PL 06/09/1960 - 30071'� MYNIITE3 �arn�z�c� co�ssra�t rc�rn� THOR.SDAY J�a�e 9, 19�60 The rieeting waa called to oxler at 7=30 P.Mo: by Chairma� 3egner� with Mem�- bera Bandei� Kravik, Shimansld, the City �iuesr and ths City Manager presenta Member Faaitaine wa.a abeento The firat considerativ� xas a re�oning rsqueat by 14�]. S�ard� to reza�s fran R-2 to Ft�3� Lota� 11� 12, I3 arld 1.its Block ?s City Vis�r Adclitioai� 7yit�g ia the 1Q� of Sectiau 23. This xaa a publia hearing. Mr. Bernsrd Urbiak, 583? Ar- thur Strest N.Eo, Joe Super, 278 - 57th Avenus N.g.� Norman LaBs11s� 280 - 5?th Av�enwe N.E.� and, Russell Gillan� 261 - STth Avsnu�e 1�.�,� pa�opsrty o�era isi thia area, all atated their objectione to th�e p�opossd R-3 resaningo Mr. 3xard arriv�ed late amd explai�d that h�e had requ�eated the resasiing Por th� pvrpose of erecting an afftce builciing. Mro Segmer espl.ainsd Lbat an offYos buildisig in an RA3 area s,rould requira a apecisl use perioit, ahiah would hav�e to be rene�- ed each ysar, and euggeated t,�tat Mr. Sward requsat C-1 saningo The abatro listed property ownera atated that tY�ey xould be 3n fawr o! an otPice building ia thie area, and w�vuld not object to C�1 soning. Mr. Rravik mac�s a motion to ds�y the requeat for reacming from R-2 to R-3, pe�sding the r�11�t o! a�ax requ�t !or P�l�r C�l reso�riing. Tt�e motior� Waa seao�ed by Mr. Ban�del and nnaaimouely aar- ried, Hearing cloaed, � The Com�miaaiaan then considered a reqwest by Boyar Palmar for resaning Yran R�1 to R•2� Lota 1� 2� 3 aud �t' Block 3; atid Lots 1� 2� 3s �t s�d 5' �l�k 43 all lying in the Bennett-Palm�er Additio� in the N� ot Sectiou 23a Thia xaa a public hearing. Mr. Stes+art Kvalheim� attorr�ey at 3700 Ce�ntral Avenue North- eaat, repreaenting Mr. Boyer Palmer, e�cpla3ned that i�4r. Palmer xanted to caci- struat Your-emit, brick and atucao apart�aaent bui.ldinge, 62 feet lar�g and approxio mately 16 fest abave ground le�vel; suah buildings to cost appro�d.matsly �t0�0000 He preaented plans and dra�rings, and statsd that they felt the proposed bu3,ld• ings would malse an app�op�-S.ate buf�er atrip bet�esn the oca�neraial saning p1 Univereity Avanue, and the reaic4ential area eaet oi �th Street N.E, The Engineer explain�ed that Mro Pa7.t�er has also made a request to include Lots 1 throngh 5 in Block 29, of xhich Lota !t and 5 w�ere already sor�ed R.2 and vnuld require 17 fest frcm the aouth line of Lot 5� to give necessary 60 foot street d�edi� tion to complete ths rest of 5'7th Avenws� tor R-2 resanin� (P.H. - dune 23,'1960). This �ou7.d crnaplete the Khole bloak for R•2. Mr. TaQa Oreskoviah, 5831 - l�tb Street N.Eo� Mrs. Mo T. Sweer�ey� 5$ltl • lttxt 3t.reet N.E.� Mr, Lynn Gallup� 5851 - l�th Street N.E,, Robert Church� 5861 • 4th 3tr�sst N.E.� Roy Coultures 5871 � 4th Street N.E.� Delorea Peka, 5932 • 5th Street N.$o� Leo�ard Hoft�aan� 5929 - 5� Street IdoEo, Bernard Solyntjee� 5916 - sth St.t�set N.E,� arid Ronald Johnson� 5909 - 5t►h SLreet N.Eo, all etated a defi�nite objeafi.ion to tour-family units; but expressed their xi.11ingileas to go along with R-2 rezo�ning p�aviding Mr. Palmer �auld erect doubie buwgalawe. Mr. Dave Schubert, 5925 -�th Strset N.Eo, stated that he would be in favor ot tour-unit apart�menta, rather thaa have comnercial come into this area� but that h� xould alao prefer double bwAgao lows.. Mr. Rvalheim agreed to contact Mr. Palmer to disauas the poa4ibility of double b�alawa for this area. Mr. Bandel made a motiaAn to table thie hearirig �1 until June 23s 1960o The motion was aeconded by Mr. Kravik and carried unsni� � mouelyo / � � .�_ The t�.tra �one�asrata.ac� ,+ae tee �a�opossd R�.oe cr.at n�.i Piati, the s�me being parts ot Inte 1 aud 2, Rs�r�,�d Au�ditorts Snbdiviaion �i10, aituated itt t�t�e Na o� 3ectiou 13. �3a xas a, pub].ic hearing. Mr. Curt iisnson, d�e�slopsra esp3.aiaed t�t�at eaid preliminarg , pta� had b� a��o�vrea t�► tbs � cam�— aio�n oa 1�ay 26, I959, and by tt�;; d�:t:y Coaaail aa t�y 28, 19593 buti beaaus� of ths tiur �lem�t, mould hav�� f.ai .b� r�•�pp�o�v�sd• H� �xplaitwd t�hat hie p].ar�a ara euot�7,y the aame aa belors. �r. Kravik � a moti�n to � a�coep�• t�ance a! ths pa�e2imina:y plat, t+ith th� p�o�visiao t�iaL canetruatioo be limitsd to ev�q oti�sr lot� ao as to oaaipSy, xith 1$�000 aqustr le�L n�ossear� !o� pa�o- per draia lield area, uattil s��ah ;�r as �ater aor�d shwr ars avsi7.ablee Seconded by lrirr. Baudsl and �iaebas7,y oarrisd. RearinR clossd. lawe: Ns�ct, the ConQd.aaion oaneid�red ths Nc�ood resaesing� dssoribed ae f ol- Canaideratian of rezaoninp, trae R•1 (reaic�ar►t3a1) and R•.3 (ge�eral maltipl� dwrll ) to C•23 (�ral shop�dag area), all ot ths attia asacribsd aa �ol� la`rs: ��hich iad].wd�se, but is not all inclusiv�s ot t.bs area d�scribed) s All a�s' �.ote 3, 4, 5 anct part ot Lot 2 ot �►u�dito��a subd�t�isim #59, � a11 ot Lote 9 to 16 inclueire, Dlocic 1 arKi Lots 16 to 30 iaalusi.v�, Hioalc 2 ot No�r�ood Addition to Fridley Parks Cam�snaiag st t�s iaterasction at ttr North�eet aorner ot' Lot 2(Auditor�a Subdi�ri.�ian A�59) �nd t1�s east ].iae ot Univeraity avmiwe, ti�s�cs souttnrard 1�369e4 =eet more oar leaa, to ths inter� aectic� o�' t2�e sauthWeat corner ot Lot 5{�uditor�s gubdiTi.af.on �59) and the north line ot 61at Avenue N.E.� thanoe eastward a distan�os a! 1�66.6 teet mora or lesa, to the centerline ot the ao�th-south allsy in the No�rood Addi- tiaai to Fridley Parlc� t%ence no�d in a straight line 1�369a4 ieet more or leea to a poi.nt aon the aorEh ].isfe of Lot 2, Auditor� s Subdivieian �59 lying 16506 feet �eaterly o:► said liae tram ths not�hseat cw�a�er ot asid Lot 2, t�he�t�ce weaterly Lb6.6 teet more or leas, to t.tre podat a! begiimi�ga (Proposed to be reac�ssd as C-23). Conaideration of reso�ing S'rom Rrl (resid�sntial to i%-2 (#,wo-fami],y dnslm liaga) that p�rt ot Lot 2� Audita��a Subdl�ision �S9 � NoY'nood Addition Lo Fridlsy Park, lying saat o! a].ias d�earibed as !'olla+ss Cos�menaing at ths poiut ot intsrsectiacn o! ths nort� ].ir�s af blet Avsnus K.Ee aad t�be ca�tsr line ot the allsy in Blocic 2, Nor�rood AddiW.otz to FM�y Paric �ul extendiug north to a point oa th� ao�h lina o� Lat 2� awdi.tar�s Subdivi- sicn �59, �hiah point liss 165.6 lset �+sster],y an asid Ltne f'roa� tir nor� ea�t cc�ner ot aaid Iat 2. (Prcposed t�o b� rssard as R.•2). Thia was a coaztinuatiau ot tbe pubiia hsaring. Mro Aarz�f Kay, 6301 Uni:vsraity Air�ea�we NoE,, and o�ner ot Lota 2 and 3, et.at,sd that b� ia ia lav�ar o! the pa�o- poeed resa�ing. Mro � Llayd Hsaly �o haa mn op�im ari Lab 1, spoloe in lsv�o�r a! ths requ�ested r�$a�ing. � xaa no o� p�restut to oppoas tiiis reao�ing rsqnsst. Mr. Banclel meds a motian to rsooaosnd a�acsptsnc� a� th�t aboros dss�ibed resasingo Tt�e moLio� xaa seao�ded by Mr. l�ravik aaad uaanim�ously carrieda Aearing closado Nezt, xaa the reconaideratioen oP a reqwest by Ronald Bng�sether Yar rs$cning � iroa� R-1 to R�2, Lots 1 and 2, B].atk 11� �rde Fark Additian, io ttr � at S�- tiaas 23. Thie vaa a cantinuatian ot t�e public h�ring. Kr. �astbsr sxplain�ed that lbe xonld lika to er�sct s toar•p�.ea� a�t t►t�ss� t�ro lots. Mro Riahard P.t�dabi' � �� � 6081 - 4t,h Street NoEa, stated that hs and his �ez� door ns3��hbors (vho could `' not be preaent) �rere detinitsly oppos�d to ti�s qropoe�d tour••plsx; bnt ihat they irould be xil].ing to go aloang xit.h t.hs p�opcaed R-2 rasaning it ths etructnt�e xers lindtsd t,o a tWO-lamily dwslliug. Attsr �h discussiou� a sotion was n�ade by Mr. Kravik to reao�►snd accsptano� o! abo�v�e R�2 rasotti�ng� xiti► t.he stipulaP tion tt,at st,ruaturs be limit«1 to a ta�e-�r�► aw.11sng. s.oce�a.d by r�re �himsn- aid a�d uwanimoual,y carri�d. A�ari� olos�d. Ths Caem�iasion next canaidsred a pa�or��sd I�0 foot road dedioat�tan !ar Bsn- jsmin fitreet, eouth ot t3ard�nis Av�n�� tor Lot 33 (Csrl P�tersan tnroPertY) ia Auditor� r subdivieian �i92, in t�h�e l� ot �t�iart 21�, i.ti order t�at a building per- mit m�y be isa�edt. �he Snginssr �splain�d tia�t tt�s o�er ot I.at �34, 1�tro Daniel Aarringtasi, has a haas irithin 12 l�st o! th�a asotim l3Yr, and t.ha�stor� is uia• able to p,iv�e a dediaatiaa. 1�. Pet�ersor� sapl.ainsd that sh� had originally re- queeted that the building pern�Lt tor Lot 3!� t�t be iseued itt 195?i beeause at the poseibility of the road evsntuallY 8�8 ��3 but ti�at hsr rsqusst had bestt igiiored. 3he aleo explairied t,hat t.he City had r�qu�sated that shs hav�e t�he arss plat eurvey canpleted (casL -:"•].12.00), �hi.oh ahs did; but Mas d�i�d bnilding pez�.t �rhen ahe brought eaid eurv�ey ia to rsqueet svah pe�cmit� due Lo Benjamiiz `�treet po�aibly not �oin��; through. She atated that ahe doea rtot tesl thaL she aha��ld have� to pei,y for all theae past miataksa, but �snted a d�efinits decisiaea as to intended actian ot the City, nar. The Coao�i.eaiaa disonaesd ttr po$aibility ot an eaet and �eat atreeti in ths rear ot said p�operEy� tor aaoeaa, rather tisan carry Be�ja�n Street througho After caretul. stuc� and conaideratim, Mr. Kr�vik made a motion to reconadend that a buildit�g psrm3t be gratrt�ed� if� in �rie�t ot th� ^ opiniaal of ti�e Streets arld IItilitiea Com�iaaion snd ths City F.r�it�eeri.n� Uepart,� ment, it was feaeible snd not easent.ial to extend Ben�s�.n Stsset aouth Lo Qar� denia Avenuso Maticas secc�d�ed by Mro Bandel and carri�sd unaainaualyo The Commiaaian t.hen considsrsd Mro Larsa�a prelin�insry plato Mre Lsrea ea- plained t�hat this proposed plat had alrea�y besn approv�ed about tWO ysara ago ( Apa�l.1 8, 1958 ) s and that he had pstitianed f or xatsr and ae�w�sr at that tia�e o He requeated re-approval of the clat, arid �ill re-pstitio� !or xater and aei�ero He explained that the School Board had co�taat�d him about possibly b�ring aome of thia property; but due to ind�finitenesa of sahool plane, � dose not xiah to de1.e4Y at�y Ia�er. It was decided t.hat thia matter ahould be aaonsidered by the 171ats and Subdivisiona Conmisaioey a meuber of' the Sahool Board and a repa�esenta- tive of Patch and Erickaa� ArahitecLs, at a later dats, prior to the City Cauncil m�eeting o! Ju�e 21, 1960. Note: A check ot the paet reeards and traa a eonv�rsatiau �ith Yw«aer Flarmiag Co�aiaeio� Chairman, RoberE Hup,i�e, it ia t'ound that aaid p�eliadnary plat was never approved previouely, aa stated� d�e to Mr. Larae not being xil- iing to p,ive corner of land at that time, !or Woody Lane t,o be eoatinued south�rset�ard to Qardenia Avenus. The meating vas adjourned at 1Os30 P.1� Respectfully aubmitt�sda n Ine� Kapala - Raaording searat.ary