PL 11/30/1961 - 6728.. � ';- r� AG�ND11 PLANPIIldG COi•��lISSI�N MEETINfr T�iURSDAY Idortmm�ber 30, 1961 ?:30 Pe�i. lo A"pRO�vAL CF' t�IldUTES: Rsgular meet.it�g of Nov�embar 9s 19610 2o RECFICE MINUTESs P�arke and i3.a,ygrom4da Sub•Coannai.ttes r�3nute� of o er-� and a�f November 27, 1961. PZanuiag Caandseiaa a+�tioan requirrsd an th�► �ollotirl.ng iteo�as: ao Reo�endatian in re�ar�d to retentiass oY Rivervie�t Terraae �or poaeible future park d�ev+slopme�b. b. neao�unea�datiaa that appraiaal be raade of Lat 6� Audit.ar�s �ubdiviaiaa Noa 1290 ae R,e�ooanendatiaai in regard to acquisitioaa aY Loaloa P�P��9 ta� parke d. Reco�endat3.art that a Park Consulf.f.ng finn be emplay�t and begin pre].iminary �nu�rey af parks and playgrounda. (No�nber 27th mi.nuLea noti available yet !ar liating of recoa�m�ex� datiaarts. ) � � 3, RSCEIYE I�iiiTTESi Joint :'Zate and Subdiviaio�s arid St.reeta and Utili•• '�fee aan teen t r.iinutes aF hav+ember 16, 1961a Planttir� Co�aai�sion a�cti.an required on Itatna 1 and 2: Recommendatiane relativ+e to c�stermi „� street locatiaona in variou� areaa of the Cityo I�o PUBI�IC HEARII�r (contirn�,ed) • RE'LBNIlJa: Rsqweat by Ben�soa Imreat►ment i�inga �y'�.o rezons � oa , -- on�a River Larye Additfan, li�am R�1 to C••1. . 5, PlJHLIC i�A�iINQ • i�?EL?IiINARY PLAT �6lp2? • D(�T ADDITT�Ns TY�e aame •'�pe� ��+oi �►�aum��� "uv� a� si� mv. c�v� i3+� L1Vi-{Ill a4 f>3�d Ave•• nue N.Eo arid eaet aY Pieras �tt�eet N.E. and �ying in the S.W, � a� Sectico� 13a T�30� R••2?�s Anoka County� Minn�soLe,o 6o PUHLIC �F1L'�tlNa - 12EZOI1IlVas Requeat by Arvid F�aneen to reso�a t'i�am o � o desaribed property: All t,hat p�rt ot Audi- tor�e Subdiviaio� Noe 39� eaet of a 7.iYie draWn parallsl to and distant 165 fec3t west of the eaat line cf said Lot 6� maaaured alang the nct�h _ I,ine Lheo�eo� axaept that part thereaf ds�ribed as f.ollawa: Co�a- ing at the nartheast corner of said Lat 6; ther�ae we et on the nca�th liAe ad' said Lot 6, a dis�aace of ],65 feet; the�e aouth o� a 3.ine parat- I,s�, with the east lir�e oF aaid Lot 6� a"dieta�ce of 132 Yeet; thence ea�eb ati a line para11e1 wiLh the nm�th line af said Lot� 165 feet to the eaat Iine of aaid Lot 6; ther�es norbh o¢� the east line of said Lot� 132 � �set to the plaae af begiz�.ir�; a11 of the abo�ve property lying i�n Awdi� tar�s Subdivisian Noo 39, in the IY�a af geatic� 34, T-3o, Rt.21�, AAOtat County, Mi�nesoLap and ],yfn�; south of lt3rd Avenue N.E. and weet at Nisiu Streo� NeEa � ,. n r-�. Patge 1'�0 PIAPtI�1INti CCd�+�iiSSION AGEDIDA Nvvembes 3�, 19bI 70 �zc ��n� � x�zorm�a: x��� �q,�t by ��e. T. i�o r�e��ss. to rs$os�e flrom R•,1 to R-2� the easter�y It53 feet of the aouth 85 �eet o� Lot 3, A�zdita��e subdtviai.aai No, 39, e�ocept the sasterly 162.5 feet fi.i�ereo�= a1aa, Lota 6 t�lrou�h 10� Block 1. �a �ta i tt�ro,� 5, B1.xk 2� Berlin Additian in the S� �f Secti� 31�� T�•30i R-21�, Anoka Caunty� I�Iit�nesota� and ].yin� xeat of t�laia St,reet N.E. and north o! !� A�rea�e N. S. � 8o PtJBLIC FiEARSNa • RL"LONIld(�: Request by S3r. Ho�ward Crabt.rae td�at t�e an c as a.d jacent to and extending appt�c�d.mately ��'20 fest �reat of Universit�y Av�enue N.Eo (Hwy. Noo 56)i north a4 �he aouth line af Seatio�t 11 and sou�h of ths nor�h lfne of the sout�h�aest quarte� of Seatian 11� T-30 no�� R-Z?�, w8st� be r�ascc�sd �'s'om M•1 and R•3 to the �car�ing o�f M�2o 90 R�SQUEST • FRAAUQ,D1 2�'ACTtJRIl�1a CCt�'IPA?1Y: ?�ettsr fruin I�lra ti, fI, Pusi- e reque c ra on g ven to dispoaitian o� 33 toa� at�sa bardering FrankLtn pa�operty • aee lettero ]A. HUILDr1dG P1�iTLTT REQUEST: By John Sk�lt�s to erect an aight-u�t apar6- � ous�asng on Lot�e 3' 4 and $� SIoCk 26� H3rcis I'ark Additips •• �SlTO - 2� 3t�reet N.E.)o PAtJL SE�fi�t GENSRAL CHAIRt4AN PLANNING CCt�+IIS �I� � � 0_'FICIAL NOTTCE CZTY �' F'RT�LEY PU:3L�C �ARIi3G � IIEF�?E Tf� PL��i1�1ING C4:�9tdIS �'IOTT TO WHC84 IT N1AY COI�CEftNs Not3.ce is l�ereby g�,�v�en that there trill be a Public Hearir�g by the Plaiating Commieaion of the City a►f Fricl].ey in t�he City Ha11 at 6l�31 U�i.vereity Av�zae Pi.E., on Thur�day, Nave�Uer 30s i96i, in t?�e Cotmcil Cheatbc� at �s �0 P,I•i. � for the pw�pose of e Consideratian o� a reaaniug request by Mr. Ho�rard Crabtrse t�at t�'e ]snd des- crib��d as l:fing adjacent to an3 extsndir� app�o�dr�stely 520 Peet West of Univc�raity Av�enue N,E, (Hwy. #56!� North ai the South 1{++� ot Sectioai 11 8.~�d Soutzi � o�f the North 3.ine a� tl�s South�reat Quarter a� Sectian I1, Tawnship 30 North� Ran�e 2!t West� be rezoned trom M••1 (li�nt iaduatri.al) ana R�3 (general multiple family dt�ellir�s) to the za�ing o� P�r•2 (heavy 1t1du8�'i81)o At�r+oa�e desiring to be heard vith rei'erence to the abo�rs matter ��tll be hesrd at this mestingo Publishs November 16, 1961 Nw�ecaber 23s 1961 PAtJL SEGP�R C.��TETtAL CtIAI�il1N �Zll?i1JTNQ COiII�ffSSION n C�'FICIAL NOTICE ci ��t cF ��RZ �:�r.�� �v�r�c x��r�a a�co� z� ��a ca�,zss�at� ."0 WfiC�'�I IT MAY CONCERN: Noti�e ie hereby giv+en that there will be a PubliQ l�esrin� by the Planning Co�mia�i.on of the City of Fr3.dtey in ':he City Ha11. at 6l�31 Uni.versitp Avenu,e N.E. �+an Thurada�Ys liaveaabor 30� 1961� ia the Cotmcil Chan►ber a� 7s30 P.�., So� ttle pwrpoae oYt Conaideraitfan of the Don Addit3on pa�e� plat (#61•.27 ) bein� ?At 15� A�.ditor � a Subdivi.ai-on No. 88, l,ying North of 63rd Av�snue N.E, and Faet o� Pierce Street N.E. and iSring in the S.W,� of Sectio� 13s T30, R2I�, Anoka County� Minneaotao n A�yons deairir�g to be hsard with referen�e to the above matter �3.11 be hesrd st t.hie mseting�, Publiea: Nave�nber 16, 196i Nartrember 23, 1961 � ?AUL SEQrNF�i (}I�+IT'.RAL CHAIRr4llN P'LA?�tIJINa C�IISSIO�T