PL 06/09/1960 - 6704� aa$xnA Pr,��nao co�ssia� � �sn�i J�me 9s 1960 7:30 p.M. la Coneidsratioti ot a rssaning requ�st by E�odl 9vasd to rssow !'sov eziaLing R.� (limited mu].Liple d�s2ling) �o R-3 (ga�sral multipls d�l].ing), Lats 11, 12s 13 and 1lt, Block 7, City Yiew Additiaei, Iying in f.l�t � ot 3�ct�ian 23s �-3�, I%2lts Anoka County� I�msso�ta. PqHZIC ASARII�. 2. Co�nsideratian o! a requeat bq Ho�ner Pa]msr !or r+esoseing fros R•1 (residsn- tial) to R�-2 (limitsd multipl� �siiing)� Lo�ts 1, 2, 3 aud !�, Hlooic '3; and Lote 1, 2, 3, 4-an�d 5, Block 4; all lying in the Hennett-Pal�ner Ad�dit3an, in the l� of Sectiou 23� T-3�, R•24, lnoka Camty� Mit�sott. PIiBLIC FBAR�. Il�}o 3, Cor�sideratian at the pa�roposed Rios Cr�ek Dma Plat� ths saar b�iag of ' Lota 1 suad 2� Rsvised Auditoar�s S�bdiri.eiaa �3A� situatad in tir N�3ea• tio� 13, T-30, R-24s Anolca Caunt�ry Mint�sots� turth�r d�saribed as lying bet�n Stiaso� Boule�v�rd on tt�s �ast� Csnt�ral A�tus on L6e �sst, County R08L� n� OII ti�'le 110Tti11� al'id $ZO! CI�i� Ot1 til'M i011ti�!• ��C Fi�ARi��e 1�. Crnasideratiaaa of resoniag iroat Rr]. (reaides�tial) and R-3 (ger�sral mul4iple n dvellfng) to C-23 (general ahoppirig area), all o! t►iw arsa dssaMbed sa !ol- loWSS (�iah inclndea� but ie »a� all iucluaiv�e ot tt� arsa deecribad): Aii or Lote 3, 4, 5 aa�d p�art ��oL 2 a! Anditor�s 3ut�diviaion �59, and sli oi Lots 9 to 16 ivalueiv�e, �k 1 and Lots 16 to 30 incinsiw, Bloak 2 ot Noritood Additio� to Fridiey�ark: Co�nnenoi�g at ths i.r►tsrsectioa o�t Lh� Nortirnest corner of Lot 2(Audi.tor�s guDdi�isian A�59) atui t�h� ssst line ot Univereity Av�enus, thence sonthward 1� 369.lt leet more or leas, !.o tt�s intsr- aectior� ot the south�eat caa�ner a! I,ot 5(Auditor�s Subdivieio� N59) ard t.he north line of blet Avenu�e N.S., t�hencs eastrard a dietanae d�t i�b6o6 fast more or lees, to the a�nterl.i�s ot t,i�s nor�h-souLh aU.�q ia ttis Nori+�ood Addi- to Fridley Park, thenae nortlrirard isi a straighL line 1�369.�t feet mor� or lesa, to a point on ths north litis af Lot 2� Auditar�s subaiviaim #�59 lying 165,6 feet tireater�jr on aaid lirie t�am ths r►ortbsast oo�r o� aaid iat 2a � thenco �eatarly 2a66,6 tset mare or less, to the po�int at begimiingo (Proo posed to be r�aoned aa C•23). Consideratian o� rezosiing Yraa 1�1 {resictst�ti41) to &�2 (taio .family d�ellinge) that part of Lot 2� Auditor4a Subdivisian �V59 and I�orvood Additiaoa t,o Frf.dley Park, lying eaat of a line deaat�bed aa !'olla+s: Com�ea�aing at t1�e point of interaection oP the north lins ot 61et Av�et�e N.1�. snd t,he aent.er 1l�e o! the alley in Bloak 2, Nor�nood Additian to Fridlsy P�rk and e�ct,sndiag north to a point oan the north lins ot I.at 2, Auditor�s subdivisianl�59� �hich poiat liea 16506 feet veater2,y on aaid lia� troa► ti� isort►bsast corasr at add Lot 20 ( i'ropoaed tfl bs rezoned aa R�•2). CONTINUATIO�T 0�+' RTBLIC HEARII�o � .` � �2• 5, Rsconsidsration o! a requeat bq Ro�ald F��esether for resa�ing lroan R•1 (reeidential) to R•2 (].imi.ted n�►il.tiple dw��lliug)� Lote 1 and 2, B'look 4� Hyde Park Additict�, ia the N} o�' Ssotion 23. 6a Cansid�erstiaci of s p�oposed !t0 tnot road d�sdioation !or Bex�jamia 3trbet, aouth of (3ardenia Avsnus, tor Lo� 33 (Cari Petsrsan p�oPertY) in Amditor�s Subdivieica �92s in ths N� o! 3�atioo 2iy in o�dsr that building psrmit may bs ieanedo PAtTL S�tER CHAIRMAN P'LAI�iNII�C} COl�tI3SI0� � n / �'1 o�ut r�o�ca crr�r. a� �sa� PuaLrc �a a�a�a � ��tn�a ca�ssiaer To �xa� rr xAi caaca�: Notiat ie hsr�by giv�eoa that thsr� xill b� a P�1.ia Aearing af the Pianni�g Ca�e�issi�o� od' t�e Cit�jr ot Fridlepr iu tt� City Aa1]. at 61s31 Unin�eraity Av�roe N. Ea � oa Thurad�y� Jun� 9� 1960s in the Council Cha�ber at TsjO P.K., ior tiis p�rpos� adt Ccnal.daratiio�► o! a rtsan�g r�qusst by P�i.�. S'�rard to reao�e l�oo� e�dst3ag R-2 (liadted mu7.tip1� d�sll- n ing) to R-3 (Ren�ral ou].tiple c1w�s11iAg) s Lot� 11� 12, 13 � 1l�� Bloolt 7 City Visx Addit3ay l�ing � in the North cos�al! (N�) o� 3�atian 23, T•3p, �s Anoks County, �tinnseota. A=p►oaw deairing tc bs heard xith rete� t►o t.h� abo�v� matter jrill be heard at this mating. Publish: May 26, 1960 Ju�e 2� 1960 r� �i:, e„►�i' t [� I�r' N' 1' I h` t � ' 1 'ti � , % � (�'FICIAL NOTICS CITY t�► FRIDLBZ PtiBZIC i�1lRY�C3 B'i�'ORl! TH� P7JI�A�ItiC� CO�H�I3.9ION TO Wf�OM IT MA'Y CO�ERN: l�ot�f�ot ia horsby giv�n tfitt ttrsrs rill. bs a Pub].io City Ha1l�ath6i�31 ifiivsrai�ty�Aa�nsaue N.� or,tyThursday, J�ia�e 9,t 1960, in the Cowaoil Chambes at 7:30 P.M., !or t�i�s Purpoee o!: . /� Cansi4srstim at a r�quest by Boy�sr PaLner !oz rssoniAg rrom R•1 (resiasnt.ia7.) to R.2 (li�.tsa multipls dwlliag) Lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, Hlook 3; �a s�ocs 1, 2, 3, � aaa 5, �oa� 4; a11 �6 in tir Bstu�stt,�Palmes Additioa, i�ri t,h� NorEh aane- hi� ��� Ot �Q'�i OD 23� Tw�� R+2ij� AI10�Ca iiOlal y�i Hi�ersota. A�roat desirinQ to bo heard itifi•h rete:�e�os to th� aba�s matter xill ba hsard at this aret�ina. ��s.�,: �► 2b, i9Go Juw 2, 1960 � PAOL S�tP�i a�ut ca��rux � co�csssiox � � �'FICIAI. NOTICB CITX CH� FRIALSY PUBLIC I�ARIIiL1 BF,P'0� THE PLANNII� CCNII�i3�lON TO i�Ral�[ IT MA2 Cf11�C8Rlt: Notios ie ibsreby giveu that there x3.11 be a meetitig at t,t�s Plannitig Coa�dsaipa� ot the City o! Fridley, iri the City Hall at 6lc31 tJnivsraity Avarme N.E., ooa Thuraday, Jur�e 9s 1960, in the Counail Chaober at ?s30 P.M.s !or the pirpose o!t Ca�iaid�eraticn ot the p�opossd Rtae Cr�ek �Dam Plat, ths aaaie being psrte a! Lots 1 and 2, Reviaed Audi- tor�a Subdiniaion po. 10, aituaLed in ths north ac�e•• hal! (X}) ot SectSaei 13s T�30s R-2tt, Anoka CountYs Minnssota; lurtt�er desaribsd aa lyitng bet�ssn St,3ancsn Bouls�rard osi ths eaat, CenLral Avernie oc� the �set� County Road "A" cri t�h�e nort.h� aad Rics Creak a� t�e sOUt�l. Atqrct�s desiring to be hes�r�d tdth rsfersnce to the abave matter �dll bs hsard at Lhis maet�ing. Publ3sh: liqy 26' 1960 Juns 2, 1960 PAUL SEC}NER aF.NSRAL CHAIRMAN P�ANNIN(3 C�iIS3ZON