PL 01/12/1961 - 30088� r'1 ��INIITE3 Pi�Nr1II+� COly4�;Z^3I4N I��'TES Tl�fiT�AZ J�u� 12, 1961 Tl�s �eetin�; �s oalled to order at ?e30 P.M., bY Chalrman So�rrer. Pteseants Chsirman 3��r� Mrmbstys i�andal, Kravik and Na�el, Lea Knutson, the City Ma�sap,er and Buildin� Hoard M�mber� Dave Andaraos►, Robarti J. Rugiist and t?le� Joh�nscA. Abaeatt No one. PRO'OSID 9pRIl� BROOK ADDITI� �'I,AT • PUBI.IC H�IIRINa This �as ths aaasidrratia� ct t,tr peapos�d Bauid�esuxo� Sp�ing Brook Additia► P].a�; ttis saao�� boiag Lots 11 at�d 12, Revis�d Auditor � e Subdivi- �3an l�249, 1Yin6 in tihe l�� o! 3�etiao 3� T-�a ��, A:mka Cottntya Mirniem sots. Mre Hou:d�awt �s pr�s�nt to di.sanst 'f�is P�'oPosed Plat xith the Com�eai�o Attsr t� Cam�isiian hsd oas�tnl]y studisd tho p�opo�sd e►as�� mentr, 2ot sis�e� a�ss roods� gttidss and drainsgs, Atr: t3aadsl msds a mot3on to rraomro�d appratial o! thls p�liodt�ry plat� aub je�ct to 4.he fol� 2o�dng�t 1. In BZoaic ow� ths lot li� bttt+sas Lots 5� 6 ahould be mov�ed ' Neatxard !�o te�, �wd �he lo�E 2itr bstraen Lots 4 and 5 eh�uid be �av�d tss�Exatd oer too�. 2. P1aL ahonid b� anb� to an �gia��ring rnri.arv. 3o Th� dsdicat3.�an o! Lots Z8 and 29 in Ri��r�iew Neip,hts A�1ditiLco 0 tt» norli�ts� ��ctAnsio� ot Ruth �tt+��L to �xtsnd Lo Hugo $trsst. The motian �se ssooad�d b�► l�r. 1Ci�arily and upoa� being pnt to a voios v�ot.�, oarried ua�soiwo+��j. H�sring aloNd. R$Z�tIIf� ItIDQDE3T HY WILLIAM a. Ed�t�SLtiAIi�T • CO'i'rINUATTQ�N �+' PUBLIC HEARII+I� �+' D�CEI�F;R 22 � Thi� �s t�h� t�oontidasLim ot a r�qwst by Willism �d. B�]�%ard� �o resar lroa� R�•1 to R-2, tor th� purpos� at a�otico a! a lomr-apsrt�msnt d�s2ling, t.be w�tstrl� 2ab tNt o? Lot 2?, Rrrris�d Auditoroe gubdiviaion #?i, as u�asutyd aloog t�i�e aor�2rr�j and sout►hrr�,y► 13nts th�rsat; lying in the S� a! SwLioo 10. Mr. 8ngt2bsrdt vss p�. The Coiomiaaioea l�lt t,hat t�hi� �ol� arras i� �raa,� �d�d lnrtfitr pla�mirg and stne�jr at a apsaial mseLla�, bsior� t.skls�g aat�ioo on f►bi,t r�quratio Hr. Er�rnik a�a� a moticrs to co�ia�r tbis r�a�iaa r�qa�rt aesLi]; Jannart 26 29610 Th� natias �ras s�m c�drd by t�, 1ta�1, and apo� bring pnt to a vo� �tw, csrri�d unanimous�jr. UNIIrQtui HUILDIIld C� ?l�r Bnil�ng Baard and tM Pi�nniag Qo�■aissian n��ct aa�sida+�d tbs pcs� �, sibl�.adopt�io� af tiw Uaito�a Buildiag Cod�, Mro Ba�dsl bri�ily sxplai�ad _� tL� Cod� �ad itr �dvaataRp, aud atstsd tl�at ths 8uildiag Siandsrde Coaanitt�e has t�aa�d tbst t� Cit� at Fridl�y adopt t.�is Cod� �ei.th Lhe aam� a�arnd= �ata ss Btooklya Ca�t�s hat ma�d�. Both t� �� Como�iasim . snd t�s B�i1d� Hoatb l�lti t�y xonld liba to st�n� ths Code tnrthaz, betora Laking � � n � t�F'ICIAL NUTICB cz�r ce z�tzn�r �ue� �� � Twa �rrn� cac��4iort To wxo� zT r�u►z caxc�rr: Notio� is tar�by gi.v�at that tMrs Mi,L7. b� a P�bli.o Hsar3n� of ths Planni� Comnd�asia�t o! t�» C#ty o� Fri.dZ�y in t�s City Hall st 6it31 Uni�ersity A�ta N.E., ou Thursda�� J�nw�r,T 26� 3.961, in ths Cou:ai.l Chiw�bsr at T�30 P.K., !or Ltr pnrpoee ots Gc�aicl�sratiaei at a�wat bT t�r Ca�, E, Her�nstL Constavol�iou Co�epae�� f.o srso�s rrom R•1 (ressaasts.l) Lo R•2 (ls.it�.a maltipi� dM�elling), !or �r�ctiae� at os� 4�a aYel].ia�, Lots �i, and 15, atocic 4, Hy�a Park Addition; thsss lote b�it�g Io• cat�ad on the �st quadraAt ot' th� intersectio� ot 60th A�nw atid i�th 3txset N.. S. i�T�6 in l�+t Diot•Gh o�-hsl! (N�) of ssoti.on 23, T•3os R.�ty xtaka County, l�im�ssota. Ar�roa�e dssirinQ Lo be heard tdtD r�tere�o� to Lh� abo�r� mstter s�ill be l�ard at Lhis matiag, Pnblieh: Jitnusr� 12� 1961 Januar� 19, 1961 � : eT" e � :,�• ►r•� ri ��`� r���-�: