traffic hazards, noise, light glare at night, outdoor storage of inerchandise, indiscriminate advertising and other characteristics of this type of business which are potentially detrimental to the 205.151. C-3 Distn�' C-3 DIS7Y2ICT RFJG[7LATIONS USFS PERMITPID 205-76 205.151. community, these minimwn standards shall be considered, along C-3 District with any other rec�u�ndations the City may determine necessary ' to eliminate the p3rticulat problens in achieving compatibility with abutting and adjacent land uses. (1) The use shall not provide for the outdoor operat�.on of lubrication equipment, hydraulic liPts or service pits or the outdoor display of inerchandise. The display of petroletnn products between pim�ps or the temporary display of inerchandise within four (4) feet of the station building is permitted. (2) The property shall not be used as a place of storage or depository of wrecked, abandoned or junked motor vehicles or the sale or display of used motor vehicles. (3) Any required buffer or screening area shall be so consttucted as to obstruct headlight beams of motor vehicles on the station property from beaming onto adjacent residential property. (4) If the station is to be located in a shopping center or other integrated development, it will be in architectural harmony with the rest of the center or development. (5) Activities Prohibited: (a) Heavy duty repair garages. � (b) Vehicular parking except for the owner's and employee's automobiles and a maximum of three (3) service vehicles. Autanobiles being serviced may be parked for a maximian period of forty-eight (48) hours at any one (1) time. F. Motor vehicle wash establishments. G. Establishments of the "dzive-in" type, sellinq, serving or offering goods or services directly to customers either waiting in g�rked motor vehicles or to customers who return to their vehicles to cons�nne or use the goods or services while on the pranises. H. Exterior storage of materials, I. Anina]. clinics, veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, public kennels, obedience schools and training services, provided the follaaing conditions are met in order to eliminate offensive noise and odors. (1) All windaas in the area of the building housing animals shall be double glazed with a fixed sash. (2) Any ventilation system shall be designed so that no odors or organisms will spread between wards or to the outside air. (3) There shall be no outside pens or holding areas. � J. Bars and taverns. 205-77 � � ' K. Garden centers or nurseries which require outside display or stoxage of inerchandise. L. Any combination of office, retail and residential uses within one (1) buildi.ng. M. Wholesale enterprises that do not meet an industrial setting that have considerable customer contact and have no outside storage of materials, including furniture, home building supplies, autwnobile supplies, etc. N. Massage �rlors. 0. Arcades. P. Radio and television offices and studios. Q. Wind generators and other tawer mounted energy devices. R. Solar energy devices NCYP an integral part of the principal structure. S. Structures exceeding six (6) stories or sixty-five (65) feet in height. T, Helicopter landing pads for hospitals. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than principal uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building� parking, landscaping, screening, etc., shall be at least com�rable to similar uses in other districts, but also sub7ect to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205.152 USES F�CCLUDID Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are exclu�d in C-3 Districts. � • : a�: �: a�i�I.iF. :�u al�:: M, ^. �., LOt �iC2d. A minimwn lot area of 35,000 square feet under one ownership is required, 2. Lot Coverage. A. The maximum percent of the area of a lot allowed to be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings is as follows: (1) One (1) Story - forty percent (40�) maximiun. (2) 7.tao (2) Story - thirty-five percent (35�) maximisn. (3) Three (3) Story - thizty percent (30�) maximwn, (4) Four (4) Story - twenty-five percent (25�) maximiun. (5) Five (5) Story - twenty percent (20�) maximtmi. (6) Six (6) Story - fifteen percent (15g) maximiun. B. The above lot coverage will be sub7ect to other 205.153. C-3 District a. �.M P�� • ' �• 1• 5 I�I • I� � M 205-78 ' � ' considerations, including parking and open space requirements, use of facilities and proximity to other districts, which may decrease the maximun lot coverage, C. The lot coverage may be reduced by the City if and when there is provision for underground parking within tkie main structure, provided that the lot coverage shall not be more than thirty percent (30�). 3. Setbacks. A. Front Yard: Permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting spaces shall not be closer to any public right-of-way than eighty (80) feet. B. Side Yard: �+ao (2) side yards are xequired, each with a width of not less than fifteen (15) feet except: (1) Where a dxiveway is to be provided in the side yard, the minimwn required side yard increases to thirty (30) feet. (2) Where a side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, the side yard requiranent increases to a minimwn of eighty (80) feet. (3) No side yard is required where a common wall is provided between two (2) buildings which meet the requirenents of the Building Code. C. Rear Yard: A rear yazd of not less than forty (40) Peet is required. D. Additional Setback Restrictions: Permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting s�ces shall not be closer to the boundary line of any ad�acent residential district than fifty {50) feet to allow f or planting buffers and screening. 205.154 BUILDING RDQU��'� 1. Height. Building height shall be a maximtun of six (6) stories not exceeding si�cty-five (65) feet prwided that no building shall be erected to a height exceeding forty-five (45) feet that is within fifty (50) feet of any I�1 or I�2 residential district unless one (1) additional foot of setback can be provided for each one (1) foot of building height or portion thereof exceeding forty-five (45) feet. 2. bcterior Materials. �e type of building �terials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specifically designed precast concrete, factory fabricated and finished metal frame �xneling, glass or other 205.154. C-3 District Ji � � • 7• 1• D I�1 205-79 � materials approved by the City. P[�].Y�Ici. : . �. : ��. r aw���ti� 1. Reduction Of Parking. Reduction of parking stalls may be allowed when the provision of sg3ce required for parking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship. Adequate open space shall be provided to satisfy the total ninr�ber of required parking stalls. 2. Additional Parking. When the provisions for g�rking s�ce required for specific district uses is inadequate, the City may require that additional off-street parking be provided. 3. Parking Ratio. A. At least one (1) off-street parking sg�ce shall be provided for each 150 square feet of building floor area in the C-3 District except: (1) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of building floor area for office use. (2) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 100 square feet of building floor area for all restaurants, theaters, lodges and assembly facilities. � (3j At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each lodging roan of a hotel or motel, plus one (1) additional s�xice for each fout (4) units of a hotel or motel complex, (4) At least one (1) off-street parking stall shall kae provided for each 200 square feet of speculative building floor area. � (5) The speculative parking ratio will be used for all mixed uses unless the owner agrees to enter into a written agreenent, in recordable form, with the City, in which the owner represents to the City what the ratio of all uses in the building will be. Upon this happening, the parking ratio for the building will be determined on a pro-rata basis by the �rking ratio per the ntunber of square feet for each type of use which the aarier represents will be located in the building, After execution of this agreement, any changes to the specified uses will require a special use permit from the City. B. At least or� (1) handicap off-street parking sp3ce shall be provided for each fifty (50) spaces or fraction thereof. 4. Desic� Requirenents. A. Drainage: All driveways and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles shall be graded according to a drainage plan which 2p5.155. C-3 District • 5/ 1' S 1�1 ' 205-80 has been approved by the City. B. Lighting: � Any lighting used to illiuninate an off-street parking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light away from the ad�oining property and traffic. C. Curbing: The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading spaces or other haxd surface areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbec3 with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb. (1) Curbing shall be required around safety islands. (2) Curb cuts and ramps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law. (3) Construction shall be in accordance with cuxbing specif ications on file at the City. (4) The City may exempt curbrng: (a) Where the �rking lot directly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the grade of the p�rking lot and satisfys the curbing requiranents. (b) Where the City has approved future expansion. D. Driveway Requirenents: � (1) A maxim�nn driveway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii can be constructed. (2) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and eighteen (18) feet in width for onrway traffic, (3) The edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet or two-thixds (2/3) of the lot width whichever is smaller. (4) Where a"T" i.ntersection exists, a drive may be located opposite the end of the intercepted street. (5) The minirn�nn driveway angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. E. All parking and hard surface areas shall be: (1) No closer than twenty (20) feet from any street right of-way. (2) No closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line, except for a common drive approved by the adjoining property owners and the City. (3) No closer than five (5) feet from any rear lot line � unless adjacent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to fifteen (15) feet. 205.155. G3 Distric` 205-81 � � � (4) No closer than five (Sj feet from the main building. (5) Curbed with minim�nn driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. F, i,oading docks: (1) Outside loading docks shall be located in the rear or side yard and be properly screened. (2) The s�ce needed for the loading docks must 6e adequate to handle the loading and unloading needs, without obstructing the public right-of-way, G. Off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles concerned with any use on the lot. H. All parkinq facilities of 100 contiguous spaces or more shall be sub7ect to interior landscape improv�nents as approved by the City. I. Parking lots with more than four (4) parking stalls shall be striped. J. Sufficient concrete area may be required for motorcycle psrking in addition to the required vehicle parkinq stalls. K. Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is convenient to each major buildi.ng entrance and will not distupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes. L. Safety signs� markings and traffic control devices may be required to pr�note vehicular and pedestrian safety. � � n • s� r o i� 1. All open areas of any site, except for areas used for parking, driveways or storage shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 2. The landscape plan shall be stilxnitted for approval by the City and indicate the location, size and species, and method and quantity of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction. 3. Underground lawn sprinkling systems shall be provided to maintain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and side yard axeas. i ��• •�� • « w u�•�. l. Parking Facilities. All dxiveways, with blacktop, the City. parking areas and loading docks shall be surPaced concrete or other hard surface material approved by 2. Exterioz Storage, A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard. B. All materials and com¢nercial equipment shall be kept in a 205.157. C-3 Distri�-�- ����n. ✓�� � a• r o- ia� Y` I� � ' �. 205-82 � L _J � building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or ad�oining property of a different district. C. The City shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of m�terials. 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fiidley City Code. 4. Screening. A. Screening shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less than six (6) feet high in the side and rear yards and a maximum of four (4) feet high in the front yard, and shall not extPnd to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also be required in addition to, or in lieu of fencing. The type, size and location of such plantings must be apprwed by the City. B. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines of sight at street wrners and driveways. C. The screening requirenents shall be satisfied by the use of a screening fence or planting screen according to the following standards: (1) A screening fence shall be attxactive and compatible with the princig-il building and the surrounding land use. (2) A planting screen shall consist of a closely grown hedge or a row of trees, evergreens or other vegetation approved by the City. (3) If the topography, natural growth of vegetation, pernr�nent kauildings or other barriers meet the standatds for screening as approved by the City, they may be substituted for all or g3rt of the screening fence or planting scxeesi. D. Screening of off-street parking sha7.1 be required for: (1) Any off-street parkinq area requiring more than four (4) spaces or adjoining a residential district. (2) Any driveway to a parking area of four (4) or more spaces is within thirty (30) feet of an adjoining residential district, (3) Any parking facility between the building and fzontage street must be screened from the street by a hedge, solid fence or closely grown planting strip at least thirty-six (36) inches in height. E. 1�7.1 loading docks must be located in the rear or side yards and be screened with a six (6) foot high minimwn solid screening fence if visible from a public right-of-way or if within f ifty (50) feet of ad�acent residential districts. F. Where any conrtnercial district is adjacent to any residential 205.157. C-3 District' 205-83 district, there shall be a minimum fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to provide for a physical separation. � G. Where any commercial district is adjacent to a public xight-of-way or acxoss from any residential district, the _ following requiranents must be met: � � (1) There shall be a five (5} foot sidewalk easement provided along the property line. Council may allaa the applicant to delay the urstallation of the sidewalk, if the applicant signs an aqreement that it will be constructed when the City requires the installation. (2) There shall be a fifteen (15) foot planting strip located behind the required sidewalk that is substantial enough to create a physical separation between the public right-of-way and the commercial property. H. All trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the rear or side yards and be totally screened from view from any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screPning from vehicle damage. I. All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished products and equipment, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within an enclosed building or be screened on all sides from view from a public right-of-way or an ad�oining property by a fence or other approved screen whlch extends two (2) feet above the hiqhest itan to be stored with the height of the fence not to e�eed eight (8) feet except where: (1) A Special Use Permit has been issued for open sales or display, (2) Materials and equiFanent are being used for construction on prenises. (3) Merchandise is located on a service p�nnp island. J. Motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the principal use, may be stored without screening only within the permitted rear yard area, �.f they are not readily visible from a public right-of-way. K. All roof equipment, except alternate ener� devices� must be screened from public view unless the equipment is designed as an integral g�rt of the building and is compatible with the lines of the building as determined by the City. 5. Drainage And Grade Requireaents. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The f ollowing minimLUn criteria shall apply: A. The minimiun elevation of finished grade shall not be less than one-fourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade, B. The City may specify a minimiun finished ground grade for any structures in order to allow proper drainage and connection to 205.157. C-3 District 205-t34 � � I � � City utilities. 6. Iandscaping. The follaaing shall be minimwn criteria for landscaping: A, St shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all required landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept oondition. B. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintair�d in an orderly manner free of litter or 3unk. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping. 7. Maintenance, It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: A. Ebery exterior wall, foundation and roof of any buildinq or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentproof and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and repair. Exterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood ot othe� material that gives evidence o£ long neglect, B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a 5ufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deteriorat,ion, Without limtting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be de�ned to be out of repair if: (1) Niore than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wal.l on which the protective aurface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. Ebery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driv�aays, landscaping and other exterior development shall be maintained in an attsactive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a premises shall be properly maintained, groomec3 and cared for by the abutting property awner. 8. Essenti.al Services, A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. 205.157. C-3 nistri 205-85 � � 205.16 Q�1 (:B�'RAT• OFFICE DIS7RICT 205.161 USFS PERMI7.TID 1, Principal Uses. The follaaing are princig3l uses in CR-1 Districts: Office facilities including real estate, lawyer, medical, dental, optical, architectural, enqineering� financialr insurance and other simi].ar office uses. 2. Accessory Uses. The following are accessory uses in Q2-1 Districts: A, Signs. B. Off-street parking facilities. C. Off-street loading facilities. D, Storage of inerchandise, solely intended to be retailed by the princi�]. use. E. Solar energy devices as an integral part of the principal structure. 3. Uses Permitted With A Special Use Permit. The follaaing axe uses permitted with Special Use Permits in CR-1 Districts: A, Wind generators and other tawer mounted energy devices. B. Solar enexgy devices NOT an integzal part of the principal structure. C. Exterior storage of materials. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than princip37, uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building, parking, landscapinq, screening, etc „ shall be at least comm�rable to similar uses in other districts� but also subject to additional provisions as prwided by the City. 205.163. Q�1 DI5�2ICT REGUI,ATIONS USES PERMI't'PID 205.162 USFS EXCLiIDID USFS Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless ��'�ID specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in Q�-1 Districts. "r� • •a� r�ia� • u �:�� 1. Lot Area. A lot area of not less than 15,000 square feet is requixed f or one � (1) main building. 2. Lot Width. � •a� ra i� n •« 205-86 � � � A lot wxdth of not less than seventy-five (75) feet is required at the required front setlaack. 3. Lot Coverage. A. The maximum percent of the area of a lot allowed to be covered by the main buildinq and all accessory buildings is as follaas: (1� One (lj Story - forty petcent (40�) maxim�un. (2? 7tao (2) Story - thirty-five percent (35%) maxim�nn. (3) Three (3) Story - thirty percent (30�) maxim�nn. B. The above lot coverage will be subject to othex considerations, �ncluding parking and open space requirements, use of facilities and proximity to other districts which may decrease the maximisn lot coverage, C. The lot coverage may be reduced by the City if and when there is provision for underground parking within the main structure, provided that the lot coverage shall not be more than thirty percent (30�). 4. Setbacks. A. Front Yard: A minimum front yard setback of thirty-five (35) feet is xequixed fox all buildings. B. Side Yard: Ztao (2) side yards are required, each with a width of not less than fifteen (15) feet except: (1) Where a driveway is to be provided in the side yard the miniminn required side yard increases to thirty (30) feet. (2) Whete a side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, the side yard requirsnent increases to a minimwn of thizty-five (35) feet. (3) No side yard is required where a common wall is provided between two (2) buildings which meet the requirenents of the Building Code. C. Rear Yarc7: A rear yard of not less than twent�five (25) Eeet is required. D. Additional Setback Restrictions: Permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks, and planting s�ces shall not be closex to the boundary line of any adjacent residential district than thirty (30) feet to allaa for planting buffers and screening. 205.164 BUII,DING RDQUiRII�7t5 1, Height. Building height shall be a maximwn of three (3) stories, but not to 205.164. CR-1 District �� • o-• r a i� 2�5-87 ' � � exceed forty-five (45) feet. 2, Exterior Materials. The type of building materials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specifically designed precast concrete, factory fabricated and finished metal frame p�nel�.ng, glass or other matenals approved by the City. 205,165 PARKING RF]QU���'T'� 1. Reduction Of Parkin9. Reduction of parking stalls may be allowed when the provision of space required for parking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship, Adequate open space sha11 be provided to satisfy the total nim�ber of required parking stalls. 2. Additional Parking. When the provisions for �rking s�ce required for specific district uses is inadequate, the City may require that additional off-street parking be provided. 3. Parking Ratio. A. At least orze (1) off-street parking s�ce shall be provided for each 250 square feet of building floor area. S. At least one (1) handicap off-street parking space shall be provided for each fifty (50) s�ces or fraction thereof. 4. Design Requirenents: A. Drainage: All driveways and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles, shall be graded accarding to a drainage plan which has been apprwed by the City. B. Lighting: Any lighting used to illinninate an off-street g3rking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light away from the adjoining property and traffic. C. Cl�rbing: The entire perimeter of all parking areas in e�ess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading spaces or other hard sutface areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb, (1) Curbing shall be required around safety islands. (2) Curb cuts and ramps fox the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law. (3) Construction shall be in accordance with curbing specifacations on file at the City. (4) The City may exempt wrbing: 205.165. CR-1 llistrict I; D.� 1• } 17i � :: � � � (a) Where the parking lot directly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the grade of the �rking lot and satisfies the curbing requirenents. (b) Where the City has approved future expansion. D. Driveway Requirenents: (1) A maximtnn driveway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening� excluding the entrance radii can be constructed. (2) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and eighteen (18) feet in width for one-way traffic. (3) The edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet or two--thirds (2/3) of the lot width whichever is smal.ler. (4) Where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located opposite the end of the intercepted street. (5) The minimum driveaay angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees, E, All �rking and hard surface area shall be: (1) No closer than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-way. (2) No closer than five (5) feet from any sicle lot line, except for a cot�non drive approved by the ad�oining property owners and the City. (3) No closer than five (5} feet from any rear lot line unless adjacent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to fifteen (15) feet. (4) No closer than five (5) feet fram the main building. (5� Curbed with miniminn driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. F. Loading Docks: (1) Outside loading docks shall be located in the rear or side yard and be properly screened. (2) The sg�ce needed for the loading docks must be adequate to handle the loading and unloading needs, without obstructing the public right-of-way. G. Off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles concerned with any use on the lot. H. All parking facilities of 100 contiguous spaces or more shall be sub�ect to interior landscape improv�nents as approved by the City. I. Parking lots with more than four (4) �rking stalls shall be striped. 205.165, cR-1 nistric` r� :• J. Sufficient concrete area may be required for motorcycle g�rking in addition to the required vehicle �rking stalls. 1 K. Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is convenient to each ma7or building entzance and will not disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes. �� � L. Safety signs, markings and traffic control devices may be tequired to pr�note vehicular and pedestrian safety. � � n. • o• r a i� ti 1. All open areas of any site, except for areas used for parking, driveways or storage shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 2. The landscape plan shall be submitted for approval by the City and indicate the location, size and species, and metha3 and quantity of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction, 3, Underground lawn sprinkling systems shall be provided to maintain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and side yard areas. 205.167 PERF'ORMANCE STPSIDA[tDS 1, Parking Facilities. All driveways, with blacktop� the City. parking areas and loading docks shall be surfaced concrete or other hard surface material approved by 2. Exterior Storage. A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard. B. All m3terials and commercial equipment shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any puhlic right-of-way or adjoining property of a different district. C. The City shall require a 5pecial Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials. 3. Refuse, All waste materials� refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the chapter entitled "waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 4. 5czeening. A. Screening shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less than six (6) feet high in the side and rear yards and a maximum of four (4) feet high in the front yard, and shall not extend to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also k�e required in addition to, or in lieu of, fencing. 'I'he type, size and locata.on of suah plantings must be approved by the City. 205.167. CR-1 District �u • a• r a i� ��u::�., 205-40 B. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines of sight at street corners and driveways. � C, The screening requirenents shall be satisfied by the use of a screening fence or planting screen according to the following standards: � � (1) A screening fence shall be attractive and compatible with the principal buildinq and the surrounding land use. (2) A planting screen shall consist of a closely grown hedge, a row of txees, evexgzeens or other vegetation approved by the City. (3) If the topography, natural growth of vegetation, permanent buildings or other barriers meet the standards for screening as approved by the City, they may be substituted for all or part of the screening fence or planting screen. D. Screening of off-street parking shall be required for: (1) Any ofi-street parking area which requires more than four �4) spaces or ad�oins a residential distxict. (2) Any driveway to a parking area of four (4) or more spaces is within thirty (30) feet of an adjoining residential district. (3) Any �rking facility between the building and frontaqe street must be screened from the street by a hedge, solid fence or closely grown planting strip at least thirty-six (36) inches in height. E. A11 loading docks must be located in the rear or side yards and be screened with a six (6) foot high minimtun solid screening fence if visible from public right-of-ways or if within fifty (50) feet of ad�acent residential districts. F. Where any general office district, is ad�acent to any residential district, there shall he a mi.nimiun fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to provide for a physical separation. G. Whexe atty general office district is ad�acent to a public right-of-way or across from any residential district, the follaaing requiranents must be met: (1) There shall be a five (5) foot sidewalk easement provided along the property line. The Council may allow the applicant to delay the installation of the sidewalk if the applicant signs an agreanent that it will be constructed when the City requires the installation. (2) There shall be a fifteen (15} foot planting strip located behind the required sidewalk that is substantial enouqh to create a physical sepaxation between the public right-of-way and the general office property. H. All trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the rear or side yards and be totally screened from view from any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect 205.167. CR-1 District 205-91 screening fram vehicle c3amage. I. Motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the principal � use may be stored, without screening only within the permitted rear yard area, if they are not readily visible from a public riqht-of-way, J. All roof equiFanent, except alternate enerc3Y devices, must be screened from public view unless the equipment is designed as an integral part of the building and is compatible with the lines of the building as determined by the City. 5. Drainage Ar� Grade Requirenents. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The following m�nimiun criteria shall apply: A. The minimtmi elevation of finished grade shall not be less than one-fourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. B. The City may specify a minimiun finished ground grade for any structures in order to allaa proper drainage and connection to City utilities, 6. Landscaping. The follaaing shall be minimtun criteria for landscaping: A. It shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all required landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. � S. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly manner free of litter and �unk. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping, 7. Mainteriance. It shall be the responsibility of the property awner to ensure that: A. Etrery exterior wall, foundation and roof o£ any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentproof and shall be kept in a good state of mainte�ance and repair. Exteriox walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks� tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick� wood or other material that gives evidence of long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deteriorati.on. Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be deaned to be out of tepair if: (1) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or � �2) More than twenty-five percent (25$) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fal.len out. 205.167. CR-1 Districr 205-92 � ' � C. E�ery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior development shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a maintained, groomed and cared awner. 8. Essential Setvices: pxemises shall be properly for by the abutting propexty A, Connection is requixed on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. . 205.167. c$-1 District 205-93 ' ' � 205,17 M-1 LIGHT II�ID[I54f2IAL DIS'II2ICT 205.171 USFS PERMITPID 1. PL1RC7.� U3eS, The follaaing are princxpal uses in M-1 Districts: Wholesaling, warehousing, manufacturing, construction or service uses which wzll not be dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity, and will not impair the use or value of any property, but not including any uses excluded hereinafter. 2, Accessory Uses. The follaaing are accessory uses in M-1 Districts: A. Off-street g3rking facilities. B. Off-street loading facilities. C. Business sic�s £or uses permitted. D. Retail sales or servicing of products manufactured or warehoused, E. Offices associated with the princig�l use. F. A dwelling for a watchperson subject to the following conditions: (1) P.ny dwelling unit la:ated in an industrial structure shall not occupy the front half of a ground floor ur basement, (2) Any dwelling unit in an industrial building shall not contain more than one (1) bedroom, (3} No detached dwelling unit shall be pesmitted in this district. (4) A dwelling unit shall be a part of the principal building and be provided with an outside entrance. G. Solar energy devices as an integral part of the principal structure. 3. Uses Permitted With A Special Use Permit. The follaaing are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in M-1 Districts: A. Offices not associated with a principal use. B. Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices. C. Solar energy devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. D, Radio transmitters and microwave towers. E. Jimkyards (Autoanobile Recycling Center). All jimkyards shall sat,isfy the following requir�nents: . 205.171. [�1 DIS�tICP 1, •U 4Y , �i• �I� 205-94 {1) Drainage Requirenents: � Property being utilized as a junkyard shall satisfy all drainage requirements as required by municipal, county, state, federal and watershed district agencies or any other governmental or quasi-governmental body. ' � (2) Pollution Control Requirenents: (a) Uses which because of the natute of their operation create excessive noise, dust, dirt, smoke, noxious gases or odors, vibrations, glare, heat or can contaminate water run-off shall not be permitted. (b) P.ny property t,hat is in violation of (a} above shall be given one (1) year from the date of written notification by the City or any other regulatory agency to abate the violation, If the pollution is determined to be hazardous to any person, animal or plant life, the time of one (1) year shall be reduced to a reasonable limit, (c) If action is not taken to abate the condition during the specified time, the use shall not be allowed to continue operation within the City of Fridley. (d} In order to assure compliance with these perforniance standards, the City may xequire the owner or operator of any use to conduct such investigations and tests as may be required to show adherence to pollution control standards. Any investigations and tests shall be carried out by an independent testing organization agreed upon by all �rties concerned, or if after thirty (30) olays notice there is failure to agxee, an i�ependent testing otganization as may be selected by the City. The costs incurred in havinq such investigations or tests shall be shared equally by the owner or operator and the City. If the investigations and testinq disclose noncompliance with pollution control standards, the entire cost shall be g�id by the aaner or operator. (e) This procedure sha11 not preclude the City from making any investigations and tests it finds appropriate to determine compliance with these pollution controls. (3) Parking Requiranents: (a) All designated parking areas shall include the follaving ratio of parking spaces: (1) Parking stall requirements shall be as designated for in Section 205.175, #3. (2) Parking requirements may be sub�ect to additional provisions as provided by the City. (3) At least two percent (2�) of the above 205.171. P1-1 Distrlct 205-95 � parking requirements shall be designated by twelve (12) foot by twenty (20) foot handicap g�rking stalls. (b) All required parking shall be used for parking of custaner and employee vehicles and not be used for storage, and shall remain unobstructed by other activities or uses. (c) No on-street storage of vehicles shall be permitted. (d) The parking areas shall be maintained free of vehicle parts, litter, debris and storage at all times. (4) Screening Requirsnents: All areas used for the storage of vehicles, garbage or refuse containers, raw materials, supplies or equipment shall be enclosed by a fence, at least eight (8) feet in height and comply with the follawinq: (a} The fence shall be constructec3 so that no portion of the storage area is visible from any public right-of-way. (b) A solid fence or chain link fence with slats shall be provided. {c) Vines and other landscaping may also be required � to provide additional screening. (d) No storage shall exceed the height of the fence, (e) All screening shall be maintained. � (5) License Requirenents: (a} No person shall own, operate, maintain or allow to operate a junkyard within the boundaries of the City without the aaner or operator first obtaining an annual license pursuant thereto of the provisions of this Chapter and other applicable chapters and sections of the City Code and any other governmental or quasi-governmental provisions. (b) Application shall be made by the owner of the property or by the operator of a junkyard through the City Clerk's office on forms furnished by that office. The applicant shall provide such information as the City may require. (c) The annual license fee and expiration date shall be as provided for in Chapter 11 of the City Code. (6) Existing Facilities: (a) All existing junkyards, in operata on at the date of adoption of this chapter� shall conform to the a6ove requirements within one year of wtitten notification by the City. zos.i�i. [�1 District 205-96 � (b) Ariy existing operation not conforming to this chapter within that period shall not be qranted a renewal of their junkyard license to continue to operate within the City. (7) Scope: The standards and requirenents set forth above shall be in additaon to all other applicable ordinances, laws, statutes, zesolutions or regulations of this or any other governmental or quasi-govermnental body, F. Repair qarages. G. Autanobile service stata.ons. If a Special Use Permit is granted, the following minimum conditions must be met in order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Because of traffic hazards, noise, light glare at night, outdoor storage of merchandise, indiscriminate advertising and other characteristics of this type of business which are potentially detrimental to the community, these minimum standards shall be considered, alonq with any other recommendations the City may determine necessary to eliminate the Exirticular problens in achieving compatibility with abutting and adjacent land uses, (1) The station shall not provide for the outdoor operation of lubrication equipment, hydraulic lifts or service pits or � the outdoor display of inerchandise. The display of petroleum products between ptmips, or the temporary display of inerchandise within four (4) feet of the station building is pexmitted, (2) The property shall not be used as a place of storage or depository of wrecked, al�andoned or j�ked motor vehicles or for the sale or display for sale of used motor vehicles. (3) Any required buffer or scxeening area will be so constructed as to obstruct headlight beams of motor vehicles on the station property from beaming onto adjacent residential property. H. Exteriot stoxage af materials. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses other than pri.ncipal uses� requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building, �rking, landscaping, screening, etc., shall 6e at least com�rable to similar uses in other districts, but also subject to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205.172 USFS EXQ,UDID 1. Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in M-1 Aistricts. � 2. Uses which may k�e dangerous or othenaise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity thereof, or to the general 205.172. M-1 District i!_j1. R!!.a_� �1 M � �I� 205-97 ' � � welfare and may �mpair the use, enjoyment, or value of any property. � � • a• r a ix � u �: •.� 1. I�ot Area. A. A lot area of not less than three-fourths (3/4) acre is requited for one (1) main building on plats recorded before January 1, 1983. B. A lot area of not less than one and one half (1-1/2) acres is required fox one (1) main buildinq on plats recorded after January 1, 1983. 2. I,ot Width. A lot width oP 100 feet is required at the required front setback. 3, Lot Caverage, A. The maximum pexcent of the area of a lot allowed to be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings is as follaas: (1) One (1) Story - forty percent (40�) maxumun. (2) Two (2) Story - thirty-five percent (358) maxim�nn. (3} Three (3) Story - thirty percent (30�) maximiun. (4) Four (9) Story - twenty-five percent (25�) naximum. (5) Five (5) Story - twenty percent (20�) m-utim�nn. (6) Six (6) Story - fifteen percent (15%) maxim�nn. B. The above lot coverage will be sub�ect to other considerations, including parking and open space requirements, use of facilities, and proximity to other districts, which may decrease the maasimtnn lot coverage. C. The lot coverage may be reduced by the City if and when there is provision for underground parking within the main structure provided that the lot coverage shall not be more than forty percent (40�). 4, Setbacks, A. Front Yard: A front yard depth of not less than thirty-five (35) feet is required for all permitted buildinqs and uses. B. Side Yazd: Two (2) side yards are zequixed, each with a width of not less than fifteen (15) feet except: (1) Where a driveway is to be provided in the side yard, the minimum required side yard increases to thirtp (30) feet. (2) Where a side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, the side yard requixenent increases to a miniminn of thirty-five (35) feet. 205.173. M-1 District � • a• r a i� ` U �" M 205-98 ' � � (3) No side yard is required where a common wall is provided between two (2) buildings which meet the requirenents of the Building Code. C. Rear Yard: A rear yard depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet is requirec3, with an additional one (1) foot of rear yard depth for each four (4) feet of building height over thirty-five (35) feet. A. Additional Setback Restrictions: Whenever any industrial district is ad�acent to or ad�oins any other district, permitted buildings and uses, except automobile p3rking and loadinq spaces, driveways, essential sexvices, walks and planting spaces shall not be: (1) Closer to a street right-of-way line, abutting a residential district, than 100 feet. (2) Closer to the alley right-of-way line than forty (40) feet. (3) Closer to the boundary line of any other district than thirty-five (35) feet. (4) Closer to the boundaxy line of a xesidential district than fifty (50) feet, � . �� � s� r a i�t w. 1. Height. Building heiqht shall be a maximum of six (6) stories not exceeding sixty-five (65) feet provided that no building shall be erected to a height exceeding forty-five (45) feet within fifty (50) feet of any I�1 or I�2 residential district imless one (1) additional foot of setback can be pxovided for each one (1) foot of build�ng height oz portion thereof exceeding forty-five (45) feet, 2. E�terior Nlaterials. Zhe type of building materials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specifically designed precast concrete, factory fabricated and finished metal frame panel�ng, glass or other materials apprwed by the City, 205.175, PARRING RDQUIitII�.'S 1. Reduction Of Parking. Reduction of parking stalls may be allowed when the provision of sg-zce required for �rking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considexations, would be an unnecessary hardship. Adequate open space shall be provided to satisfy the total n�anber of required parking stalls. 2. Additional Parking. When the provisions for psrking s�ce required for specific distxict uses is inadequate, the City may require that additional off-street 205.175. M-1 Distnct : � � •7• 1'S17f' • �� r a i� 205-99 205.175. M-1 District p3rking be provided. 3, Parking Ratio. � A. For office use, at least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of office s�ce use. B. For tetail use, at least one (1) off-stxeet parking space shall be provided for each 150 square feet of retail space use, C. For manufacturinq use, at least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided £or each 400 square feet of manufacturing s�ce use, D. For warehouse and storage use, at least one (1) off-street �rking s�ce shall be provided for each 2,000 square feet of such sFxice use. E. For speculative building use, at least one {1) off-street �rking space shall be provided for each 500 square feet of floor area on lots of more than one and onrhalf (1-1/2) acres. F. For speculative building use, at least one (1} off-street parking space shall be provided for each 700 square feet of floor area on lots of less than one and one-half (1-1/2) acres, G. The speculative parking ratio will be used for all mixed uses imless the avner agrees to enter into a written agreement, in recordable form, with the City, in which the avner represents to the Ca.ty what the ratio of all uses in the building will be, Upon this happening, the parking ratio for the buildinq will be 1 determined on a pro-rata basis by the parking ratio pex the number of square feet for each type of use which the owner represents will be located in the building. After execution of this agreanent, any changes to the specified uses wxll require a special use permit from the City, H. At least one (1) handicap off-street p3rking space shall be prwided for each fifty (50) s�ces or fraction thereof. 4. Design Requirenents: A. Drainage: All driv�taays and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles shall be qraded according to a drainage plan which has been approved by the City. B. Lighting: Any lighting used to illianu�ate an off-street parking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light away from the adjoining property and traffic. C. Curbing: The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading spaces or other harcl surface areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb. � (1) Curbing shall be required around safety islands, 205-100 (2) Curb cuts and ramps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law. � (3) Construction shall be in accordance with curbing specifications on file at the City. (4) The City may ex�npt curbing: (a) Where the �rking lot ditectly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the grade of the parking lot and satisfies the curbinq iequiranents. (b) Where the City has approved future expansion, D. Driveway Requiranents: (1) A maximinn driveway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii, can be constructed. (2) The g�rking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and eighteen (18) feet in width for onrway traffic. (3) The edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet or two-thirds (2/3) of the lot width whichever is sma].ler. (4) Where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located opposite the end of the intercepted street. � (5) The mi.nimwn driveway angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. E. All parking and hard surface areas shall be: (1) No closer than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-way. (2) No closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line, except for a common drive approved by the ad�oining property arrners and the City. (3) No closer than five (5} feet from any rear lot line unless ad�acent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to fifteen (15) feet. (4) No closer than five (5) feet fronn the main building. (5) Curbed with minimwn driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. F. I.oading Docks: (1) Outside loadtng docks shall be located in the rear or side yard and be properly screened. (2) The s�ce needed for the laading docks must be adequate to handle the loading and unloading needs, without obstructing the public right-of-way. � G. Off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles concexned with any use on the lot. 205.175. Nrl Distrlct 2D5-101 � � � H. All parking facilities of 100 contiguous spaces or more shall be subject to interior landscape vnprovenents as approved by the City. I. Parking lots with more than four (4) parking stalls shall be striped. J. S�fficient concrete area may be required for motorcycle psrking in addition to the required vehicle parking stalls, K. Bike racks may be requirecl by the City in an area that is convenient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes, L. Safety si�s, markings and traffic control devices may be required to promote vehicular and pedestrian safety. � . � n • a� r 5 i� 1, All open areas of any site, except foz areas used for parking, drivc�aays or storage shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 2. The landscape plan shall be submitted fot approval by the City and indicate the location, size and species, and method and quantity of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction, 3. Underground lawn sprinkling systems shall be provided to mai.ntain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and side yard areas. 205.177 PEE2E'ORMANCE STADIDARDS 1. Parking Facilities. All driveaays, psrking areas and loading docks shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete or other hard surface material approved by the City. 2. EScterior Storage. A. All �terials and commercial equipment shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened so as to be visible from any public right-of-way or adjoining property of different district. B. 'The City Council shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials, 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 4. ScrePning. A, Screening shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less than six (6) feet high in the side and rear yard and a maximum of four (4) feet high in the front yard and shall not extend to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line, 205.177. M-1 Di5trict • u • a• �• a ia� •�• �• • «a u�•�. 205-102 , � � Plantings may also be required in addition to, or in lieu of fencing. The type, size and location of such plantings must be approved by the City. B. Plantings shall not be placed so as to obstruct lines of sight at street corners and driveways. C. The scteening requirenents shall be satisfied by the use of a screening fence or planting screen according to the following standards: (I) A screening fence shall be attractive and compatible with the principal building and the surrounding land use. (2) A planting screen shall consist of a closely grown hedge, a row of trees, evergreens or other vegetation approved by the City. (3) If the topography, natural growth of vegetation, permanent buildings or other barriers meet the standards for screening as approved by the City, they may be substituted for all or p�rt of the screening fence or planting screen. D. Screening of off-street parking shall be required for: (1) Any off-street parking area visible from a public right-of-way. (2) Any driveway to a parking area adjoining a public right-of-way, (3) Arty psrking facility between the building and frontage street must be sczeened from the street by a hedge, solid fence or closely grown planting strip at least thirty-six (36) inches in height. E. Al1 loading docks must be located in the rear or side yards and be screened with a six (6) foot high miniminn solid screening fence if visible from a public right-of-way or if within fifty (50) feet of a residential district. F. Whexe any industrial district is adjacent to any other district, there shall be a minimum fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to provide for a physical separation. G. Where any industrial district is ad�acent to a public right-of-way or across from any residential district, the follawing requiranents must be met: (1) There shall be a five (5) foot sidewalk easement provided along the property line, Council may allaa the applicant to delay the installation of the sidewalk, i.f the applicant signs an ayreeirent that it will be constructed when the City requires the �nstallation. (2) There shall be a fifteen (15) foot planting strip located behind the required sidewalk, that is substantial enough to create a physical separation between the public right of-way and the industxial property. H. All trash or garbage stoxage receptacles must be located in 205.177. M-1 Distnct 205-103 the rear or side yards, and be totally screened from view from any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect � screening from vehicle c3amage. I. All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished products and equip�nt, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within an enclosed building or be screened on all sides from view from a public right of-way or an ad�oining property of a different district by a fence or other approved screen which extends two (2) feet above the highest item to be stored with the height of the fence not to exceed eight (8) feet except where materials and equipment are being used for construction on the prenises. J. Motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the pxincipal use, may be stored without screening only within the permitted rear yard area if they are not readily visible from a public riqht-of-way, K. .�111 roof equipment, except alternate energy devices, must be screened from public view unless the equipment is designed as an integral part of the building and is compatible with the lines of the building, as determined by the City. 5. Drainage And Grade Requirenents. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all lw ildings is provided, The follaaing minim�n criteria shall apply. � A. The minimtnn elevation of finished gxade shall not be less than or�-fourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. B. The City may specify a miniminn finished ground grade for any structures in order to allav proper drainage and connection to City utilities. 6. Landscaping. The following shall be minim�nn criteria for landscaping: A. It shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all requixed landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. B. A11 vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly mamier free of litter or �unk. C, All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping, 7. Maintenailce. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: A. Ebery e�erior wall� foundation and rooP of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight. weathertight and rodentproof and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and � repair. Exterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that gives 205.177. M-1 District 2D5-104 evidence of long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall � be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration, Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a buildinq shall be de�ned to be out of repair if: (1) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away� or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. Et�ery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior development shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a premises shall be properly maintained, groomed and cared for by the abutting property aaner. 8. Eossential Services. A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line, � ' 205,177. M-1 District 205-105 � 205.18 N�-2 HEAVY IAIDUSiRIAL DIS�tiCT 205.181 USFS PERMITPID 1. Principal UseS. The follow�.ng are principal uses in M-2 Districts: A. Wholesaling, warehousing, manufacturing, construction or service uses which will not be dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity and will not impair the use, or value of any property but not including any uses e7ccluded hereinafter. B. Equignent assembly plants, C. Dry cleaning plants and laundries, D. Railroad lines, spurs, passenger and freight depots. E, Heavy duty repair garages. F, Transformers, pumping stations and substations. 2. Accessory Uses. '19ie follaaing are accessory uses in i+�2 Districts: A. Retail sales or servicing of products manufactured or warehoused, B. Offices associated with the princig�l use. � C. A dwelling for a watchperson subject to the following conditions; � (1) Any dwelling unit located in an industrial structure shall not occupy the front half of a ground floor �r basement. (2) Any dwelling unit in an industrial building shall not contain more than one (1) bedroosn, (3) No detached dwelling unit shall be permitted in this district. (4) A dwelling unit shall be a part of the principal building and shall be provided with an outside entrance. D. Off-street parking facilities. E. Off-street loading facilities. F. Solar enerc� devices as an integral part of the principal structure. 3. IIses Permitted With A Special Use Permit. The follaaing are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in M-2 Districts: A. Offices not associated with a pxincipal use. B. Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices, 205.181. P4-2 DIS�2ICP RDG[R,F,TIONS USFS PERMI7.TID 205-106 1 � CJ C. Solax energy devices NOT an integral part of the principal structure. D, Radio transmitters and microwave taaers. E. Bulk gasoline and oil stations, except tank farms or oil transportation terminals, provided all applicable safety regulations are in compliance, F. The issuance of a special use permit shall be required before any of the following uses shall be established, reconstructed, structurally altered, enlarged or moved. (1) Cenent, lime, gypstun or plaster of paris manufactuxe. (2) Distillation of bones, coal, tar, petroleum, refuse, grain or wood. (3) Drilling or excavation for, or ranoval af, oil, gas or other hydzocarbons or minerals. (4) Fat rendering. (5) Fertilizer manufacture. (6) Garbage, offal, dead animal or fish reduction or dtunping. (7) (8) Gas, illinninating or heating, manufacture. Glue manufactuze, (9) Stone quarry, gravel pit� rock crushing and cutting, gravel and sand washing and grading. (10) Waste disposal or processing facility. G. Railroad yards� roundhouses, railroad repair shops, switching yards, hiunping yards, piggyback yards and rail truck transfer terminal facilities provided that no such uses shall be with�.n 1,500 feet of any residential district, within a building structure and the Council approves the location proposed. 4. Additional Restrictions. For uses, other than princi�al uses, requirements as to lot size, setbacks, building, parking, landscaping, screening� etc „ shall be at least comparable to similar uses in other districts, but also sub7ect to additional provisions as provided by the City. 205,182 USFS E7CCLUDED 1. Any use allowed or excluded in any other district unless specifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district are excluded in M-2 Districts. 2, Uses which may be dangerous or othenaise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity or to the general welfare and which may impair the use, enjoyment or value of any property, 3. Manufacture of acetylene, acid or any other type explosive. 4. Stock yards or slaughter houses, except of poultxy or rabbits. 205.182. M-2 District USFS EXCLUDID 205-107 205.183. Nf-2 District 5. Nuclear or hazardous waste ptocessing or storage facilities. 6. Gas fired foundries, 1 7. Asbestos manufacturing facilities. 8. Any other use, unless a Special Use Permit is obtained therefore, which is objectionable by reason of noise, dust, dirt, noxious gases, odor, vibration, glare, heat, explosions or because of sub�ection of life, health and property to hazard. 205.183 LOT RF]QUIRII�N7.5 ADID S��G LOT RDQU���'� 1. Lot Area. AND SEiBP.CKS A lot area of not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) acre is required for one (1) main building. 2. Lot Width. A lot width of 150 feet is required at the required front setback. 3. Lot Coverage. A. The maximum percent of the area of a lot allowed to be covered by the main building and all accessory �,uildings is as follaas: (1) One (1) Story - forty percent (40�) maximiun. (2) 7.tao (2) Story - thirty-five percent (35�) maximiun. (3) Three (3) Story - thirty percent (30�) maximwn. � (4) Four (4) Story - twenty-five percent (25�) maximtnn. (5) Five (5) Story - twenty percent (20�) ma�cimiun. i6) Six (6) Stoty - fifteen percent (15�) maximtun. B. The above lot coveraqe will be sub�ect to other considerations including parking and open space requirements, use of facilities, and proximity to other districts, which may decrease the maximwn lot coverage. C. The lot coverage may be reduced by the City if and when there is provision for underground parking within the main structure prwided that the lot coverage shall not be more than forty percent (40�). 4, Setbacks. A. Front Yard: A front yard depth of not less than thirty-five (35) feet is requirecl for all permitted buildings and uses. B. Side Yard: 7.tao (2) side yards are required, each with a width of not less than twenty (20) feet except: (1) NThere a driveway is to be provided in the side yard the � minimiun required side yard increases to thirty (30) feet. (2) Where a side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, the 205-108 � L_ J � side yard requiranent increases to a minimiun of thirty-five (35) feet. (3) No side yard is required where a common wall is provided between two (2) buildings which meet the requiranents of the Building Code. C. Rear Yard: A rear yard depth of not less than twenty-five (25} feet is required, with an addiktonal foot of rear yard depth for each four (4) feet or portion of building height over thirty-five (35) feet. D. Additional Setback Restrictions: Whenever any uxlustrial district is adjacent to or ad�oins on any other district, permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting s�ces shall not be: (1) Closer to a street right-of-way line, abutting a residential district, than 100 feet, (2) Closer to the alley right-of-way line than forty (40) feet. (3) Closer to the boundary line of any coimnercial district than thirty-five (35) feet, (4) Closer to the boundazy line of a residential district than fifty (50) feet, (5) Where dense, natural vegetation, trees and screening exist� the fifty (50) foot residential buffer will be retained and maintained as established by the City. 205.184 BUII�DING RDQUIItII�NTS 1. Height. Building height shall be a maximtun of six (6) stories not exceeding sixty-five (65) feet provided that no building shall be erected to a height exceeding forty-fiue (45) feet within fiity (50) feet of any I�1 or 1�2 residential district imless one (1) additional foot of setback can be provided for each one (1) foot of building height or portion thereof exceeding forty-five (45) feet. 2. E�terior Materials. The type of building materials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specifically designed precast concrete, factory fabricated and finished metal frame �neling, glass or other materials approved by the City. � •�� •a� ra i� �. 1. Reduction Of Parking. Reduction of gsrking stalls may be allowed when the provision of space required for �rking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary 205.185. M-2 District . � � • a� r a i� • a� r s i� ti 205-109 205.185. M-2 District hardship. Adequate open space shall be provided to satisfy the total rnm�ber of required �xrking stalls. � 2. Additional Parking. When the prwisions for parking sg�ce required for specific district uses is inadequate, the City �y require that additional off-street �rking be provided. 3. Parking Ratio. A. For office use at least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of office s�ce use, B. For retail use at least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 150 square feet of retail space use. C. For manufacturing uses at least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 400 square feet of manufacturing s�ce use. D, For warehouse and storage use at least one (1) off-street p�rking s�ce shall be provided for each 2,000 square feet of space use, E. For speculative building use at least one (1) off-street g�rking space shall be provided for each 500 square feet of floor area on lots of more than one and one-half (1-1/2) acres. F. For speculative building use, at least one (1) off-street �rking space shall be provided for each 700 square feet of floor area on lots of less than one and one-half (1-1/2) acres. � G. 7'he speculative parking ratio will be used for all mixed uses �mless the ormer agrees to enter into a wtitten agreement, in recordable form, with the City, in which the aaner represents to the City what the ratio of all uses in the build�.ng will be. Upon this happening, the parking ratio for the building will be determined on a pro-rata basis by the parking ratio per the number of square feet for each type of use which the owner represents will be located in the building. After execution of this agreanent, any changes to the specified uses will require a special use permit from the City. H. At least one (1) handicap off-street psrking s�ce shall be provided for each fifty (50) spaces or fraction thereof, 4, Desic� Requiranents: A. Drainage: P11 driveways and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles, shall be graded according to a drainage plan which has been approved by the City. B. Lighting: Any lighting used to illwnu�ate an off-street parking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light a�vay from the ad�oining property and traffic. , C. Curbing: aos—iia The entire perimeter of all �rking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading spaces or other hard � surface areas that handle motor vehxcle tsaffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) �.nch high concrete curb. (2) Curb cuts and rwnps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law, (3) Construction shall be in accordance with curbing specifications on file at the City. (4) The City may exempt curbing: (a) Where the �xirking lot directly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the grade of the parking lot and satisfies the curbing requiranents, (b) Where the City has approved future e�ansion. D. DriVewdy Requiranents: (1) A tnaximtan drivc�aay width oE thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the enttance radii can be �nstructed. (2) The g�rking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and eighteen (18) feet in width for one-way traffic. (3) The edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet or twa-thirds (2/3) of the lot width, , whichever is smaller, (4) Where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located opposite the end of the intercepted street. (5) The minimtnn driveway angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. E. All parking and hard surface areas shall be: (1) No closer than twenty (20) feet fram any street right-of-way. (2) No closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line, except for a con¢non drive approved by the ad�oining propetty owners and the City. (3) No closer than five (5) feet from any reax lot line unless adjacent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to fifteen (15) feet. (4) No closer than five (5) feet from the main building. (5) Curbed with mini�rnun driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. F, i,oading Docks: (1) Outside loading docks are to be located in the rear � yard oc side yard and be properly screened. (2) The sg�ce needed for the loading docks must be adequate 205.185. M-2 District 205-111 � to handle the loading and unloading needs, without obstructing the public right-of-way. G. Off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles concerned with any use on the lot. H. All parking facilities of 100 contiguous spaces or more shall be subject to interior landscape improvenents as approved by the City. I. Parking lots with more than four (4) parking s�ces shall be striped. J. Sufficient concrete area may be required for motorcycle �rking in addition to the required vehicle �rking stalls, K. Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is com�enient to each major building entrance and will not disrupt pedestrian or vehicular trafPic or fire lanes. L. Safety signs, markings and traffic control devices may be required to prwnote vehicular and pedestrian safety. ri :. � n. •a� ra i� 1. All open areas of any site, except for areas used for parking, driveways or storage shall be landscaped and be incorporated in a landscape plan. 2. The landscape plan shall be submitted for appraval by the City and indicate the location, size and species, and method and quantity � of all proposed plants including designation of any existing vegetation which is to be removed or which will remain with construction. 1 3, Underground lawn sprinkling systems shall be provided to maintain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and side yard areas. 205.187 `�_�i�� ; �. 1. Parking Facilities. 1#11 driveways� parking areas and loading docks shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete or other hard surface material approved by the City. 2. Exterior Storage. A, A11 materials and commiercial equipment shall 6e kept in a building or shall be fully screened so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or ad�oining property in a different district. B. The City Council shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials. 3. Refuse, All waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed �ntainers as r�,;red under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Code. 205,187. M-2 Di5trict � u. • o• r a i� . i�..� 205-112 4. Screening. A. Screening shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less � than six (6) feet high in the side and rear yards and a maximum of four (4) feet high in the front yard, and shall not extend to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also be required in addition to, or in lieu of, fencing. The type, size and location of such plantings must be approved by the City. lines of sight at street corners and driveways. C. The screening requirenents shall be satisfied by the use of a scieening fence or planting scteen according to the following standards : (1) A screeninq fence shall be attractive and compatible with the principal building and the surrounding land use. (2) A planting screen shall consist of a closely grown hedge, a row of trees, evergreens or other vegetation approved by the City. (3) if the topography, natural growth of vegetation, permanent buildings or ot-her barriers meet the standards for screening as approved by the City, they may be substituted for all or �rt of the screening fence or planting screen. D. Screening of off-street p�rking shall be required for: (1) Any off-street parking area visible from a public � right-of-way. (2) Any driveway to a parking area ad�oining a public right-of-way, (3) Any g3rking facility betwe� the building and frontage street must be screened from the stxeet by a hedge, solid fence or closely grown planting strip at least thirty-six (36) inches in height. E. All loading docks must be located in the rear or side yards and be screened with a six (6) foot high minimtun solid screening fence if visible from public right-of-ways or if within fifty (50) feet of a residential district. F. Where any industrial district is ad�acent to any other district, there shall be a minimum fifteen (15) foot wide screening strip to provide for a physical separation. G. Where any industrial district is ad�acent to a public right-of-way or across from any residential district, the follaaing requirenents must be met: (1) There shall be a five (5) foot sidewalk easement provided along the property line. Council may allaa the applicant to delay the installation of the sidewalk, if the applicant signs an agreement that it � will be constructed when the City requires the installation. (2) There shall be a fifteen (15) foot planting strig 205.187. M-2 District 205-113 located behind the required sidewalk, that is substantial enouqh to create a physical separation between the public � right-of-way and the industrial property. H. All trash or garbage storage receptacles must be located in the rear or side yard and be totally screened from view from any public right-of-way. Provisions must be taken to protect screening from vehicle damaqe. I. All raw materials� supplies, finished or semi-finished products and equiFanent, not including motor vehicles, shall be stored within an enclosed building or be screened on all sides fran view fr�n a public right-of-way or an ad�oining property of a different district by a fence or other approved screen which extends two (2) feet above the highest itezn to be stored with the height not to exceed eight (S) feet except where materials and equipment are being used for construction on prsnises, J. Motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the principal use, may be stored without screening only within the permitted rear yard area if they are not readily visible from a public right-of-way. K, All roof equipment� except alternate energy devices, must be screened fxam public view unless the equi$nent is designed as an integral p3rt of the building and is com�tible with the lines of the building, as determined by the City. 5. Drainage And Grade Requiranents. � A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The follaaing minim�un criteria shall apply. A. The minimwn elevation of finished grade shall not be less than one-fourth (1/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. B. The City may specify a minimLmifintshed ground grade for any structure in order to allaa proper drainage and connection to City utilities, 6. Iandscaping: The follaaing shall be minimwn ctiteria for landscaping: A. It shall be the owner's responsibility to see that all required landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. B. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly mariner free of litter and �unk. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping. 7. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: � A, Et�ery exterxor wall, foundation and roof of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and 205.187. M-2 District 205-114 rodentproof and shall be kept in a good state of maintenance and repair, E�sterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive � dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that gives evidence of long neglect. B. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good rep�ir and provide a sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be deened to be out of repair if: (1) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blisterecl, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. C. Ewery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior development shall be maintained in an attxactive, well kept condition. D. The 6oulevard area of a premises shall be properly maintained, groomed and cared for by the abutting property amer. 8. Essential Services. A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary ' sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. � 205.187. M-2 District 205-115 � 205.19 PUI����'� UNiT DEVECAPI�TP DIS'iRICT 205.191 POREI�SE The ob�ective in establishing a PUD District is to elimu�ate the co- mingling of different� incompatible uses in one zoning classification. This co-mingling causes harm to surrounding properties because of the possibility that the zoned property will be used for a use differettt frrnn the particular use contemplated at the time of enactment of the Zoning Chapter. It is, therefore, the purpose of this Chapter to provide for the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by setting forth in this chapter all of the regulations and procedures in connection with the zoning of property for a planned unit development use. � ••�«�r • �• � � i i�!� � � •• i� There shall be provided by the applicant, prior to acceptance of the petition for teclassification, a General Plan of Development consisting of maps, descriptive statenent of ob�ectives, principles and standards used in its formulation and including the following components: 1. Iand Use Canponent. The Land Use Component shall consist of a map or set of maps, � setting forth the distribution, location and extent of the acres of land devoted to each category of land use proposed as part of the Genetal Plan of Development, Such uses ma�> include single or multiple family residential, mixed types of residential; neighborhood retail shopping facilities, co�nunity retail shopping facilities, regional retail shopping facilities, office facilities; service facilities; wholesale or goods distribution facilities; industrial facilities; education, religious, recreation, open s�ce, public and semi-private facilities; or othet categories of public or private uses of land as allaaed in any district in the City. Said component shall also contain a descriptive statanent of ob7ectives, principles and standards used for its formulation. 2. Circulation Coi[g�onent. The Circulation Component shall consist of a map or set of maps, setting forth the general location and extent of all transportation facilities proposed as part of the General Plan of Development. It shall include arterial, collector and local stteetsr transportation routes, terminals, heliports, and the delineation of such systens on the land; onrway streets, street widths; grade separatsons, divided roads; left-turn lanes; pedestrian and bicycle paths and other information related to the provision for the circulation of traffic within the planned unit development. Said Component shall also contain a descriptive statement of objectives, principles and standards used for its formulation. 3. Population Component. LJ 205.192. • i � �• • ar�l ;_ �.� S 1: .1. .. • �� •� �. � 205-116 79ie Population Component shall contain a descriptive statement of the population density and building intensity for the various � proposed land uses, including an estimate of future population characteristics and changes within the planned unit development correlated with the other Components of the General Plan of Develognent. The supporting data shall include dwelling units per acre for the various residential uses, square footage by type for the aarious offices and retail facilities including sufficient data to calculate traffic generation, parking requirements, water consiunption, sewage needs and the necessary capacity of related utilities and services traditionally rendered by public or private organizations for a population of the size pro�ected for the completed develotanent. � � 4. Subdivision Desic� Cortiponent. The Subdivision Design Component shall contain statanent of the principles governing the proposed land including lot design £or various proposed land 5. Services And Facilities Compor�nt. a descriptive subdivision of uses. The Services and Facilities Component shall contain a map or set of maps setting forth the general location and extent of any and all existing and proposed systens for sewage, domestic water supply and distribution, refuse disposal, drainage� local utilities and rights-of-way� easements; facilrties and necessary appurtenances. Said component shall also contatn a descriptive statement setting forth the objectives, principles and standards used for its formulation, as well as a detailed statenent describing the proposed ownership, method of operation and maintenance of each service and facility, 6. Construction Order C�nponent. The Construction Order C�nponent shall contain a map or set of maps setting forth the proposed chronological order oL- constructian relating each proposed use and structure to the construction of the various services and facilities, as a part of the General Plan of Development. Said Co�nipor�nt shall include estimated wmpletion dates and shall specify the proposed order of request for utility release or othex authority to occup� completed structures so as to provide a basis for detetmining the adequacy of the related services and facilities tor each seg�rate construction phase. 7, Additional Ca�onents. The General Plan of Development may include any additional components including an economic feasibility study or an economic benefits analysis if either of such is consic� red necessary by the applicant or zequired by the Planninq Coimnission or City Council for the physical develoEanent of the project or to aid in evaluating the impact and effect on other existing or proposed facilities and services of the City; a Recreation Component; Social Services Component; Public Buildings Cmnponent providing consideration for ac�hninistrative and public safety quarters; and any others requirec] depending upon the nature of the particulax proposed development. 8, Maps And Reports. 205.192. PUD District 205-117 � � � The General Plan of Development shall include supporting maps drawn to scale, diagrams, charts� descriptions, reports and an e�lanation of inethods utilized in its formulations. 205.193 ADOPTIOiN OF PI�N[+�D iTNIT DEVII.OPME[�FP + D 1. Method OP Adoption Of Zhe General Plan Of Development. A. The method of adoption of the General Plan of Development for a PUD shall follaa the same process as an amendment to the Zoning Code as outlined in Section 205.053. B. Public notification of the hearing on the General Plan of Development shall be inwrporated into the notice of proposed HTU amenchnent as required in this chapter, Specific mention of any proposed modifications or amen�nent of any other ordinance of this community or section of this chapter shall be included in said notice. 2. Detailed Site Plans. Prior to the issuance of a buslding permit or other off icial evidence of authority fox use of the area covered by the General Plan of Develognent, three (3) complete and detailed site plans for each phase or portion thereof for which building permits are requested shall be submitted to the City. Each site plan shall include refinements of all pertinent data required as part of the General Plan of Develognent� including, but not lunited to: A. A location map relating the slte plan to the General Plan of Development. B. Plac�nent of all structures. C. Identification of the use of each structure and reference to the supplementary data pertinent to each use and contained within the relative wmponent of the General Plan of Development along with appropriate additional data. D. Provision for off-street parkinq, vehicle storage, internal and extetnal circulation and reference to supplenentary traffic data. E. �e extent and type of landscaping identified by scientific or common name and size, method and quantity of such at time of planting. F. The type and placement of advertising or directional signs, other than street name signs and signs contained within cotmnercial or industrial sites. Stop signs will be required at the points where private driveways or roadways intersect with public streets. G. The type and location of firrfighting facilities, H. A topographic map. I. Nature and e�ctent of cut and fi11. J. Lot size and dimensions. K. Plans and specifications for the improves�ent of streets, 205.193. PiTD District ���� • • . . i ia�� � �•�i� 205-118 205.193. PUD District highways and alleys, L. Plans and specifications for facilities for drainage of � lots, if any, and the sites, streets, highways and alleys, including provision of storm drainage, culverts, bridges and appurtenant structures. M. Plans and specifications for distribution and service lines for domestic water supply to each lot� if any, or building site; reservoirs and pwnping stations; and if a private facility, a proposed agreanent with the City to assure continued operation and maintenance to, or above, the minimwn City standard. N. Plans and specifications for sewage facilities, including main and secondary collection lines and stub-offs from the secondary collection lines to the property line of each potential lot, if any, or building site. D. The type, placement and number of street name signs and traffic safety signs. P. The type, plac�nent and ntmiUer of street, highway and alley lighting devices. Q. Barricades and other safety devices. R. The type of fencing along any lot or site abutting a river, creek, open storm drain, lake or other body of water or channel and its appurtenant works, S. The type and location of fences, walks or hedges used as � fences throughout the planned co�ntuiity. T. The height of all structures. 3. Approval OP Site Plans. A. It shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Administrator to ensure that detailed site plans are in conformity to the approved General Plan of Development, approved chronological order of construction and in conformance with the provision of all ordinances of the City and the special regulations as may have been set by the adoption of the General Plan of Develognent. B. To assure compliance of outside improvements as specified under the General Plan, a bond or letter of credit shall be given to the City in the amount as determined by the City. 4. EFfect Of Conditions On Com�eyed Lots Or Building Sites. In the event any real property in the adopted General Plan of Develognent is conveyed in total or in �rt after adoption of said General Plan of Developnent, as long as the property remains zoned PUD, the buyers thereof shall be bound by the provisions of this District and the adopted General Plan of Development. However, nothing herein shall be construed to create nonconforming lots, building sites, building or uses by virtue of any such conveyance of lot, building sites, building or part of the development created in � conformance with said Plan. Subsequent structural additions or alterations may be made prwided the provisions of this District and 205-119 other ordinances are acIl�ered to, to the extent that said ordinances may apply. � 5. Recreation Use Areas And Buildings. In the event certa�.n land areas and buildings are provided within the planned unit developnent for private recreational use, the aaner of such land and buildings shall enter into an agreement with the City to assure the continued operation and maintenance to a prec3etermined standard. 6. Uses Pexini.tted. Unless otherwise prohibited by law within the Czty, any use of land or buildings which is clearly designated by type or category on the apprwed and adopted General Plan of Development and subsequently approved site plans, shall be permitted by this District. 7. Interpretation Of District Provisions. A. Whenever a question arises concerning the intetpretation of any section of this district, it shall tae the duty of the Planning Commission to ascertain all facts concexning said questions and forward all data and a recommendation to the City Council for a determination. B. If, within three (3) years from the time of district approval by the City, there is no development or action of development, the property will revert to the zoning district in effect prior to this action, unless an extension is granted by the City Council. � �J 205.193. PUD District 205-120 � � � 205.20 S-1 SPECIAL DIS`1RRIIC'PS 205.201 II�TrE[� A special district is a zorung district that is designated on the zoning map, created thxough specific regulation changes necessary to protect the health and general welfare of the public within the designated district. A special district, when designated, shall be classified by numerical order as it is established. 205.202 PROCE�[JRE FOR ESTIIBLISHI�NT OF A SPECIAL DIS7RIGT The procedure f or the establishment of a special district shall follae the amenctnent procedure as laid out in Section 205.053 of this chapter, and shall clearly lay out the purpose for the amenc�nent and the district boundaries. 205.21 S-1 HYDE PARK NEIGE�ORHOOD DIS�3IGT R�n•AmIONS 205.211 TITLE This section shall be referred to as the "Hyde Park Neighborhood District" in short form. 205.212 PURPOSE The purpose of this special zoning district is to: 1. Change the present "legal, nonconforming use" status of the residential dwellings in the neighborhood to a"conforming use" status. 2. R�-establish the residential charactez of the neighborhood. 3. Protect the property rights of all present landowners as much as possible, while promoting the residential development of the neighborhood. 4. Establish a zoning mechanism for the neighborhood that will encourage residential investment and development in Hyde Park. 205.213 DIS`IItICP BOUI�II]A1tIFS The Hyde Park Neighborhood shall be comprised of Lots 16-30, Block 5; all of Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; Lots 16-30, Block 12; Lots 16-30, Block 21; all of Blocks 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27; Lots 6-10, Block 28, all of Hyde Park Addition; Lots 1-13, Block 2; Lots 3-4, Block 8, and all of Block 1, City View Addition in the City of Fridley. 205.214 US�S PERMI7.TID 1, Principal Uses. The follaaing are princig3]. uses in the S-1 District: One-family dwellings. 2. Accessory Uses. 205.214. �•vu. � �� ..�«�� �• �. � i i� S-1 HYDE PARK ➢ISTRICT ' '�'� � :• n�. • a�� �� 205-121 ' � � A. Only one (1) accessory building in excess of 240 square feet is allaaed per site. One (1) additional accessory building is allaaed provided it does not exceed 240 square feet. B. Any accessory building in excess of the above requirements (square footage or n�r of buildings) requires a Special Use Permit. C. All accessory buildings must be permanently attached to a foundation and may not be used for home occupations. D. All garages whether attached to, tucked under or detached from the main dwelling are considered to be an accessory building. E. The follaaing are accessory uses in the S-1 District: (1) Private garages or other accessory buildings. (2) Privately owned recreational facilities, such as swinmiing pools, tennis courts, which are for the en�oyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and theix guests. (3) Home occupations including rental of rooms for occu�ncy to not more than two persons per dwelling unit. 3. Existing Uses. A. All existing uses will be classified as permitted uses within the zoninq district on the present property which they occupy. B. For existing uses other than one family dwellings, in the eaent that the main structure is either damaged or destroyed, the existing use will be allaaed to rebuild but shall not exceed the size or setbacks of the existing structures. Alterations may be made when they improve the structure, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units, the bulk of the building, or enlarge the use. C. Existing o� family dwellings that do not conform to the conditions of this chapter will be allowed to continue as a permitted use. In the event that the main structure is either damaged or destroyed, the existinq use will be allowed to rebuild to the setbacks of the existing buildinq or to the allaaed setbacks of the district. Alterations and additions will be allaaed when they improve the structure, provided they meet the required setbacks as stated in this chapter. 4. Uses Excluded, The following are excluded uses in the S-1 District: A. Radio or television antennas exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet above the dwelling roof. B. Any use not specifically permitted in the preceeding g3ragraphs of this section. 2D5.214, I S-1 D15tr1 205-122 ' � � 205.215 L(Yr RDQUTR�� ADID S��c 1. Lot Area. A lot area of not less than 7,500 square feet is requirecl. 2. Lot Width. A. The width of a lot shall not be less than sixty (60) feet at the required setback. B. Where a parcel of land is less than sixty (60) feet in width, but not less than fifty (50) feet in width the side yard requirenents can be reduced to a five (5) foot minimum on each side sub7ect to the follaaing conditions: (1) The distance between any attached garage or other accessory buildings is at least ten (10) feet. (2) 'Phe distance between any building and the living area in an adjacent building is at least fifteen (15) feet. (3) The distance between the living areas in any two (2) ad�acent buildings is at least twenty (20) feet. 3. Lot Coverage: Not more than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of a lot shall be covered by the main buildinq and all accessory buildings. 4. Setbacks: A. Front Ya[d: A front yard with a depth of not less than thirty-five (35) feet is required. B. Side Yard: 7.tao (2) side yazds are required, each with a width of not less than ten (10) feet, except as follaas: (1) Where a house is built without an attached garage, a minimtan side yard requirenent shall be ten (10) feet on one side, and thirteen (13) feet on the other side, so that there is access to the rear yard for a detached garage and off-street parking area. (2) Where a house is built with an attached garage, the side yard adjoining the attached garage or accessory building may be reduced to not less than five (5) feet, provided the height of the garage or accessory building on that side is not more than fifteen (15) feet. C. Corner Lots: (1) The side yard width on a street side of a corner lot shall be not less than seventeen and one-half (17.5) feet. When the lot to the rear has frontage along a side street, no accessory building on the corner lot within twenty-five (25) feet of the common property line shall be closer to said side street than thirty (30) feet; provided however, that this regulation shall not be interpreted as to reduce 205.215. S-1 Distric` • • s� r 5 i� � u �« 205-123 � 1 � the buildable width of a corner lot to less than twenty-five (25) feet. (2) Any attached ot unattached accessory building which opens on the side street, shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet fran the property line on a side street. D. Rear Yard: A rear yard with a depth of not less than twenty-five percent (25�) of the lot depth is required, with not less than twenty-five (25) feet permitted or more than forty (40) feet required from the main build�.ng, 205.216 BUILDING RDQUTR�'� 1. Height. No building shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, enlarged or moved, so as to exceed the building height limit of thirty (30) feet. 2. Minimim Floor Area. A one-fam�.ly dwelling unit shall have a miniminn first floor area of 768 square feet of living sp3ce. 205.217 PEREL�RMAN(:E S�: 1. Parking RequirenPnts. A. At least one (1) off-street parking stall shall be provided for each dwelling unit, B. No �rking stall shall be located in any portion of the front yard, except on a driveway or hardsurfaced parking space, approved by the City, and set back a minimum of three (3) feet from the side property line, except as agreed to by adjacent property owners. C. A garaqe shall satisfy the off-street parking stall requirement. D. All driveways and parking stalls shall be surfaced with blacktop, concrete or other hard surface material approved by the City. 2. F�cterior 5torage. A. Nothing shall be stored in the required front yard. B. All materials shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way except for stacked firewood, boats and trailers placed in the side yard. C. The City shall require a Special Use Permit for any open e�cterior storage of materials except for B above. 3. Refuse. All waste materials, refuse or garbage shall be contained in closed containers as required under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" 205.217. S-1 nistrir_`; . � � • a• r a i� .�. �... « . �. � 205-124 � � � of the Fridley City Code. 4. Drainage Ar� Grade Requir�nents. A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away fromt a1Z buildings is provided, The follaaing minimiun ctiteria shall apply: A. The minimum elevation of finished grade shall not be less than one fourth (1/4) lnch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade, B. The City may specify a minimtnn finished ground grade for any structures in order to allaa proper drainage and connection to City utilities. 5. Iandscaping. 7he follaaing shall be m�nimiun criteria for landscaping: A. Sodding and landscaping shall extend across the entire front yard and side yards including the boulevard. B. 1�11 other open areas of any site, except for areas used for parking, driveways or storage, shall be sodded, seeded or have vegetative cover. C. All uses shall provide water facilities to yard areas for maintenance of landscaping. D. It shall be the owner's tesponsibility to see that all required landscaping is maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. E, All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in an orderly manner free of litter and �unk. 6, Maintenance, It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: A. �ery exterior wall, fo�mdation and roof of any building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight and rodentproof and shail be kept in a good state of maintenance and repair, Exterior walls shall be maintained free from extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears oz breaks of deteriorated plaster, stucco, brick, wood or other material that gives evidence of long neglect. S. The protective surface on exterior walls of a building shall be maintained in good repair and provide a sufficient coverinq and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Without luniting the generality of this section, a pzotective surface of a building shall be deened to be out of repair if: (1) More than twenty-five percent (25�) of the area of any plane or wall on which the protective surface is paint is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled or chalked away, or (2) More than twenty-five percent (25b) of the pointing of any brick or stone wall is loose or has fallen out. 205.217. 8-1 District 205-125 � � � C. Ebery yard and all structures, walls, fences, walks, steps, driveways, landscaping and other exterior developments shall be maintained in an attractive, well kept condition. D. The boulevard area of a maintained, groomed and cared owrier. 7. Essential Services. premises shall be propexly for by the abutting property A. Connection is required on each lot served by City sanitary sewer. B. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water line. 205.217. S-1 District 205-126 ' � � 205.22 5-2 RIDEVIIAPNIFd+Tr DIS�RIGT 205.221 P[TRfbSE The purpose of this special zoning district is to: 1. Allaa for a mixed use develo�anent within special redevelopment districts set up under Chapter 462 of I�Linnesota State Statutes for the health� safety and general welfare of the City. 2. Allow for the maximtun flexibility in the promotion of difflcult redevelopment projects. 3. Allaa for develoFanent hy a plan which is acceptable to, and in the best interest of, the City and the overall district and developm�nt plan. 205.222 USFS PERMITPID Permitted uses in S-2 Districts are: Those uses which are acceptable to the overall redevelopment plan and specific development plans as approved by the City. Upon apprwal of the specific develolanent plans, the City shall determine the specific uses that are permitted within the development. 205.223 USFS ALSAFTF� AETER Pi�AN DEVELOPMEDPP Uses allowed in each individual building after construction will be the same as or similar to those uses approved in Section 205.222 ataove. 205,224 USFS EXCLUDID Those uses unacceptable to the overall redevelopment plan and specific development plans, as determined by the City, are excluded uses in S-2 Districts. 205.225 PROC�'SS FOR APPROVAL 1. Plans for each individual pro�ect or combination of pro�ects must be submitted to the Planninq Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council, The City Council shall have fi.nal authority to approve all pro�ect plans. 2. Project plans submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council shall include the follaaing minim�nn criteria: A. Site plans showing the location of buildings, off-street parkinq, street and utility locations, auto and pedestrian access to and fxom the project, any modification to exxsting services, grading plans, storm water plans, building exterior finish, lighting and signing and landscape plans. B. Written City staff review on ptoject compatibility to the werall redevelopsnent plan. 205.225. • �+� � • • i� � u• •�r � i'i■ 1�:iLya USES PERMITPEp USFS EXCI,UDID 205-127 205.226. S-2 Distrlct C. A written Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) report on project plan approval and considerations. � 3. Any substantial modification to the plan must be submitted through the Planning Commi.ssion and approved by the City Council. 205.226 PERF+DRMANCE STAI�IDARAS All performance standards for uses in this district shall be STA�RDS comparable to other similar uses that are allowed in other districts. � � 205-128 � ��J ' 205.23 0-1 OVERLAY DIS'IItICPS 205.231 PURPOSE APID INTEDIP It is the purpose and intent of this section to establish special controls for the protection of life and property and to prevent and mitigate damage to unique and valuable resources within the City. An Overlay District shall werlay all other zoning districts within prescribecl boimdaries and shall place on those districts, special conditions in addition to the required zoning regulations. 205.232 Q�ASSIFICATION All overlay districts shall be classified as an "O" District with special n�nnerical suffix which will differentiate between distncts. � • •��«�r � • � i i� • • �• � � w• An overlay district is a zoning district to the extent that the land so apprwed would be designated on the zoninq map as an Overlay Distriet through specific regulation changes necessary to protect the health and general welfare of the public within the designated district. An Overlay District, when designated, shall be classified by rnunerical order as it is established. 205.24 o-1 Q2EIIC AAID R1VIIt 205.241 PURPQSE The purpose of this district is to: DIS'IRICP 1. Regulate and ensure orderly development of Fridley's flood plai.n and fringe lands. 2. Preserve and protect the natural state of creeks and rivers in FYidley. 3. Protect suxface and ground water quality and quantity. 4. Minimize the losses due to periodic flooding and eliminate obstructions of flood flow that would cause hazards to life and property. 205.242 LAI�S SUBJDCP TO �IIS DI57RICT 1. Establishment Of Boundaries. The boundaries of the Creek and River Preservation District are hereby established as shaan on the official zoning map of the City of Fridley. Zhs.s boundary is made up of two (2) protection zones (CRP-1 "Floodsvay" and CRP-2 "Flood Fringe") which contain all lands within the jurisdiction of the City which are sub�ect to periodic flooding by a tegional flood and which lie below the regulatory flood protection elevation on the Official Creek and River Profile (hereinafter called the Profile) contained within the Flood Insurance Study prepared for the City of Fridley. The Flood Insurance Study for the City of Fridley prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration dated September 2, 1980 and the Flood 205.242. • �. �. . ��•�i ��n � CLASSIFICATION ••• �� • •• • �� �i �����' � 4• 1 M• ' I� JI• •.a.�� • LADIDS SOBJFX,T TO 7HIS DIS�2ICT 205-129 L.�1 � � Boi.mdary and Floodway Maps and Flood Insurance Rate Niaps therein are adopted by reference. 2, Location Of Boundaries. The elevations as shown on the Profile and other available technical data contained in the Flood Insurance Study shall be the governing factot in locating creek and river protection boundaries. 205.243 For the purpose of this district the following definitions shall apply: 1. Accessory Building. A subordinate building or use which is located on the same lot as the princi�l building or use and is necessary or incidental to the conduct of the princig3l building or use. 2. Channel. A natural or artificial depression with definite beds and banks to confine and conduct either continuously or periodically the water in creeks and rivers. 3. Catunission. The City of Fridley Planning Conunission. 4. C.oimnissioner. 'liie Conmussioner of the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Minnesota. 5. Coimcil. The Fridley City Council. 6. Qt�l. Creek and River Protection Zone 1. This zone is synonanous with the term "Flooch�aay". 7. QtP-2. Creek and River Protection Zone 2. '1i�is zone is synonanous with the term "Flood Fringe". 8. F7qua1 Degree Of Ehcroactnnent. A method of determining the location of floods+tay boundaries so that flood plain land on both sides of a stream are cagable of conveying a proportionate share of flood flaas. 9, Flood Or Flooding. A temporary rise in creek and river flow or stage that results in inimdation of the areas ad�acent to the channel. 10. Flood Fringe. That portion of the flood plain outside of the floodway. Flood fringe is synonanous with the term "Floodway Fringe" used in the Flood Insurance Study. 205.242. 0-1 Districtll DEFINITIONS 205-130 11. Flood Plain. 7iie areas ad�oining a channel which have been or hereaf ter may be � covered by regional flood. 12. Flood Profile. A graph or longitudinal plot of water surface elevations of a flood event along a creek or a river. � � 13. Flood Proofing. Any oombination of provisions, changes or ad�ustments to properties and structures subject to flooding that are required for the reduction or elimination of flood damage. 14. Floodway. The channel and those portions of the ad�oining flood plain which is required to carry and discharge a regional flood. 15. Obstruction. Any dam, wall, wharf� anbankment, levee, road, dike, pile, abutment, projection, excavation� channel rectification, culvert, building, wire, fence, stockpile, storage of matexial or equigment, refuse, fill, deposit, clearing of trees or vegetation or structure in, along, across or projecting, in whole or in part, into any flood plain. 16. Preservation District. The Creek and River Preservation District boundaries shall be contiguous with the regional flood boundaries indentified as a part of the Flood Insurance Study. 17. Profile. �fficial Creek and River Prof�.le. 18. Regulatory Flood Protection Datiun. A point of not less than one (1) foot above the regional flood level. 19. Regional Flood, A flood which is representative of large floods known to have occurred in Minnesota and reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to occur on an average frequency in the magnitude of the 100 year recurrence interval, Regional flood is synonanous with the term "base flood" used in the Floocl Insurance Study. 20. Structure. Anything constructed or erected which requires location on or underground or attachment to something having location on or undergrotmd. �i.s includes an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts �oined together in some definite manner, whether of a temporaxy or permanent character, 21. Unnurobered 1�Zone. A special flood hazard area inundated by the 100-year flood, 205.242. 0-1 Distr 205-131 ' � � determined by approximate methods� no base flood elevations are shown or flood hazard factor determined by the Flood Insurance Study. 205.244 DIS'IItiCP USFS, PERMITS APID STANf]ARDS 1. District Use. The intent of this section is to provide a supplementary overlay district which is made up of two protection zones; CRP-1 and CRP-2 within any of the existing zoning districts, Development of this district will follow the requirements of the original zoning district in addition to the requirenents of this section. 2. Permitted Uses In (RP�1 District (Floodway). A. No structure or any portion thereof shall be constructed or placed within the CRP-1 District, nor shall there be any grading, filling or excavating of land oz any use established on any property within this district with the folloraing exceptions: (1) Any use having a laa flood damage potential including recreational uses, parking lots, residential yazds, loadinq areas, storage yards, water control structures and other open space uses. (2) Accessory structures to the above use may be permitted if : (a) Structures are not for htmian habitation. (b) Structutes have a laa flood damage potential. (c) Structures are firmly anchored to prevent floatation. (d) Accessory buildings are flood proofed in accordance with the State Building Cocle. B. Any use, structures, grading, filling and excavating permitted in this section� with the exception of public uses, require a Special Use Permit, C. Any removal of existing trees over three (3) inches in diameter shall require City apprwal. D. No structure (temporary or permanent), fill (includinq f ill for roads and levees), deposit, obstruction, storage of materials or equipment, or other uses may be allowed as a Special Use which, acting alone or in combination with existing or reasonably anticipated future uses, adversely affects the capacity of the floodway or increases flood heights. 3. Public Utilities, Railroads, Roads And Bridges. A. Public Utilities: All public utilities and facilities, such as gas, electrical, sewer and water supply systens located in the flood plain shall be flood-proofed in accordance with the State Building Code or elevated to above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. B. Public Transportation Facilities: 205.244. � 0-1 Distric� � � I DISTRICP USFS� PERMITS ADID STANDARD6 2Q5-132 205.244. 0-1 Distxict Railroad tracks, roads and bridges located within the Ploodway District shall comply with the sections of this chapter, � Elevation to the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum shall be provided where failure or interruption of these transportation facilities would result in danger to the public health or safety or where such facilities are essential to the orderly fimctioning of the area. Minor or auxiliary roads or railroads may be constructed at a lower elevation where failure or interruption of transportation services would not endanger the public health or safety. 4. Permitted Uses In QtP�2 District (Flood Fringe). No building or structure or any portion thereof, shall be placed within the Qt1�2 District, nor shall there be any grading, filling or excavating o£ land or any use established on any property within the Distzict tmless a Special Use Permit is granted. A Special Use Permit may be granted within the CRP-2 zone with the following exceptions: A. No S�ecial Use Permit shall be authorized which would result in incom�ati.ble land uses or which would be detrimental to the protection of surface and ground water supplies. B. No Special Use Permit shall be authorized for structures which will increase the financial burdens imposed on the community and its individuals thxough increasing floods and overflaa of water onto land areas ad�acent to the creeks and rivers. ' C. No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the proposal is in keeping with land use plans and planning ob7ectives for the City of Fridley and which will not increase or cause danger to life or property. D. No Special Use Permit shall be issued in those cases which are inconsistent with the objectives and encourage land use that is incomg�tible with the preservation of the natural land forms and vegetation. E. No Special Use Permit shall be issued for any fill unless shown to have scme beneficial purpose to the property and the amoi.mt thereof must not exceed that necessary to achieve the intended purpose, A plan shall be submitted by the a�aner showing the uses to which the filled land will be put, the kind of fill, and the final dimensions of the proposed fill or other materials. Such fill shall be protected against erosion by rig-rap, vegetative cover or bulkheading if de�ned necessary. F. No Special Use Permit shall be issued for garbage or waste disposal sites or syst�as. G. No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the applicant submits engineering data, site plans and other plans and information, as the City may require, in order to determine the regulatory flood protection elevation in unnumbered A zones, and the effects of such development on the bed, bank, channel, � flooclway or flood platn in the District. The applicant shall submit four (4) complete copies of the application. 205-133 H. No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the proposed use or obstruction has been reviewed by all governmental bodies ' having jurisdiction over such use or obstruction. Even if the review is required by statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations applicable to other governmental bodies, the City of Fridley retains the right to make the fina] determination. 205.245 ADDITIONAL IN CRP�2 DIS1f2IGT5 Any Special Use Permit issued for an obstruction in the CRP-2 district shall meet the follaaing provisions: 1. Structures. Structures for habitation constructed on fill shall be constructed on fill so the basement floor or first floor, if there is no basement, is above the regulatory flood protection elevation with the fill at that elevation at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the limits of any structure or building erected thereon. Where existing streets or utilities are at elevations which make compliance impractical, or in other special circumstances, the Planning Carunission may authorize other techniques of elevating the first floor (including basements) above the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum undex the Special Use Permit, that conform with the flood-proofing requiranents of the State Building Code. 2. Other Uses. Accessory land uses, such as accessory buildings, yards and parking lots may be at elevations laaer than the Regulatory Flood Protection � Dattmiif a Special Use Permit is first granted pursuant to this district. Accessory structures must also comply with Section 205.244, 2A, (2) (a-d) of this district, � 3. Storage. Any storage or processing of materials that in time of flooding may be buoyant, flaim��able, explosive or could be injurious to human, animal or plant life is prohibited. 4. Nonresidential Structures. Commercial, manufacturing and industrial structures shall be elevated on fill so that their first floor (�.ncluding basement) is above the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum but may in special circ�nnstances be flood proofed in accordance with the State Building Code, Structuzes that are not elevated to above the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum shall be flood-proofed to FP-1 or FP-2 classification as defined by the State Building Code. Structures flood-proofed to FP-3 or FP-4 classification shall not be permitted. 5, Residences. Residences that do not have vehicular access above an elevation not more than two (2) feet belaa the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum shall not be permitted unless granted a Variance by the City. In granting a Variance the City shall specify limitations on the period of use or occupancy of the xesidence. 6. Co9m��ercial Use. 205.245. 0-1 Distric`_ I I i • � � � u�� •�r • 205-134 .Accessory land uses, such as yards, railroad tracks and parking lots may be at elevations lower than the Regulatory Flood Protection � Datum. However, a permit for such facilities to be used by the enployees or the general public shall not be granted in the absence of a flood warning systen that provides adequate time for evacuation if the area would inundate to a depth greater than two (2) feet or be subject to flood velocities greater than four (4) feet per second during a regional flood. � � 7. Manufacturing And industrial Uses. Measures shall be taken to minimize interference with normal plant operations especially along cxeeks having protracted flood durations, Certain accessory land uses such as yards and parking lots may be at lower elevations sub�ect to requirements set out above. In considering permit applications, due conslderation shall be given to the needs of an industry whose business requires that it be located in a flood pla�.n. 205.246 ADMINIS`i'R�RATION 1, The City shall acbninister and enforce these district regulations and shall maintain a record of the elevation of the first floor (including basement) of all new structures or additions to existing structures in the flood plain districts. The City shall also maintain a record of the elevations to which structures are flood proofed, 2. Special Use Pexmi.t, A Special Use Permit shall be applied for and obtained prior to the construction� erection, addition or alteration of any obstruction wholly or partly in the Creek and River Preservation District, 3. Application For Permit, A. Application for Special Use Permits under this district shall be made to the City in duplicate, by the owner or owners on forms £urnished by the City and shall be accompanied by the follaaing information, date and plans as is de�ned necessary by the Zoning Ac�hninistrator for determining compliance with this district and for determining the effects of the proposed activity in the Creek and River Preservatlon District and the buildability of the particular site for the proposed improvement, use or obstruction. B. The City Camci7 may attach any oonditions to the granting of the Special Use Permit it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of the chapter, Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, the follawing: (1) Modification of waste disposal and water supply facilYties. (2) Limitations on period of use, occupancy and operation. (3) Imposition of operational controls, sureties and deed restrictions. (4) Requiranents for construction of channel modifications, 205.246, 0-1 Distric: AIk�IINISTRATION 2D5-135 dikes, levees and other protective measures. (5) Flood-proofing �asuzes, in accordance with the State , Building Code. The applicant shall submit a plan or doc�mient certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the flood-proofing measures are consistent with the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum and associated flood factors for the �rticular area. � 1 C. Plans (surface viewi including a suxvey by a Minnesota registered land surveyor showing elevations of contours of the groimd, pertinent obstruction elevations, size, location and special arranqement of all proposed and existing obstructions on the site, in relation to existing and proposed obstructions to the channel location, location and elevation of streets, water supply and sanitary facilities, photogxaphs showing existing land uses, vegetation upstream and downstream and soil types shall be required. D. Specifications for buildinq construction and material, flood-proofing, filling, dredging, grading, channel improvenent, storage of materials, water supply (including withdrawal and discharge of ground and surface water) and sanitary facilities. 4. Issuance Of Permits. A Special Use Peimit shall be issued upon approval of the application by the City Council. The applicant shall be required to submit certification by a registered professional engineer, registered architect or registered land surveyor that the finished fill and building elevations were accomplished in compliance with the provisions o£ this chapter. Flood proofing measures shall be certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. 5. P,pplication For Variance. Application for Variances under this district shall be duplicate to the City by the aaner of the land, on forms f by the Citp. Variances to the Creek and River Preservation must only be for reasons of exceptional circumstances sfix ict enforcement of these rec�lations would cause undue and strict conformity with the standards would be unre impractical and not feasible under the circumstances. gzanted �mdes this Distxict must be consistent with purpose of these standards. Although Variances ma modify pextnissible methods of flood protection, no Va provide for a lesser degree of flood protection than st district. 205.247 POWERS, I7UTIFS ADID TECFIIQICAL PSSISTANCE 1, Powers And Duties, made in urnished Di5trict when the hardship asonable, variances the general y be used to riance shall ated in this The City shall hear all requests £or Special Use Permits and Variances under this district, Requests fot Special Use Permits and Variances shall be subject to Section 205.054 and 205.055 respectively, of the City Code. The City shall submit to the CAnm�issioner a cog� of any application for a Special Use Permit or 205.247. 0-1 Distri�+ POWERS� D[]TIES AI�ID TDCfiN.LCAL ASSISTAi�ICE 205-136 205.248. 0-1 Distnct Variance where a hearing is to be held to consider such a�plication. The Coimnissioner shall receive at least ten (10) days notice of the � hearing, Such notice shall specify the time, place and sub�ect matter of the hearing and shall be accompanied by such supporting infonnation as is necessary to indicate the nature and effect of the proposed use. A copy of all decisions granting a Special Use Permit or Variance to the provisions of the Creek and River Preservation District shall be forwarded to the Conmussioner within ten (10) days of such action. 2. Technical Assistance. The City may transmit the information received by it to the appropriate Watershed District or the Commissioner for technical assistance to evaluate the proposed pro�ect in relation to flood heights and velocities, for determination of the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum within unnumbered A zones, and to determine seriousness of flood damage to the use, the adequacy of the plans for protection, compliance with the provisions of this district and compliance with Statewide St�ndards and Criteria for Management of Flood Plain Areas of Minnesota (Minnesota Regulations NEt 85-93) and other technical mattets. 205.248 F.XIS°PING NOTIOONF�DRMING USFS EXISTTNG An obstruction, structure or use which was lawful befote adoption of USFS this chapter, but which is not in conformity with the provisions of this district, may be continued sub7ect to the follawing conditions. � 1. No such use shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity. 2. No structural alteration or addition to any nonconforming structure over the life of the structure shall exceed fifty percent (50�) of its assessed value at the time of its becoming a nonconforming use, unless the entire structure is permanently changed to a conforming use or unless the alteration or addition would substantially reduce potential flood damages for the entire structure, 3. Any alteration or addition to a nonconforming use which would result in substantially increasing the flood damage potential of that use shall be flood-proofed in accordance with the State Building Code. 4. If any use of an obstruction or structure or the use is discontinued for twelve (12) consecutive months, any subsequent use of the obstruction, structure or use shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this district including, but not iimited to, the obtaining of all requirecl permits and variances. 5. If any nonconforming obstruction or structure is destroyed or damaged by any means, �ncluding floods to the extent that the cost of repairing or restoring such destruction or damage would be fifty percent (50�) or more of its value, then it shall not be reconstructed except in full compliance with the provisions of this � district, including the obtaining oi all required permits and vaziances. 205-137 6, The Creek and River Preservation District regulations shall in no way prohibit routine maintenance of existing properties. Routine ' maintenance is considered to be the work property owners could do previous to the adoption of this district without firs� obtaining a building permit. 205.249 SUBDIVISIONS � � 1. No land shall be subdivided which is held unsuitable by the City of Fridley for reason of flooding, inadequate drainage, water supply or sewage treatrnent facilities. 2. All lots within the flood plain districts shall contain a building site at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum. 3. All subdivisions shall have water and sewage disposal facilities that comply with the provisions of this chapter and have road access both to the subdivision and to the individual building sites no lorrex than two (2) feet belaw the Regulatory Flood Protection Datum, 4. All su6divisions in the flood plain district shall satisfy the requirements of this chapter. The City shall evaluate the subdivision in accordance with procedures established in this district. 205.2410 :rw :.0 ��• � .�.ui ... 1. New mobile home garks and e�ansions to existing mobile home parks shall be subject to the provisions placed on subdivisions by the above section. 2. Manufactured homes in existing mobile home parks that are located in flood plain districts are nonconforming uses and may be replaced only if in compliance with the follaaing conditions: A. The mattufactured home lies in the (�2 District. B. The manufactured home is anchored with tiedowns that comply with requiranents of Minnesota Regulations Mo6ile Hcme 450. C. The manufactured h�ne owner or renter is notified that the manufactured home site lies in the flood plain and may be sub�ect to floodinq. D. The mobile home g3rk owner develops a flood emergency plan consistent with the time available after a flood warninq. The plan shall be filed with and approved by the City. 3. Individual manufactured hames not located in mobile home parks may be pexmitted if allaaed by other applicable ordinances and if they comply with the provisions of Section 205.244� 4G of this chapter. 205,2411 PiJBLIC N[JISANCE: PENAI�TSC 1. Any person who violates any prwisions of this district or fails to comply with any of its terms or requiranents shall be guilty of a misdemeanor p�ishable by a fuze of not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than ninety (90) days, or both, and in addition shall pay all costs of prosecution and expenses involved in the case. 205.2411. 0-1 Distri� HOMES ADID MOBILE HOME PARKS Prmr•IC NUISANC�: PIIQALTY 205-138 Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense, � 2. Every obstruction or use placed or maintained in the Preservation District in violation of this chapter is hereby declaxed to be a public nuisance and creation thereof may be enjoined and the maintenance thereof abated by appropriate �udicial action. 3. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent, remedy or ranove any violation. 205.2412 AI�IDMEN'PS 1, The Creek and River Pceservation District elevations on the Profile may be chanqed by amencLnent to this district and such change when made shall be shchm on the Profile. If future conditions make it necessary to xe-evaluate the district boundaries because of increased flooding potential which would affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens, the elevataon will be corrected by the Council by amen2hnent to this district. 2. All amendments shall be submitted to the appropriate Watershed Distrs.cts and the Commissionez and shall be agproved by the Camnissioner prior to adoption by the Coimcil. 205,2413 In interpreting and applying the provisions of this district, they � shall be held to be the minimwn requirements for the promotion of the public health� safety and general welfare. It is not the intention of the Creek and River Preservation District to interfere with, abrogate or annul any covenant or other agreement between parties, nor the provisions of any ordinance of the City; provided, haaever, wheze this Creek and River Preservation District impo5es a greater restriction upon the use or improvenent of any prenises than those �mposed or required by other statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations or permits of the City, State or appropriate Watershed District, or by covenants or agreements, the provisions of this distnct shall govern. 205,2414 WARNING AL�ID DIS��T� OF LIABILITY This section does not imply that areas outside the Creek and P.iver Preservation District or land uses or obstructions permitted within the Creek and River Preservation District will be free from flooding or flood damages. This Creek and River Preservation District shall not create liability on the part of the City or any official or employee thereof, for any flood damages that result from reliance on this chapter or any City action taken or ac�ninistration or Council decision lawftil ly made hereunder. �J 205.2414. 0-1 District : ui�u��i���t. II�'�Y�I[ �C �'IW. • � [�.RNING PSID DIS�•AT� OF LIABILITY 205-134 � 205,25 0-2 CRITICAL ARFA DIS'�iICP 205.251 PURP�SE PS� IN1�S7P It is the purpose and intent of this district to prevent or mitigate irreversible damage to the Mississippi River Corridor and to preserve and enhance its values to the public. The Mlssissippi River Corridor is a unique and essential element in the local, regional, state and nata.onal transportation, sewer and water, and recxeat�.onal systens, as well as serving important biological and ecological functions, and shall be protected and preserved in accordance with the follaaing policies: 1. The Mississippi River Corridor shall be managed as a multi-purpose public resource that provides for the development of a variety o� urban uses within the river corridor while conserving the scenic, environmental, recreational, m�neral,economic, cultural� and histoxic xesources and f�ctions of the river corxidor. 2. The Mississippi River Corridor shall be managed in a manner consistent with its natural characteristics and its existing development and in accordance with regional plans for the development of the Metropolitan Area, 3. The Mississippi River Corridor shall be managed in accordance with the Critical Areas Act of 1973, the Minnesota Environmental � Policy Act of 1973, and the Governor's critical area designation, Executive Order No. 130, dated November 23, 1976, and other applicable state and federal laws. � 205.252 DIS7RICT BOUI�IRIFS The boundanes of the o-2 District zoning map of the City of Fridley, located between the center line o the noxmal high water line of the r�ing from the north boundary t City. 205.253 DEFINITIONS shall be located on the official and shall encom�ss all property f Anoka County Trunk Highway 1 and east bank of the Mississippi River o the south boundary line of the For the purpose of this district the followinq definitions sha11 apply: 1. Bluff. Those steep slopes lying between the normal high water mark and the River Corridor boimdary having an angle of ascent from the river of more than twelve percent (12�) from the horizontal. 2. Bluffline, A line delineating the top of the which the angle of ascent becomes More than or� (1) bluffline may 3. Clear-cutting. bluff connecting the points at less than twelve percent (12�). be encountered. 205.253. O-2 CRITICAL AREA DIS7RIGT RDGULATIONS .� � u � u �• i _� J�i� . . DEFINITIONS 205-140 � �J � The indiscriminate cutting down of large nu�ers of trees in a given areas. 4. Critical Area, The area known as the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area desic�ated by the Gwetnor in the Executive Order No, 130, 5. Developnent, The making of any material change in the use or appearance of any structure or land including reconstructionp alteration of the size of any structure; alteration oP the land; alteration of a shoze or bank of a river, stream, lake or pond; a commencement of drilling (except to obtain soil samples); mining or excavation; denolition of a structure; clearing of land as an adjimct to construction; deposit of refuse, solid or liquid waste, or fill on a parcel of land; the dividing of land into two (2) or more parcels. 6, Essential Services. Means undergxound or overhead gas, electrical, steam or water distribution systens including poles, wires, mains, drains, sewer pipes, conduits, cables and other similar equipment and accessories in conjimction therewith. 7. Public Safety Facilities, Hydrants, fire alarm boxes, street lights, railway crossings signals and similar accessories including buildings. 8. Retaining Wall. A structure utilized to hold a slope in a position in which it would not naturally ranain. 9. Terrace. A relatively level area bordered on one (1)or more sides by retaining walls. 10. Utility Facility. Physical facilities of electric, telephone, telegraph, cable, television, water, sewer, solid waste, gas and similar service opexations. 11. Wetlands, Laa lying areas which may be covered with shallow and sometimes intermittent water. They are frequently associated with a high water table. Wetlands are generally too wet for cultivation or development without artificial drainage. Staamps, bogs, marshes, potholes, wet meadaas and sloughs are wetlands. 205.254 USFS PERMITTID Any use permitted within the existing zoned district. 205.255 USFS EXCLUDID 1. Ariy use that was excluded withzn the existing zoned district. 2. 11ny barge fleeting or barge laading. 205,255. 0-2 District USFS PERMITPID USES F�{CLUDID 205-1a1 � � � _I 3. Any waste storage use or treatment facilities. 4. Anp mining or eirtraction uses other than soil preparation or peat ranoval. 205.256 SITE PLAN R�QiI'��'.G 1. No building permit, zoning, or subdivision approval shall be issued for any action located in this district tu�til a site plan has been prepared and approved in accordance with the provisions of this section. 2. Site plans as desicy�ated below shall not be required for the extension, enlargement, change or alteration, nor accessory structures, to one-fami].y dwelling units, 205.257 SITE PLAN CONPF�lPS 1. Site plans shall be prepared to a scale appropriate to the size of the pro�ect and suitable for review. 2. The foZlaaing information shall be provided in the site plan: A. Location of the property including such information as the name and numbers of adjoining roads, railroads, existing subdivisions, or other lanc�hnarks. B. The name and address of the owner(s) or developer(s), the section, township and range, northpoint, date and scale of drawing and nu�er of sheets. C. Existing topography as indicated on a conto�r map having a contour interval no greater than two (2) feet per contour. The topography map shall also clearly delineate the river and any bluffline, all streams, including intexmittent streams and svrales, river, waterbodies and wetlands. The topography map shall indicate the floodway and/or flood fringe lines and the normal highwater mark of the river. D. A plan delineating existing drainaqe of the water setting forth the direction, the volinne, and at what rate storm water is conveyed from the site, and setting forth those areas of the site where storm water collects and is gradually percolated into the ground or slaaly released to a creek, river or lake. E. A proposed drainage plan of the developed site delineating the direction, the volwne, and at what rate storm water will be conveyed from the site and setting fotth the areas of the site where storm water will be allowed to collect and gradually percolate into the ground, or be slowly released to a creek, river or lake, The plan shall also set forth the hydraulic capacity of all structures to be constructed, existing structures to be utilized, and vol�mre of holding ponds for the design storm (i.e. six inch (6"), twenty-four (24} hour rain). F. A description of the soils of the site including a map indicating soil types by areas to be disturbed as well as a soil report pre�xred by a soil scientist containing information on the suitability of the soils for the type of development 205.257. 0-2 District �r o• r a i� �• a• ti 205-142 proposed and fot the type of sewage disposal proposed and descxibing any renedial steps to be taken by the developer to � render the soils suitable. All ateas proposed for grading shall be identified by soil type, including the existing top soil and the soil type of the new wntour. The location and extent of any erosion areas shall be indicated, The stability of rock outcroppings along blufflines and faces shall be included in the soils description. � � G. A map indicating proposed finished grade having a contour at the same intervals as provided on the existing topographic map or as required to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes in existing topography and ranaining features. H. An erosion and sedimentation control plan indicating the type, location, and necessary technical information on control measures to be used during and after construction including a statanent e�ressing the calculated antici�ted gross soil loss expressed in tons per acre per year during and after construction. I. A delineation of the location and amounts of esccavated soils to be stored on the site during construction. J. A description of the flora and fauna, which occupy the site or ate occasionally found thereon, setting forth in detail those areas where unique plant or animal species may be found on the site. K. A description of any features, buildings or areas which are of historic significance. L. A landscape plan drawn to an appropriate scale, including dimensions, distances� locat�.on, type, size and description of all existing vegetation proposed for removal and all proposed landscape materials whsch will be added to the site as part of the developnent. M. The proposed size, alicpvnent, height and intended use of any structure to be erected or located on the site. N. A clear delineation of all land which shall t�e �ved or hard surfaced includi.ng a description of the surfacing material to be used. 0. A description of the method to be provided for vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development and public access to river and/or public xiver viev� opportunities both before and after develo�.ment. A description of the development's impact on existing view of and along the river. A description of all patking facilities to be pr�ided as �rt of the development of the site including an analysis of parking needs generated by the proposed develoFanent. P. A delineation of the area or areas to be dedicated f or public use. Q. Any othet information pertinent to the patticular pro�ect which in the opinion of the City or applicant is necessary or helpful for the review of the project. 205.257. 0-2 Distr9 205-143 � �J � 205.258 ADDITIONnL RDQU��'G FOR ALL b�tUCZS7RFS 1. Lot Size. Lot size shall be governed by the existing zorung district. 2. Building Height, Buildittg height shall be governed by the existing zoning district. 3. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be governed by the existing zoning districts except as follows: A. All new structures and uses shall be placed not less than forty (40) feet from the top of the bluffline overlooking the Mississippi River. B. A11 new struetures and uses shall be placed not less than 100 feet from the Nlississippi River normal high water line as defined by the Federal Insurance Administration's Flood Insurance Study. C. Exceptions to setback requixements shall include public safety facilities, public bridges and approaches, public roadways, public recreation facilities, scenic overlooks, regional and local trails; docks and boat launching facilities, approved tiver crossings of essential services and distribution services and historical sites designated by the National and State Re9ister of Historic Places. 4. Plac�nent of Structures. A. Placement of structures in areas sub�ect ta flooding as designated in Chapter 2D5.24 shall be governed by the regulations of that section. B. No land with slopes, before alteraticn, in excess of eighteen percent (18�) will be developed fox use except for necessary erosion control structures which are in conformance with all other guidelines and standards. All applicable local, state and federal laws� rules and regulations and Metropolitan plan guidelines and standards must be met for bridge construction and bridge approach raadways. C. Development on slopes in excess of twelve percent (12�)� but less than eighteen percent (18�). will be permitted provided that the applicant can meet the follaaing conditions: (1J The foundation and underlyinq material shall be adxn,ate for the slope condition and soil type, (2) The developer can demonstrate that aevelopment durin9 and aftier construction can be accomplished without increasing erosion and that there are proper controls to reduce runoff to nondestructive levels. (3) The proposed development presents no danger of falling rock, mud, uprooted trees and other material to structures, recreational facilities, public lands and public water down 205.258. 0-2 Distri� ��� • • a• r s i� •• r� • a. 205-144 hill. D. Line of Sight. The develognent of new, or the expansion of � existing structures, shall be placed so that the development is consistent with the preservation of the view of the river corridor from other properties on both sides of the river and by the public. The walling off of views of the river corricbr from other properties and public right-of-ways shall be prohibited. � � 205.259 NA7URAL RE5QR2CE MANFGII�IP 1. Grading and Filling. Grad�ng and filling or otherwise changing the topography landward of the ordinary high water mark shall not be conducted without a City permit, and in compliance with the provisions of Nlinnesota Regulation NR 79, 5ection (h), of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Regulation, p3raqraphs (1), (2) and (3). 2. Retaining walls and etosion contsol structures watexw axd of the normal high water mark are permitted structures if the applicable permits issued by the Army Corps of Engineers and the Minnesota Depaxtment of Natuxal Resources have been obtained. 3. Retaining walls and erosion control structures on the landward side of the normal hiqh water mark that are visible from the water surface shall meet the follaaing design criteria: A. Retaining walls or terrace contours shall not exceed five (5) feet in height. B. The minimiun s�ce in between retaining walls shall be twenty (20) feet, 4, Vegetative managenent. A. Cleax-cutting of txees on the slope ox £ace of bluffs and within forty (40) feet landward from the bluffline or river bank area shall not be permitted. B. The selective cutting of trees greater than four inches (4") in diameter may be authorized by the City, when cutting is appropriately sFsced and staged to maintain a continuous natural cover. C. The development of new or the expansion of existing structures shall be accomplished so as to minimiza the need for tree removal. If trees over four inches (4") are cut, the density of tree cover shall be restored to that which existed before cutting. The applicant shall demonstrate that all graci�.ng which takes place will be conducted in a manner that preserves the root zone aeration and stability of existing trees and provides an adequate watering area equal to at least or�-half (1/2) of each tree crown cover, D. Exceptions to the above include the zemoval of diseased ox damaged trees. 5. Standards for surface water managa�nt and erosion control. A. Storm water run-off from any new development may be directed into public water bodies and drainage systems provided that it is substantially fxee from silt, debris and chenical Follutants, 205.259. 0-2 Distrl- r• � •M •. a i� 205-145 and only at rates equal to that on the property before development. � B. Any new developnent shall provide for erosion protection measures which make maximtmi use of natural in-place vegetation. During construction and until such time as final control measures are fully implemented and established, adequate developsaent practices will be maintained to insure that gross soil loss levels shall not exceed five (5)tons per acre per year during construction or two (2) tons per acre per year during construction when the site is adjacent to a water t�ody or water course; and one-half (1J2) ton per acre per year after the construction activities are completed. C. Structures, trails and roadways shall be sited to minimize levels of pedestrian and vehiculat traffic in areas where soil compaction and loss of vegetation cover can contribute to erosion problens, 205.2510 �S�SION SERVICFS, PCiBLIC `II2ANSYORATION, Ai�ID RIVER 1. � 2. Transmission and Essential Services. A. Primary consideration shall be given to underground placement of services in order to minimize aesthetic, environmental and public safety aspects. When considering overhead placement, the developer must show the reasoninq that makes underqround placement unfeasible. B. All transmission service cxossing of the Mississippi River require a permit pursuant to Mtnnesota Statute 84.415 or 105.42 by the Department of Natural Resources, C. All transmission crossing of land within the district shall require a Special Use Permit as required by this chapter, Transportation Facilities. Transportation crossings shall be permitted in accord with NR 79, Section (j), except p�ragraph (ddd) under (i), route design of the Wild and Scenic River regulations. A. In planning and designing the construction or reconstruction of all public transportation facilities which closely para]lel the river or blufflines, careful consideration should be given to the provision of scenic overlooks for motorists, safe pedestrian access from areas on the landward side of these transportation facilities and safe pedestrian facilities along the riverward of these facilities. B. The construction or reconstruction of all public transportation facilities shall be located and designed in such a manner that will maintain the safe use and access to the riverfront in public ownership, allaa reasonable use of the land between the river and the transportation facility and maintain the aesthetic quality of the river enviromnent. � 205.2510. Q-2 Distri� SERVICES� P[JBLIC • u �• «•�. 205-146 205.251I PUBLIC ACCESS � 1. Public pedestrian right-of-way including river access shall be provided for any new development that is adjacent to or part of an overall plan of the City for pedestrian movenent within the district. � � 2. Public pedestrian access shall be provided to the riverfront of develognents on publicly amed and publicly controlled riverfront property. Access will not be provided where: A. Unavoidable hazards exist to the public. B. Public pedestrian access at a�rticular location cannot be designed or developed to provide a pleasant view or recreational experience. 205.2512 RIGHT OF WAY 1. Natural vegetation of value to fish or wildlife, which does not pose a hazard or restrict reasonable use of the property, shall be allowecl to grow in the right-of-way. 2. Where vegetation has been ranoved, new vegetata.on consisting of native qrasses, herbs, shrubs and low growing trees, shall be planted and maintained on the right-of-way. 3, Chemical control of vegetation should be avoided when practicable, but where such methods are necessary, chemicals used and the manner of their use must be in accordance with rules and regulatsons of all state and fedetal agencies with authority over the use, 205,26 OFFICIAL TITLE ADID SUNA4ARY The City hereby approves for publication the Official Title and S�mm�ary incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit I, Publication of the Official Title and Simu�ry shall clearly u�form the public of the intent and effect of this chapter, The City Clerk shall see that a copy of this entire chapter is filed in the City Clerk's office and in the public libraxy of the City of Fridley, which the Council hereby desicpzates as locations at which a copy is avazlable for inspection by any person during regular husiness hours. 205.26. 0-2 D15tr � �- P[JBLIC �1CCFSS • .0 i 1��4o-��� M OFFICIAL TITLE AND SUIY�RY 205-147 � � � PASSID AND A�OPTID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TfiIS 2ND ➢AY OF MAY, 1983 , �1TTFST : � �'"� SIDNEY . INMAN - CITY Q�ERK Public Hearing: First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: June S, 1981 June 15, 1981 July 13, 1981 December 6, 1982 May 2, 1983 July 13, 1983 c��,�.� � �-"�— '� � WILLIAM J. NEE - YOR