PL 06/23/1960 - 6705� AaBHDA PZANNIl�G CO�iL43I0�1 M6ETI1� THEIR3DAY Ju� 23, 1960 7s30 p.M. lo Conaideration ot' Ernest Madsan � s p�opoaed 1Kslo�r 1�Janor P].at� lying aoa�th of Oeborn Road and brnmded by Jacicaaan 3tr�et on the eaat� 73rd Ar�nu� o�n ths eouth and IIniveraity Av�snue cs� t.�s �sat to TSth Avenu� an ttu north, 5th Strset an the eaet to ?6th Avenms and t�iie east boundary lia�s o! Bloak Qne (].) of the Oeboras Manaa� Seoae�d Additioc� an the Meet; th�s same be located in the North os�e-hslt (I�) ot Sectian Slev�e� (11)� T_30, R.2�� Anoka County, �tinn�eotao RIBLIC i�AR7�. 2, Consideratia�ci of a requeat by Basror Aalmsr for raso� lrom I�1 (r�si- dential) to R�2 (limcited caultiple daelling), Lote O�e�I) tbrough Fiv�s (5) inclusive, Blxk T�enty�i� (29�, in t.he Bennstt-Palmer Additian, Hyde Paric; aituated in the North on�-halt (N�) o! Ssation �23� T-30� R-21�s Anoka Co�Ly, Minneaotao PUBLIC FiEARIl�. Conaideration of a raquest by Boyer Palm�er for rs$onit�g iram R-1 to R•2� ^ Lo�h.s I, 2, 3 and l�, Alock 3; and Lots 1, 2, 3, �t and 5, Bloak tt; all ly- ing in the Benrbett�Paln►er Addition in the N� 03' Sectic�n 2J, T•30, R-2i�, Anoka Cownty� Minnes�otaa CONIZNUATION OF PUBLIC HEARII�. 3o Consid�eration of bui3.ding perml.t and a�caeas road, north from 70th Way NoE,, to the east portion of Lota 22 snd 23 in Oetman�s 3rd Additiart; lyir�g in ihe S� of Seation 10, !�m Diacusaian of 50 !'oot aetbaaka to� M-1 and M-2 soning� lrom reeidential proparty� and requ3rement oY pl.anting etripo 5o Consideratia� of the replatting of Lhe Chat�l�e and R�y gheridan proper- ties eituated in A+iditor�a gubdiviaioes �94� in the 3� o! 3satiat 2lt� Lots 3 and !t oi Auditor f s�ubdivieioei #9it. ( Pubii.c Aearing dats has been aet ior July llt� 1960) PAUL 3�NER QLNERAL CAAIRMAN PLAt�II�'A�1t# CONIl�lI3^ION � � Q�"ICLIL NOTICE C� C�+' P'RIALBZ • i :"�i •�:T�= r • c . .� � -�� , •�' � ��c � ir- �, TO WH�! IT !�fAY CO�ICER1�i Nofi,iae ia hsreby gfv�► that thera �i11 be a meeti� of tibe Flatming Co�Lsaicn ot ths City ot Frid1.�}r, in the City Nall at 61i31 Univ�eraity Av�ernis N.E., oo�t Thu�dayt Jems 23, 1960� in Lhe Council Chamber ai 7s30 P.M,, for ths purrpoas ot: Cc�aid�ration of a t�e�quea� by Boyer Falmer !or ^ rssoning lroa R-], (r�sid�ial) to R-2 (limited multipls dMtlling)� Lote Qr� (1) through Five ( 5) inclnaiv�, Asook 'ltienty-aiisa ( 29 ), �n tt►s Ha�rt�•PaL�r Additiaa� � Park; situated in tb� �tor�Lh aw-halt il�� a! 3ection 23s T-�s R�•24, Aaolca Co1mtY', �R�• A� deeirit� to be htsrd xith relersno� ta tiu abovs matter xill bs haard st this meet.ls�g. Pablish: Jume 9� 1960 Juus 16, 1960 � PAtlL �RSR a�RAL CAAIRHAN PT�Al�11I1� COAliI.S3I01t ( � o�icr� xarzc$ ci�r cF �xznz�r PITBLIC AEARIti� BEF� THS P'LANNIN(} CQNIl�IIS3ION TO WH�I IT M11Y C(�SRN: � Not�ice ia h�rrsby givsn thst t�err w311. be a meeting or the P1�a�tng Comaaiaaiozt o! tha City oS Fridlsy, in the City Hs�l]. at 6i�1 University A�+suw N.E.� c� Tharad�r� dums 23� 1964� i�n t�a Couruil Chaa�sr at ?:30 P.M.� tor the p�urpoe�r ote Co�aidaratiaa of E�rneeL Madsea�s propoaed Melo� Nanor plstf ]ying soath od' Osborns Raad and bouod,- � ad by dackacm 4trset oo the eaat, 73rd Av�enue ai the sauth and Univ�ersit� Av�er� o�n ths �eat �o 75th Av�enus an ths north, 5th:`-Street an the eaat ' to 7bt�h Ave� and the east. laaundary line o! Bloak Qus (1) ot the Oeborr�s Manor Seao�d Addi� tian an t.2�s usst; the eams being located in t.t�e Nortih ons-hal! (N�) of Seation Ele�act (11), T-30, , R-21�, A�noic4 Co�naty� Minr�asotao Ar�e dssir3ng to be hear�l xith rsfst�e�as to ths abavs matter xill bs heaid st this meating. Publish: dum� 9 1960 Jurr �� 1960 n � PIIOL 9�f31�1t a$NSR11L CAAII�fAH �u�xn� ca�assio�