PL 03/24/1960 - 30066.� � � � t�INU TE3 PLANNII� Ct�4IIS3I0T11 MLEMI�C4 1�iURSIUT Matt�►;:'�, 19b0 �e meetin�; �se called to ordaer at 7=30 P.M., bY Ch�tirman Seg�r� xith Msmbers Bandel, Bennsr, Faantai.:», 1Cravik and the Cit�Y LnBi�er PY''saent. No a�e waa abaento �a �dnutea oi the Februar�r 2li� 19b0 msatia6 st�aud app�o�sd as read. Ttie first aonaideratio� xaa Lhe pa�oAcs�d Charlse B. Jotmacn P�.st� deaax3.bed ae being Lot 15 ��aed Auditor�a Subdf,visios� �23. Mr. 3�gner s,aplain�ed thst thia preliminary plat had been a,�ce�tsd (p�ublia hearing) by t,h�e Plaz�it�g Cam�niasiau a� No�vember ]A, 1959, anb jeot to a�enstaa�k ani Davis �king aut the nsae�eaary ntility problems and eaeeme�te, and p�ei�cl by covneil csi Navember 24, 1959. The Er�gir�ear atated that plat ie under nei► own�x�ship� and that aaid oMne�a ars nil].ing to caaply t�ti.th ths C& D utility rsport ct Hov�e�sr 2�, 1959. �e Caa�.sed.a� agi�eed ths:t tt�e aacepta�ce ot thie plat should be ao�tditia�a3. npoa Lots 2, 3s �t and 5 in Bloak 1� ca�aplpiag vith 18,000 aquars le�t lot r�q�, undsr ordinanas ps�rf.ai.�sing to �ater and ee�rer. Motion by Mr. Fc�taiar to i.naorp�rats t�hs nati.osi in psra�raph �il of the PZanning.Con�isaioai mtnutsa at Nave�er 10, 1459, continge�t upon ti�s uev de� v�eloper beiug xilling to oomp]y vith takiag care o� coste o! imporaveweants, as apeaim tied by formsr dea�lopsr. MoLion a�eond�d by Mr. Beru�r, and ea,rried �uelye Nots: E�ocet�pL t�ram R►raAi'i #ls (A plat, aubject li�y proble�ms �mani.mously. ) Piaimit�g Coaeoieaion mistuttea ot Nvvea�ber 10, 19�9, p�'a� motion �ae made by Mr. Rra411c bo aaoept tha p�elindx�ary to the Ca�sull,in� �irieera � vo�3� out �soeseary uti� and eaaements. Seaondsd by ;lr. Fcaata3ne and oarried A public hearixig date of April ]1i� 1960, Wae aet !or the lollaWi�sg eo�s3.dara-� tio�s 1, Ca�ideratian of the Lexrsz�as G4rten ori�ina7. and revieed plsta o�' I�ote !�!t and 45 iaarten P�1��Y) and Lota ti2 and 1�3 iPaul Bell paroper� tY)� �,7, lYinB 3n Subdiviad.an �?7, in the N� ot Sectioa 10� T-34, ��, Anoka County' Minnsevtaa � 2 o Co�aic�aration of Carlaan� a Siaam�i.t Manor A:u�ez P7.at� lormerly Imo�m as Lote 9 and 10 at Bioak 8� Carlso��a 9wr�it Njsnor No�LY► Additiaon� aad aIl of Lot 3 and tha s+�eat 25 fset oi Lot 2, Block 9, Carlson�s �.t i�anor South Addition; turther described aa beis�g boun�ded by 53rd Avenue o� the nartb, Univeraity Av�saue aas the ti+eet, Aorizaen Drive oa the south and TAts 1 through 8 i.n Bloek 8 ot Car].� � e S�nmit :�?anor North Addition and Lots �t through 11 in H1oak 9� C�'leo��s �moit ?�tanor South Addi- tian on the eaat; atl ly3ag in the N� ot �eat3an 26, T•30� R�2�� Anoka Cov�y� Minneaotao 3o Conaideratio�.af the replstting ot tlse Schult.�sts Additian� e�ame being ^ tha Weat 39 feet ot Lat 1, and ttis e�at !�6 feet ot LoL �S3 bounc�sd m t.he north by b�2tid �'sy srtd +o� �he eouth by Bloak 1� Rivere Fdgs Additiaa, a]1 weet of tt�a Eaat Rivsr Raadf lying in the 3� o! Seot3.an 15� Tm30' R•24, Anoka Couaty, Minneaotao . �2� i�o Canqidsration of a requeet by John ��dachhols �to ^ dentiali and R-3 (�eneral multiple dw�eiling) io a11 of Lot 5� Auditoroe �ubdivieion !�59, in the R�.2la, Anoka County, tiinnesotao � r'1 rezvn� from RQ�. i���im C-2 (�eneral busin�ss}, G� o� Gection iia.� T�3(? 5o Cons.ideration oP rszoning frout Rml (residentiai) g,nd P��1 (li�h� indus=� tr3.a1.) to ?�-2 (heavy industrial) � that trianp;ular portion oF lanrl (ap� ps-oxi.m�tel.y 21t3 acres) lying weat of tiniversity Av�emae and extend a distancse of appro�dmate2y 5s90Q feet� boundeci an th� aouth by the N� ot Gection 11�, for a diatanca of approximately 750 fset� and on th� nor�h by tha Coon Rapids-Fridley b�anciaty Iir:e far a distance o� approxi.= mately 2'800 taet, and bound�ecl on the �+eat by ti� exi�ting Mm2 area Yor a diet�e of approximate7�t 6,400 t'eete 3nclud3n� the preaez�t eziati.ng M.•1 area approodmat�sly 200 feet iri j+idth; all ly�ing in Seatia�n� 2 andl 3, T-3�s �°2?�s A�Oks Go�ty, TKinr�eaot,a. 6o Consideration of 4 request by Q. M. Nagel� �or re$oning fram R�i (re�+�o dentia?) to R-2 (liaaited mu7.ti.ple �elling), a portiaoci of psoperty 1� ieet in �ridth, lying para].lei and eaat ot Abie Street, bet�een ?3rd Avenue $nd 7bth Avem�s N.Eo, e�oaept the steat 30 feet thereat, to t�a d�di.� oated aes atreet easeme►�t; Iyi�Ag in Sectiv� 12, T-3b� R.•21t, Anoka CountYs P�Iinneaotao Next, xaa the ca�eideratian ot' tIu possible replatting of the Narxood Addi.tian to Fridley Parg: To re$o:ue trom R-1 (reaidential) to R�2 (limited multiple cbre].ling), all of Lot 2, Auditor�a �bdivieion �59 excep�t bhe eaat 1b0 feet t2�eraoi, and a23. ot Lots 3, !t arid S� Auditor ° a�ubdivision �59s thaL ia not alreac�}r ac�ed R,�2, this being the �aat 130 feet of e,ai.d lots; further deaaribed aa being s piece of 2and lyi� be� tt�esn Lot 1, Auditor�a Subdivision #59, and 61st Av�enue, aleo betvean University Ave� nue and the alley bettiree�n itth a�nd 5th 5tresta� all lying in the N� of Sectian 23: Tm30B R�22t, Anoka County' Minneaotao Th3.s vasrs a public hearing. Mrs. Shelley, acmer of Lot 2 of abave aubdiviaio� �aa preaent� and stated that she xould like to have the strip o! lat�d abuttinR o�n 5tih 3treat p�oposed for R-2, to be extended ari north ta irr� clude h�r p�opertyo Attsr diecuesion, the Cammnl.esion agreed that thia �'t:ole area ahouid be raaansid�ered �or reaoui.ng, this to ir�clude the area bet�w�een Univ�er�ity Ave4 mie and 5th Strest, t.t�e area bet�een 61st Avenue aad 63x� Avenne, the vacation ot b2nd Avenue b�txeen l�th auad 5t,b Strsets, the vacation of 4th Street bet�+eeai 61st Ave� nue aad 63rd Avenue and the vacation a! the alley bet�naen blst Avenne and 63rd Av�enue = all in the Dlorwoad Addition. It xaa aqreed bp the Carmod.aaion to re�advertiee thia hearing tor rsplatting, atrs�t and alley vaaaticoa and razaning.- of �hole a�rea as deacribed abavs. Mr. Robart SWanscn, prol�osad developer ot a portion of Lat � of above ,i�ddition, �as p�saent to �uplain t2�at t�ey �rould be Killiag t.o go along �ith thia ov�erall resaning; also that bs Wou2d bring ia hia plat layov�t an Ap�il 1l�, 19b0o Motion by Mr. Faaat.si.ne, to tsbl�. thia matt.ar aad refer back to Pianning Coirmaiasion C� and ttre City t�ineer !or r�-advsrtisitigo Nearing closedo The Ca�mnieaion Lhsn considsred the resaning of Lhe Adame Street Addition, co�ais= tin� oP Bloaks 2 and 3, fraa R�1 (resid�ntisl) to R-3 i�e�ral multiple dwellis�), and extenaio� of necseaary �rater and �+sr t'acilities and atreet imprnve�t.s tor ssme; al� being aituated in the N� of �ection 23, T•30, R-21t, Anoka Co�unty�, Miru�eeotao Thie xaa a public hsarittg. 1i�s E�i.neer poi.nted aut that the City �rould vacate tils 30 �oot easement an the eaet aids o! Bloeks 1 and I�� bet� 59th and 58th Avanuea snd bat�een 58t,2; and 57th Avennes; and a aiadlar 30 foot eaaement soutti af Bloak lt, beL�rsen a .�3e s, Washingtm Av�enue o� the w�eat and the eziating 30 toot eaaement o�� the eas�; and a similar easement bet�aen ?th Street on ths �teat and t:aehi�t�n �treet on the east9 south oi Lot 3� on 5'Tth Avenue; and the vacation oi �'ashin�ton �treet between 58th Avenue on the north� and 5ith Av�enue on the aouth; all in the Adams St.reet Additiono Ir� retur.n� B& M developera xill dedicate a 33 �'oot ease�ment on Lhe �asst of the center line o� 7� Streets betwaen s$th A`renu,e on the north� and �7th Av�enu�e on the south, in the City Aiew Additiana It �as a�;reed tYiat t,he Plarnlin�; Com�rd.ssitm would re�ad�rertiee for a nev hearing� �hen notiti.ed by Nir. Birdi ae to his procurement af all the lota in questia�o '�iotior� by Mr. Kras►ik to tabl.e thia matter � pending an amendment to the origi= nal nlat aad re-advertieia8 of amended plat. csaoaded by t�ro Fontaine. Mr. Rravik withdrex thie motion. 2�ro Fontaine �rithdre�r the �cond to this motiion. I�iotion by Mro Rravik that rezonin�; Yor tt� p�oposed Adama Street Addition be cienied, pendirig ne� advertising. �econded by Mr. Bandel� and unani�nou��-y carried. tdr. Fantaina then made a motion to reconsidsr Mro Kravilc�a seco�d motian� Saconded by Mr. Bandel and �m�nim mously carri.ed. Th�s final motio�n, by Mr. Fontsin�, was to deny abaa� Adams Street Additio� rezoning at builder�a requset, to permit him to aubmit azi expancled proposala Seconded by Mre Bandel and carr'lsd 4 to l, urith Mr. Se�,nar voting "no". The Engineer actviaed that matter could not be advertiaed for both replatting and reaaning at th�e same tims, dwe �o replat having t►o be accepted by both tha T'lanning Comaaiasiam and the Cour�cil� both pre3.iminary and lins�l� before resaiing coutd be conaidereda Hesriag closed. Ne�t� xae the aonaideraticn at a reqwst by Aeter Brooka to rsaccye Pran C.-2S (�;eneral ahoppinR csntsr) to M-1 (light industr3al), that portion o� land marked Paroel �1., eame being 196 leet by 389.s !'eet► lyin north oi s porti.a� oY land 200 feet by 390 teet (rasoned 9/11/59 fran C-2S to l�lf, both parcela being �ituated xeat ^ of the Rics Bo�tl Caf�, all bein� cbecribad as baing a portioe of tha total 726 feet bq 360 feet lying in the SFr� of the NbTg ot Ge�tio�n I2, T-30� R-2tt, Anoka Couaty, Mi=uiam acta. T�ia wae a public hearing. Mr. Peter Brooke xae preaent to eapS�►in hie reaaon$ for raqu�eated re�a�ing; that cabins on thie p�operty hav�s d�eteriorated� and that he irould ev�aantually be usi.ng aaid area tor trailere. Motiou by Nir. Font.sins to accept requeated r�scaningo Ssconded by Mr. Bandel and carrisd urian3moua?y. Hearin� alosedo Nes�, waa the continnotio�n of the public hearing of the Nagel proposed reso�nir�g. Mro Na�;el stated that he xlahtd to amend hia r�aoning requeat so that ]SO feet in depth on Able �ttreet� betwaen ?3� Avenue arKi 76Lh Av�enue, be reacmed to R-2 ior txo fami7.y dWSllinga, xith tibe balance of the p�opsrty to be l�1. Mr. Robert �rund, 750� Able Street� Mr. Ed Ait�sman� ?3�$ Able Strset and eeveral other adjaaent properLy o�rnm ers �rere preaent to state thaL they w�uld be in Pavor of the requested reaoning, with thia 150 foot buPfer atrip cf R-2, �ians pacoposed 30 taot street dedicatic�t on �est eide ot Nagel Pr'cPert�►. Mr. Fa�taine made a motian to aaaept the rssaning to Mml, �rith the e�ocepti�.ae� of the 150 foot atrip on the esat aide of Oble Street, irom 73� Av�enue to 76th Avenu�; and aleo that this �t.rip bs ra$aned to R�•2 (lir�ited multiple d�el7.ing) for t�ro-fa�d.Iy nnit►aa Motiosct seaonded by Mr. Beru►er and aarried �animouely. Hearing cioaede n ^ � � �� The Comta3.ssion was p;i.ven data� by the Fa�gineer� for the paeaible enaatment of plattir�� rezoning� Board of A�meala ataivere� ordi.nanaea to hslp pa�y for theae spem cial serviaes, to be diacusead at a later date. Data on providin� W Re S for Lot 38, Auditor�a �ubdivieio�n #�9� in the g� of Sectioen 3l�, xae praaented to the Coa�saion, by the �ir�eer� t'or tuture diaaussion, on securing water eervices fro¢n Minrieapolfa, and aanitaYq ae�rer aervicea Yrotn Col� bia Hei�ta to eerv�e City liquor atore a�nd future buildfng eites xhiah mi.ght be aon� atructed. The meeting waa adjoeu�ned at 9=�� p.Mo Reapscttully eubmitted, Ine$ Kapalra Recording gaaret,a;y Plarming Ca�amissiou