Ordinance No. 0934 09-18-1989.•���� � . .•.��� « •�..�� � �� • � ..� «�•. �,. . 1 � �1� � • i Y� � � � • M :� • 1.� � � a • .� .� •a. �� • The City Council of the city of FYidley, Anoka caunty,Minnesota, does hereby oxtlain as follaas: 605.13 1. No license or other person shall consLnne or display or allow conswtiption or display of intoxicating liquor between the hours of 1:D0 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Sunday nor between the hours of 1:0o a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Mondays. 2. No sale shall be made between the hours of 1:OD a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on any weekday, Monday through Satw.-day inclusive. No sale shall be made on Deceanber 24 after 8:00 p.m., on Christmas Day, Deceml�er 25 and Thanksgiving Day. All licensees shall be olosec] to the public starting not later than 1:30 a.m. until the time herein provided as �*�++;ssible for sales, cons�m�ption or display. No person other than et[q�loyee shall be peimitted within such establishments during the closed periods. PASSED AND ADOPPED BY Tf� CITY CpTJNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18TH DAY OF SEPPII�BER, 1989. � ATPEST: ������ /����r� sF� A.�� - � � First Reading: 5eptember 11, 1989 Second Reading: 5eptember 18, 1989 Publication: 5eptember 27, 1989 �J �,����,�,�,ti��� �' �%C� WILI�AM J. NEE - � OR