HRA RES 1965-03 - 00014093� i�SG?�.I,'i'il);� 1`a�.�k nf:.uF� �;�b"�"��� tt ftESGLL"1'.I�JN OF T�IE FRIL7,taY HUUSIPCG lcidD it�'1EVEi.(YPi1EhT lit1THOPiL?'Y ADQPTING SY-IA�dS UF TT1E OftGAN22f�TI0€J BE ZT RE90LVS� by the Comtni.ssioners o� the Fridl+ay Housin� and Redevelop�nent Auihority that these by�laws sre the regulations of the AuthoriLy. BY-IAWS OF THE FRIDLEY NOUSINf} AND REDE9�IAA�2iT AlJTtiUR2TY FRIDLEY, �+IINNPs50TA ARTICLE I THE AIPFIiOl7,ITX _.-_-� Section lo Nsms of Author3tya 'Fhe name oi the Autaor3.�y shall be Fridle Hous ���� y ing ana xeaevesopmant Authority, Fridley, l3�w�so�a, Section 2. �j+fem�be�rship. Cammissioners shall be legallp ��ipoiMt� ed by the City Couaicil o brl.d�y, Mi.nnesot,aa Seciioa 3e Seal. Tha Autharity shall hsva an ofFicial sea7. having the nsras of the�uihor3.ty ia a circleA � Section 1to 0£iicea The prancipa3 vffi.ce ot tha Authori�y ahall he determined by�uthorltyo ARTICTL+ iZ OFFIC;';RS �ection lo Officers. The officerr� of ihe �uthori�y anall be a t�six�man, a Vice �ia `rman, a Trc;zasurer� snct a Secretaryo A Coma missioaer shall not hold more than one o£ the a`„�ove namsd ofiices at the sama bimso Sec�ion 2• 4'k1A1TIlI8YIo ThB Ch3%2�[neII SE1S1.1 pP893dA 31s &11 meetings o£ trie Author y�ch he is oresent, 3ectioa 3, Qice Chairman. The Viaa Chairman shsll par£o�m the duties oS the Cha3��bs�.�nca or 3ncap�.oitY9 and/or beoause of resignation or daath of the Chair�n, until s nex Chsirman is eiesat,�d. Section !�. Secret „ The 5ecretary shail keep minu�,ou ot all meet3ngs and reco sr or�ie Autho,M3tyA Tne Secretary may deir�ga.te to the Etoacutive Director such of his pa�:era ss he is not legally �em qutra�d to exeaute persona�, Section 5. Treasursre The Tre�suresr sha12 cause to be icepu � full end accurate raea�account:, in books "aalonging ta tha tlutk�oriw ty o£ alI caonies and securitiea of tYac. Authority. Fun3s of the An�hor5.@ - tq shsll be deposited in banks approvec� by the Authority whioh Lar�7� xith applicabls State Law and which �ei; tha stnndarola �pecified by the Public Housing Adraini�tration and the i7rba.n Itenouai rl�.s�ration $er R�SC?LUTION NO> FHAA 1�5y+3 -?ege 2 depoait of funds advsnced by them. 3ecuriiles balongi,ng to tkae � Authority shalY ba depasitea for safe keeping xith one ar more ct the Aathority�a banke of aocovnt, or ihe Faderal Reaerve Hank, un- less by roaalution of the Authoriiq 1t is detsrmi.ned to place Ghem in a safe.deposit vaultd The Treaaurer eha7.1 as�nually mak6 a full report of the tinano3.al. condition oY thn Authorl.ty and meba auah other re�orte as may be required oP him by tGa Author�tty. All Com- misaionars haviag authar3tq to siga for the Authority i,n tha control af tupda or escurftiea aha12 he boadsd in euah au�s as may be re- quitad by the Authority by rseolutiaR• � r � 1 _ J Sect�i� 6. S�scution of Inatr�unente. AIl deoda, contractn, promiasory notsa, w o r exex�pting checks ia� ma�sd by the Authoi�iLy shall be a3gne8 by ttro delegated Coamnisaionere. Checks at►all be sig�ed by Lhe Execntiva Mreotor and the Treas�ar� nr by oithez� of theae amd one Cort�niaeioner� or in the absar►ce of both af t,ite�� by tsto Cot�uiasiomere delegatsd by the Chairmaa• ARTICLS III TE�iH3 OF OFP'IGERS AI1 oftiosre oT the Authority ahall. ba eiected sE each +�nn- aual meating of ihe Authority and ahall serve tor the t�rm o� oae yesr or until tk►e aext annual meeting and wttil their au¢asaaora are eleoted aod qualitied. ARTICIE IV YACANCTBS �onld an oftias beoos� �acant, the Anthority ahail eleot 4 aucaesaor Yraa ito m�mberahip at a regular metLirig, snd aueh eleat.icn eh�111 bs foS th6 uneiCpol'ed t6sm o1 Ya1d aYf30eo ARTTCIE V EYECUTIYII DIRUCTQR da 8xeautive Mrsator ahall be appointsd by #� Anthoritq� st euols qampaaeation� far suCh tsrs� �xsd rrith sucri duties as ths Authority rhsll det�rmina b�r rerolutiono ARTI_ C�. V�'1 Ai3AITI0NAL P�iSOt�N�Z TL� AubhoriLy asy trom timo to iims amglapr euoL perao�el aa it deama nsoeasarq to e:eraies its patiroro, d4L101! iIId Yutk0LS.0�16 t�6 �1IVlo soribed by lav. Thqi aompaasatioa oT auak parac�niml aha12 be dstermin�ad by tha �uthoriEq� upon raao�endatipn of ths &ascut�i.re D3reotor, � � V. _J R�SULUTIUN NO4 FttRA 1965�� - PBge J ARTICIB 9II ANNUAL Mf.LTTI�3 The Azmual Meeting of the Aut,hority shatl be hsld on the lqt Weds�ea�d�y of Juae of each year at 8:00 o�olock P.M.; hrnrever, the 3ate of the anaual meetfng mRy be pastponad to a dste as or be- Yora the iaat Wsdneedqy of Ju�y upo�i the vote oY a ma�ority of Com. miasionert in otYice at a�t time Laloan, ab aay regular meeting ot the Authority. ARTICT� 9TTI RHfkUTAR t3EEfIN69 Regular Meetinga ot the Authoritiy ehall bs� vithout notice� at 8:00 0�olook P.:4., on WeBneaday of each xeek, �7.eas the same be a iegal halida�y. ARTICIS IX SPECIAL btF.ETIN(33 Speaial Meetir�ge of ths Authority may be held at at�r tlm� on at least 22t hour vritten cail of tha Chairman, or a�r Lxo mambera of the Authority. Notice ahall be in ra•itiag! snd state the timr�� plaae eu►d purpose of the meetiag and tw bus3.neas ehall be considered than shall hava been sF«eaiPied ip the notiae. Upon unanimoua coriss� oY 811 WBi�bele� 8s�,y oP the plovll3obs Rf tl]lU 8T$�C�A �1ay 118 wT8196da ARTICIE % UG�OR'U�M Ths po�aers of the Authority ahall be oeatsd in the Coamia� aioners thereof in oPfice at aqy one tims; a msjority af xhom shsll comtitute a quorum for all purpoasa, but a lesaer number may ad,�oura a meeting from time to tima until a quorum is obtained• ARTIC7.S �I ORDFR OF BUSINESS At tiY16 Tb$1S�.Af' L1SAE�.6�A 9Y EYIA Afltr}36lI.�� tho follovit�g ehat2 be Lhe order of buainesas 1. Roll Call. 2. &eading and $pprovwl oi minutea at previous msetiago 3. Biils and aommuniaationa4 !�, ReporG of Lhe F�ecutive DirecLor, �o Fieporia oi Co�itLees. 6. Unfinished busiaoas. 7o New busina9s. Bo Adjourmierit. Upon dix�ection of tha Chairman, or ihe mation and second of txo co�missionsrs or the anthenty, a11 reaolutiona ehall. be ia ,irs.tsr�g and shall ba copied in a journal of the procaedings of the Authorityo � � t�soz.u�rlora Na. rx�n 196�.3 - Pa�e � AliTFC1�; 7CII I�iANA1ER OF VOTI33GG The Chaix�an and all Men�hers oi the Authority at evary most- ing of aaid Authority aha12 be eiititlad to vote. A2I motiona aad reaa- luti�s ahall requirs an afPirmative vota of a majority oi the i�femhera af the 6uthoritye A roll ca12 on an,y queation coming befoxe the Anthority must be tsksn upon the dsmaad of at� one or more Hambera of '%Zli ALL�10P��ie a�rzc� xZaz �s �, • � � �� • Parl3amentary Procedurs 8t zneetings uY the Authnrity sha11 be govarned hy tha 7.ast edittan pY Robea^t�a Rules of �Uro Juns 30Eh. 9RTICIS 7CI4 FISCAL YTyAR .�-.-.�-..� Tha fisaal year oP the Authori'Gy ahall ba Ju�p lat to ARTIClE XV �� ii i.�, - Tha By-Tava of the Authority �hall be amended oaly vith the a,pprmral of at leasi i► msjority o! th� Ccamisai�era in offics at a�y tim9. N:TS � � �l. ,. CTe ADOPTED AT THE RFt}ULAIi MSETING OF 'PHE FRIDLEX HOIISI4il3 AgID R�]EGELOPl�di'F AUTH4RITY O�T THE 1S't AAT DF JULY� 1965. � ATTESIe c e r, 8 i CP9