PL 09/14/1961 - 30108-� I � ^ � pr�rn+t�� ea��zssiox ��xa � s�� �, i961 ����Y1/����i���r�rrrii�rrar��i+�w����w���`��� The meetin� xaa called to orcler at ?s1�,5 PoM. by Chairma�n Segnero Preseats I�e�►bera Kravik� Bandel� Tho�apeon� Na�el.� City Manager W�;nar aud City E�Lr�eer Bro�ne Abeents None 1�„ App�o�et7, af Mfnutset --, , A mflt.iou made by Mr. Nagel and saaonded by Mr. Thanpeon ta appt�ov�e tt�e Ju]�r 13s 196]. Pla.�ning Gamni.asiau n�inutsao Carried inzania�ouslyo A awtias► rnade Y,y Mro Thompso� aad aQCOnded by Mr, Na�al to approv�e the md.nutes of the 3pecial P.t.anning Coarm�aaion meeting of Ju1y 21, 1961e Carried ut�im�usl�o lAo Sub:Camnd.ttee Min:�teas A miotion by Mr, Nagel ar.d eecoaded 'oy Mr, Banc�sl t�o �ccept tl�e mi.autes of tYve �'I.ata ana 3ub�•n�v3.ei.on meeting of August 22t, 1961d catrr�ea una�imou�lyo A m�t3on b=l Mr. D'la�el and seconded b;� Mr, Rravik to accept the minutea of t�e i'lata and Sub.•Divisi.on meeting os' Septer�ber 7� 1q61. Carried imanimoualy, A motion by Mr,, �aYi�aon to accept the �.mitea ot t�+a Pat�ka and Playgrounda 3ub-Ca�i.ttes meet�3.r� of du7y 2lt, 1961. Mr. Bravik aeooauied the m�tiono Carri�ed unaaimo�u,al;�. - � 1�. Bandel maved t.hat the ffi.n�ites of the Buildin� 8tan�arda msetin� of July 19� 1961 be recei:red. Nir. Rravtk aeconded the motio�, Caxr3.ed unanimous],yo 2. P�x�bl�,ic� �Iearir� - Resa. : C.onsid�eration c.�' a�c�equeat by'Beuaon Imrest,m�ent Co�pany to rs$oae Lot la Bsoak 28 Johnson� s River ?�sne Addi.t�.a� fram Rtl to C••1. Mr. C, He Breyley o�f 61�I� East River Road' asked t,�e int,ent.i.o�s of the Caaapa�o Mrs. Sakry ot 6l�0 East Riv�r Road� atated that�ahs had been told that Trmnpolinea a� a�3o-Cart Court �tas to be installede Mr,� Levine o� Benson 7.nv�estaaent Coo gasured theu? tivat no b�uaineea ot auch a natuz� was being cone%det�ed� but at thi.s t#.me he cnuld not state specifical],y what th�e buainsee Wouid beo Nlre 3eganrsr atated �t�hat he haa in his posaeasiou a petiti.ori ei.�ned by 011�2'� Ql"�Yo+ r� A�111@2'� A�.'@Ot. O�A� �il �B�OI� Qi IIO i�880II�.t1� �Il '�18ti 8Z"88a i�o Th�impson maved that. thie reqweat be tabled uirt.il definits intsntions can be givn�n by ti� Benson Inv�est�merit CoQapany se to type of bueineee to be estieibl3ahed ou this propertyro Secondod by Mr. Nagel o Carried u�iariinmouelyo 3a Public x�ari� - Rezca�ings - -_ Co�siderat3.on �f a request by Ja•.Kene Inco to rez�a�e Lots 5••16 ibalneive9 Block I�9 and Lots �16 inclusit�9 Block 5� City 4ie�r Addit.�.on� fro�n R�l to R-2o Mro Troat od' Ja�-Ken' Inco preaented p�.ana tor a�. vnit ape�t�meat building o�f ��'i �'1 � Pag�e 2 o P�ning Ca�rmi.asi� Meet.ing - Septeraber 1l�9 19d1 2� atory constr:�ct3uao, . Mr, �am,�on Was excusea, at 7:55 P.I�4. o Mr, Rogatad, I�]:7, ��7t,� Ptace �d�.Eo, anc� rsr. carl Pa,ulaon, 1�30 - 57tti P1aae N.E.� poinf,ed out tnat td�ere w�ould be a c�raina�e pa�oblem ��ld I,ats 3� �t aat 5s Block 5, be sald aad filled in ae there is � storm as�ner in that aresa They atated t�hey �ere in favar of ttiis area be�tag re�0uedo Mro Nagel mov�ed that the Public Hearing be cloaedo Seconded b� Mr'o KTBVik. Cari"ied t�nem3�cousZyo Mro Na�;el mrnred that appa�oval. of fi.hs re�onirtg as d�esoribed in the publi�catiou be recoame�sd to the City Cou�cil, bnti that U�ts 3s !� and 5 in Bloak 5� be x�ed�-ta�ged �i rno building pet�nits be iasued unt31 the atorm �e�ner fe put in and the,t necessary part of Lots lb in both Bloaks . �. and 5 be acquir�ed or dediaated for street purposeso Sea�nded by I�Ii`o Bsuldelo Caz'r3.ed u�'asl,yo 4o Aezonit� requests .______.._ _ .� Caa�sideration of a reqweat by l�irs. Sam Dalberg to reso�e Lots 5-12� 25•29� and nart af 13 a�d 12ts f�].ock 8' all lyirig sonth of the cPeek in $p�rl� &�ook PBrks fram R•�2 or i�•3 if requi.reci, far a�n�g homeo l�to and Mrao D�.lberg pa�eaent.ed a plare for a innPSing haaa in the area stated abave, yhich includea eight r►ingie-uait apart�me�tao The Camndssion anggeeted that the Datberga �u�d .Racv, Selv�y (Iten #28 an the Agenda) CC�3T1B '�B�.I' 1'8Qi]Sa'CSo Mr. Nag�el maved t�tiat a�'ublia Hearing be aet Yor Oatober 12th before . t�he Plaz�ni�g Conaataaia7o Zir. Kravik aeoo�dsd the motio� Carr3.Qd �l,yo 5o Rszoac� reguest: .._..�,........ _ ..._.. Ca�eiciera�tion ot a reaonii� request by E. Mad�en to resone a po�tion of I,�t 89 2nd Revi.sed Audito��s Subdi.vieian �21 from R•t �o R� for a reet ho3nao Mre Msdeen wa� preeent to ezpre�a his requsst for a 65-�ed rest homeo Mro W�ner e�ressed hia opposit3.on to re�oning that partiau7.ar areao I�co Nagel maved t�at a Pub'i.io Hear3ng be aet �for October 26ths 1961 be�'are the P7,anning Codmdssion� Mr, Rravik seaonded the motionp Carrisd unaniutouely'e 6o Resonit� req,�ests A requeat by Mro Ray P�fi.ersfln to resoac�e �'ram R•1 to Mr2 t,�ie Ncrth 2�0 � of the West 5a0 � of the N,Woa of the S,Wo� o� Section 129 T�, R2ly Aaoka Cotmty� Minryesota9 and to rezar� from M-1 to M•�2 t�he No� 250t a� the Wo 1�I00! e�ocepL t�e Weat 580 � �f Lhe N,we� oi the S.W,� af 3ect3.om 129 T309 R2it� Anoka County, l�itnnesotae N�o Nagel made a m�tion to eet a Public befo�'e the Pla=mit�g Cc�md.seia�o 2�re $ravilt unaaimaus],y, ?o $11��. �eT'f�.ts .�.�.. Heat�i� foor October 12th, 19619 seaonded the n�tiono Cs�ried A�p7.i.cation by Roy Pbteraon to b�3.ld a aerviae station oa� Hwyo 65 south o�P p�o�peaed ?3rd Av+eaue ftoEo ca� a 200' x 20Qo aite for Shell OiI Camp�ayo n P�Age 3- Flaa �ing Commiasian I�ieeting - September ltt$ 1961 The F�g�eer stated that Mr, Peterscn cauld be issued a bui].d,in� permit for thi� if the en��ire parcel was described in the applicatioo�, Mr. Nagol mad�e a motion to recoomend fo� approval the permit pro�vi.ding Mr. Peiereon p�o�eds to plat the area and tiye nece�sary strset dedtcatirnna sre p�rav`ldedo I�1r. ICravik aecond�ed the motioao Carried u�n3mautalyo 8e Puhlia AeSt'it1,�; •• Pt�eliird178I`.'J PlBt i�fil-08t L81oeYle7�t $ i �o 3inee ths p�oblems had not been rQeolv�ed as diacuased iu t�e Plate and Snbdivl.eiou 3nb-Commi.Ltee I�eeting� ax�d t,he �lir�s�ary plat xas not available fo��pe�rt af I�ot �Ct Audito��a 3ubdiviaion n9tts Mr. Nag�el r�oved that the heari- ing a�► ti�s l�nelim�xsary P�at be ^ontiaued uatil thQ r�ext meet.isago Mr. Bandel eeconded, Ca=�ri,sd unanWauslyo 9s Pnblia Hearf.ng •• Prelimtnar�� P7.8.t �61-08t Tiller Acl�ditioan� .���ir������� ��.r���.���r�rrr� rw�A r����r Mr, Nagel maved t,hat actiooa be deferred oa the pralindnar�r plat of Lot 20, Aud3tor�s Subdivisiou �192 and hearin� contimied far eiztsy dayso Mr. Kravik seconded the motiona Carried unanimously, l0o Publi.c HeBrir�► - Preli.m3tzarry P].at �i 6I-].3: He�ddifi,io��. Mr. and I�ra. HerM� vere preaerit and reqvsated that a oircle cul�de-esa be conatructed at Ferndale Avrvnue N.E. in place oP a aquare as indicated on the sloetcha �he P�gitbeer aasured the�n t2iat this ia the va�q the cul-de-aa�a !"1 are no�ma3.]y aonst,ru�etsd and Lhat the square street cledicatio� ia foa� ca�r- o�nisace fn d�eear3.pt�3.�no Mre �ravik mav�ed that t�e p�eliminary plat be suac8�t.ed and recaamneral it to the City Conao3l for appro�v�alo Nagel aeconded t1�e m�tioua Carried unaY�3mous]„yo , � llo Pt�bliC HeB�'i1�g - P�+911 ��� P'1,8t. �67. rllt: Moe o .���..-...._...�.,.._.._. Mr. Nagel macle a moticn to recoiamend app�o�va1, of t2�a »ra� plat being Lat 15s Auditor�e Subdivi�ion �92 and to Wai.�re the requir+emaonts per• tsini� to imp�o�vemenis on the road eatsemsnt vnti]. Outlot "A" is repls�'tedo Mr, Baadel eecondsdo Carried uaanimoualyo 12 o Public Hesring - P=+elf mi.nary P'l,at ,�'61-17 s Rice Craek 3ahool Additiorro Mr. Foslien sented a prelinci.nary pl,at of replat of Lota 1 thru B i�clusive, Lota 2�t1�ru 30 iaclusive, aud the N 5= of Lat 23, all i.n Bloak 39 Oak (�rave Addi.tione The Caamie�ian diacus�ed tt�e aeed fo� 67th Av�enwe t�o go t.hru a� aul••de-�acs at end of Arthur aYxl Anoka �reetao Mr, Nagel mo�red to table thia p�eli.minarsr p�,aL ►mtit s�Lreet problema caa be vorked out vlth the City Eneineer, 1Kr, Kravik seeo�d�ed the motiamo Csrt�Led u�a]yo 13. � 9aca� A requeet by Mro F.F,P'aalien to vaaate tt�e alley� cormeat�n�g 66th arid 67th Av�em�sa N.1�, and lyit� betu�sen Arthur and Anoka 3tseeta. P�e Nagel �o�v�ed to rec�oamnend to tt�a City Counoil the �aaa,tion o�f aaid s11ey fra�a the South lins of Lo� 21� no� to 67th aoenwe N,Eo Mro Bandel aecaruled ti�a motioai, Carried uaarsimo�uslya �1 � Pags �t �- P1a�ning Co�iaei.on N1eet3ng a September lZts 1961 llto Pablic Hearing o Pr81i::�in�ar�'�.at #61�1.St Moore �ake Hiils ?.�d Additio�no w��� r.�r�� r�.�r� �r�����w�.����w �r�r� �■ i����� N1ro 3am Te:lpltn repseaented the �rco Company and prseented t.Yye preliminary plat� beit� Lot 9s Me].oland Gardent�o Mte Bandel mavsd to reco�mnend to the City Couacil approval of thia p�eli��in�ary plat aub jeat t.a dedicatio�ae from othera to con�Cinue Woody ?�ar�s tbtu to (atd) Cent.ral Aveuweo Mo'bion seconded by Mro Rravik, Carr3ed u�imo�ual�ro Mro Thoa�peon reLtu�ned to tne meetia� 1Ot30 P.Mo 0 ].So �Prel3r�ar�t Slae.t hs Mr, Troa�t� of' Ja-Kenj Inco preaented a aketah of t.t�e p�opoaed replatting af Adara� St.reet Additior� for apartment houee uaeo iqro Kravik moved that the preliminary eketch general la,yout be accepted aub ject to the pzwparty involv�ed being iander singl.e o�nershipo Mr. Thoa�a� aecar►cied the motion. Carried ur�animousl�r. ].4"io Bu31d3�; PeY'm3t ♦ 58136 - 2� St�et N.E, s r�...�r�.���� u.r�or. ■ . r��r�r Applicatiou by Ja�Sen� Tna. to build a ai�uait apartment buildi.ug ou Lot !�� 5 a�nd 6, B:Lock 23� Hqde Park Additiono Mr. Thampson mavsd to rec a�e�d appro�vaZ 'bo t�i�s Cit�r Co�a�ai7.� Mro Nagel aecoxxied ths moiio� Carri.Ad utmni.uwue],yo lpa Street vaaationa Rsqwsat ��y Mr. Ma�c 3aliterman to abandon psoposed M.3oAoStreet e�ctenaion o�' West Moaxe Lske Driv�e fraaa Htayo 65 to Cent.ral Aveaue NoEp a+eroae Lot 17y Auditor�s Subdivisioxi �880 At the 3t,s�eet�s and Ut3lit,iea meetin� held oai Wednead�q� September 139 1961y Mro Salitsrman was aaked to apnearo Du�e tQ fhe i17x�esa af N�e�ber Bermer and absencs of t�1re F�st.rom no m�et3n�; could be held� aad theref'ore no report vas msd�e at this timBo 180 3t,aeet Acaeees The Ca�dasrion discus sed wlth Mra Shapir�o and Mra 3alitsrmaa the probiem of access to 'bheir property dwe to Stat.e High�q Depat�tment plana to delete frnaitage. road at SoWo corrler aP Hwyo 100 and 650 1�, Nagel moved to recam�rend ta the City Cowr�cil that they se�geat to the Staie iTigYn�a�y Depto an extenston of the service road from 53rd Avenue past F�abers Restaurant to the eout�h 1�.3ne oY part3o� of Lot 10� Audo Subo #1559 remai.nfng after condemnatia� �firo Thamp�on seconded t�he motiaa, Carried una�nimansly, l�o Al1ey Vacation: Pietit�,On by Mrso AA Ro Thampaon9 et a18 t.o vaaate a7.].ey connecting 1�6th and 2�yth Av�arn�es NoEo and 7yir� bet�een 2nd Street and Main Streeto � Since no a��e t�ras pa�eaent to rop�earent this reqwest the it�n vas tabled to t1�e .r�est meet3z�ge J � � � 1'�ge 5• P7.ar�ir�g co�md.eaiaa P�aeting � september 14, 1161 �o Re$�„o�.,Rec,�uea�'t.t Rezoning request by A1 Will.iams to re�c�a Lot,� 2 sud !�: H1ock 1� 3chulta a e�dditioa frontt R�1 to R-2o Mr, Nagsl moved that a Public Hearing be eet fo� I�h`o �r8V3k eecOnded th9 mOtiOrio Ca1't'3.ed imeo�3�ID�o�us7yo ?�lo Street Va�at3.on: Rsqueat by Mro 3traub to Wep/ NoEo. �{��, y�,,� �O N�Z �� Yil4.� 4[LiY � �� �uv��tr'tieea L1nStlj.ill0'IB�a 2�2o Alla9 a�1d Sts'e9t� Ysc.ett3.orlsS aud p� o�f Iats 1 Oat,ober 12� 19610 vaaate Rivervietir Terrace f�om H�road to 79� requeat be tabled and reYerred to the �rlca MTe KTBV�.iC S@COI1t�AC� �'19 1q��0�10 CiBY'!'��8d Mro Thamp�on maved that t�ie f alla�r3.ng requsatsa Ite�a #].9 - A11eY Yacation - Pbtit3oa� ��s. Ao Ro ThanY�son, et al9 to vr:ucate alley oonnectiag 6th and lt7th Aveaues N,E, aad lyit�g betw�sen" 2nd 3treet aad Main St, Item �20 - A17 ey 9aaa,tion - R,eQnest by Mrs o t#race Koh].er to vacate altey co�ecting 53� � 54th Av�anuea N,Eo a�d lYlsig batw�een 6t,t► and ?th Streetao Item� #21 -�tr+eet 9acatiori - Reqwest by Mrs. t)raae Kohler to vacate Gt,h 5tree� bet�rsen 53� a� 54t�1 �►v�nuea N.$o 'be refet�ced to the 3tr�se� and Utilit3sa 3ub-Ca�rittes to be a,ated aaa at t�i�sir next mset.i.ng p�'J.o� to Oato'oer 12' 1961s � Co�iasiae� Mestiago Mro Na�el �eCO�ded fih� 1�30�1e C81T'I.ed L�lye 2�o Bu3ldit� PrB�'tI111'► � 5�70 � 21�d St+1�et NoEot �...__ �..�...._....,.._._ App�i.aatio�► o,f Mesaain Harth to build an eight-unit apart�mer►t houae oart iAtilf 3y �l Slld 5� �OCiC �5! � P8Y'�o $ll�.d81' �+ B&$ CC�1�.2'11Ct.�.O�i C�O Mro �canpson n�o�e�l that the building permit be recommended for ap�raval p�o�vidl,ng that the aet baake are correat and the parking area doee not extend out t,o t,he abuttir� PY'QY�="CY� Mr. Nagel aeconded ths motiono Carried unanimoualyo 2�t. �,.�,�..,.°�i.i�...�a�t Reque� by Ados T+Setal Sp3rnzing Coa�pany to reuone t�atr'E of Lot by Audo Sube #39Q Mr, Baz�c1e1 maved to set a Public Heat�ing before the PZarmint; Coamoiseion on 3ept,estber 28� 19b19 and that tile rezoni.ng incll�de �he eais�ing narro�w atrip soned R�1 West of lot "C"e Motion seconded by Mro Nagel, Carried u�aninr�ual,po 2�o Public Hearing - Pr�liminarY PZat #61•12s Mro Pratti t�eq�ested tY�st the Public Hearing o�t t'ves prelim3x�a�ey plat of pa�tiaa of NeW,� af S,Wo� a� Section 2 faar the Hudson 03l Caa�say be cor�tiYrued to t,he September 28th meeting and that the Public Heaz�itzg befos� the Ci�y Cou�a31 be coast3,nued to their October 3rd meetinga Mr, Nagel mo�v�ed that th�e Pub1.3c Heari�a be cont,tnusd as requestsdo Mro ThomPscn seconded t.he motiono Carried uaanim�nslyo 0 � 6•� Com�i.aeion P�eeLiog - 3epten�er 1lt9 1961 n Thf.e being t�,s l.ast item on 'the ac�journ at 12 o�clock. 3o dec�� �� Nagel ma�1a a mot3.on to Reepeatft�ily submitteds A3arl P�etersQa A�t�trig Se�rstaty i Planning Ca�niaeioaa, � r` � i 0 �rrxn�a cv�zssra�: . �... �. �.... � �. �+.,. r NOq I�e ,�u18T M9eti�a Noa spoa3al M�eetinge Px�Il.imtnary P1at Actios�a Fav�orable Uatavareble Pl�c�d� Re�o�:tng Requueat Actio�a Favnrable ilnfavorable Pendiag � � 130.�1�,5 Iii�.if i;�(1:a�1�.:i�;.LC1id.'.i tsax�r��,Y x�nox�s .� s�r . �sr� i5►6� ZiiIS r�� 2 0 11 5 6 lI 1 � 9 P'LAx3 & . 3U�3DIVISIONS 3UB•COt4�ITTEEs .. .,_ .�.�. Noo o� i+�aetiog� , 1 Pre„ Plat Recanmen�ctatiaoe 8 at Fa�arablo 3 Uafav�rable 1 �a�n� t� s�r�rs � u�rnrr�s scnaeca�zz�.E: �... r����w � , ..w��er�� �Oe O� �A@t.�l� • Noa of Ca�ea Con�ritiered Favarabls uafavarabls �� HUI�,DII� 3TANDARD3 SUB•�CQ��tl"1'TEEs � .ri���i�rllr � .���� - No, of Iseetinga No, of Caaefi Consic3sred Favorable Unta�rorable P�ding PA1�KS & P'f,AYaRAUNDS 3iJ8�CQI�tTTEE: .�. �..�...� .......��� Noe o1' ideeLi.n�s Noo of Casea Considered Favdrsbls Unfavorabl� Pbnd3�ng a� ap�az.s: xoo , of Hieetinge Noo oY Cases Considsrad Fsvarabls Ur�fawrabls I'�nding �T II� HQAi�?t _ Noo o�' Msetit�g� Noo of Caeea Cvonsidersd Fav+orable Untav�orable Pbndi.ag 5 0 1 � � � . � � � 21 c� 1 � 2 0 1 1 � 1 0 1".iIS M4I�TFI r�s�r � 2 0 2 i 1 6 0 !t 2 1 4 0 0 u 5 0 0 5 2 9 8 0 1 . � � 4 �t 0 0 I 2 , 0 1 2 TfQ3 YEAR TO.. T1AT� 13 � 22 � 9 36 6 7 a3 8 33 18 2 13 18 !t ' 1 � 2 9 7 0 2 9 �2 5 0 u 8 �6 �t 3 3 30 2 1 LAST YFAR TO..� TE ., 16 4 29 15 �t �t7 1? 5 25 7 20 9 i lo � 10 i 0 9 8 31 15 16 5 �2 0 � 23 �� 3 2 3� � 1 � � MO�HLY REPC�iT o SEPTEE�HER 1961 �'y Notei: Co�ai�leratiaa alao giwn by Piaruii�ng Comndssiou tos lo Thrse all�y vaoat.ioa�a • SAV #-08, SAV #-11 and SA9 �•130 2o Thras etseeL vaaattc�sa - s�AV f,{�o5, SAV �-09 and sAV �#�•12a �o O�e lot aplit. !�. Three build3ag pe�„itsa S, 3t�reet aoaesa -. t�iro Salitermano ba St.reet oloaurs - Sahool Aistrict l�oo ].lso D�PA?�TI�Ii�!F'i' CF '�'tlBT,IC !1C�tK5 z40N1'fiI,Y REPO�T a� �� � � ;�• �� � .��...��_ lo Caaitinwed seauring easeaaaate Yor projects 31iF aud 3l�G. Coa�ezred ioitlt City Attornay and areat :lorthern and Nort�hern Paoitio Ra3lroads� Franklin �Sanutaatur.L�B Campeu�� Dawni:s6 Boa Campe�r� Aa�+aa, Inaorporated a�d Cat�holia ChWroh Diooessf Paul Schwarts and Iiro Jo�nson ia �c�egs�+d to j�c3 Projeot 1�8Co .t��t°�: 2. Procsssiag: Fc�rli�ea (Arthur St�et aad 6Tth Av�us) � s. Tea (noa�t.h o� Q�ucd�ea�ti, i�*il.�oan (eauth of ltlst AtiesYUS)� tJsnt�ort�h (I�sids�t�abt.re�� n (t�eet a! T.ast R1ver Road) . �_ 3;. Reroie�ed r�eed for O�clinae�oe aha�ge fo� pes�d.tt�g rert hamsa. St'r°�..�._ 1�. 1Zeviewed change aY grade oa b3� t�ay in Bva rriakeon �.aL. �-'orked cn p�li•• mis�ry raport for 19b1.•� Streata. rrep�sred resoluti.a� a�► aLreeti n�ams chaag�ss. Inepeel.ed etrest parojects. S�. ;i.3.A.St Revi�w�ed No. 302 atreet locat3oai thro�ugh galit�erm��a p�onsr�.Yi I�tatterho�a Dri�e relocation; 4ta'Le Aid rule changee, st,wc� Drasna�as: .,.. . . .,..r.r..... 6�, Revi�w�ed prolyleo�e se E. I4adsen ho�e, 3hs11 031 at Uai�rersity and b2st Ave� r�sj He�a�e�t Drivs driv�qy, and apartmanL hous0 on `,r"1� A�o tiJ�t.e� a�d 3e�eo�: 71Y �� �airN� �i� �0 l�'�'r' ✓ �l^s_Yy; ii��ML� fW � J�A 8Ad i�A rgtil'�9fti; ��iR� ?'�1 $tii1160't iX"i014 ��it1 �4el1i� t'i0 H� NOo 1� $� a7lLYOiZ�.�.W I+aZ�o r C�eW.t.j,ae E�•= 8o ConPerrad t�ith City Iiawager snd Cotastoak and Datris r� asaeeamsnt parajeotao �. � r� Three t�o ��T - s�rt�r�, 196i PbP�aa�ls qe Meauased emaploqee p�roblema with i7n3.o� repseaentative. Itevl.e�ad Puture or�arii.gatia� plazra �ar Public t��orka w3.th City 2•ianager. �nw�t: 7�0, Prepared spec3.ffAat.ioa�sa far� snaw pla�t. t7baerved g3.eld teet of atsest aw�sepex► and discussed rentsl rates. C e �Oe: 110 City �ia�eer a�d Superintend�ent af Public tda�lcs attended tha Nat3a�r1 A.P.t�.A. at Minneapolie. � s 12, Prspared data for attendatyoe at maet.inga, aad pa�epar�sd mirn�tea for mea�t- ing�� aPt P.lanning Co�miaeio�,, Sub-Co�ni.ttess and 3ahool Bcardo Atteaded Cowr�ail and Buildir� Bosrd msetd.n�a. 1,3o Field inapeat3.ons. l�to Asal�► f�1 YS�`e C811s. 7.,�5o Routi� �rk !or heat•ings� meet3nga, minutea, ca�m►ittees� petitiau�, plat,�� mape� al�et.aiiea� 000aplaitita, buildinge� $a�ir�g� et.o. o STR�ET PRrOJ1�CT$ ��nr�.�+�+i�M St,rpete 1959-1 st�sts i96o-i Straet.� 1960-�2 Strpet,s 1961-1 COIV�RAC�OJD� cT Nao+Riae Cro E.•�I�r. 65, �1o�It�►. � Noo Rioe Cro, E.�ro b5 weL1.e Ta�w�r aur�+d Tat� Wat,ermatn Pro�eot Z7at$rmaia t'ro�ect t�at,�rmsin Pro�eot Pgr��vi.e� Oeks �� t�t 11 s CONTRACT PROJSGT 3TATQ3 CONTRACTC�i McCroasan I�cCroesan Arcam Conatruatiaa4 Camp�pr DuntcLey su.rfaai.ng CO�T N0. C�NTRACTCfft s � ss s & ss Proj. Proj�. W 31�E S� �0 s�ss 21�1 sandstran & Hafher 2i�s sanasi�t�o�a & xa�r�er 33 L�ya�a-t�iaao Co. 33 Pitt#�saburgh�ea Moi�s R�aadall Brothetb Barbsrosea dc so�s Barbaroa�► & 3oar� 24omtgoo�ry Cotiatso tt3 MoCxoaaaa CONrnLE'PI�i 99� 969d � Ct��IPi,ETI�1 5-98�, �a 95� 7A0;6 � 3AO�C s-98�, ��•. ti- • 33.98;� Pa�e Four MOP�TNLY REPORT - SEPTEt� 19b1 � SE4�R ArID WATER t�10iRS _ .�... �.o 2. 30 40 50 6. 70 8. 9. 10, llo ✓'� n P�3BISC ��RK3 TJater and sew�r iae ct,iaans xith tut'n-one ( 56 hours� �Jater bill colleal�i.o�s and turt4- ciPs (22 houre). Water nqter inepeoiioa�s (83 houre)o tti'atermsin and aorporat�to� leake (18 haurs)o i�ydrat� repeirs (22 houra). i�aaphouae inspection at�d cieaning (27 haura)o Valv�e and aurb bwc repsira (29 hours)o Sanitsry se�sr oleaning, manhole rs- paira as�d flusbing about 2, 300 feet (211 ho�re). LiPt statiorl inspeat.ion 2 howra). I4i.ecel].an�oua water �►ork �7 houra) o Storm se�WSr laying • 90 feet a� pipe to e�rtsnd eto�a eew�ar of'f Riv�ersedgs ��1a3r (77 hours) o SZit�ET WO�K 1. 3t�rset patohing - Zt9 tons of A.Co hot miu (217 hcurs). 2. arading and�ra vei aurPacing of strests • 398 tons of roa�a baee i253 ��). 3o street cleatzi�g {212 houra). i�. Equiprent m�i.ntenexyoe i69 honrai o 5. signe, aigr�8le and ��in*tng croas- walks (22 noura). be I'I3.eoe1].SrieOUa et,reet wo7rk (121 hoUU�s) p I�SCET�,ANE�JS 1. 2. 3. �. Liquor etare w�ork (1?� hours). 9aoatioms (28 houra)v itolictqya o�f"t t56 haure). Misaell�eons t�elaend voaetc (23 houre) a C/FFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRInLEY ??'BLIC iiEAR�INa BEFt7RE TAE PLANNIIIG COI��II+�IS rION TO WHCH�I IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hersby giben that 't�ere �rill be a Publie Heari�g by t,he Plannir� Coa�iesion af the City of Fridley in t.t,s City Aall at 6�,31 ibnf.veraity Av�nue NoEma on Thuredsy� September 2$� 19619 ia the Cowacil Chamber at 7 t 30 Pe M, �, f or the pw�wse ats Consideratian a£ a re$oni.n� reqweat by Aa�e Metal Spirm�a Inco to resone fra�l R-1 (Sing7,.e far:ii7.y dwellin�) to M-1 (Li.�t Induatr3,a7.; that p�rt a�' Lot da Auditaroa Subdivisiaan #39 1�'eaentl.y �oaQed Rml, des� crsbed ae tha �sterly tt95 1'eet af the east 660 feet oi �ot 6 e�pt the aorth 17 feet thereat'e f.n the N�oa�th o�e-ha1t� ( 2) of Sect.ion 31t,� T308 R24s Anoka Countye �sota fur�her deacribed aa l,yir�g Weat ^ of Msin Stree� atxi Sout.h ot it3rd Avenue NoEoo An�ne deairing tn be heard w3.th reference ta t.tne abaae matter w3.11 be heard at this meetingo Publ.iehg 3ept�ber IIt� 1961 3epteaabex� 219 1961 i'� PAUL SEGNF�t I�eneraZ Chairmaxi Plannia� Coaamigsion �� G�ICIAL T�i�TICE CITY i� F&Il)I�Y PIaLIC IiEAI�tINQ BT' `� TFi� PLANNIT�Gr COI�7[�SI�1 TO WHOfi�i lfi MAY C0�1CF,�is Notice ia hereby gi�a �hat the��a will "de a P:zbli� Hearin� by tt�e Pl�stadtig Coa�d.e�tan +o� �he Gity o� Fric�7.e f in th8 City Aa7.1 at 61i3�. IIni,v+ersity Av�ertua T3,Eo� oan Thvrsdaya September 26� ] 96�.s in the Couacil Chamber at 7 s 30 P, i�i� s f o� t�tbe p��rpoes ott � Co�Q�rt�i.4'-1 ad.' a resar}in� r8q�aest by I�fr. : iitae Prl.bu� to resone from R,•� ( ainP,?.e gami,lq c�slli�g to C•-1. ilooal busirLegs area) � LaE� 1;2�39s�jD��7. tu�d lt2i 1�IO..ock 6, Fric�ey P�i4c Jidditi.a4i � 3outh of Iti.ce Crsek Terrace Way and F�,at at East Ri�er Road az'd ],y3� in t�he 3outti Cae�tsa3t {S�) a£ SeCtion 15a T30, R2?�9 ~ Anoke► Cou�ct,y, Min�esofia4 Ar� cleairing to be hearl wit�� refQrence to thQ abovg r�atter r�ill be heard at this nset.ingn Pt�b]3ehs Sept�abst� lits 19t�. Septembsr 21, 1961 n P�u7. Se�er Qex�era]. Chairman Piannit�? Carad.s �an