HRA RES 2003-07 - 00013869RESOLUTION IIRA 7 - 2003 , A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE T.AX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 AND 17 TO R�FL�CT INCREASED PROJECT COSTS AND INCREASED BONDING AUTHORITY WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commiss�oners (the "Comm�ssioners") of the Housmg and Redevelopment Autl�ority m aud for the City of Fndley, Mmnesota (Lhe "Autl�ordy"), as follows Section 1 Rec�tals l O] It has been proposed t]�ai il�e Attthority approve and adopt the p�oposed modificatrous to the Redevelopment Plai� for Redevelopment Pio�ecY No 1(the `Pro�ect Area") to reflect mcreased pro�ect costs and mcieased bondmg authonty withm tl�e Pro�ect Area, pmsuaut to and m accordance wrth MmnesoTa Statutes, Secpons 469 00 ] Yo 469 047, mclusrve, as amended and supplemented fi om time to time 1 02 It has been fiirthor pioposed that tlie Authority approve and adopC the proposed modifications to the Tax Inciement Financmg Plans for Tax Increment Fuiancmg Districts Nos I, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 1 1, 12. 13, 14, 16, and l7 (tl�e "TIF Districts") to reflecY mcreased pro�ect costs and mcreased bonding authonty wrthm the Pro�ect A�ea, pursuant to Mmnesota StatuYes, SecYion 469 174 through A69 1799 and 469 001 to 469 047, mclustve. as amended and suppleme��ted from t�me to time � l 03 The Autl�o�ity lias mvestigaTed the facts and has caused to be prepareci witl� respect thereto, a mod�fied Redevelopment Plan for the P�o�ect Area ai7d modified Taa [ncrement Financmg Plans for the TIF llish icts to reflect mcreased pro�ect costs and mcreased bondmg author�ty withm the Pro�ect Area 1 04 Tl�e Authonty has perfonned all actions tequired by law to be perfonned pnor to the approval and adoption of the modificahons to the RedevelopmeuY Plan and Ta� Inerement Financmg Plans ] OS The AuYhority hereby detemm�es thal it is necessary aud m ihe best mYerests of the City aud the Authonty at this tune to approve and adopt the modifications to tl�e Redevelopment Plan and the Tax L�crement Pinancmg Plans to reflecC ii�creased pro�ect cosis and mcreased bondmg authonty withm the Pio�eet Area Section 2 Fmdm�s 2 01 The Authority hereby finds that the assistance to be prowded through lhe adoption and im�lementation of q�e modified Redevelopment Plan and modified Tax Increment Fmuicmg Plans (collectively, The "Plans") are necessary to assure the development and redevelopment of tl�e Pro�ect Area 2 02 The Autlionty hereby finds that the Plans covform to the general plan fo� tl�e development and iedevelopment of lhe City as a whole m that they are cons�stent witl� the City"s comprehensive plan 2 03 Tl�e Autl�onty hereby fincls that tlie Pfans afford maximum opportumty cons�stent w�ih the sound needs oP the City as a whole For the development and redevelopment of tl�e Pro�ect A�ea by private t enteipuse, and rt is contemplated that the development aud redevelopmenl thereoP will be ca�ned out pwsuant to redevelopment cont� acts wrth pnvaYe developers HRA Resolutron No 7 � SecYion 3 Approvals and Ad�tions Page 2 3 O] Tlie modifications to the Redevelopment Plan reflechng mcreased pro�ect costs and mcreased bondulg authonly wrthm the Pro�ect Area are hereby approved and adopted by tl�e Commiss�oners of tl�e Authorrty and are forwarded to the Fndley C�ty Coui�cil for pubhc heanng, review, atid approval 3 02 Tlie modifications to the TaY L2crement Financmg Plans teilectmg mcreased pro�ect costs and mci eased bondmg authonty withm the Pro�ect Area are hereby approved and adopted by the Commissioners ofthe Authority and aie forwarded to the Fridley City Council for public hea�mg, review, and approval Section 4 F�� of Plans 4 Ol Upon approval and adoption of the Plans, the Authonj� shall cause said Plans to be filed with the Mmnesota Deparhnent ofReveuue PASSGD AND ADOPTED BY T1-IE I-IOU5ING AND REDEVELOPMGNT AUTHORIT AND FOR THE CITY OP PRIDLEY. MINNESOTA, THIS 4`�' DAY O�DECF,A�(BER, 20¢� /� R COMMERS, CHAIRPERSON � ATTEST / � ��y�'� G' �, �C-��.�,�� " •iyn`'Gt �%}--,_ �VILLIAM W BURNS, EXBCUTNE DIRECTOR � CERTIPICATION l, W����t� W•�ri'�6 , L-xecui�ve D�rector of the I�ousrog and Redevelopment Autl�onty m and For the City of F� idley, CounYy of Anoka, Mmnesota, hereby certify that the faregomg is a irue and correct copy of Resolution HRA 7-2003 adopted by the Authority on the 410 day of December, 2003 i / � ��/6v1�.ic ��//�,�-' EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR