Ordinance No. 0078 11-08-1956n U � � • � r ORDISASCE NO. 79 (°IEOqalatl¢g [h¢ Presence o[ minoiB under tLe aRe oP 18 peara on the stree[s o[ In Pnblte pinces be[ween certeln lio�s and defining Ihe d¢de� ot pnrente an1 others in tLe caxe oP minors, providlug Pox arrest and pen• nitie� ior v�olaHOn tLe�eoi, and repewl- ing uu orQimince entitle�l, 'Ordlnanao 9� An Ordinunce Heyurding Cnrfew'� paased duly 16 194Y, published in tl�e [",olnmbie Heigi�ts Recucd July Y9� 195Q us nxnended.") THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OL' 'i77E �7LLAGE OF FRIDLEY DO UP.DAIV AS FOLLOWS: SECTIOlv 1. It shall be unlawful for any person under Lhe age of 14 years to be on or present in any public street, avenue, alley, park or otlier Public place in the �'illage of P'Yidley betn�een the hours of 9:30 pm. and 5:00 a.m, of the following day, oPftcial Vi11aRe time, uNess accom�anied by his or her Larent or guardian, w� per- son hacing lawful custo�ly and cortrol nf his or her porcon, or unless Lhere exists a rea6ouable necessity therefor. The fact that said chi13, unaccompan- ied by Parent, guardian, or other per- son having ]egal custody, is tuund upon any street, aliey ox Dublic plaoe after 9:30 D.m. or before b:00 a.m. of the folLOwing clay, ehall be �r'vna Cacic evidenae that said child is ihere milaw- fully and that no reasonable exeuse exists therefor, 6DCTIOS 2. It ahall be unlawful Por any pereon ander the ae'e o? I8 veare and over the age of 14 yenrs to loiter, ]oaf or idle on or about any pubiic street, avenue, alley, Vark or other public ptace in the village of Fridley between the hoara of 9:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. af the following day, officia,l �illago time. SECTiON 3. It =hall be unlawful fo� any parenq guardian oc other per- son having the lawful care, cus[ody or control of any Derson under the age oP 18 years to allow or Permit euch uerson to vtolate the provisions of 8ectiuna 1 and 2. SECTION 4. It shatl be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporafion operating or in charge of any n�acP. oE amuseaient, entertainment or retresh- ment, or other place of businesa, to Permit any minor �ncler the age oE 18 years to loiter, loaP or iAle in such place dnring lhe houra Drohibited Ly Ihis on3inance. This ordinance shalt not be construed as [�evnRting the Preseuce at any [ime oP any pee's-on under the dge of 18 years in any pLaae where his presanca is �otv pmh9biLed by any exisGng Law or orclinance. tiVhenecer the owner or person in charge or in oonGrol of any place of a�nusement, en[ertainment, refresh- ment or other place uf business �hall find persons un3er tho age of 18 years loiter:ng, loating or iclling in sueh �lace of business, he shalL immediately order sueL person to loave, and if sueh per- smi reiuses to ]eave the said place of basines" tbe operator shall immedi- a6ely notlfy the police 3e➢aztrnont antl inFurm them of the violation. SECTIOr 5. Anv member of the police foree is authorized to arrest, with o� withouC �varra�t, any peeson or persons violating the probisions oY Sections 1, 3, II, and 9 oP thia ordieia,nce, and any child unaccompanied by Parv ent, guardian or other a�ult person having the ]awiLl care and cuetody of said minm� child. SNCTION G. Any person violating any oL the provisione of this ordinanee ehall, u➢on coiivietion, be punished by a fine not exceedinK $100-00 or by im- pFisonment in the Village or Countp SaLl for a period not excecding 90 Aays. 6F:CPION 7. An ordinanca entitled, Or3inavice 9, A� Ordinance Y.egarding in thr, Columbia Heights Y.ecord July 29, 1949, as amended, be and the eame ia hereby repealed. AdaDted by the Fridle t e= ` un- � � cil the 8[h day of No�l� GTiFIG, ayor �lttest: y`�, ERNPST b1APSE\, . � i]]age ➢4anager. Publiehed in Columbia Height9-Rec- � or�l on nov. 29,�1956. �-�',j �/ ' ""