HRA RES 1979-03 - 00014090� RESOLUTION N0. HRA-3 - 1979 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND RE�EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO ESTABLISH ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE RUTHORITY WHEREAS, The Hous�ng and Redevelopment Ruthor�ty of the City of Fridley,here�n after referred to as the Authority, �s a duly established non-profit Corporation of the State of M�nnesota. WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish account�ng procedures for the operation of the Authority NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED by the Housing and Redevelopment Author�ty of the City of Fr�dley that the followtng accounting procedures shall be established. l. All disbursements shall be made only upon the order of the Director or Executive �irector of the Author�ty, duly author�zed by a resolut�on or motion of the Author�ty, and every such order shall spec�fy the purpose for which the disbursement ts made, and ind�cate the fund out of wh7ch it is to be paid. Each such order shall be d�rected to the F�nance � Director, and the latter shall issue a check payable to the order of the person in whose favor the order was drawn. The Finance Director shall issue no check upon any HRA funds except upon such order In the discretion of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority the order and check may be a single �nstrument. No Claim aga�nst the Authority shall be allowed unless accompanied by either an itemized bill or a payroll, or time sheet, each of which shall be approved and s�gned 6y the Director or Executive Director who vouches for the resonableness thereof. The Hausing and Redevelopment Author�ty may by resolut�on make add�tional regulations for the safekeeping and disbursement of the Author�ty's funds. 2. The Authority shall provide for the regular payment without specif�c ind�vidualized author�zation by the Author�ty of salaries and wages of regular employees, laborers, and f�xed charges which by agreement w�th the C�ty have been previously du1y and regularly incurred. 3. Any expenses incurred by the City on behalf of the Authority by agreement with the authority shall be directed to the Author�ty �n a monthly statement to be reinbursed to the City with authorization by the Authority. � Page 2- RESQLUTION NQ. H�'3 - 1979 � PASSED RND ADOPTED BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FRI�LEY THIS 8th D�Y DF NOVEf�BER > 1979• Lh1RR1 L I' •ILR.] - UIY11R1'1I11V HOUSING ND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ATTE � E�1IVE DIREC�OR - JERROLD L. BOARDMRN r � �