Ordinance No. 0840 08-19-1985� _� � ORDINANCE N0. 840 AN ORDINANCE UAIDER SECPION 12.07 OF THE CITY CFIARTER TO VACATE S�Y2Eh'PS ADID ALLEYS ADID `DD AMEDID APPEDIX C OF THE CTTY aODE. Ztze City Council of the City of Fridley does ordairc as f-cllows: SECI'TCN 1, For tl2e vacation of a street an4 utslity easea?ent described as follows: All that psrt of Uni�ersity Avenue West Service Roaa (loop Ix1ck) lying witk?in Lot lE, B3ock 5, R�.ce Creelc P1aza SoutkP Acialition. F11 lying in the D�orth Half of Section 14, �3C, k-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Ninnesot�. Be artd is hereby vacated. SEGTION 2, Said street ar�u utilit.y easernent wcs datec� Se�:�ta[iber 19, 1961 anc recarc7ed on February 6, 1968 as Loc�Ynent I�o. 306574 at the Finoka County Recoraers' OFfice. SEGTION 3, The :aici vacation has been macie in conformance �r�ith Minr,esota 6tatutes and gursuant to Section Z2,Q7 of the City Charter and Apr_endix C of the City Code sha].1 be so asnendec�e, PASSED AIVD F�OFPID BY THE CITY COiJAKxL OF TfiE CITY QF Fk7i�LLSY ^1HTS 19�i Dt?Y QF F�UGU�"i�, 1985. Ti7'PFST: -�1-- C � -- SII�EY C. IAR�N - CITY Q,E�iY. Public Hearing: August 5, 1985 First Reada.ng: August 5, 1985 Second ReacU.ng: August 19, 1985 R�lication: August 26, 1985 � ' � `�^ �} ,,� ,��_ ��, _ �(e;:�G�,- ��� --��_ �___— = w ��d J. N� � t,�yoR ,% �-,�