PL 07/13/1961 - 30106� ,�' �Ai��Siidu C�i�'1�SSi0N MEETZNti — Ji1T,Y 13� �96� :�, ._ �,,,__,,,�5.,,�� � �� � . �.,,.�.,�. n The m��ti.ng was oall.ad to ordsr by Cha�irman Segz�er at ? Y 34 F. t�if, Preaentg Men�sra $ravik� Bandsl, Nagels Gity Mana�er Wa�ner and City En�esr BraWao Abaents Msmber Thompson � AFPROVAL � MINIJTr'S: I�o Rravilc mo�v�ed to apporov� the m�.riut,ea of the Juna t3g �.�+�a19 p7.�.�� C�ni�siom Mee� aa preaentsdo The motian xas seconded by b�r°a �nde�. and9 upon being put to a vaice vote' carried umtinim�us�,� �o PUBLIC H"'r.JIRIIdG:•� & M DEVELOPI�IT COMPAI3Y� Conti.nusd �r�r. �7�e �e ig6'�o Coneicleration of a resoanin� reciueat by E& M I�'vela'i�ent C�"=t� �° rezone t�cm R�1 t�e f�Y aw�el].ir�) tc R-�2 (].i�i-ted rnuY.�ipl� c3w��.��€�� Lot 1 thru. 12 oY Block 1� and Lots 1 thru S� iuclusi�re and L�t,� l? ��°x� ��c iuclusiv�e, Blxk 5s Melody Manor� the aam�e 1,Y� �:� of Un�.versit,y �vr3o N„�O � ia th�e North arie�hal.� (Y+i�) of Sect�.�aa �'�� and South of Oaborrya Rodd 7,Yi�6 T30a ��s Anoka Cou�tty� Mi�nesota.. Mro Bandsl mav�ed to reooaa�nand to ths Cow�cil tha�: Lo�s 3. �hru �22 e�f Block 1 arui Lota 1 thru 5 and 1? t,hru 2l�, B].oc� 5 be rezansd ta �2 �� that pa�tion of ths �dei' o� �.�e p�t l��T�tly zon+ed R� and R�� be changed to &�1. Mr. Kravik �ocoadcled t,Y� mot.i.on and� upan being Pu� n to a voioe vote� osr�'1�.ed u�animous]tiYo 30 �s 3tatua aP reqirset at Ja-B�on, Iaao to rezoAe ax�d replat por�tior�a af City 1Tiev Additio�t snd Adorts Sts*est Additi.aa�a l�r. Troec� af Ja�Rene irico xass preae�st and r.�eaented a di'a�ring o�f a Fa'oI�� replatt3x� af Ad� Sta�ast Additiono Aftsr atudyi�g t� PrOl�e� �p�t 4f the s�"ea 3.t t� decided to reYer it baak t.o t�he c3�sv�aloper Foar further desi�nn workQ Tpy� �qm�da$ian deaided tiiat the requeat should be �rated isaf.� t�o reqwaetgo �IDO�aiou om t��he City 91� Ad�i �r�ezo�,irig reque� by� tha P'1arn�in8 fio� Septem►ber li�a 19b10 Thia mot3.oan t�aa eeaa�ded bg Mro Hanc�s]. enda upan beitng pat to a v+oice vote, carried im,at�i.tmouelyo ito REPORTt �j'7a A9ENUE NeFw A motion �a8 me�.de by Mra Bandiel �to sccept ths c�ra.�ring r� th� P,�.artnis� Goar�aieai�u recv�nendatian to tltie City Council on the 5?2 �'�Q N,Eo �u problmae Mr. YCravik seoonded tt�e x�otio� and� upon beir� put to � vol�e �t�fl the motio� carried �$1Yo 1�� �e�� is set for July i88 �.96�.s befors the City Cou�cile 5o RoBYN e s ftIPEFt MANOR t�SZII+IINARY PLAT - P'UBL7�C HEARIN(i z Cou�aiderat�ioal od' the prelimi�r3r Plat af Robyn9s Aiver Man�re a repla� %� of Lat 2� Block 1 at�d IAt 1� B7.ock 2 af Ii�es River Lota, lying in t.he Nos�h c�e•halt iN�� a�t Sea�.on 22� T3�� �4A Ano'�a County' Minnes��; and t�urther deacribed ae lying sd�jacent to Charles Stse�t arr3 West csf E�� Riv�r Raado � p e 2� Co�'d.asion ISe�t � Jul �3 _. �-96� _ n J�o CO�1tifII11� � - Mre B�cavik mads a m�o�ion to appo�ave t.t�e prelimir�arY Plat eub ject to campliance with tl�s Ple.tt�ing sni Zoning Ordi.n�noe; �he p�ronridir� of a 20 A easrmeut alon� tYye East lir� o�' lo�s ac�,jaoent to Eset Ri1rer Road,� and th� dsdicat�ion af the neceaaa�y ]rsr►d to p�o�vids tY�ir �al,i of Anr�a 3treet �,� y,�� � p�y�� og �e pgMc gee, I+1r. Brawa it�formed th� Co�nission tha�6 tl�e area o� be aerved, aud staa�n se�o�ar st.ru�otures will be buitt wi.thin tt� addit3.oaa !or aorn�eot3oa to a lt�ture et�o�rm aewer lateralo Mre Bandel aeconded tbia �tian and� upou being Ixit t�o a v�oi�ce v�ote, oarrisd una�i- mouslye 60 (�N�.RAE AItiDITIO�N P�tELIl�NAT�Y PLaT - PGBI.TC iTEARItJa: Coneidarat3oo� o� t'ne p�elimi�r9 P].�t af Qena-Ra+s dddit3.o�ne s r�p]�t of Lota 8 and 9s Audita��a 3ubdivisi.on ,1�`10� lying iu the ATarth one-� (N�) a� Seat�t� 13� T30s �►.s � Covrtty� Minneaota9 and further dsscrib�d as No�tb a� I+liseissipp�l. 3lxset at�d F,a�t of (old) Cerrtra� Aveo NaE,o Mro Era�ik mads i�ion to aoaept th�e prelindx�'Y A�t as p�eeented with the etipn�l.aLioai that t�e ds�elopmsn� ���treet and utilitiea thersin be h�e].d in abearance unt31 such time ae out�l.ot8 1 0� 2 or both are rep3�ttted. l�o �nd�sl secvtsded the inotiaau and� upaan being put to a voio0 v�ort.e� catried im�mitu�oa�d1Y. 7o STREET OPEi+IItUIi - PSTITIO1Qs n A petitiaas to d�adicate a 66 � atr+eet trom South end of Woody Lar�e SouthWeaterly t,o boundsry line be�en T,ot 12 a.� 13 and a 5a ° street Nestel'�' 810�t1g Oa'Ld lOt 1�11C t0 CBI1tTal A4'eriw9 NeEo� a3fld t0 Stlbd3v3d�9 �b �t rty according to p7.ana to be aubmitted and annrav�d �y u i.ng prope ths City of Fridleya Mro Bravik m�de a m+otion to aacept the petitio�n and reeozr�end �s� �he City Cotiuiail that aPProp�3,ate ste��r be taken Lo deterlrrine engir�eering feseibility arid ob'6ain neoessaxq c�edieatione,e Ttda motion waa aeeorided by Ntro Band�el and� upo�n being p�t to a vo3,ce vote� carried un3nimous],yo $o (iARDEIdA MEZOrLAI� tiARD&•;3 PRZrLINBNARY PIAT - PU$LIC I?�ARIIdG: Canaideratiou a� ths prelia�nsrY A1at af Gardena M�loland (�arderisg a repl�at of Lots ?� 8s �o� �ns� �g � tYbe North one�-half (N�) of Section 21� T30� �4s �� Cour�ty� Minnesota; �v.rther de�cribed as North of aard� A�nu� N•Eo and Eas� a� ��d) Central.Avea NQE�o 1Hro Nagel mo�v�scl to �P't this as a prelimir�aa'Y Psat aub jec� �a �q��•� g�q,�,�, �La�gle o,f ]And t,o coaop].ets lo�t at Ncu�Lh�t Qorner of plat 411aring 70t ttidth ia� Lot 11� B1xk 18 and aa�aAlianoe �rit.h platti�g orairsa�ose 1+�. Eravik eecanded th� motion and9 upa�i bein� put to a voice vote� t►iie nrotion oarrs.ed unanimo�.�slyo 90 i�ZONIt?(3 R�t1EST: P�I� Airo NLti� F1'St711�.8 1"�Q11ASti ti0 I"@'i0419 LO'% I.sZy39,��8� 8T1C� 4cy Blxk b, Fridley Park Addition� t�rom R•1 (ain81e landly 'c3�r�11ing) to Col ilocal. � bu3itf98s 81�88} o I�, gra,trilc mo�ed t�at a Publio Aesrit�g be set Ya� 3ept�nber 28 � l9610 M!'y �i1f�81 5800� •� 3110�0�1 itX:y 11p0O b8� j1M11ti ti0 8 9�' C6 VO�i@9 'ri� m�tioa asrried u�n�mausly. . � � � P 3� Commd,saion - J 1 1961 �o �c�xsz�x zar s�rr: Niro �Yoe Maciaszek z+equeat fo� appsavval of splitting La� 10' Bloak S9 Riverviaw Heights9 Lo provide �hree building aite� ocP 62+� Ft.� b2� Fto and 75 FtQ on Lots 5 thru 12 inalua3ve� B'1�ock 3� Rivervie�t Fbei�hta. Mra Rravik mo�ved that the rsqueeti bs a�coepte:i snd recar�mended to the City Cour�ail for agpravalo i'�. Bandel aecarxle•l t.h�e motio� and� upor� bei�ag put to a voice vote� carried unanimaialy. . 310 WHIT'E�iALL - WHITCHF�t LOT SPLIT= Wayne R. ap]i�t�ng,Lot A. �t3.tm to $plit thia Whitehall, Jr. and Ade1e L. Whitoher requesL for approval of 5, Block 1, Moore L�tce H311so , by Mr� Bandsl� seconded by I�r. Eravik� to <isriy the reqweat Io�a �IIpo� being P�ut t.o a vo3�ee v�ots� oarr�.ed utsanim�ua],y, 12o BUILDITJG PERI�lITSs Bussee $riakaon3iBuilcler. �.. . ---•--- A reqwes� for approval of building pernd.ta =va� t.hres lt g7.e�oea to be 1o�ated at 5300 a 2� St. N.l�. � 58]A � 2'�' St. N oE, and 2� Sta N. E4 0 Mr, Kravik mac3e a motion to reco�aasnd to bhe Counail that the building perndta be �anted p�o�vidit�g that an aace=s to tY�e parki� lot at 5800 � 2� Sto N.$o be. froa�n 5st.h Av�n�e and a driva�y pn�t betwesn T�o�ts 11 and 32 grom 2� Street fa� arooeas to tY�e parking araa� in ths rear of 5810 and �820 a 2� 3to N.Lo e Mr. Bax�dol eeoo�nded this motion ar�d9 upol�t being put to a voiCe vOtb� C8='rled u�mo�ualyo 13o SAKARIASON - LOT SPZITs Mro Sakari$aor� request tor approval to split Lat lOs Auditoros Suba #92 (We� ai Van Cleave�a Plat)o Af'�er co�iderable diacuasio� Mr. Bravik mo�v�ad that the raqueat 13e deniedo Thia motion was ae4orided by Mr. Bar�d�e�l and� up� �ieing put to a voice v�te� carried unanimously. P�Jr. Na�;el �se e�oQUSed at this timeo ltb S�CKMAN •� ACHEI��KI � ii'�t�'3NQ �QUE$Tt Iarry Eakwan anci Jerry i�a Jl�hensld reqwest to resoo�s Lots 1 and 29 Blxk 29 Spririg Brook Additia� fi�n R,�,7. (eds�gl�e tam33y d�telling) 'Eo R�2 (�.imi�t,ed multi.ple family dt�relli�agi o. T2ya Co�tta3.�sion atated that they �ou].d be tmfavo�rab]s to�rci�a �,ta r�zcrn.� rec�uest but fi.h�e filf�n� fae reoently authori.�ed by tri� uxt�v Cawza�i'L mus� be paid by the psr�t.es t�eqwesting t,he tygo�ing if tasey �e:que �t � g�ub].ia h�earii'lgo �a I��QUEST � 3TR�ET STATIISs Mr, Dougall reqweat for 3afoimatiou as to city p7.ana �'a� Mo�nro� �trest fro�ri Rice Crsek Tsrraae to Noart�h aubdivZsiaz bouadary of Brooicvie�r Terrace 3rd Additio�o Hro Kravik ma� a motiori that t,he P.Lat�nq Co�mniseian r�co�nend ret-°{ ni 9 the dedi�catiau but ao�t glan s�► impa�o'vemea� at this tims, �ro Handel eecended thia motioaci anda upcm befn� put to a voice vatee c�ried ur�animau�IyPa . s . . � p� � Commmiasio� I�t - J 13 19��. I�i o �CGEPT r1II�IJ� ; ^ N1rm Bandel me�e a motian to approve the minutea of the Yo1laa�ings plats & 3ubdivision Sub-Camaittes Mseting June �2, 3961 Plata & Subdivial.o� S�b-Camoittee N�eeting Jn1y be i961 Parka & PlaygrBi�ldls Sub-Caa�midttee Meeting Jvne 10� 1951 t�arrka & P7�aygrounds Sub-Cam�i.ttee Nbaeting June 25, 19�1 Mro gravlk seaonded t�s motion and� upon being Put �to a voice vatea carrisd urlanim�oua]ye 17o REPORT AND RECCd�fi�,'titAATIO�J C� SP�CIAL ZONTNG IldTERPRETATION C(�Yi�IITT'r�g � br3ef apecial u�eet.ir�g t�i13. be aet in order to a11a�t further atuc�jr of ma.teria]. received. A tent�ati'v�e date of July 20� 1961� at ?s30 PoNb at the City Ha71 xas set� prorvidin� Mro Nagel and Mro Thanpaoga yrould be able t0 atl�do 18o ADJdURNl�NTs There being no turther buaine�a Mr. Segner declared the meet$� ad j out�raed at 10:23 P,Mo 0 � Respeo'�fu11y submitteda Pearl Peteram Acting Searet.ai'y P'1ann3,ng Gomni.a 83on r� ^ n C�'P'IC�AI. �10TICE CITY C� FRIDLEZ PUBLZC �EAR?,Na BEE'CRE TAE PZAI��INQ t�ll►►1MI9 SICN TO WtiO�+i IT MAY CO�TCEA�Is i��� ��i�' Notfcc� ia 2�ereby gi�a+� that t�er� wi1,1 be s P�ablic HOaring by the Pl�sing Coa�asica� af �he Cit�y Qt �►ri�.ey in Lha City Ha11 at 61t.3S Uaiwreii;� Aem�eua N.B.a aa ?h�a July 138 19�1� iit t�hs Counail C's�s�sr a� 7t�f PoM, a tor f� purnose o�'t Ccs�s�.d�ration oS t� p�rel3.minaa�r psat of a replat of I,o�t 28 �l�s 1 aad %o�L 18 B3.e�ck 2 o! H€�q+es R3�er L�tta� lying $n t,he Ydaorth ooe�a7S � iN�i at Sec�oa 22g T30s R21�a Anoka Cv�ttgr� Mirmaaota8 �d �.'urther de�cribed aa lying ac�jaCent tro CharLs St�a�ea$ aad �lest a! EasG Ri.ver Road� Ax�� d�esiri� to bs heard wit�h re�ere�oe ts� the above mettt�er t�il.l be heard st this m��Eiaga Publiabs Jmas 298 195�. PAIIL SE� QENERAL GfiAIRMAN pLAAAJ�Q CCM�tISSIt�I