PL 03/23/1961 - 30092I� ,,� / P'LIiNNII�G CON�lISSI0�1 MII�UTES • MJ►�CH 23s 1961 The maeting was aa1.].ed to o�d� � C� 9�s! at ?s1�4 P.M. Nt��mbes�a P:'aestttt 3s�ss's �1, �s � � � Membera Abs�ut: Nae� OtY�ere Prasrmct: CitY Ma�na� Wa� and Cit�r � Bro� APPROV'AL �' M�UTE3 Nbr. Bar�el mov+� sseon�d by 1Kr. Thoo�aq #bat � mdaeni�s o? tt�e mssting ot Marah 9, 1961 bs ap�a�vwl. IIpon a t�od� �otA� t�a�t b�ing no nr�ya, t,i� Ghaixmaa d�ealarsd tha mot3m oarrS�d. 1. H, C. NORMAN RDQUEST TO SP'LTT ALL Q�' L0�1' ]A� A�D Pi� aP LOT lli BLOCR 2, MOORE IAKE iiILIS JI�ITIais - ,��.. The Chairman read a legal opds�ian� and a m�oo i"saia C��f..ii� ittaarr,rpr ICohlaa, The City Manager ststed ti�t� in elt�Ot� tir Cit{y Att�lr> >as �aarrd.�g t�hs Plar�ning Cceu�atssian that an apprarod lo'E eplit did aa� Iiaiw the oo�+snsnt►�, and that if a aplit uere granted� at t�s tinr t�s ssoo�d bnildi� perima.t would be reqweat.ed there �au a stloe�g legsl. possibilitar t2�at 8t� irijtmctiw could pre�nent the uss at ttLS ssaaa�d lo�t, aAd it �a�aJ�d tdrr�!'or+� be a useLeas pieae of p�operGy. Mr. �o�rman �ae p�esent, at�d pointed oat tiiat 'tbess ta�ro lots vould atil,l be as largs as mmqy af t.hs 1�ts in this �di,visiq�. Mra Kravik mat�sd tt�st tbe Pis�ing Cammfaai.aan raoa�msnd deaDial ot this lot 8P,-it �"e�l��, Ps�6 olarifiaat3.a� a! tdtie propsrty v�ra � attitvRle about buildiag oor� �ie seoo�d lot. Ths mo�io� tra,s ssoaa�d by l�„ B�1.. Upo� 8 v�oiae wtet thers beiag ao nays� t� Chairmsn d�c�ared t�ir mot�ior► carrisde 2, R$ZONiKG R�QUE3T B7[ DR. i�SLLZ F�i BLOCa 13, ii� P�R1C ADDITIO�[! - ...._-------r-- Mro Thomp�eou mov�sd #�t t�s P�aaoio�g Coian�tsdar� ooatid�' i�p�iog Bloak ],3, xhioh is bouAd�ed by 59fyh aAd 60ti'► Av�s� a�d II�i�i�pl' #►t�d 1�t�h Strset� fram C-2, R•2 and R•1 to C-�3� aad t�hat a iras�s� ti� b�ld at t.�s sarlireat date. Th�e motion waa �saand�d bpr �. N�]. ; II�an a io�+e� �tA, tt�r� beir,g no na�ra, the Chsirmais dsalat�sd t.h� mo�iot� oal�3�d�, 3o PUBLIC HEARING oN PREL3�III�S PLIT .� RIY88ii0� MAI�t The Chair�aan annotmasd t� publio imarit�� at�d t�at t�s Riv�r�nood Manor P1at is a plat c►f all af Lot 25, and a po�t3on ad Lat� 26# 2T,� 28, 24 aud 34, R,�• ` vi�ed Auditar�s 3ubdivieica� �. i7. Nr. Ct�ab#�� itt. I'�o�x� ,�md Hr, B�gsl,• hardt �nere preeeat. Hr. � moroed t�a� 1t� � CooNd.aaiooa t�sca�ame�nd aacept.a�oe of this Prsliminar� P1�t, aubj�ot to: tl) 1�dioatic�t ot �assry easements tor utilit�iss aa dsterad�d by� atndL�e. i2) Dedic:ation �'resn the aat�ool tor Tlst Wa�y. i3) D�diostiao at ].aad taa� tbs �m�amsd st�t a].on� the aos�th eags od' r� i, 81ook 1 ot t.h. p7at. (�t) D.+�astias tbe eaat� �eat atraet aa 71st �r !'ra� Rivsr�►i�► Tsrrao� to East Ri�r Ro�rd. The mo- � tia� vas aeca�d by 1�. lCra�ilc. IIpo� a�r�o3+oe �� ?.hsr� being no na�s, t1�e � Chaftsoaa declar�sd 'Ehe motioet o�i�ried, MAR 2 3 1961 �' � �� l�o PUBLIC HEARIlJG ON Tf� PRELTMINARY PLAT SUBDIVSD?LI�G I� 2, BZ,OCI� 2� HAYES RI9ER L0T3= The Chairmew annorocq�d f�at I�hl.a �ras a publ3a h�saring oo the 1�P�� P�"e� �9 P��� 1�4. Sybs�a� �ot�s p�es�ut� sad aho�wed the propoaed buildin��„ whi�h t�+an].d be t'it�s 12•�ffit apartm�nt strtLetnt�es. M'r, Nagel moved tha� t2� Plarming Camaieaiaa rs000nsod aoo�pta�ae a� thia preli.udna:q plst sub jec� to a teanporaiy road easem�� to� Sbt a+eoesa at Eaat Riv�er Road, or the obt�,� iag ot a porti.ots at Lo� 21, Lud�.tar�s 3nbdi�i.aim Noo 78 at ths Eaet Ri�r Road ed�s oct t.h� p1st� and that 3t aaid land coald not be obtair�ed, that � temparary essenrsaL taald booaar pst�esne�tt; d�ediaation of 8� feet ari the �e�� line of t�s pl,a�6 !o� stt�; pa�o�idan tor s!� toot t�adiva temporary eas�� maut tor a t� at ttr �at atid o! !ha p1at, and dedicatian of the� n+eceasary etti311tRy �a�o�a�Es as determi�d by sngia�eering atuc�ro Motion waa seaon3sd by 1�. H�d�l. IIpoet a�l�+oe Tots� thers being aa na4ya, the C�tair� msn d�clat�sd tt� mo�ioet oarri�d. 5� x�uES�r �r c�er v. �saKesoer � va�r►�ta� cF � 18 Foar Eas�rrr AD.iA4�T TO IA? 2, HS�OCIC 2, MI�3IS3IPPT P�i ItD�ITIO�T: _ -- ��n�i.�w��ir�.�. iw �� Mr. Nagsl m�onned to s�L a he4ring dat�� snd adnrti� ssms for ths earlieat meet3ng. Mr. Na�tl wd.i�hdt� his motioa4� aud t� P7.a�3ng Commia�aiom di.r�at.- ed t� Cit�y Mswg�r t.o haw t�tr Cit,y Atitorrwy aLsok aas tt� �ra].i.dity o� thi� eaaaoe�t: �und tht iat�st that trha City h$s in ss3d esse�e�. Mr. Tham�pscn ws e�aons�d l�vm ths ms�tin�o 6, W� �' 18 �'O�T BLS�IQT� FR+O�I F.AST RIVFlt BQAD TO RIVEI�DTEW TERRACE ALONQ THB I�tTH S1� CF RI9SRW0� 9CH00� PROPERTZ, TO A 50 FOOT EASffi�'P� -- �...����. . Ths City �str rhawd t� P1a�mipg Comadseia�a a drea�ir�g af a propo�ed 50 ioot eaas�sat pt�opor#� aaauiri� 1b seet on bot�h slasa o�f tr,e psesent 18 loat easem�nt lroa Rivai�ri,�e�1 Trrr+� snd to� Z61 t�et aloog eohool p�oP�="�Ys tl� so�h !o� 23't lNt� t►ith t� a�ddi,tfona7, 32 test to be entire],y c�n tiu� .mort�h edgs o�! t�b� whool po�op�lF�r io� 360 t�tt� �ae'Eer1J to Saat River Raado Ths City i�an�gar eaqalairisd t�at t� City Cou�il had approrv�ed this, and that the sahooi bosrd h�d said t�uat t,t�r �oa7.d d�dioate said esa�anents reaer�in� the right to sppt�o� �ht looatiau o� t� parsd surfa�os o`s aaid easemsnt at the �ime said road twa pat+ed. Ttr lb le�t af � this tasep�ent that vas part o�' the Rivesrood M�noar plat xa� disousw+cl, and agresd to by the de�relopera a� the appro�l, at t� Ri�ood �moar plat ia ltsa 3 abo�. I4r. Kragiic mo�ed that ti�a P�a�ing Camd�rsipl r�oasoa�d app�o�tl ot 'Ghs P�g3aser � a Pa'cPcsal !or the 5b loa� tiidth ro�r�h c! t�s a�ahool peop�rt�►. The motica� xaa aeaonded bY �'�'• �1. Upaei a �roio� �, tiysrs bsiva no n�s, t.he Chairman decZa�ed ths motian oasrl�sd, ?. sP�CL1L Ct�lITTEB TO 1'HTI�Pli�T PgRBII� R�QIIT�NT3, ApD 5 Fo� S�TBA�CY Ct� QJ►RA(�8= ' Chairman 9s�r p�opoMd Lhat hs and Li� Ci�jr Managsr talos cars of theae txo it�aos� aud !� Piandag Comtsedan eou�urr�d. 8. POSTQ+'F2Gt R1Qt�9T To CA� �9/l wlT To 63� wA,T: Mt'. Nagsl moved tbaL th� F'tan�,ng Co�iaaioD i'e�caasnd to the Cot�mail that Lhra w�r in tt�e �ra 8r3�oiaam p�opo�d piat b. cl�an�sa to 63} way. Motio�s vaa aecot�sd by l�. 1Crat3lc. Upor� a� t�ots� tber� b�iag �o t�rss the Chair�nan dsa]�tr�d t►� mo�ia� oarri�d. MAR 2 3 1961 m�o F• , �• • • � � : � • � r � � ; r • : i � r�► • • � � � a�f � Mro Nagel mo�ved tbat thia lsttsr be t�siv�ed and plsaed oa file, The motia� �was eeca�dsd by Mr. Bs�l. IIpoo a wiae �ots� tl�sre being no r�re, the Chait�aan declsred t�hs motip�t oarrLed. 10. BUILDINa PROBI�M �i 57� Ail'EI�ITS 1QOR,TH$AST FRONI MAI1Q STREET TO HI(�T�Y #,�b s .r, .�_..._...�.....,._...., . �. The Citp h�iaeer s�cpl,sie�d that t.bers xas at1'�y� a 30 foot �S.dth ot 5"T� A�snws from4 Maia 3t�sst to Bi�qy �� atad t�at t�sra xaa a possibility at requesta tor building pstxo�ts aloog 5'l Atros�� tti3�oh aoul.d p�rav�ent ar�y tutwre �ai.dar� iag af sams. Mr• N�1 mo�v�d t►bt� tb� P7� Ccmo�iarxf.on r8co�aread to fi.i� City Covmil thn� tiN Cotaioil di�+sat that no bailding paraiita be isawed ior lots aaa sit.D�r sid� o� y�� L� North�ast bstvse�n Higlixay #56 ar�cl M�isi 5treet, to pstm�� t�M Pl� Qa�mdsad:OR a�/oa� tY�a Co�taaail Lo attuly �he parob]�art. T!� mo�1t� 1nY NOOOd�d b? Mr• E�'avik. IIpon a v�oioe �otee thers bsin8 �o ns�y�� t� Ci�atr�ln d�alss�d t�s matiao oarrisdo 5-3-�— � 11. STR�BT3 AND IITILtTIS3 GON�RTTES � 0�' MARCH c ,..........._....._.�.,......�._..�....,...�.. ..._, �..�..�...�1: � Tl�s m3m�ttss t�er� re�+d. Tl�sr� uas no a�ot3on taian by t�e 3t.t�eet.s and Utiii�tiea Co�am�itta at sat�d msst�ing too� aot�s�id�srat.inn by t.i�e Pla�g Cos�.a �La�. Mr, Na�g�l �oav�ed thst t.hs Cc�oissia� t�sos�w t2�s Strssta snd IItilitiaa Co��E- izse ad��sa� aad pl�ua� cn liU. Moti�u ssooe�d� by Hr. Band�la Upo� a vaic� rrots� t�hsrs being no n�ys� ttrs Ctssirman d�o]arsd ti�e m�tion carriedo � 1�. PARS3 AHD P'I�AYi3R0�J1�3 �U�S t� ��� 1961: _ _......, �... _..... �..... r. �..,...,....,..... _. _.. The m�auLse �et�s rs�d. T!� t�ss �o aatian by the Paslcs aad Pl,aygra�dg Caar� mit'Ce: requix'ing sotiort by t�e P3snaing Con�iseips. Mr. Nagel mov�sd that th� Co�ae�as re�ari.ve t2�s Pa�lts and P.ia;ygrou�dt a�inutear sAd p].a�ce os fileo Moti.on eeaoa�d�sd by Mt�. Band�l. IIpou a wios �vte� thsrs being no nays, the Chais�oan d�al,ar�d tri� motiaD aarried• 13o CON3IDERllRZO�i CF CJAH D�POBIT FOti PAitSB IN LIBII Cl� LA1+IDs Mre Na�el mo�vsd t.hsti ttd,t matt�r be rsfit�t�ed to tiya Plata and Subdivisiaae Comz�tt�es. Ht'. Bsnd�l NOOnti�d the mo'�ioei. Upo� a troics trote, th�re bein� IIO :3�I's� '�IiR i�i�29�D � ti� 1d0�0�1 Ci=':'�.tda �, nzscuss�a� - �, � �� Mro oearhsrat app.arsa b.toa+� t�t,. � ca�misaioay aua st.at,ea t�at hs wf.ahes to looaf� a tl�rra�. hor ia t�hs Cit�y' a!' Fri�ilr�►s and �ante to kac�rr wheth�r or aoo t�tr. pd�o. at p�op�jr sn �dab 2� is intsrest�a can be re�onea to C�2. Ths Pla�n� Co�iss3�on t�lt t�at t� locat.ian . at a tu�eral ho�s at Lhia pat�ioular d'a tars na� advi�abl+�� and so into�m�d kr, f�earhardt, He st.4tad t�at h� umd�oabi�d]y tbrotld drop iMgotaatia�s to�r this p��os at P�'�Pe='°� tY, and that ir� �o�uld l.oelc at anoi�hear pd+�o� o� PQ`oPa'�? �9 vh�Lch the P7.a�iag Cammisd.an thovg� p�sibl,y► oo�ul.d bs r�sa�nsd to C-•2. 15o is�t �t �. r�szaeu . ass Raza�n�a Lar ib, szocs 5s � c� FT.A?,l s0U'P� 1D1�'�LON: .�._. ----- Mr, B�d�l mand t�st t� PL�aing Com�issioe� �ld a t�sarlrg at t�a ear73est dats on thie requsst !or r�soo3ag o�t" Le� lb, B1ook 5, Ria� Creelc P�taa south MAR 2 3 1961 � � Additiano Motia�i vsa eeaoa�d�sd by Mr. 8ranih. IIpaa a Todros vet�� th�srs beir�g no n�rs, ths Chairmaa d�ala:+�d Ltr m�o�3as oarri+�do lb o CHAN(�E �" SET�AACg BEGAII3S Cl�' �? �I3ITIt�t ..��.��.�..�r.+.rr� The Cit9 Engiasei' Poiat.ed out �hat aloe�g A3�1'IAIb �65a so�h a� Aig� #].00, s�cquisitiaa by the Stat� D�paT�trr�q! o� lmd oe� t1�s �ast sids ad' Aighv way #65 xaul.d reduos lats to T!�t and 8s i�6 aud �3aM a s�rri�ce dri.vs right�.o�i'o� witi�iu lomr !Mt c� oo� hous� alae� p3d bi�a�y. Mr. Bandsl moved that the P�,�Oning Ccmo�issiaQ disra0 t� Cit,y M�ag� to rster thia mat- ter to ttw City Attaa�aeiy to dst� x�t� a� no�E tb� Citjr eould rsquire that the hfluae be mo�vsd to �tara to tlas s�t-b�oic� r�qu3t�d by the Zc�ing Ordinanos in vietit ot tbs re�oed lot arsn, o� t�l�r t1�e Stst�t � s acs�.too xaa such that t,iye p�op�s�ty o�a�ar oo�nld leaw his � ttlrr� it p�ntly is located, Seco�d�d by Mr. Nag�l. IIpon a�+od�os �ois� thsr� bsing �o n�re, the Chair�an declared t�b�e mot�iao Oats'l�sd. ADJOUR�Il�iT Tlaere being no turt�es� bnaitrss� ths Chairasn d�lar�d t!� nwtiag adjout�n�ed at 10:1� P.M, � : i�ssp�o�tu1�Y NbM.tt�udi BJIitL P. 1� Ae�iag 5�tit�a=y P1�aoaoi� Cam3s�d�ao � � MAR 2 3 i961