Ordinance No. 0009 07-13-1949� � � • r � d ' G' � � � -•s«% ORDINAN�CE N0. 9 �� � AN OR�IIINANiCE REGARnING ' GIJRFEW The Village Coancil aP Fridley � do ordain as followa: Eection 1. Certain D4inors PYtr- .�btdden an the EtreePs at Night - No persan under the age of sixteen_ ahaR bc or loiter apan an9 �� the pu�htic strerts, alleys or pablic , grovnds af tHe municipality be- � tween the hours oP nine-thirty d cloek p.m. and Pive o'clock a.m. �. vnless accompxnied b9 and under � the cantrol of same perso¢ af law- � Pul a�, or ❑�rn. same errand by �ermissian ar directian o4 his ar � her paren�t, gasrdian o�r employer. I SneL minar �person shall not then � loiter on the� mnS nor make any undue nalse Eo distnnb tUz peaee and qniet of thz muntcipaIIty. 3ection 2 Enfnrcement. Any . ' persan�. wha violate�e any af t6e provisions of tbe preceding sectian � shatl be snhject to 2rrest by any ..:� peace affieer oR t1�e muntc3pality ,���-:� withant preccsa L'nan sach arrest : the nffender shall t�c taken. and del- ivered into the enst�y of his� ar � hex im.rnnt, K��ardi2n or emploser. .`:�� U�pon anest far a�ec<m.d, and ev- ��,:� ery subsequcut affense, and co�n- "� viction, the ofEender map be pn� _�;� isbd as for an9 othe�r mtedemcanor. Passed by the �'illage Couneil this Z3th daS oF Jul�, 191A. �.,�� CARL HART3fA�T ayor ^ (BHAU.). ..-������C_�������� �� "°I AiteSt: �['ARD lyp�R.i.T\G :Cleak ,�7;� jyA �� . Published in Cu�lumbia ights �$ECPR�D o�n July 29, 104J. � .