PL 12/22/1959 - 30064� ,.�--g � � .� :iINUT88 PLA!Ii�lII�t3 C�fi1Ig "ICN t�P.TINa Tuesday . Dece:aber 22, I959 The meetinp, �as called to order at ?s3� i'.ii. by Chairman �e�ner, �r3.th i•lembers �andel� Kravik and the �n�;ineer present. i•tembers Henner and Fontaine iiei"6 8b8A'tl�i. The first consideration was a request by Buese-Rrf.ckaon fiuilder� for re� so�ninp, from R-1 to 1�-2, Lots 5, 7 and S, �lock 13, Rearran;.-�ement of i'7.�outh Additioa. 2his va� a public hearin�;. i;r. Roy �ugse nresent,�d a»hoto of ihe type of at�r�acture which �hey nx�o�o:3o builclinp on abova lots - thres �8 t x 26 � t�story dvuble dKelli.r�a, s�rith a one bedraor� unit on the upper t2.00r and a t�ro bedroaa unit on tYis �round leve3, �rith hi.p roof desf.gn. He alsa atated that he thou�;ht location wonld be ideai for double dwellingsa as area scroffis the atreet is all indu�Lrial; also, that future �;ara�es for the proposed build- ings xould have to be built in the rea�, near the ailey. ;yirs. Einer Johnsan, lt�1t � 2nd Street N.E. and Mr. I,e:�oyne 3or�enaa�s lt52►8 • 2nd Strse�L N.E, ,�ere p�esanL to offer objecttans fn relatian t.o alley. They stated that they s,rould ob ject to any multiple dvelling lar�er than tvoofsnrilp unita. Heai-ii� �raa aloaed. Ne�ct� xaa the joint considerat�ion of a request by B& 24, Incorporated � toa� resoaning trom' R-1 to R••3, Lots � and 15� Block 9� �lton's Additib�n to - Mecha�icaville - and a request by the '.�r'il-Cast Inv�esta�eat Compa�y� Inaorporated 3'os ]�o�litlg fro� R•1 and A�2 to R�3� all o�f �ilock 9a e�oclusive ot I.�ta lli and 15� Naniltau�s Addi'tiaa to Nlechan3caville. Both oY theae coaaideratiaus v�era public hearings. Mr. Bird, of B& M� stated that they�xiN�sd to bnild either t►rc-atory colo�f:al t duplexea�(32� x 26t), or one and one•halt sto�y � a�tructurea (!iI<< a 2�e . rir. �tTilskea of the Wil-Cast Co�apan3►, explai�ed pro- posed plane Pos a large !t8-unit apal'ta�t buildtnga with 8 s�ec3reatlon ares aud b�ua tura-arou�►d* He atateid that they xould like bo gt,arL building in May pr Juoe o! 1960. Mr. Marvin t�'o1.f'ensaaz, of the iyndale � B�a�i3.dera aad oxners at' tbirt,�••oas ne� hoanee on property directly acroara fro� the W31�Cast property� sl.atsd' tt�t �.`�9, Personally� have no ob jeetian to ttre propobed re�ariing; but umlai�d t�at a11 their homea have baen sold, and theee hame oimer� ahaald 2�av�s a obanos to �oics their op�iaiae�a oei aa�e. Asaring raa elosed. . At't�t oarstul aoneic�eratian a! above 't.b}�se Ps'cPcaal� by Com�niesiaa, Mr. 1Cravik a�de a motion thst sll considerationa o! reqwestod rrsvnings to A.2 and R•3 b� tabi�d nntil the PZanning Co�m+3aeion hae. hsd tim�e to atnd,� thie p�ob7.M o! � ineraasi�g nusber a! requeste to� anah resoniags ��riLh t�o sp�ad.a1 �tSngs to be hsld in Jaanasy aAd two speeial mestings ia Febrwty at 19�s tdth dsaisiaa and stu�y to be� aa�pl�ted na latsr t��an Msrah �,960. . tiseaed�d b� l�e. Band�al md unanim�usly aarried: Ths Coomissio� eonsidsred tbe rsqusat by At�s Rsalty Caa�pa�p► !or t�e�anina l�o�n R.3 to C�29, Lot 6, on the aorr�r of 7T �h Amsn�s aAd Fa►et Riwr R�o�wd, its ^ �t.ian L0. This xaa a public hear3a�. Mr. Aus explain�d t.hat thers xaa a possib�lit�r o� a serviae atat3.an �wwd Dairy Qwen ators 1»ing er�setsd an thia po�'oPst�Y. Me. Lson gt.aaleY, T61s7. F.aat � Riwr R�oa�d aaid Mr. and 1�ra. H. iis�lias 7653 F•sst Airar Road, i+ers v�'eaenL to stats that tt�ey dstixsi.t�s7,7 cPposed a�► � �.,� � ..24 � aom�eercial or I.nd�.�stria2 �iu'ca� beir� ere� ved an �a:id �:ro►�rt:y; al.go that they m� xould like thie aornsr rezaned to reaident�.alf ta coMp�.y with the rest at the block. :Ir. 23andel laade 8 motion to recor�msnd to the Council ihati thig request be denied. ��econded by :�:ro Kravik• t)nani.�nous2,* car�jede his ��chool in � Ne�cL� �4 the cflaaideration sout �of th gL• dale Bail�ders S'I.ai 5s and Auc�.tor's �ubdivi.sion �125, �Y�� � � '�ir Jensan and :irsa Draalay, af � �est of the Parkviaw Oak� Ist �.ddition. : r °.Chool BOaTds were present to expZain plat and sta�ed tnat t� ��or ac e�s � xished to bu� Lot 1 9.n Block 2� of the '�ync3�I.e ?�tiZders ''1.�t �, and also wiahed to i�Le i.n t+ri�h the I.xndale I3ui.7�ders T nropos�d north and south atreets. t'fro !�'o l fene o n iL Y ndale i3vilders} staf�e�i that they are wi,�Ildecroase sel), tot 14 Block 2, to thQ schflol Board; al.so� thny a='e wil2i.n� the wi.dth �f Lot I, 1'31ack 3, to SQ �'oot �ize �- and increa�e T,o� �� Block 2, to 9s �� �d'�� in ordsr ta make their i.n�ersection paxallel w3th��83�on �chool street. It �rae alao a,areed�, by t;r. Jenson ax:d the Pl.�nx►inp, � that achool a3.te shmald be bs0 feet in width� t'ub'Ii.a '�earinF �� wa� �'� �or Ja+nuary 12� 1'960. 'I�e Co�niseion also set a publ3c hsarin8 date oi' January 12, Z9�4s for � the canaid�eratioa of a vacatican ne�i'ticori in Cmc►p HoWaz�d, and HusYi � a�.�.�� (lst) to Fridle9 Parko The Co�aisaion discnsaed tha possibAlthe F,ast River�Road,dSor sat'e 9 in ^ the candh�sat Additian, through Lot $, resd that the situation ru�+ded aar�� maas�u�ree is� caae oS disaater. Ca�rcaission a�; b,qro Kravik, ta rec�.t�ag Lot 8 ful conai.dsration and �tudya A mot�iac waa made, Y• t�.he5.z� f.n the �and.�vrat Addi�ann thiaceituationo °��re in aaid Oddi.tiaa to �e . opiniooru� and viexpoin The En�ineer ne�ct a�cplained to the Co�aai.ssias� that City I�unicipal. Store #2 1s �oing to be enlar�ed to include a bar, and t�hat xater and as�rar muat be paco» fi,hat it xould be feasfble ard econom7.ca1 Lo pro�ride both yidod Yor sam�e3 alao, Yabri� the liquor store at Laet River Road and 37th Avenus, and th� l�nso� pre or cating warehouae at ilarslaadiaa t4lnneapolig� ater transcaisslon�l.inah aitnated ssrvi.w Src�n existin� 50 alon� the nerth side oP 3?th Ave o�'cogicnnect3ng irrto either oxie t�.t�ti��$'t�o ex3atm Road • aa per submitted draxing, tied 3.nto �0" main and extend� inp 6" 'Sfnnesrolia 'Iiries and g,ate aalvee, alreadY � and th� i� north under 50" �►�, uP Marahsl.l Avenue to eerve Benaan p�l� Y v liquor etore. 'Y't'iig P�P�ed 6" lateral could a�.so ae�rve Por gire protection �ur posee in t!�i.s area! by a�ans of hydr8nt ineta3.lation at Ms�rshall and 37� A�►enu,eao ci��• �it.ary aervice study is being iaade by the City .P�1�e1e='a for Qot��C�i.o� �rith �4innsatwlia gewer Department. Both auch xater and aexer servi.ce�aion ve to be through a atreet motex'ing pit at .ia:'ahall amd 37th Av�nuea. d� � Fridley �resd that t�ia proPoeal. would be t,he beat a�nsirar to t!ie P��' Caat of auch nat havinP. an,Y �ter and aewer aervicsa of their Bensos�tand theaCity, oai a baeie p�onoeal. xoul.d be equal�-Y Pro��ted betx�n BY� oi yeneYi.r,e ascu�'ed• Further, that poaaibly the propoaed 6" Ii»e could be �1 � �. .y K •�1i eztlar�!ed Lo 8" or 10", up to the northwest corner oY 37th Av�enue and ��arehall Av�ezwe, to , later serve industrial area, northward to serve ar�y future pso- �ossd induatriss vai aoveriunent �utlots lyin� on the west side of the East River Road to Ni�hway fll�. The meeti�; was adjourned at 1fl:15 p.i�. Respect.,fully aubraitted, I�iez 3apaia Secratary Planning Cor.m�i.saio� � � � Ascember 18, 1959 Nfr, Kenr�eth L. Kravik 11t0 Taleoadge Way NorthsaaL �Iinneapolis 21, Hinnesc�ta ?�ar �ir. Rrav3k: It ha� been agreed by thia OFfice� the Spring Lake Park affice and Otto &»neatroo and Associate�, Inoorparatad� Liaat there be a joint meeting - relati�e t.o th� propossd eatabli�h- �nt of croas•o�re at 79th and 83rd Aven�s� eatsndir� eaet trom the Eaat River Road aero�ts State Trunk Nigh�ay i�5b, e�- tending ea�tward over to Stinaon Boulevard� to serve various induetrial, comnmercial and reai�ntial areae of the txo r�uni� cipali tie�s. i�iaeeting c2ats has been sot for danuarp 6� 1960, at 't: 30 P.I�. Sina�rely youre� PAUL SE(3NSR aerrsrs�lt Cl�air�an Pl.arming C�iesion � s ik ccs Ottc Bone�tiroo and Aasociateffi, Incarporatsd Mr. Joha K. Cca�ie, Village Clerk af fi. L. P. Mr. Milo qahrosder, Building Inspeator ot S. L. P. P'ridley �'lanning Gorr�niseion Membare v-� ' D�C 2 > ?9�q � � �IiT• N0�!'IGB CI'!'Y Ol� FRIDL�T PttHLIC H$JlRI1�3 BFd�'�RB TEtS P1,Al�TINl3 C(7E�Q3�A1Q �....... �.. . . � _... �,. _..... �. �.. TO WBd4 T'x 3iIlI C�CSRIf: Notioe ig herebg given that t,her�, wiil be a I'ublic Aearir� ot t,he � Co�ad,sa�ion of the City of Fridl.ey in t� ai. �tall at 6431 tTniv�arai.ty Av+enua N.B., an Zt�se�ds�p, Deaamber 22, 19y�, ist the coux�cil Cha�ber at 7s30 P.M., for the p�u�poee o�s Cansi�eratian od' requeet by► Aus Roalty Co�aan�y tor reson3ng from R,-3 (gen�eral maltipie iiasell• in�) to C-2S {��, ahoppi.� aenter}i thst p8Z"t Oi g@Ct3.di1 10� �P•3�! R•ZI�� d@8C1"�bQd Ss �ollo�a to vits !� Commencin� at a point ot bQginni.n� o�a the nor�h line of �ection i0� 29L.35 teet xest of ths N.E. corrier o� Lot 6' Andito��a Snbdivision �77� acoordi� to the plat t�hereo! on Yi1e and ot record in t,he attia� os' the ttegiatrar ot Deeda, Anoka Comnty� Mirn�eaotas ths�e aouti�eas�terlsr alang a Ifne parallel wi.th and 280 teet fraa the eaeterly lins o! aaid Lat 6, to a point ot l�nterasct3.an s�ith a iit�e p�ralUl irit� at�d 556e6 feet n�aa�herly P�am t�he south�ly lins a� said Lot 6; thsnce sauttanesterly ai�g th4 7.ast deacribed p�ra�lel ].ine to s point ot int�rs�tim xith the �aats�].� riRht-of-v�Y lins o! ths Bsst Riv�er Roed, as no�+ Isid ont and aoas!►rnotsd; t� nart�t�es�erly alo�g ssid saeterly right-o�•�aqr lins to a poiat o�' intare�at3an �rith th� not�ii lins ot �otiaan 10, T•30, R•2tt; t�ss�s east alc� said no�th li�ae to the paint ot bsginprttng, exa�pEing tl�t aos�th 33 teet !or rord �as��rat pusposfs. � Aeq�oew d�airing to bs hsard rith r�tarenos Lo t.�e abo� aattsr Mi].1 be hsard at tl�.e n�ting. 1'ublish: Deoea�sr ]A, 19 Ds�er 1T; 1 FAUI. 3�ft � CWIIRyAN �n�a ca�sss�o�