Ordinance No. 0928 08-14-19891 ' ' •'�1 P M • • • •' � 1/� �I •• I�1 � L I �� � • L I • 4l !� 11 I I?.� V� L h�1 ••/ !1 1 • 1 � Y' The Council of the City of Fridley dces hereby orclain as follows: SECTION l. SEGTION 2 Appendix D of the City Cocle of Fridley is amendecl as hereinafter indicated. Be and is hereby rezoned sub�ect to stipulations adopted at the City Council meeting of July 24, 1989. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: Lot 2, Auditor's S�ibdivision No. 89 from M-1 (Laght Industrial) and R-3 (General Multiple Ixvelling) to C-2 (General Business), generally locatecl at 7191 Highway 65 N.E. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District C-2 (General Business). SEGTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the offioial zonu�g map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District M-1 (Light Industrial) and R-3 (General 7�,itiple Dwelling) to C-2 (General Business). PASSED AND ADOPTED BY Tf� CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 14TH DAY OF AUG[TST, 1989 A'ITEST: i � .�I ��� t �� Public Hearing: July 24, 1989 First Reading: July 24, 1989 Second Reading: August 14, 1989 Publication: Auqust 23, 1989 � WILLSAM J. NEE YOR