PL 08/25/1959 - 30055�' � n � MINUTB$ PZdIpNIpG COMMIS.gIO�t i�ETII� TilF,sDU�Y nu�st 25, 1959 �he r�efia.ng was called to order by Chairman Segizer a� i:30 P.M., wiih i�embsra Kravik, Bandei� and the Enginear presenta Members T��- taine and Benner were absenta The first consideration was the requeat by M& 0 for rezoning from R..I (residen�ia3.} and C�I (cwrnaercial) to light industxri.al, tha.� area 1yin� betHeen HiAhway f�6� and Central Averiue on �he east and west� �or a distance og apprax�.ma'cely 660 feet souih from the extend� ed cen�er line af 73�'d Avenue, in ihe south half of 3ec�cion 12o This was a public hearing. Mrn To Ro Z+�5.113�Se representative of the �Q dc 0 Company, sta�ed reasons for tiheix re�on3.ng request. They Yeel prt� perty ia idea3ly suited £or corranercia3. and light industr.i.a7. purposes; and tha.t such indusi-.ry �rould add �� Fricll.eyts t�x structurea as �eII a,g improv� the appear�nce of sa.i.d piece of propertyo He also e�c4 plained that they hav� someone, at present, Who is in�,eres�sed in buying ihis whole �raci; of Iand. The En�ineer explained th�� the City is now requesting a 200 foo� se��►back of buildings, in the event tha� State �iighway Depar�� ment might desire aasament for a. fu�ure serv5.ce roado i2r� t�Ti13.�.ts stated that he was sure hi.s GoMpar�y t�ould ag�ee to se't,�baek requi�°e� rt�ents. A�r. Rober-� Stevenson, 137.0 4 73rd Avenue N.Eo� asad t�ir. Ho3ma 7136 •� 73rd Avenue N.E., were p*_°esent to inquire about requested re- 2onfngo trir. Stsve�nson asked about the passibility of 73rd Avenue be� extended through, from Ha.�hway #6� to Central Avernze, and sicaf.ed that ��ould definite2y be in favar of this. Both Mre Stevan� soaz and Mr. Ho1m stated that they are in favar of sewer and s�rater boing pu� inio this area. Mr. Segner exPlained tha.t ho thought the requested rezonir� �rould benefi� property owners, and would not change the status of tlleir homeso The con�idera�ion of the vaaat3on of the Central Avenue Addio tion (pubiic hearing) was discusaed� a7.ong with saS.d rezoning re` quest. It was poin�'•ed out that there are no buildings iri thi.s addi� tion,� and coneequently no objee�ions �Co the requested vacati.ono Mr. Band�el moved ico recommend requestsd rezoni.ng from C-1 and R�1 to M•1; and a1so, vacation of the Central Avenue Addit3ox�. This xas secon�ded by Mr. Kraviks and carried unanimouslyo � � n �2• This par�.ioz� of the meeti.ng was ad�aurned at 9:00 P.M. The Corr�i.ssiox� intervie�ed two planning consultants: Mr. Hawks, with Carl Garc�er and Associai�es; and Mro Knight j with More].1. & Nicholss Incorporated. Respoc�,ful�.y Submit�ed: Iz1ez gapa7.a Secretary P�anning Co�aaissi.an