PL 07/14/1960 - 6706_ y " ,-i A a E N D A �.rn�na� co;�assza�t c��rrta� TfiURSDAY July 1.lt, 1960 ?:3o pe?�o la Conaideratian of a reaanir�g request by ?�:mi.l S�ard to rezone trom exiating Ra2 (limited multiple dNelling) to C-1 (loaal buainess), Lot,a 1Z, 12, 1� and ].l�g Bloak 7a City View Addit3on� lying in the N2 of 5ection 23� T•�30 j A42tt� Arioka County, Mirmesota, PUBLIC HEARING. 2a Consideration of the replatting o! the Charlea and Ray �heridan pro�ertiee situated in Auditor�a Subdiviaion #9it, in the �� cP Secti.on 2t�, T-30 rm2tts Anoka CountyD Minneaota. (Lats 3 and It of Auditor�a S;ibdivision i�9lt� PfiBLIC HEARIIda. 3o Consideration of Flmer Johnaan4s pronoaed River T,ane Addition n].at, the same being Lot T�relve (12) in Revised Auditoroa Subdivi�3.on #23; bounded on the eaat by the �'�aat River Road, an the north by the east one�quarter corner �ection line of Section 1�, on the weat by Lota 25, I3 and ].li� and. on the south by Lat 15; the eame being located in the South one�half (�z) of 3eation 1�, T.�30� R-2�� Anoka County� Minnesotao PUBLIC HEARINGo L;v Consi.deration o�' a ra$on reguest by Art Veit to rezone from existing ^ R-1 (residential) to C-1S�local. ehopping), Lot One (I) of the p�ropo�ed Art Veit Pla� (Lot 15), Revised Auditor�s Subdivision #23; said Lot One being; bounded on the north by the exi�ting twelve foot easement on th� north property 13a�e of aa3d Lot l�g on the eaat bp the East Ria�er Roacia on the south by Lat 26 of Revised Auditor�a Subdivision �23� and on �he west by the northward projected property line of I.ots 26 and 27 in said Subdivi.sien; the same being located in the South onemhalf (S2) of Seam tion I�a 2�308 R�2I�, Anoka County„ A4inneso�aa FIlBLIC HEARIlJaa �o Cansideration nf the prn;�oaed Carl Peteraon Plata Lot 33 in Auditores Sub� division #92; deearibed as bein� boun�d on the north bq Gard�enia Avenua9 on the west by Lot 32! on the gouth by Lot 14' and on the east b Lot 32�� all lying in Auditoros Subdivision #92, in the North one-half (N�) of Seco tion 21�, T-�, R•2l�a A.noka County, Minneeota. PUBLIC HEARINC�o 6� Conaideratio� of the paropaaed Larsa Plat� Lota ? arid 8 in the tgeloland Gardens Additiost; deacribed as being bour�ed on the narth by the Moare Lake Hills Addition, on the eaat by Lot 6(Indspendent School Dietriot #llt property), o� tha south by Gardenia Av�enue and an the i+eat by Lot 98 all lying in the Meloland Gardeas Additior�� in the North one-halt (N�) ot Seatioon 2l�� T-30s it-21t, Anoka County9 Minnesotao P[tBLIC HEARINC�, 7a Public Hearing d.ate to bs set for Lavranoe aarten�s revieed pz�sliminary p]8to 8o Set a Public Hearing date for a reqweat by Boy�er Palmsr to vacate the � tw�enty foot xide xalkv�y bet�ree� Bloeka 3 aad t�, from Univeraity Avenue ox� the weat to 4th Street NoEo on the eaet9 all lying in the IIen�nett Pa1g mer Addition in the N� oi sectio� 230 �� � �''1 �� � 9, Discuasio� an the poasibil3ty of I?r. Relly�a Lote 3s �, 5s 7� 8, 9j 12s 13 and ].� in B1ock 13 (p�eaently $o�ed R-1) being reaoned to it�-2 cate- gory, with the noeaibility ot compaMmise to t�a�nily da�llinBs; aams bein� located on the �eet eide o! ltt�h 3traet, bet�een 59th and 60th Ave- nues N.E,; all in the �yde 1'ark A�ditio�n in the N� ot' Sect.icn 23. ni�cuaeioai ad' di.ndlar resaning trom eaieting R-1 to C.•1 (xith eetbaak in Iix1e with exiatin� buildin�s), for iats Ib through 20 inclusiv�e, Lota 25 and 26, Lota 29 and 30, all in Bloak 13s �� Additiozy a� abav� daa- cribedo (Public Hearing date to be aet for above requeeter) 10, Discuaeia� oP 50 foat aetbacka for II•1 and M-2 $aning, fran reeidential PI'oPertY, and requirement af plamtir�g stripa PAUL 5AG1�ER GENERAL CAAIR*SAN PZANNII� COl+II�IISSION � / --� 0�"P'ICIAL 'JQTICE CITY CJF F'RIl)LEY PfIBLIC HFARD�3 AE�'ORE �tiE P'LANNT.Nti CONII�IS.fiION TO WHtxi IT MAY CO�iCERNs Aotias ia hextiby gi.ves� that tl�ere xi21 be a?ublic Heari,�cf� ot the Plarming Coaroisaiou ot' ths City o! Fridley in the City Aall at 61�1 IIniversity Averme N.B., cu Thuraday, July 31i, 1960s in t�h� Cowaoil �hm�bsr at ?s30 P.M.� tor the purpose ot: Caneid�eratio:� af a rssasing rsquest by H�dl S�+srd ^ to r�scea tro�n ead,stiag R.-2 (2imited �ultiple ciWSll- i�a6) to C-1 (iocsl bnsir�eas)s I.ota 11, 12, 13 and llt, Biook 7 Citq Viex Ad�.tion, lying in ttr North ar�alt il�i at �cti.cri 23� T-34s R-2lt, Anoka County� Mitmeeota. A�ro�e dsairing to be taard xith reterer�oe to ttr abo�ns satt�sr vill b� hsard at titis a�eeting. Pablish: Jun� 30, 1960 Ju�y T, 1960 ^ PAtJL SEGNffit O�AL CNAIRMAN PLAI�IAII� COl�MIgSI01�T / / � OFP'ICIAL 1dOTICE CITY 0�+" FI�IDT�1[ PUBLIC t�EJIRIIaC� BEFORE THE PLIINNINa COl�IISSION TO WHOiM IT MAY CONCERI�: Notice ia i:ereby givsn that there xill be a Pubiic Heariag of the PlaYming Coa�aeion o! the City of Fridley in t�u City Hall at 6l�31 T7nitrsraity Avenu� N.B., on Thuradays Ju]y 1Zt� I960� in t1�s Co�mcil Chamber at 7:30 P.M., !or the purpoae ot: CoASideration ot' ths rsplatting ot the Charlsa aad R�r S�heridan �op�rtiea aituated in Audi� ^ tor � s 3ubdi�risiaai��94� in the South a�e-halt ( S�) o! geatica 2lt, T•30, R-2lt, Anoka County, Minr�e- eota. (Lota Three (3) ar,a Four (4) or auaitor�e gubdirisiv� #9�t) A�y�oa�s d�airing to b� heard with referencs to th�e abav�s matter xill bs heard at thia meetingo Publiah: Jun� 30� 1960 July T� 1960 n PAUL S�NER tiSNERAL CHlIII�MAN �� ca�ussrox �1 t�'FICIAL NOTICE CITY OP' FRIDLEY PUBLIC iIEARIl� DEFORE THE P'LA.NNINa COr�IISSION TO j�7HOT7 IT MAY CdNCERTis Notice is hereby given that there xill be a Publia Hearin� of the Planning Coaaafsaiau oi t,he City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6t�31 univerelty Avenue x.E, � on Thurad�tYa Jn1Y I�t� 2960' in the Council Chamber at 7s30 P.M,� for the purpo� of: lo Consid�eratio�n o! the p�opoaed Carl Aeterson Plat, L°t Thi.t�Y�t�'e� i 33) in Auditor � a Subdiviaiaai �92; deacribed as beiag bownd�ed on the nortih by Gardenis, Avenue� o� the �aeat bY � 32, on the south by Lot ].[y and on the east by Lot 3lt, aIl ],yin� ia Auditorsa Subdi�visian �92s in the Not�h o�h,� (N�) ot sectioz� 24, T-3o, x-24, nnoka ccuntY, Mir�s•a aotao n 2o Canaideration of the propoeed Lares P1at, Lo�Le �°'� (?) sad �ight (8) in the Meloland t�ardeaa Additim; deacribed aa being bounded on the north by the 1Koors I�a�e R�� Additian, on the ea�t Lot 6(Indepsndsnt S�hooi Dietrict #1!i property�� c� t�he aout,h bY 4ai"dsaia Av�enue and cori the �eat by Lot 9, all lying in the Meloland (iardeua Addi- tion, in ths North �e-halt (N�) of Sectia� 22�, T-30, R-21�, Anoka CountYs Minneaotao Ar�y�e deeirin,g to be ileard �rith reference to t2ye above matters xill bs ivar� at thie meeting, Publish: Jtms 3p, lybp Ju1,Y 7, 1960 T�, PAtTL SEGNER aENERAL CHAIRMAN PT�IINNINC} CCi�II�iISSION -� �,;�.�. � \ / .�, �1 C�FICIAZ YOTICE CITY L�+' FRTDLEY PtJBLIC HElIRIt�3 B�ox� � rr�►rn�n�a cor�ssiox TO WHt�i IT MAY CONGERNs Nctic� is hereby p,iven that there Will be a Public Hearing oP the Planning Co�niaeio�n oF the City of Fridley in ths City Hall at 6}�31 Univ�ereity Avenue NaE,, ou� Thursday, July lit, I960� in the Council Cltamber at 7:30 PmMo, for the purpoaa ots lo Canaideration of Slnrer Joiazaonsa proposed Riaer Lane Additio� P1aL, the aame beiag Lot T�rel�v�a (12) in Reviaed Audiior�a Subdiviaion �23; bounded aai the east by the East River Rvad, on the north by the eaat ons-quarter corner Qection line of Sec- tioan 15, on the weat by Lota 25, Z3 and 1l�, and on the eonth by Lot 15; the ean�e being lxated in the South one-half (�) of Secticaa 15, T 3as R-21t, Anoka Countp� Mintyesota. 2o Coneideration oY a rewo�ing request by Art Veit to resone fraa ex3.at.iag R�1 (residential) to Ce1S (Iocal ahopping), Lot t�e (I) of the propoded Art Veit P1aL (Lat 15�, Rev3sed Auditor�s subdivi� aion #�233 aaid Lot O�a being bounded on ths north by the exiatiag t�+slvs fooL eaaemeat an Lhe nort� P�'oPerty line o� eaid Lot 15, on the eaet by ttre Ea,et Riwr Road, on the aouth by Lot 26 of Rsviaed Auditor�a Subdiviaian #23, and on the �eet by the northxard p�ojaoted p�opsrLy line of Lota 26 and 27 in esid subdivieian tha �ame being located in the SouLh a�half (�� o! Seation 15, T 30, R-21�� Anoka County, Kinnesotao A�yane deairiag to bs irsard xith reterance to Lbs abo�ms mattera xill be heard at thia me�ing. PAUI, �NER �ISRAL Ci1AIRHAN PIANNINt� COIlYlI3SI0N �"� Pnblishs Jia�s 30, 1960 JulY 7s 1960