Ordinance No. 0801 03-12-1984� o�irr�acE rro. soi AN ORDINANCE RDCY)DIFYIN3 THE FRIDLEY CITY 00DE BY ADpPTING A NEW Q�APTII2 218, II�TITLID "HAZARDOUS WASTE ODNPftOL" THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOF5 ORDAIN AS FOLI,O�dS: 218.01. STATENIQ�7TT OF PDLICY The City of Fridley deens it necessary to provide for the special and express regulation of hazardous waste storac�e and treatr�5ent facilities which exist as the principal use in orcler to protect the public health, safety and general ��elfare. 218.02. When used in this Chapter, the following terms have the iollowing meanings: 1. Accessory i]se, A �ubordinate use which is located on the same lot as the principal use and is necessary or incidental for the conduct of the principal use. 2. Disposal. �7.he discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, er placing of any waste into or on any land or water �o that the waste or any constitutent thereof may enter the envirormlent or be emitted into the air, or discharged into any water�, including ground waters. 3. Envirormiental Assess[nent Worksheet or EAW. A brief dociunent designed to set out the basic facts necessary to determine whether an EIS is required for a pro�osed pro�ect or to initiate the scoping process for an EIS. 4. Envirornnental Impact Statenent. A detailed written statement as required by �4innesota Stat�tes, Section 116D.04. 5. Hazardous Waste. Any refuse or discarded matezial or combinations oF refuse or discarded materials in solid, semi-solid, liquid, or S�aseous form which cannot be handled by routine waste management technigues because they pose a substantial present or potential hazard to htmk�i health or other living organisms because of their chemical, biological, or physical properties. Categorie� of hazaxdous waste materials include, but are not lunited to: explosives, flammables, oxidizers, poisons, irritants, and corrosives. Hazardous waste does �not include sewage sludge and source, special nuclear, or by-product material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. -, �, � �� zi�.oa STATET7II�T OF POLICY DEFINITIONS 218-1 ;��� zia.oz 6. Hazardous Waste Facility. �Real or personal property that is used or is coristructed to be used for the management of hazardous waste. 7. Hazardous Waste Generation. The act or process of producing hazardous waste. 8. Hazardous Waste Management. The systematic control oP the collection, source separ�tion, storage, transportation, processing, treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste. 9. Hazardous tidaste Processing Facility. A hazardous waste facility that is designed and operated to modify the chemical composition or chemical, physical or biological propexties of a hazardous material by means such as incineration, reclamation, distillation, precipitation or other similar processes. 10. Manifest. The form used for identifying the quantity, compositian, and oriyin, routing, and destination of hazardous waste duxing its transportation £rom the point of generation to the point of treatnent, storage or disposal. 11. Principal Use. �The purpose for which land or building or constructian is or is to be used or occupied. 12. Sludge. Any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from a municipal, comn�ercial, or industrial waste water treatrnent pl�nt, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility or any other such waste having similar characteristics and effects. 13. Solid Waste. Garbage, refuse, sludge from a water supply treatment plant or air contaminant treatrnent facility, and other discarded waste materials from commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and from cmrununity activities, but does not include hazardous waste; animal waste used as fertilizer; earthen fill, faoulders, rock; sewage sludge; solid or dissolved material in domectic sewage or other common pollutants in water resources, such as silt, dissolved or suspended solids in industrial waste water effluents or discharges which are point sources sub7ect to permits under section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, dissolved materials in irrigation return flows; or source, special nuclear, or by-product material as defined by The At�nic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. 14. Stoxage. �'I'he containment within a buildinq of hazardous waste, either on a tenporary basis or for a period of years, in such a manner as not to constitute disposal of such hazardous waste. 21 &-2 �15. Treatrnent. Any method, technique or process, including neutralzzation, designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or cor,tposition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralzze such waste or so as to render such waste non-hazardous, safer for trar.sport, amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in volume. Such term includes any activity or processing designed to change the physical form or ch�nical composition of hazardous waste so as to render it norrhazardous. 218.03. SPECIAL USE PERNLZT REQUTR��' AI�D] ZONING 1. Hazardous waste storage and treatrnent facilities which are principal uses may be permitted only in Heavy Industrial (C�i-2) Zones after a special use permit has been obtained sub�ect to all applicable provisions of this Chapter. 2. Hazardous waste storage and treatment facilities which are accessory uses to the principal use or operation may be permitted only after a special use permit has been obtained. 218.04. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPRWAL CRI�TA A Special Use Pexmit shall be approved only if consistent with all of the following ob�ectives: �1. That the proposed hazardous waste facility is develeped and operated in accordance with all'applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations; 2. That the hazardous waste facility is developed and operated in such a manner so as to eliminate the possibility of ground water pollution in order to maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters, in order to achieve and maintain a 1eve1 of water quality which provides for the protection and pro�gation of fish, shell-fish, and wildlife and for recreation in and on the water; � 3. �at the proposed hazardous waste facility be developed and operated in such a manner so as to eliminate air pollution; 4. That sufficient safeguards against spills, fires, and explosions are established to protect the public health, safetg and welfare to the greatest extent possible; 5. That the proposed site for hazardous waste facilities be developed in such a way so as to provide for opaque screening and landscaping to minimize the negative visual impacts fxom such a facility on any ad�acent property; 6. That the proposal is consistent with all applicable City of Fridley codes and regulations; 7. That the proposal be consistent with the City of Fridley Cwnprehensive Plan; and 8. If the Fire Department determines a need for specialized equipment, extinguishing agents or txaining, it shall be the �� 218.Q4 SPECIAL USE PERMIT RDQiJIRII�7EN'P AND ZQNING SPECIAL USE PERMIT �n�xwra. C�2ITF:RTA 21II-3 � � � responsibility of the facility owner or operator te provide same, 9. In addition to the above, any new princip3l use hazardous waste facility will not be located any closer than one thousand (1000) feet to any HUD flood plain, shoreland, wetland, body of water, or ground water recharge area or aquifer, in ordex to protect potential dxinking water sources. 218.05. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION PROCEDURFS 1. Prior to the submittal of a special use permit application, the developers or aaners of the proposed facility shall meet with the City to review all applicable ordinances, regulations, and future plans for the area adjacent to the property beinc� �eveloped. 2. The application for the special use permit will be scheduled for a public hearing before the Planning Commission u�on completion of the Enviromnental Quality Commission review. 3. The developers or aaners of the proposed facility shall pregare prelvninaxy drawings in acwrdance with the regulations of Section 218.07 and an enviromnental assessment worksheet and submit the same to the City, 60 days prior to the public hearing. 4. The Notice for Public Hearing shall be published in the official newsg�per at least ten (10) days, but not mare than twenty (20) days, prior to the public hearing, at which time the item will be heard. Notices will also be sent during this time period ta property aaners within fifteen hundred (1500) feet of the sub7ect property. 5. The Planning Commission shall hold a gublic hearing on the proposed special use permit. During this public hearing, the requiranents for preparing an Envirormiental Impact Stat�nent will be investigated. Follaaing the public hearing, the Planriing Comrnission shall, within ninety (90) days, submit its recommendation to the City Council as to the appropriateness of the proposed development, and shall recom��end if an�nviroranental Imp�ct Stat�nent Zs required and conditions of approval or disapproval, based upon the criteria set forth in Sections 218.03, 218.04 and 218.06 of this Chapter. 6. The application for the special use permit shall be scheduled for a City Council meeting. 7. The City Council, shall considet the application pursuant to Sections 218.04 and 218.06 and shall approve, disapprove, postpone, or modify the proposal. 8. If it is deternlined that an Environmental Iml�act Statement is required, the applicant must prepare this report before the City Council will. take final action on the special use permit application. 9. Should the City Council approve of the applzcation for a speciat use permit and preliminary plans, the agplicant shall file final plans with the City. The final plans shall be processed in the same m�-uvler as the special use permit and prelim�.nary plans. A certified cog� of the special use permit shall be recorded in the OPfice of the Anoka County Recorder or Registrar of Titles, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3595, Subd. 4. �61 e rti 218.�5 SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION PROCEDURF.S 218-4 � � � 10. Should the City Council disapprove the application for � special use pexmit and preliminary plans, the owners or developers may prepare another preliminary plan and resubmit to the City. 218.06. GII�ERAL FIAIDINGS As a prerequisite to the approval of the application for the special use permit, the City Council shall find that evidence presented established: 1. That safe and adequate access to the facility iox genexsl, service, and emergency purposes will be provided from non-residential ma�or thoroughfares, and will not xequire the use of any residential collector or residential local streets; 2. That the operation of the facility will not produce fumes, alors, noise, dust, smoke or gases which will adversely affect nearby properties; 3, That the issues raised in the EAW or EIS have been satisfactorily and adequately answered and addressed; 4. That the types of soil undex and �oithin one quartex mile of all portions of the proposed site to be used £or storage, treatment, loading and handling of hazardous materials, as well �s under a11 paved surface or roads leading to the facilities, shall not have a natural percolation rate in excess of 0.75 gallons ger day per square foot; 5. That ail surface water, ground water, sanitary sewer systems, and storm water systens will be protected so as to eliminate the probability of contam�.nation by hazardous waste; and 6. That necessary fire fighting equipment �nd rnaterials are available or will Ix provided by the awner/oF;erator; 7. That the use of the proposed site for hazardous waste treatment will not endanger the public health or safety, or substantially reduce the value of ad�oining or nearby property. 218.07. PRELIMLNARY PI1�NS RDQUIRID 1. Maps of the area within one half m�].e of the exterior property lines of the proposed site, and including the proposed site, which sha�: A. All dwelling units, other principal buildings and structures and streets; B. All significant topographical features; C. All surface water syst�ns; D. A11 sanitary sewer systens; E. All storm water management systens; and F. All wells. 2. An engineering certification for the proposed site and the area within orie half mile of the proposed site concerning the following GII3Q2AL FIN�INGS ..� � �� ais.m 218-5 � � � factors: A. Depth to seasonally high water table; B. Soil drainage, composition, thickness in permeability; C. Flooding, ground water recharge areas, aquifers, and flood plains; D. Depth to bedrock; and E. Prevailing wind conditions. 3. P,ppropriate pexmits from the P7innesota Pollution Control Agency, Anoka County Health Board, Deg�rtment of Natural Resources, State �hvirorunental Quality Board, State V7aste Management Boarcl, and the local watershed management organization for the progosed site are requixed. In adcv.tion, the operator must provic�e certificates that the proposed principal use facility is in cornpliance with the appropriate local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations governing air quality standards, water quality standards, and waste water standards. 4. A narrative explaining the estimated composition, quantities, and concentrations of any hazardous waste identified or listed by this Chapter, or combinations of any such hazardous waste and any other solid waste, proposed to be stored, treated, transported, and the tune, frequency, or rate of which such waste is proposed to be stored, treated, or transported. 5. Preliminary site plan - The prelim�nary site �lan shall be drawn at a minim�un scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet. The submission may be composed of one (1) or more sheets and drawings and shall include: A. Location of all proposed buildings and their proposed uses; B. Location of driveway and parking areas; C. Front, rear and side yard setbacks; D. Square footage and dimensions of all proposed buildings; and E. Location of all easements, width and purpose. 6. The landscape plan shall be dravm at a minimiun scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet and shall contain the follo��ing information: A. Areas for berming, sodding and screening; B. I�ocation of proposed plantings, identifying materials as shade tree, fl aaering tree� coniferous tree, ar shrubs; C. Location of any existing vegetation; and D. Identif�.cation and locata.on of any trees to be ranoved. 7. A grading and drainage �lan shall be drawn at a minimim� scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred {100) feet and shall contain the f-ollaaing information: A. Existing and proposed grades with a mu�imim of two (2) foot contour intervals to a known sea level datlun; ��� zis.o� 218-6 � B. Spot elevations on all proposed hard surface areas; C. Estimated runoff of the area based upon one, ten and one hundred year storms; D. Location of proposed ponding areas indicating the size and depth of the pond, and amount oi acre feet af water to be stored; and � � E. Finish floor elevations of all buildings. 8. Floor plans and elevations: All floor plans and elevations shall be drawn to a legible scale and include the following inforn�ation: A. Floor plans indicating square footage and dimension of all proposed rocans and areas within the structure, identifying the proposed uses for each room; and B. Elevations of the proposed buildinqs, identifyinq exterior treatrnent such as materials to be used and the color. C. Interior diking and retention areas identsPyir,g the volume to be contained and method of ranoval. 218.08. FINAL PLANS RDQ[7IRID 1. A final site plan sha7.1 be prepared at a scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet and shall contain the follawing information: A. Location of proposed buildings; B. Location o£ proposed driveways and parking areas; C G Front, rear, and side yard setbacks; and Square footage of all proposed buildinys. 2. Final landscape plan shall be drawn at a scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet anc1 shall contain the folla�ing: A. Plant types (botanical and common names), nimiber, location, size, and method of installation; E. Areas to be sa3ded; C. Location of existing vegetation; D. Identification and location of trees to be renoved. 3. Final grading and drainage plan shall he drawn at a scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet and shall contain the follaoing information: A. Existing and proposed grades with a minimwn of two (2) foot contour intervals to a knaan sea level dattmi; B. Sufficient spot elevations on all proposed hard surface areas; C. Estimated runoff of the area based upon a one, ten and one hundred year storms; D. Location of proposed ponding areas indicating the size and depth of the pond, and amount of acre feet of water to be , . •a� •�i ��. 21II.OII 218-7 � LJ storea; E. Finish floor elevations of all buildings; and F. Identify soils by type and location, includinr� identification of the water taUle, and suitability of soil for the proposed develognent. 4. Final floor plans, construction drawings anc7 elevations shall be drawn to a legible scale and shall include the following inf-ormation: A. Plans indicating square footage, dimension, and uses of all proposed areas within �he building; and B. Elevations of the proposed building, identifying exterior treatment, such as materials to be used and the color. C. Interior diking and retention areas identifying the volune to be contained and method of renoval. 218.09. (I�1NGF.S IN PLANS 1. If the applicant proposes ma�or changes in the final site plan that ate inconsistent with the preliminary site plan, these cYranges can only be made by resubmission of a new preliminary site plan and new special use permit application to the City anr� rescheduling of this item before the Envirornnental Quality Conunission, a new public hearing before the Planning Commission, and reviewal again by the City Council. The following constitute ma�or changes: A. Increase in the size of the proposed structure or developnent; � C. D. Change in architectutal design ox style; Increase in the height of the building; A ma�or modification to the landscape plan; E. A si�ificant reduction in proposed open sp�ce and buffering; F. A change in the develognent schedule; G. Change in road location or standards; and H. Other changes as determined to be ma�or [�y the City Council. 2. Minor Changes. The City Council may, in its discretion, permit minor deviations from the preliminary site plan, which Qo not change the concept or intent of the proposed development as previously approved. 218.10. TIME LIMITATIONS If final plan approval is not granted within a siy (6) month period fram the time of the approval of the special use permit application �and preliminary plans, the proposal shall be declared null and vaid and the applicant will have to re-file a preliminary plan and special use permit application with the City. � ti ziB.io (fIIP�NGES IN PLANS TIME LIMITATIONS zis—a ' � ' 218.11. STPSIDARDS 1. For princi�l use facilities, the property must be zoned r4-2, Heavy Industrial District. 2. [�linimiun setbacks from property line, ma�or roads, and other buildings, shall be two hundrecl (200) feet. Minimum setbacks £rom any residential structure shall be four hundred �400) feet. 3. NLinim�un lot size shall be 10 acres; maximiun lot coverage shall be 250; maximum area for parking shall be 25%; maximum builcling height shall be 40 feet; building materials �hall be concrete or brick; and no metal buildings shall be allaaed. 4. Minimtmt landscape area shall be 50 0. 5. The entire site shall be opaquely screened so that the building or parking or storage areas cannot be seen from a public street. 6. P7inimtun tree sizes: shade trees shall be 3 1/2 inch caliber; snall trees shall be 3 inch caliber; flaaering trees shall be 3 inch caliber; shrubs shall be 3 feet in height; and coniferous trees shall be 12 to 15 feet in height. 7. No migration of water overland shall be permitted beyond the property lines. P11 porx7ing of water shall be contained on the site and provisions made to contain all water runoff so as not to discharge into the municipal sanitaxy sewex system or any storm water syst�n or ditch. 8. Concrete curb and gutter shall be required al�ng all parking areas. All parking areas shall be concrete surfaces. 9. DIo outdoor storage shall be permitted. 218.12. RE�RD KEEPING The operators of the hazardous waste facility shall maintain records of all hazardous waste identified or listed which is treated, transported, or stored, and the manner in which such waste are to be treated, stored, or transported. The operators of the facility shall sulxnit a quarterly report to the City Couricil, identifying the treatrnent, storage, or transport of all such waste received by the facility. 218.13. INSPECTION 1. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Chapter, any person who generates, stores, treats, transports or otherv�ise handles or has handled hazardous waste, shall furnish information relating to such waste upon request of the iollowing pexsons: City Building Inspector; Public Works Director; Polioe Chief'; City 1�Ianager; or the Fire Chief. Such persons at all reasonable times shall have access to and the right to cog3 all records relating to such waste. 2. Any duly authorized City personnel shall be allowed at any reasonable time to enter any establishment or other place where �rf 218.13 � �:�u:;�..� •a��•� INSPEGTION 218-9 � � �1 hazardous wastes are or haue been stored, treated, or transpoxted from. 3. Any duly authorized City personnel shall be allo�ved to inspect and obtain samples from any person of any such waste and samples of any containers or labeling for such containers. 4. Any duly authorized City personnel can at any time, without prior oonsent, inspect the site for the possibility of any leakage, spills, or violations of any local, state, or federal larT, rules or regulations. 5. Any records, reports, or information obtained by Yk�e City shall be made available to the public. 6. The existence of any violation of local, state or federal laws, rules ox regulations shall require the closzng of said facility until it has been determined by public hearing the reasons for saic violations and the identification ancl implementation of additional safeguards to prevent future violations. •�• •a i�' • •• r � r ••� • Any order issued pursuant to this Chapter may include a suspension or revocation of the special use permit issued under this Chapter and shall state with reasonable specificity the nature of the violation and specify a time for compliance. Any violation of this Chapter shall be considered a misdemeanor. 218.15. MONITORING ANALYSIS ADID TES"PING 1. If City determines that the presence of any unauthorized hazardous wastes are being stored, treated, transportec7 or disposed of, the City may demand that the facility be closed within four (4) houxs upon written notice. 2. If the City determ�.nes that the release of any materials from a hazardous waste facility or site may present a substantial hazard to human health or the environment, the City may issue an order requiring the owner or operator of the facility to conduct such monitoring, testing, analysis and reporting wath respect to such facility or site as the City deems reasonable to ascertain the nature and extent of such hazard, includiny spills, leaks, explosions, and f ire. 3. If the City determines that the aaner or operator, is unable to conduct monitoring, testing, and analysis, ot reporting satisfactory to the City, and if the City deems any 5uch action carried out by the awner or operator to be unsatisfactory, or if the City cannot imtially determine that there is an owner or operator who is able to conduct such monitoring, testing, or reporting, the City may: A. Conduct monitoring, testing, or analysis, which it deems reasonable to ascertain the nature and extent oi the hazard associated with the site concerned; or Ei. Authorize the state or a local authority or testiny facility to carry out any such action; and �� 218.15 •• •. � ••� ANALYSIS AND TESTING 218-10 � � �J C. Require the owner or operator to pay for the cost of monitoring, testing, or analysis done by outsitle agencies plus associatecl fees of 10� for City expenses. 218.16. NOTI(:E OF SPILI6, LEARS, EXPI,OSIONS, FIRE OR ACCIDEN7.5 In the event of any spill, leak, explosion, fire, or accident, tYie owner or operator of the facility is required, within a one (1) hour time period, to notify the following individuals: Fire Chief, Police Chief, Anoka County Health Department, ancl I�Tinnesota Pollution Control Agency. Failure to report such incidents within the one (1) hour period shall constitute a misdemeanor. PASSID AND ADOI'PID BY TFTE CITY �DNCIL OF 7SiE CITY OP FRIDLEY THIS 12TH DAY OF MARCH, 1984. ATi'E'„T : � � � SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: 2/8/3/21 October 17, 1983 March 12, 1984 Hpril 4, 1984 ��,�,� � WILLIAM J. NE MAYOR � F� 218.16 SPIIS.S� r,FAUG EXPLQSIONS� FIRE OR ACCIDEN7.'S 218-11 � � � Page 12 — Ordinance No. 801 �r.� r OFFICIAL TITLE AND SUMMIIRY ORDINANCE N0. 801 I. TITLE AN �tDINAN(;E RECODIFYING `IIiE E'RIDLEY CITY OODE BY ADOPPING A NEW CHAP'i'ER 218 IIVTITLID "HAZARDOUS 6dASTE QONPR�" II. STIMMARY Tf3E CITY QO[INCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MIIVNESOTA ORDAINS: That the follaaing stmunary shall clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the Grdinance and shall be published in the ofiicial newspaper o£ the City. . . ..� The City of Fridley deens it necessary to provide for the special. and express regulation of hazardous waste storage and treatment facilities which exist as the principal or accessoxy use in order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. : •� � The Ordinance sets out application procedures, other infornkztion. III. NOTICE the special use permit approval cri�eria, prelimu�aty and final plan requirements and This Title and S�nrnnary has been published to clearly inforn the public of the intent and effect of the City oi Fridley Hazardous Plaste Control Chapter. A co� of the Ordinance, in its entirety, is available for inspection by any person during regular office houts at the office of the City Clerk and at the Anoka County Li6rary, Fridley Branch. PASSED AND ADOPTID BY THE CITY COiINCIL OF Zi3E CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 12TEi UAY OF @7ARCH, 1984. , /',(,� �,�/C�--- W IAI�7 J. PTCE YOR ATTEST: ��'`C�. � -�� �--� ��� SIDNEY C. - CITY (:LERY. First Reading: October 17, 1983 Second Reading: P4arch 12, 1983 (S�uimiaxy adopted �7arch 26, 1983) Publish: April 4, 1984 � ��