PL 02/17/1959 - 30042� � � � � r �►�r�znc ca�ISSZO�a �rnc FF�BRII/�RY 17, 1R59 Meeting c�l.led to order ���i �5�embers�Kre ik arid Segner ahow�in�g uP later. � and City �gineer poc'eser� � Mr� parman Lwd�ord reparesentiri� Kraue-AnaearBOn, builders of the proposed i� �cturing �o�► P1.�t, wa�s pa�s8en� to outlf.r� the poeoposed ��� etructure, vith neoeasaiy se�tbaaka, pea'k3.zs6 ax'ea and ot�' 8��' � r+egu�.re�nerste. �r. Ludf'ord prese�ted e. check covering hits Ge�e'ra1 Cwat►r�tctoar s Lioenee toget�ea� aith Bond aud Certificate of insurance �a t� tra�s eet fora�', deeiraus of etarting ss saon as poesibl.e. Public Hearix�g March the 3s'd, o� motian by Segner, secanded by Da,Y and c�rrisd. It.eaa Lvo vss a oonsideratioa of portions of Subdivieion, �Ot 10 ax�d .Audi'tat''e 9ubdivision # 94 in the Sa�uth � of Sect�.on 24, Towriship 30� ��+� ���� a�reinaY'tea� referred tfl as the Swanstrom's Addit3on �rhieihn� �ed develaper�e the 1.O�Lh. Plata snd �ubdivisiona Board on Februre�ry h � 8 desire for parteission t,o build and arect two model hoAes upon aa a].readY gra�ded euc�es coneiating of nine 3.ots South of 53rd and � Street, bet�►een Jolnneon aa� Fillmore Stree�s; that area �rnedi�ately Narth of 5�' Street snd Sauth of Ste�to H�Bh�+aY �.00 aonei.atirig of �ix lots in Blocic 2 arid 5 Lota i.n PO.cck 2 vith sti Ee�st a�ynd weet S�treet to be 53�' Cour�: �ith a Turn•-around at tbe end ot both Lots � 1 ��p e� .a ,�.{� .G1:�.QLiR � a.Ll{d 1G• � 1�. I�,i],harder representing���anatromn �Sa��� ��8�relocats.on of t� Esot� �a.f,�,•o�q pZ,a,t and m�abers attent o �d �,�d �� s�t 50 Peet ftiu�thei• West as per the requea� of the �ity F.ngineer bo%o�e Plats snd Subdivisians. '1'lsio requeat ie based upon the fact that there ia s large depression of oner 30 feet 3n a great por�Eior of 53�'�'t� �� v�.�,Y requ�C•e approximataly 17. foot depth of fill on Q 6� gretle eu�d tbe ���Oe �,���� East of �oux't T�ix'n--at'ound of a pr�eent exiatin� haane reaiden►ce; 8ad '�a p�event any drainsge erosion from�3ontof tho Turn--around,QCantract.or t�ss pa'omised ��� In sdditfon ta this reloca thst after neceesary fi11 has been placed, the �ast end o£ lot, adjoin3.ng i�ot 6 (t�,�,y) will 'be groperly terraced and sodded to flu'ther in�pede any sc37. eroaion. S�aan$trom's Eng3.neer, al�o be3.ng � preaerr�, ftu 4he1 preaen�ed a p�ofile showiag existing depth and ths px'opoa�d gr�zde ovcr �h�.s area 3n que�tiwn togetheY' vith a toPo�s'aohical survoy � wiaxist�ng�o�' a�3t� goo� optadpriorlto �anysfill.ious7.y mantioned depression 8 L9Jce�wise considerab�e Fill wi�.l liave ta t;e b�-ougl�t in by �he oon�Ereat►or for t1�,t portion ai ��-�ra �'�revt w3�3ch L�a.�l t�ve ��o be cu� i.n the ldorth end of 53� Avenue to the Stete Hi�ray for druin �i.Xe to be P].aced unfler Northeaat Cor�ner oY Fillmore street. Board dis].�.ked �ha idoA of tha proposed Cu1.�de-saa together vith City Eagianegr but �tgroelator�Zostytli ough noneuse a�ditax dolit� �nqy�actsd and the land I�ossiblp bein8 r P�g'e 2 �'� t�c►. k Mrs. i�al].ey, oMC►sra of Lot 6 on t�►e �►et etid o! �utrA-ara�qad� v� also preae�t to pac'oteot t.�eir p�opeo�ty int�e�eat, hsviag a3so bMn preaeat at th� Plat� snd SubdivS.sia� J�tiag of Febaru�c9 lOtb fo� tho sa� p�u'poM. �M. M�i,ifard� uPo� i�quiry' i�i' the City Elogii'�eex' ae #.a P�erk dedioatioa area, advised tl�t tl� pa�efeo�red to �slce this • ce.eh settlen�at as �+s].]. ae pa�ovide tb�. t��osssat�► drsitmgr sasemsAt it► tbe viciaity of Fillmore bet�+sen Lots 4 and 5, alock 2, 53� Street a�ad 5� �'�� �t �he date tor ��aaatai��g�� � tbs 3z'a• ntwnimausly The Se�m D�hlbea�g Plat wes next conaidered. Mr. Aah3.berg vao pa�eaeat, bringit�8 viLh hi�► hie origit�sl Pr'oPg��f�abvidiaa� roadsa.ccesa �isavea�a7.tlo�d e� � revieion was Po� the pwcpo PY' hsving same. At the time of fi,hs Plats at�d 5ubdivi�iona �.eeting tFebrua�rY 10� t�'. Drah7.berg h�8 P�POeed a North and 3outh Road (Lakeaide Roa.fli betwaen �5th aud. o1�londa�s (74th) St,reet. P�rt oP euch Prol'oeed street plat �ras temporar3ly rejeated until euch time na I�'. tishlber6 eou1� receive neceasfu� 33 foot e�aement f5rom tbe o�ner cP Lot l, Auditor's Subdiviaion � 12� and an F�st sknc� Weat 30 foot eaee�nent Prom t,h�� Mill.er prope�tY locatad on Irot 2, Auditorneer �auggasted that�Arthur Streetgb� d Su.bdivieione meeting (F�br�ary lOth) Engi extended South�ard on a proposed 30 Foot dedication to e poii'it mid�r�Y �'��► 75th and O�onds�gs, on a 30 foot easemerit to be obta3aaed f�oae Lot 6, Auditor'a �ibdiviaion �h.29 thenc� Eeat through Lot 6 on a simi].ar � foot dediostion aaross the paro�eation line of lakesYde Lot, thence alcn8 tbe Nortiserly bcwadar7 � oP Lot 2 fM9.11ea� Property), Auditor's Subdivision # 108, to the F�ter�a bvunt9s=9 cf this Lot, thence South to Onondega on a s3mile►r dedication, which rsvi.aion wauld gr•�unt sevet� sdditional lots for develop�nent and at the seme time grant eccsas t,o all such lote. tdr. Dahlber6 explained that A�r. Millor �ould uot give the neoesw�y 30 �oot dedication acrosa ti'�e North end of hia property bu�.vould gx�nt a 30 foot easeaa�►t on the 1�est side of said Lot # 2, w�th �ot # 3 a t� �a� ��e°Ot ea,se�ent South to 4nonda�a �'�'that ei her the3�ake ide �t vith neoeeaary dedioations tvo peroposals, i� w�s deeided �outhrierd through to Oizondepa or ��he Ar�hur Streat pro jec�ion � e LODiahl.'berd oould . eastward, �rould mest with che spproval to the �oard pa'o'�►idi�ng B obtain the necessary 30 foot Street dedication� fY'o�n the owners of Lot b, 1 through 5 inolugive, of Audi.tor's Subd3vision # I29. Mr. D�►hl.berg wa� of tbe opin9.on that betareen now �nd tho tia�►e of a Rtblic HQaring se� Por Me�rch the 3rd on a motion by Beriner, se�anded by Fontaine and csrried, t,hat he would have the nece8$ary dedicetions if' posei�lo, Qi��her by ou-irighi purchase or exohan6re of severe►1 lota, based upon th� rev3sed plat. The next Ple�t con�3dere� was thE Crxieg-Hourdeaux propar''G�► deearit�ed as being Lots 11 and 12, Avditor'a Subdivision � 103, East ot the East Aiver Road. Mr. Bourdeauic yaa poc�eee�,t, p�'esenting the proposed site plat, contours and e'�aceet �r'ades for thr sre4 iA qusati.oa. Thia proposed plat wou3.d cone�.at oY a sqw�re (I+�irmont Circlei with aul-de�-eacs e°c tha hortheg�-L �nd sot��h�ast oornere ot ttbe Crieg ead Bo�urd�tut propeoc'tY, with proposed 12 Foo� utilit, sRS�ment eoct�tad3.n6 Fe►st !l�at tt,a �ast Ait►�t� RosB tl,rou�b tha F�►irmont Clratca and s 3� :� �'� ssaes�nt t'or s distis�ao� ot' 1S0 Pe�t !Y'aQr: the �t aide of�eaid�C�a aimiler � oot�eesM�at � l�orth a�dd south bet�nen tbe t�ro adjo�ain8 ProP�' �, PB�e ti�'ee :� extending West f'rc�n Ruth Street Circle to �the ga�oe drait�a8e ditch, E�gineer recomm�ended 'that boi'in8 t�es�s 1�e �►de i.� t�e SQU�� $ectioa of Hloek 3, of tl� �ourdeaux pa'oper't�Y snd PnasiblY sf�ila� �s'� Por the Southeast Section of Lat 2 of the Caeig 1'rope�ty i.r�as�ah a� '�ese araga luve high we'ts�' 'tables and are low land consiating o4 pett and ewamp bo6• The s°tla teata xere agreed to vY �. «��.d�wc. All the lota in queati.on ueace aY proper si�e ��� �o �e �t�nt of Lot 12, H1ock 2, C+�eig pa'operiY upon whi.oh s�temporarY 33 Pe had been paceviously granted to the Cowaty Highwey Depertaosnt et the tiwe of widening F�,et River Rosd and which essEUnent xi11 be iri sffect unti]. 1960. �. �,d� �B��d that Mr. t�risg d3d not intend to buildto�e th��BtoF the this slope eaee�'� �a e���. �t�' �'�� discusaion by 8oard pe�tsining to other dataiseeonde�dtby �nner and c�ar�riied�ing Por 'Me�r�ch the 3rd on �otion br�► Fonta�.n , Engineer advised ti�ai a Puhtic Nearing for a zoningeral A1u7.t ie Dwellking�located Coopexrm�n (SHur-rn�f 1'roperty) from �-1 to R-3 {Gen Fl A�orth of Missieeippi Stx�ee�'East of Lucit� T.�ne and 'tiest of Cb�unAe1 Rosd had �reviauslq been se'� for P'ebrue�'Y tY�o 17�h but due to rot havin8 bsen advartised for same, it was Buggostad that the Hoard move �his Rzbl�.c ,H,esacir►g da're up to March the 3s'd Yoz' consider�tion at that time to which the �d �'e�d. �1 Publf c Hearir�g ori�i.aally schedulod for rezoning � of tbe 33ppe1 Property fYam r g t of Lots 1 througii 7, inclusive, R-1 f.o R-2 t�►itea Mu1t�A�e �►ellin ) on the p�r'�k �a8 for which i''ublic Bl.ock 10, Sp�in� Brook Park lying �Ieet of Spring r H�€�.ring had also been set �or February -the 17�h, was also set forward to Msrch the .r 3rd al.so due to lack o a inAr�etineachedgthe engineers�oificeested bor3ng t,es e �i £or said property not h � Y , f ivPn to.consideration of eutl:ing through a ros.d for alI of Cons3der�tion was next � those lots lying �7eat of the Eeist R.iver Road in Auditor's ��iv�the Nortb�of a situated in the South � of Section 15 �hich areas �'e bounded by line guaning Wsst fram Misaisaippi Street tOthe�J�1.ieAnn AdditionstEe.s�t�he I�i.a�s- iseippf S�,reet to 62nd Wt�r, on �ho south by �;ast River Roed and on �he �a����ed membora mttc:niionito�the�fnatethatsrieque� Strset and b2+� �aY• �nginee oximately' piac] been made for a propoaed s�rset dedicn.t3.on to run a aPP�' n b e Nor�h�ly direct�.on from thc� v;i.c3.�nity ot Riverview ��z'1"ace through Lote ��e'af 17 antl those lots North of 1? t,o N3.osiasippP Lot�12,� the North bowndary the Giextser► inow Elmer Johnsan) Px' Pe�' y �ir� Segner an� of i�,he reai.dents and own�r of �.o� 15 outlined the thinking etxi dea3ree of the ownere of thoso lots so effact�d as fi�o auch poaeible street dedieations aad the elimin$tion of such exis'�ing street and utility easemen'ts n�xw in use by thoae residen�s; whi.oh eas�nent.s c�u.o �o �he prese�nce of uti lf.ty polea dawu the cet�ter o� same served as $e�c,and� by gon�,aine,pthis$propcsal�vae P Fire protection. Upon a mation bY 8a1t, temporarily tabl.ed until � t er as thes�ot o m�ersa caW.d visit the site, and iiave a later info�7. get- g �'9 � �. Page four �"1 A request to rasone certein portions of irhe Peter 8rook°s psop�rty was next pre�ented vith requeat to reBOni.n� certain arees nrnr Industri$7. alassii'icatioo -�o C-2S, en�acing that portio�n upon which the Rice Bovl Taverb ie aituated aad changing p�resent clasaification of notir ax3et3ng comn►ercial to M-1 .(3aduatriel) west oP the Rice Hcwl area to H3ghwqy 65; all such la=►d being s part of the Sout�b 396 feet of the l+iorf.h 726 feet vf the Sou�heast 9 oF tha North�raet � of ssction 12� Totimship 3�� Aen6e ?l�, l�ttoka County lying Easterly of s 2fne dre`na pare11�2 vith a distant 600 PeeL Eristerly as measured 8t r3ght angles tirith the Esat lino of State Aighway 65 ae the ee�e is�now layed ou�E, subject to neoesaary rond eewe�'t� along th� North S0 .�'eet atzd the East 50 feot thereo�. I�. i�ook was p�esent and explained by means of a subva3tt�ed contour �oa.pa, tbs drQinage in t�e areas involved; that'ii urould be im�possible due to ewamp snd bog wid high �+atter table to build in �Ghat erea known ae Cantralview, ATorth of '%3� Avenue no�r c7.assifiea aa C-2S; and tba� upon pos�ible favorahle re�oning the p�e�vioualy mention�d area, he expected to eatablish a�Trs.ileoc Court Project. thi a motion by Font,aine, e�conded t7y Kravik and carried, 3t was decided to ba,ve the Aiblfa Hearing as of �asday, March i;he 17th. Imo�ediate2y prior to adjaurnment, City M�.nager a�ppesred taith repa�esentatives of Pe,tch & Erickson (Architects) with a propvsed hy.gh and grade sc3hool plan in Which it arae suggested that asrtain areas belongin� to the city snd the 3.C.°�s be exchanged for an area o�' approximeteZy s3mi].ar siZO of l.and owned by tJae achoal boa.rd, for that areQ Sauth of 63rd and ldorth of 64�th and between 7th Sfi,rae't oa the F.aa�t by a project..i.on 13.ne, South from Jaakson 5treet, to 6lst Av�aauee n aoard meaantiers appeared to fhvor the f.dc3a inaoFar as e�cchange of land waa cona�rned but t,ogethar With Engineer would r�ot favor tho vacation o� 63.at Averiue esetward fram 7�h Street �3ch was one of the propoauls brought forth by the erchfteots� due to the poseibility oF 61st Aver►uo 'k�ing a"through" street ca�►stWard t`ro� Univarsity Averiue to L�iguway 65 and possibly a later wastward oontir�ustion i�om IIaiveraity to f,he Eaat River itasd plus aleo �Lhe fact that tbi.s ig Cauuty-State Aid Raad wh3ch neither •tho Caunty or Ci.ty would like io see vac�tsd. Ths ares 3�wedlately Southeast of �[est r��a°e 3�ko �ive was proposed ae a parkir�g sres Por sa�e 6� cers and t.he res�aining portian of that area bei�g used for beavb end playgrotuid purposes by eithsr or bo 4h acl�ool.s together with joint oec:upsnGq oP the propoeed stediwa cahivh i�auld ba erected with �uch a location ae would pa71l�t use oP 61st Avsnue to handle the traff�c probl.o�� It was �ges'Lec�i thal• in :i3.EU of var,t3tin�t 61afi Avonuv to �est Mooxe 7ake �ritrr t�nt ;�h� raad xouid, � be re'tsiiz�d e�nd �n ovc�x�h�ad a �a.�uctwre � s3mi].ar to ths ot�e ia t�ta� over on Univerdlty Aveaue i.n the v� cin�.ty oP �thc3 U of M elthough Dot ao �iaborat�� Would be sacected. �. 5egnsr mu.do inqu,i.ry as 2:a whether �uch natir 8c�aoole s�r�uld b� deai,g�sd and constru.ated in such a mann�r ' as would peaznit use i�' and whsn, assdod ad s ttiyps ot �m�unity hause for use by i�o�h �ho c�t:isena of Fridley ss �n7.], as scb0o2 �tu�denta �rhere�upon Patch & Eri.ckson thought this c.�uld be �ro�ked oitt �o �oot adva�trga !or a11 c�ncerned. It uao �heri d�cided by the Plsantn� Co�isaian to o0��e#deoc t►hia p�oposal turt�her and a��empt to reach s docl.eioa of 3�'I�rcb t!» �d. � .;���. � � � , s Pa,ge f3vo �a matter of' the Don �Brett Brookvfow l�ddi��ion �as discues ;r the �gia�er t�ha� the propased pre7.im:,Ln�wy had beon gJ.ve v�2e l.aet regular meeting 8ad ichat 'the undez's'tanding was tha �=rould aY�'e eqLtally wi�h the sireet dra3.ns t,o �e bot't�om oF :�Load; therb,Yore, wi'th no char�es o't�orw3:so proposed on submitted �+o Counai1. for �ction as.to accvg�ance. � pbti.flu was mnde to adjourn swd carxied at 11:45 �.�. ed at�d �ra edvised n to the �ouncil at t the City end Hratt the hi'Ll. on G}�e�ae1 Fi,aa]. � Plat, it ao�tld b�e � er..� � _s ... � . . .w .....� � /'1 � , ♦?' ! r M ��� xo. ot �pM�ai �Ai� �di� !� i d. D. �� � � �� 8�t Drdiaat�3�Ca PZat�s �n�d l�trl Appeo�al� Oo�td�erd Fl�in�abs� ���f�d � � . o� ' � �to. o! 3p�od�a1 � 1b. �a��t 1�rt,3n�s vit�t PoC. Pr�liwdx�ary � Goosi�d� �i�a�ty►Ll� �j�t�d lrsMi�nt�a �qd3rrd �a#� �ta�rl�d �lsa1 �•ala Cooaid�a��d �i�0e�bt� A�j�et�d �Mdi� Ooa�d �o�+.t�. �� ... �.�a.�.a �� �Mi..�.+ � . � C� �� �� l��s��� 19�9 � � 0 6 i � b 1 O O 0 0 1 0 Z Z 0 2 0 � 0 0 O 9 a 0 � 0 0 0 � � 0 0 0 ►� �,� i ! i t i ! ! ! ? ? ? T ! Sli� � � i � s i � 6 1 � ! 0 � 1 1 � 2 0 � 0 2 0 0 0 t 1� ! 9 ! � t. . s � : : s t o t o t t ! t t 4 4 0 1 0 S� � � � t t i ? ? ! t t ! t t ? ! ! t t t t t t ! t t * t ! t t t t t a � i � ,. ' ! r � �1 C� �� �� � � !� 19�9 : t�� � �. t:p I� ;1►. r� ,'r�YY4�'-� C�� CO�sl�d�nd ll�waeabl� tb!la�bl� � PAt� Z 1 1 O 0 Z ! 3 ? � � 0 0 t ? ! ! z - .. � � � � r I i�+• 1 t ► i'� :•., �. � � � � � � 1• ��7��� Z. Y i 8 proj� as�� �: Ca��t�re Q�urMos � IMio ��y �,a - 2tid Addi�3�oo 3. �� � H3.ds tae P�lin���� . � �p�s+a� � wd P1ats aod �I�oR.l�o� o� SMSLap imd iB�tt� ot ll�. fi�l DNe��i�bl��oo�� s. �o1�t � 8niidios aad II'�°"e�'°wil�°1D'• b. 1i�3�.b aat� �/ ��� �' � 8. ��oiilt�lM !lr3d�.q '� 8�ot.l.aa 1�• 9. ��i � s 16 �� �lr�st i�a�o�r��i�aw 1i0: �aa�d�� yP � 11• Co�p�t��a �' P�'O�os�d stoo�a �w�ar , B. ii t 8 � ow P�v 8�3�t� x i s i, a�i..on � soe. �bo�� I� � M�si�u 8it1� Y� 8 Lrtt�l� � S�ns � �� M � 8 iyrt�i � Dms C. I��t�a1 i� �`s�i A11a�� 1(�dib 1. R�stsal 0 � M�� 1 0 D. �t�e'!�L A�r�l�l s Fsral A�a�rt+ 1• �i�a1 Z. !'le�1 � �� �� �� ��� 0 � � 'lhi� I�ooRi� 'lbit ?MOr �t �M �� 1 0 p 4 0 with peo�p�ot�iw oonsr�i� puti aaooNp13a1wat. o! Ci � tb� �. J.Q.•�s. Z � 0 0 1 0 �A�1.i����oe'!t� � �l�Melai �., � �` CITY oF FR��L�:X, F�II�SaI'A QF�'ICE 0`r� BLILDING Ifi;:ii';;CTOi� TOl'IC G PsOIdTIiLY R::'r'CRT '['0 G�'I'Y M1',tiaGiR :�UN�T� OF Pi:.Rr`.1TS I �SIJED TIi�S YF;AR LAS't Y.�:AR OF TYPE QF CONSTRUCTION � ��' 5S TO �ATE TO DAT� INC�„_._ Residential Residential Garages filteration� & Additions P�al.tiple Dwelling �om�eroial. Industria2 i�nicipal Ghurches & Schools Hospitals Signs Residential Reaidentie.l Garages Alterations & Additions Multiple Dwelling t%oamnercial. �dustrial �ar►icipal Churches & Schools Hospitale signa Building Electrical Heating Plumbing Sign3 N,oving x�t� P1.u�obinQ �l�ctric�al � i4 0 4 0 a 1 0 0 0 4 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 1 6 0 0 1 0 d 0 5 15 3 2 3 0 0 0 Q 0 0 58;� � �'- ��•. E�T ]�1A'j'P;D �T.t�LUA i IOidS QF' P�I�IITS ISiUED 90,�SS Z95,2S9 '�5�3`� 55R,29b 227,147 68� 0 3,040 1,o5b 3,90� 6, ico �.,lo0 32, 596 i, zoo 3gz� 0 150,000 0 ].50,000 � � � 0 1000� �9�435 � �9s435 0 q p 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 Q � z�47a a 3,g�a o i000� AI�;pUNT Or FF:k:S CO:.-LECTLD FROM PERMITS �v'Tb��00 � 7g�00 �77ui�j p 514o0�J Q 469.50 �.�0 330�� � 0 � �1?38G.00 � 222�00 52� s56�65 0 l000� 2,�55.50 0 1000� �. , 34a d�0 5z� � o0 666� 38.00 0 1U009L 0 0 NUt:B�:,`� 0�� I'�:ftMTiS T�'..�.,`'UED _ a I6 6z o Z�.3 0 1000"� 11� 30 10�00�'� ...t� . . � � �� � �oneral Contraci:or z'�asonry & Brick ::1ec�rica7. ��i��t�ring & Tapir�� Fvofing ='�.ur�rbing tIcat i.ng `sas Piping & aervice � !il H`•�at & Pipin� �Tatnr S`uppl� -��.xcavating I�`,�ving & l•:recking �>i�n Eroction '��c�3.1 Drilling %�m�n� c��t o� �-�3zD�.�;Y, r��r;h�o�r� QFr IC� GF I�UILz�T1�G lI+S!'�:CTCR TCF'TC M i�iQP�TFiLY �ia':k'C:�tT TC� C1TY P'AI�If�G.:t� ���G� 2 �it��0UIti1 OF LICIIrSING Fi�::S CCi:Lr:GT:::D �'OFi 1�5� tiP�? TL TO 1�Et I�.Ii, �I 1:ic�snses for �775 39 lic�ns�s ior �8� lb 2icenses for ?,�Q /� ).icanse� fo* 60 4 licenses for 60 �9 licenaes for '135 21 licenses fo.r 315 19 I-:icenses for 28� 5 1ic:�nse� fo� �75 �. license fbr 1� 1G licenses for 15Q 0 3 l:icenses for ry5 2 liccnses for j0 (A�d�d �;o I�sonry i�3�cense) / � � � � fi����R� ..... 2 _ o,��YC�� �vcrxc� CITY OF I'RTAI,�Y FiT�j x� I3�F�it�,��tGS �ic��FO�c: i.I�� ,�?�1IT�,� CGTfi��I?'�S%c��1, TO WgO�M IT _ MAY CObiCERN: Notiae is hareby given th�t th�:� e t��r:,Z ? T�e� � ire��L• ing of the Co�nmi8sion of the City o£ r"7ca,c�►.cy ir_ �:lz.e C,i�c.�x I•Ia].l a� 5a3�. Avenue Northeas�, on Tuosd�yr "i�.�Ca3 3, I�5�9, 7n �h.e Counc3.l at 7:30 P.i�. for the cons�d�xai.�.osz c�r �c�:L f��.3crvixyg mat�exi Plannii'ig Un�.vers i�y GY��� 1. To conei.de� the �eques�.ec� �cW�-�a��g fkc�am R-�.� Resiaemtial to R-3 r Gene�a3. 1�ul�.i�1 ����e3I �ng � the p�: o�r�y located north of i��eissi,��i ��.�ec� � e�.s�c. o� Lueia Lan�, and w�est of Cha�.nQ]. Road anc� f�a�i:her d�:�cr ibed as follo�as : Lo� 31 "Broolcvf.�,r i�%ic�x��.c�a•a" e ri,3,iaha Ccfunty, eexcept that p�rt ior� o�� u ir� .b.o� 3 i, wh �.cclZ is descx ibed as fo�.Iaws: Ca�enca.r.g a�: �ha Sou�:heast cornex of $aicl L�o�c 3l► t,h�nc� T�Torfh along �:lze �aC� l�.sie tis�eoi a di�.�icarlc� or �n� Z�undrec� 2`wentey�-Sa.x and nine-tenn�hs (Z2�S.9 £t. ) + S:hence �tes� �aral.le3. wi�ch the �outh �.�ne as gaid Lo�. 31 ��is�anc� of �'hirtywfivo and five t�nth� Eee�. (35.5 �to)� thanc� North parallel �ith �e �;a��t line oF sa3d i.,ot 31 a diatancE of For�y-i��.ne a:acA onE-�onth feet (49. �. it ,� �henco t��e�� �ara3.Zel ��i�tz €�e s�u�h i��e af Lot 31, to �hhe S�le�� ii.�ne of Lo� 31, ��hence �ou� along the West liae of said Lo�. 31 a�istanco of One hunc�ed Seventy-Six �eet {176„ �t�), to the aoutheast corner thexeof, thEnc� Easti along the �o��h lin� of sai� Lot 31 a dista.�ce oi i�.i�ety-Seven and Eight-t�nths feet (97.8 ft.} ttwre o� �.e8s to �ha point �f beqianing. 2e To cons3der the request �or aezoning iro� R--1, Reaidential to R-2, Lim�l�ed A".ulcigle �ae3.i�ng, on �.hat part of I,okr� 1 through 7 ��Zoc]. 10 Q Spr��g Brook Paack, lying �c��st of Sprimg Brook. Anyor� desiri�g to be heard c�ri��a r�iex�r��� �:a �►_� a�ove matter will. be hQar�t at this z��eet3 ng. . PI�UL SEGI��ER C's��i1�:Rd1L CI�� �z�ar� cor�ss�cxa publish: Februaxy 19, 1959 �ebruary 26, 1959 ° PLi\NNING COM�VII$�$�4N , O: �� 3.�'�x�.L r.x��d:�', . r,�. �_ s �,� �.Tb WHC)Nr rr wrev i�navr+�sa,v. I��rs'�y v�<' �w�.31{��Y ��.v -aa aacacuY ,.:g1vCl1 -L[lA,LI there :will be � a. meetmg of°.:tiie •r�?,s.""�,,r, r� �;;�. ;� 4i�:3i�y.� Planning Commission of the Ciiy ' of Fridley in `' the City ;Ha1I at ��^ ��.. w�-'s C? 6431 Universi�y Avenue NoTth-biG'l.�t.�,3 �,..'^ �.jJ�:.. � M�:il.ry.A�C? _ . - . -• ----. ' in the' Council Chamber at 7;30i ��� p.m for the consideration of ; the . 'following.matter: � 1'. To consider the requested . I��c3n: rezoning fx'om R.-1, Residential �?'�'`;� '�~ z'~ �.° � ^� �. ... �. � �s�-: �;: '-'�?��'� ^ -'� C7i '�7[�C �Z �"EKi�.fi3� C.'Q„*i`u ingRtlie Prope� locat dDnorth •"a `�.���''"��s ::'_:^•_ 'i.ii�'. ��•�.:.�3 �1�..�,...4. G:rc;. k3�,.��� �?3�.�a�S�.t� AVE3 of Mississi i Street east of Lu-�� '.: r;�' r�' ��+ ��'Ci�s ':�? l."�'a'c„' Cf��:_r:»C31. C"ri�1���L'� PP� �. .�t' �. . r ,,.� �.w. �.� cia Lane, arid'west of Channel�,��?CiC.'e:;+.a�.�:�i v4' �'3i�� �c�.:.��E3'�ic� ��.'�.�.�!�" . R,oad 'and further described ' as i follows: ° Lot 31 "Erookview Addition", �,�,�,? *�:a,,* c:� : c r t; a� :�? ti�n :� 3 M�i¢? �.--�. R�' G'�'u ?.i���'»i'i: �.. r.`�.3". Anoka CountY, except thai „ 3� i�� -.� y�, r, �•� r" ' '� portion of said Lot 31, which' is� �=� •.�-�'� ;:3�. C: ��._.� A.1'� � F� u�,.+.:. �'..�''��' C�' �AC �'GC'.i. described as follows: Com-�;y�:, °i r=�� �;, ,n::. _ � , �. .� �.'. �' , � -� ia�..�"'�^ �3.� i.� �.. �w X r:: i- w 4 ��.:. .�a.'. tV3 a.�. � meneIng at the Southeast , cor- .� �, ' , , � -, ,.A:: y,. ,,. � r .� .� , �, ner of said Lot 31, tlience. ��� '���-.`�. L�.�-. �-�.'�- �-a ..... G:oB.�C� a��� c�W d,�.:.�.GiJM�J M North along , the East li�►e� thereof a distance of One Hun- .-, � dred Tweaty-Six and riine-"„t���•�'��'� ���'.��'�'�.�=�:=f t".,�:�':?�c:s �tii.?:�?$:;�n E?�At:C:�'i. tenths (126.9 ft.). thenceWest;'�C)� 0� ;;�z::�� :iupu .'��.� i�:?��..�? :�.0 Gi��-^��fG�.?�E?C� parallel with 'the South line of tn said Lot 31 a distance of Thir-�'° d����"s:�:a1�� ��r G1K.., +L36'�'. Y:t3�:'���c`;��'i: �J'�":: �C':.' ty-t��e �r,a five tenths feet�G3�, 3� a ��:�.�r.� :w �1,�M�,�.�. �:�.ex :c� •a:�� ��s#: �.��e (35.5 ft), thence North parall-� ry• �_ r• ,-,.. r. • 4., � el with the East line of sa.id"° C��^,:A w. �,aiti.G ��: �3:"�C �'�.�.C.�a. �C?t� �G3�'i:�7�--� 3,a, �.,'�- ai� Lot 31 a distance _of Farty-;�3� � 7 ;�� „� �''�. „ � � �'i.g!^�"� ::C 8`a �: � '�3r3"�". c3�. �.�;�. Nine and one-tentti feet (49.1,��'L,�..i�,� �.�.�� c��: : c."'t,T.�? �i.i'� 3�. c. C�a�.��c.'ttlr't: .4� ft.) thence West parallel with the South' line of i�ot 31', to tlie�'z�v cia'"'.�S��t �'3. i�G w�?1ii.a.''�� s���; ���.� f"�'�:: �� i ''�Ga'1�L�3C� West line of ,Lot 31, thgnceHe`3�.� �� i1'�.'C:: 'G"�� �r."��i: "� ?3�.+5: C>� : 8�� iui7'� ��. �. �South along the West line- oi" said Lot 31 a distance of OnerG' 53:� '��9?h:� •-�s+i � t�.� r�.�f.� Cs�.�—'�Gai'�'� ��'.�3'� ��� o� �'� ,. � Hundred SeventY-Six feet�y'�. µ�::::�3 � w? z�'vL?� '�:�:� �r�yL?''�C's �si*_G' O� $�Q`+s: ��., (176. ft.1, to the Southeast cor� i ner thereof, �thence East along��'� :�:i.h� Os :.�z��. ��.� :1ryGa3�C:r �t7Li'G�L �.0� �?.� the South line of said Lot .31 distance of Ninety-Seven an� �5:� �c"��,� 3s�i'i: �� r."!. C?�,W'�.��2��: Ca� C�3S� ��dT3C��c� Eight-tenths feet (97.8 ft.ra�,�r_ :����, �?. �� � ��. � j �a c�� ���r�w�as� c����� more or less to the : point o� .;, , , ,_ � be�ng. , i'L"i"i'�tt::: a�� �s.'t. u w i��k t3i'2� �:a3� ��C3�.? c.� 9�.E1�.-' O�. !3a�.t� :2. To consider the request for �`+ ,-�;,�^� CJw :��.i:�C'M:°a�~��`�'�:� r�.:T�'' i�;�..�$'���iC�'l5'i�f5 rezoning frorn R-1, R.esidential g ,�;'� � � �:�� �: �f"Y ��'•�'' �� �,53 '"i...�lL' �t3�.i4i� +�1� �� �.E�13.� � to R-2, Limited Multiple , Dwell-• ing, on that part of Lots 1 Broo k Park�Bli �� lOW st of $.:�,tc: s: C�`Si?�,::� i� tiY�?_' 's; �;�?:J?2�.i�..� �?: C�'si� FY.�� F�.ti��,:d.taE.';��.�I.c�. SPTiIIb' 8rook. p,C$.'�a �y?..a..� '`e,:: ,YL3� �^ ��'v'G-'�� :�.��! : t3:1 L1l�.'�:. �c`�z.""3: �3:� �a4 :i3 - Anyone desiring to be hearc� ' �.�t�'�'�i .�.�r ���': �??�' ��C�aL �"'��•, �3:'�j xJ$+E:u'� d�� with refererice to tfie::above•:mat-' ter will. be hearci at this_ meeting��„ . PAUL SEGNER _ ; ; � GENERAL CI�AIiLLMAN .. � - _ PLANNING; COMMIS$IQI�.E.,-'�� i�r�.i;.�'i �'G':�%��'C3i��C �,:t� '�,.`�,ry� +�Oi�i��.' iilci�i:��' �1���.�. �30 Feb. .19� 26: ��959 �..���«t.. �:�=�°� • �AS�„ a^�'u' ��� �—;u�,t�i�.".�e �'.ri�.,�SStiay� ??�.t�i�+��, �: �''�!5?1"'� rJ+�'`J �d��.� �:roil..f"v'��. '�. �'u��. � I"'G'."�"M: L.? r"3�' ,g,i ..? � ,� � � �3 t� �%�E'.~r��tw�Lti�....�,{� �V'� g Z.�r±<,.Y�ea �. L � ,.., :' ' h.``�:.,�.,:�a i���'."s'.i�."?��:..�,", �'.5.�'S�' ��` �'�?��7i' r wexe. wxu� ne a m� �oi�.8,zne� �LZ£LiC' Y'�c�2.��"J�� Planning Commission of=ttie GYiy� � of Frfiiley "in' . the, � City Iiall _ at i IOE; �:t:r L' 'G�LE 6431 'University.?,venue Nqith-1 ��T�������3� ��,�,�;�y����{� :: ooe1� '�nn TIlOCA9V MOTP}� R .7QriQ � .�..�.... following m�tter. "" � " k- ; `', 1: ''To . consider the proposed pre-; liminary -plat of the parts ; of ��� tl _ I.ots g and X0, Auditor's subdi-I"' vision. Na 94 lying on the' no� and south sic�es of ,5�'�z ���, �,� a.� �;?z�;� c�,y�, 3'� �� a�ee�{ rz� o� ��ae Pla.�3ng Avex�ue , � l�ortheast y. between ao�on ana FilIinore.:�treet,�.�� os ��.:�c��.c.� �.� �c��� ��.•��' ���ii z� 6�?3. ttrs�.v�x��.�,y to' t�e known as the Swan- r- r� strom's Addition tt1G.�Cac'�.�%� I�'±c"1�C�,? 3 t �.��� r�'s: '�i:�3C'. �C,il1i1C�,� C11c'�ItLOG�' 2. 'To�consider the proposed pre- C�Fi,-^,'+C�C�:3'i:.�0?3 C)� t:i3G s0�.! t.�*J:9.�'2�j' ii4.c3'i�:'iCP.�: ` liminary pIat of the Dahlberg addition �eing a proposed sub- _- division of zot 1, auaitor�s � i�'�� �:�c����cc� aar�� i:z�.�.�..� ,��.a'� vf �e Subdivision 108 lying between O�� ��x�� �� J���"��Or i g. SL'��C�;d.��s.3'� t?�.1 �` �� ' 75th Avenue and Onadaga, West of'Stinson�lvd. .� �ca��.�! �c� ���.�'c1�z ��.r��s �afc .�3� ��e��ae 3. To consider the groposed pre- I yL��:�sJ�C'.:» �iyY1.3'3; s:'s2 �T!Ci i'±.� '��1c,��;e $��'�L3�;,o i:t3 liminary plat of Bourdesux's , Spring �rook Addition being a �5 +.�.3C +�'�ir�s'�»�'a�'�YE:1"�i. L � .�°aG�A�Li:E.`l:.�.ti1'! . proposed subdivision of Lot 11 and 12, Auditor's =; Subdiv_i,sion 103.lying.East of the East $iv- � c'�� �����s�c� �a�e�.a.�:��±a� ��.��: o� ��i� er Road south of;Hugo�'str�t. ���.��o� ���g �����os�� �ua�d�.vi��or� o� Anyone desiring to be -heard ' with,r�ference tb the above ,mat- �.'i�Os. E �i �'i��i.'�+'�.a #.C3Y2 �.1�� �.�,T�.33'1� �G''e`.L�f�:�'3'8, ter will be he�ird at this meeting. e�� ��,.��,����r �;���� �� ���p�,��� $���Q PAUL` SE�NEit ' . GENERAL ' CHAIR,MAIV PLANNING COMMIS$ION . Feb.��2s,� iss9 . ; - ..., , �� �� p:� o�r��ec+� �a:���.� ► �.��9 �' �� ai:. �� : SC9i2��'�'333�ic �.3 5p�' 3 Yig ��. o�]�. e��p11�."�'� c33: :��� �ig r,� p�"o�5L�c3 su�Od3visio�a o� Two�. 3.�. an4 1�p .��a��.�o� e5 ���d���5�0� �.03 �.yi?�g �as� o� �"�� �� �i:. ��.sae�: �oad so�a�i o� ���o s�eo� o 1�nyo�� desir3.ag �o be h�a:�d �;;��tilz re�c:re�,ce �o �h� aT�c��e r���c�� ��.1L be 1ze�c� a� �Yais �.�+��3�!c� n ��Ua ��Gr{3��L G��i}�Ii�; C�3���' �'�,�."�T���T6� �t�l�?3a�I�.'� Fub2ish: F�'e',���aa��r 26, �.95�