PL 10/12/1961 - 30110,. . r�;��xc� coi�+rts�torr r�� - ocTOS� 12, i96Y .... ... .� ..� _ . �he meeting was called to arder at T:30 1'.M., by Chairman Se�er. Presents Chairms�n Segher�, Meaabera Bandal� Kravik and Nagel� Citg Msnager Wagner and C3.ty Eng3neer Braatia. . pbsent: T�Cnber 'Thompsoa�. 1. APt'ROVAL (�' IZINi1TES � RE(�tJLAR C��TING t� SEPTEC4B}�t_ 2B� 1961s ,. .� _.,._... _... , Moti Conmieeion there be cm by Mre Nagel, seconded by Mr. minutea of �ept,embsr 28, 1961, 3.ng no neya, said motion carried Bandel, to accept t�se Pl�unnizig aa aubmitted. Upon a v�oice v�ote, uneni.moualy. 2. RECENE MTNIJTES - sTRFFTS & UTILI2]�.S tixCNtTTES t7F OCTOBBR 5, 1961: Motion by Mr. Bandel, secondad by rir. Nagal, to receive the street� and Uti].it,is�a Sub-Commit'tee minutes� oi October 5, 1961. Upau a voios v�ote, there being no naya, .said motion carried una�nimoualy. 3, I�TBLIC HF.ARINa (CONT�D. FR(n4 � PRELTMINARY PI.AT Thia was the conEicieration of Prelimir�ary Plat ldo. 61-06 (Laltev�.ev � Heights Addition), the same being a port3.on of T.ot !t, Auditor� a gubdivi- aion No. 91�• �e Cammi.ssion atudied the draw3ngs that had been presented and discuased the Iocat3.an of buildinga and atreets. Aearing cloaede (See Item No. 21 for area street study reqweat.) �e r� Y2otion by Mr. Kravik, of t.h1e prelimirsary plat. motion aarried unanimou�y. ��-��� � aeconded b,y Mr. Bancle7., to recomdend approva7. Upon a voSce vote, t.here being t�o n�ye, said T ZNDUS TRIAL PARK ?T.AT The above plat is the weat � og the �.T�J. � lying w�est of State Highway No. 65, e�acept.irlg therefrom t,�s eouth ?00 Yeet o� the said S.W. q aY the S.W. 4, alao e�ocep�ing theref'rom the exiating right-of-�ay o� the tfiirn�eesots Tranafer Rai1.��y Compa�ys 7,y'ing in geat,�-on 12. Th�e City Enginsar exp].ai.ned that the City Attornep had aot, aa yet, advised oa the le�ality aP a plat conta.i.�ing t�o parcele of larid whi.ch are not aontinguoue�. Mra Pbtersan stated that he wautd be agreeable to a 70 foot �et-back from the east p�ro�- perty 1i.ne along state xi�hway Na. 65o Heari� cloaed. After car8Yu1 considsration and study b�r the Co�xaaiasiau, I�Ir. Kravik mad�e a znatian to recamanend anproval of this pre7.3:minary plat, aub jact to receipt oP a dedi.aation of lar�d for a thirty foot aervice road adjacent to Highway �do. 65 f`roA the a�ner and the Railwa,y Comp�y and a 33 �oot dedication for 73rd Av�ernie, and subject to ap�roval of the City Attorney. The mptiau waa secended by Mr. B�anciel and upon being put to a voice vote� carried ur�animouslg. n • �e '1't�a ?'7�1NII1G COP'��tISSI0P1 I��INUT�S October 12, 1961 S. Pt?B�,IC HEARII�G - REZONING F�EQiIF�:ST BY ROY ?ETERSON: Z4�is was a request by Mr. Roy P�terson to re2ons from R-1 to M-2, the north 250 feet of the west 580 feet of the N.tf,T. � of the S.W. � ot Section 12; and to ra�one fram RT-1 to M«2, the north 250 feet of the �aest 1,100 �eet e�ncept the w�st 580 fest af the TJ.W. � of the S.W. 4 0! Secti.on 12. t�tr. P+eterson e�lair�sd tha.t this nroperty is south ot nro- pased 73rd Av�enue, and that the rema3ndsr of his land south of thia por- tion is no�a heavy ir�dustrial. Hearing cloasde Motion by Pir. Bandel, seconded by I�1r. Kravik, to recom¢r�ernl approval of this rezon3.ng request. Upon a voice vote, there being no na4►e, said motion carried unanimouslya 6. PUBLIC HEARTNG - REZONI.:G Ri�'�,it1�ST BY A. L. Z�TIT..L7AriS: ?his was a request by A. L. ti1illiams to rezone from ft-1 �l.o R-�, ?,ot 2 and parts of Lots 1 and t�, � Black 1� Schultz � a Addit3o�u in t.he S� of Section 150 l:r. tiililli.an�s, awner of Lot 2, and Mro Fred Schults, owr�er of Lot !� and 1�0 feet of Lot 1, present,ed certificates of aurvey of the property involved. The Commf.ss�on felt that there �rere a nw�er of q�es- tions which would have to be reaolv+ed before action could be t,aken on thia reqv�eat. ^ N�. Kravik mad�e a mation to continue this hearing at t�he ne�ct "'7.an- nir�g Comart$eion meeting (October 26, I961), in order to obtain a clear descrf.ption of the relationship of these lots and the raqneated re$oni�ng and ac4ioining property around said lots. �e motion was secondad by Mr. Handel and upon being put to a voic� wte' aarried unauimous2y. ?. REZONII�iG R17QUEST - i�ft. HAW�AND BERRY: Mr. Berry requested ths PZanning Comnission to adviae him aa to whsther or not a rezoning request Prom R-1 to R-2 (for double burigal.aws) on Lots 1 through 6; Block 1, Ostman�e Third Additiaa�, might be looked upan favorably. The Coamdssian explai.r�ad that a si.milar raquest in thia area had been dsnied becau�e of opnositiaon by property own�rs 3n the area; but that T�r. Berry could requsat a public hearing iY.he wished to do ao. 8. REZONING ttEQUFST BY DEAN Ii. 60ETZKEt 7his was a request to rgzrnle from R 1 to R-2, the easterly lt53 feet of Lat 3, Auditor � s Subdf.vis3.on No. 39, except the essterly 161.5 feet thereof; also, Lots 6 through 10� Block 1 and Lota 1 through S,.Block 2, Berlin Addition in the S� af Section 3It. Mrse T, I�i. l�iajesid, c�wr►er oP this praperty, explained that ahe is requesti� this rezoning iti order to possibly sell this property to a�rospect interested in buying the land if zoned R-2. ^ Nloti.on b�► Mr. T3age1� seconded by t7r. Hanciel to authorisce a pub].ia hearing upan r8ceipt of proper applicatioai and fee. Upon a wiee wte, there being no na,ys, sa3d mot3on carried unanimously. �I n ^ PSge TYlt�ee PLAI3PTIl�GG COI�II�SISSION T�Nt7TES October 12, 1961 9. LOT SPLIT REQI.JT'ST - i•?AX4�iELL REALTY COMPANY: lhis was a request by the T�2axwe1l Realty Compe�y to aplit 7,ot 13s Bloak 2, Iiorizan Heights Ad,di.t,f.an, to per�r�d.t an addition of 10 feet to edjoit�itlg Lot ].i�. 3�r. Maucweli e�cplairled that he wou3.d Iike to aell Lot 13 and that the prospective bu4Yer would like to obtain a buildiag permit as soon as possible; alsos that the exiating building o� the�e lots (at 5299 Buchanan Street N.E. ) won].d be torn drnan. The Cona�.ssion discu�eed the legality of selling property with an esdeting buildir�g on it� After considerable stuc�y and discussf.an by the Cor.anissiorti Mr, Nagel made a motion to reaon�tend that the lat aplit be gx�anted aub ject to a, Certificate of Surv+ey plue a surety bond in the amo�mt of ��0.00, guaran- tesiag the removal of the existing building within af.x manfi,ha; or as an alternative� to not grant the lot split but rather leave the lots as they are and raquire a;�50()•00 suretY bond for reraoval of the existing build- ing within ei� montha, and granting a buildin� pe�mi.'E Yor one lot on1.y, at this tin�e. Zhe motion was seconded by Mr. Kravik and upoa being put to a voice vote, aarr�.ed unanimous�.y. ].0. ALT,ESC VACATION - 572 AVENUE TO 58TH AVEI3UE N.E., BET�T MAIN & 2NA STREETSs rr�.....+.....� --- The Comrni.asia�, as yet, has not received an opinian on thia matter from the City Attoz��ey; therefore, this item wa� tabled. 11,, ItEQUEST - FRAAIKLTN t.�fANtJP'ACTURINQ COMPANYa Thi.a was a request by the Frankli.n T�',anu�acturir� sibla ravision of the 1�0 foot setback requirement ir: sre op�osite reaidential or commerciat zonea. Campany for a poa- 32 2 ar�eas which Motion by Mr. Baadels seconded by �1x�. Kravik, to notify the Franklin� 2�4stiufacturiag Compax�t to �submd.t a specific request� in writi�ng� ia regard to their property as related to the above request. Upozi a voice vote� the�e being na s�ys, said mot3.on carried unaaimous7y. 3.2. BUILDING YEfGiIT REQUEST - V. S. STFNGSEr1G A�'�m E. �d. FIEIi[LE: ...� Zhis waa a building c�exr.�.t requQSt by V. S. �t,en�aeng and td. W. Fierke Por a servi.ce statiou on Lot 17, Revi.sed Auditor�a fiubdivisioa No. ?7 (n�ear Osborne Road and East River Road). ��lr. Steng�eng and rir. Fierke w�sre p�eseat. �he Co�n3.s�Son studied the Certificatee af Survey and drawings and diacuased the C�rd3nance requir�ment of nla.tting the entire T,ot 17 or grant- ing a�ermiL based o� the entira lot (with approvat of other manera)e There wae also a discuss3on on the !t0 foot setback as sho�m on drawinga (Ordinar�ce requires 80 foot in this zone). Mr. Na�e1 n�d�e a mot3on ta refer the �ranting of a buildin� pern�i.t to n the Colu�cil xithaut reco�mnendation, but stib ject to rev3.e�t by Lhe City At- tornsy� calling attention to the Yact t�hat t.hey have nc�t provid+ed the eet- back. Zhe motion was geco��ed by Mr. Bancbl and u�n befng put tfl a voice wt,e� carried unsnimoualye . , � � � ' t�e �aur Pf.,ANATII+FG COIIT�1I�Si0I`3 I�iII'r'Tr5 October 12, 1961 � 13. B"ILI)INQ �EI� IIT ;�tT�ST - JOHN GII�CHI�IST: I�ir. Gilchrist explained that h� would like to bui],d three tt-ple�oas; one on Lots 24 and 25, Block 12, Hyde Park Addition; ane on Lota 3 and l�s �I.ask 11, same addition; and oxLe on Lots 5 and 6� Block 2t�, aam�e addi- tiaan; nlus ane ?-unit buildin� pro�osed for Lots 7, 8 and 9, Blxk 2lt, I�yde Park Addi.tia�. After careful study of the plans, Mr. Na�e1 ma�e a motiaa to rec�- m$nd that the City �ounci7. consicber requiring access to the rear p�rkixig from the front of these bciildin�s before iasufng buildit� peradta, �rith plans bein�g sub ject to review by the Builclin� Inspec#.or. The matiaaz xas seconded by i•1r. Batndel and upon being pnt to a voiae vote, carried un�a�r�i- r�ouely. lla.o PIJRCHASE Ur PROPERTY FUR l'ARKS FROi�i UdTTED !'��Ft AIJD LA1�ID COFZPANYs 'ihe Ci�y I4ariager expla3ned the drat� of the property in queatio�n and �ointed out noesible access roads; also� that the City conld obtain this 15•2 acres of prouert,y for the amount of •;�`].6,000.00. T4otion by Mr. Banclal, seconrled by t4rs �a�el, to recoimnend that thi.e property be purchased from the t1n3.ted Pa�rer and 7.,and Coanpar�y. L�pau a voice vote, there bein� no naya, said motion carried u�animously. �1 15• ALLEY VACA TIOiN - SAV' �-06 - I�IJES T BY i 1RS. GRACE KOHLF�tt . .�r.�r.� ��r�.wr.�r���+�� Zfi3.s was a request by Iirs. Grace itohler to aacate the alle,y cornleat- ing 53rd and �th Avenuea N.E. and 2ying between dth and 7th Streets N.E. ?�rs. Kohler presented a petition with ten a3.gnatur8s in fawr of thia vaca- tiono I•iotion by Mr. Nagel, secondsd byr P3r. Bandel, to reco�anend approval o� this requested vaaatian, subject t,fl the C3.ty retaining a utility easement. Upoa a voice v�ote, there bein� no nays, sai.d motion carried unaniA►ously. 16. BUILDING PF.I�I•IIT R�7Qt?N�ST BY ALFRID E. I�AT7'SON: Mr. Alfred E. Mattson, owner of a nnrtion of T,ot 25, Anditorts Subdivi- aion No. 92, appeared before the Com�ai.asion to request a building pet�it for a portion of this propertye The Commi.ssion pointed out that this pro- perty had r�ever been platted, and that Mro 1"iattaon would hav�e to do so bePore the building pexmit request could be cansic�ered. 1T• S` ��T VACATION - SAV �� - R�Q(TI'ST B`i r1R. SALITERI�tAAi3: Th3.s wa.s a request by ATr. T�fax Sal.iterman to abandon the proposed I�.S.A. street {�302) ext.�nsian of ',�lest t�oore Lalae Drive� from Highw�► tdo. 65 to Central Averiue N.E., acrase Lot 17, Auditor�s Subdivision No. 88. riotiaai by Mr. I�1a�;eZ, aeconded by Iir. Bandel, to table this item until n October 26, 19b1, in order to �3.ro�e the C3ty Engineer time to conf'er with the St,ate Hi.�hw�r Depart,�ent. TJTwn a voice vote, there bein� no n�}rs, satd motion carried unanimously. . . - , ,. � Page Five P'LANNTNG COi,i-iISSION ITINi12ES October 12, 1961 18. STR�T;T CL(�SURE REQU�ST - SCAUOL DTSTRICT IJO. l�ts This was a request by School District No. 1.l� to cloae 59th Atrern�e P1.E. extended half-atreet dedicati.ari from I�3a.di.soai to Weat Moore Lake Drive (Qufncy Street naw); aZso, that the service driv,e be bui7,t t�o�n i�(adiaon Street to the rnsar of the h3.gh school o P�Zotian by i�ir, BF.uzdel, seconded by i�ro Nagel, to concur wf.th the Streets and Utilities Sub-Committee�e action to recomnend the vacatios� of sqth Avenue N.E. from the east edge of Madison Street to the ta�sat edge of b�est t400re Lake Arive (Quincy �treet)o Upon a wice vote, there being no nay�s, sa.id motion carried wnanimously. 19. ALT,EY VACATIOid - SAV �E-II -�TITION BX tfRS. A. R. T�I0t�2PSOTTs This was a petit�.on nrosented b,y I�irs. A. R. Thompson, et al� to va- cate the alle,y connecting �6th and t�7th Averrues P1.E. from 2nd �treet to i�f.n Street N. E o rtotion by I�Zr. Kravik� seconded by P�ir. Bandel, to coaicur �with the Streets and Utilit3.es Sub-Co�nittee�s action to reconmiend that thia re- ques� be denied, due ta a nur,►ber of e�d.sting gaz°ages next to the a]leyo U'pon a voice vote, there being no nay�s, said motion carried unanimoualq. ^ 20o RERUEST - RIGHT-C�' t�AY, 73RA AVL'�JtJE: - - .�.. This wa.s the cansideration of a ri�ht-of way from 73rd Avenue N.E. (P�eS.A. #307) from Hight�ay No. 56 to Hi�hw�y No. 650 T�otion by r�r. IJagel, seconded by r1r. Kravik, to cor�cur with the Streets and U�ti.lities Sub-Gommittee�s action to recommend that coaatruc- tio� of a 31 foot str+eet be denf.ed and that plans and specificat.i.ons by the subdivid8r not be apnroved by the Citq Engi.neer; alao, that a1l cona- truction be set up for 1�:oS.A. standards. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no n�,ys, said motion carried un�nimouslya 21. ARTA STR��T STI,'DY I�EQtTLSTs Mr. Kravik made a motion to recomnemi that the City F�gineer pse- pare a stcetch of the area from Matterhvrn Drive around to ?.�mde DMve, with proposed access from tihe service road a].ong Highway No. I00. The motion was seconded by I�iro Nagei and upon being put to a voice vote� car- ried unanimoualy. ADJOURN(�NT: There being no furtYaer buginess, Chaix3nan �gner declared the mset- ing adjourned a� 7.1e10 P.ri, � Respectfully aubmittedi Inez Kapala Recording Secretary F].anning Com�nisaia� , :� For L�ds ;�r�� s�d Sold �� ,, �. . C��q► ot Fridle7 `6,�31 IIai�srsit� A�enne N.E. F'ritll� 1�ian�sots 1t#�lttic� Cit� Engineer aa�d Planaing Cae�niaeion ; Re s 9plitting a� Lot. ; G��■rn : �� � f� k, �. , �^� �•: �` � � : '� ��� 4 ���� ;� e �. �; a. � ��� �0� ����� ':��� MtNNEAPOL[S 27, M �• f%tob� 4s `1961 � ��� � 4 � ��. 1 ��9 I a� enaloaing a drawin8 � P�'�PortT that I own at 5299 Ba�cl�aen St. N.E. � l�gel desription of Lotb 13 and ].4, Bloak 2, gorison Hsight's. I�ld lilcs to obtafn apprc�val froa ti�e Planning Cornia�ion t�o te�lce 10 f�t t�an lot 13 atid add it to Lot L4., leaving Lot 13 �p�aaci�ntely 75.04 Z 126, aad Lot:1r4� aproociaat►elt 95.04 Z 126. �e�t i�aedfately upon obtsiag thia psrmit I vill baild on loti 13"� qa n�sv bo�ns� 2b Z 513 whicb inclndea an attached gerags. Tbie haw� will se]1 !ar �19,9�O.A� Tbsn in ttr arping on Lot 11� I rill iruild another nsv hans� ei►iah rill N�l t+o�' ap='a�cciastslT ;24, 900.00. � ;� ls °�vn lca�ort+ there i a n a�.l hwee now on Lot 14 vhich I vo�ld lila Lo l�nns ,� tu►til i stas�t building ths neW iroaus on Lot 14. Enc�ossd is m� check ia the amaunt of �15.00 for filing le�a. et "� � :� �� �x' Yo�ars Tru]� '' � '� � �: �. _ ' M.E.Maz�ll � �� �. �. � �� �u �t � r ����9 � �. ����,�x� .� � �� � �: � _���� �Y . _ ��A. t �.{ ��� -� .£ � � � �, We Buy, S� �nd i.ist Re�i Estate oi AH ✓ A �. �� ��'I , ��� -..�. -.S Co��p+oa For D�s�da Bs�a1►: aad Sold City of Fridley 6431 University,Avenue N.E. Fridley Minnesota Atteation City Engineer aad Planning Co�ttiasion Res Splitting a Lot. Gentlem�en s �• } "h ' "i " . . -. ... :�.�. _ _ -� .. . .� .... �k ��. �y �. 4805 IDAHO AVE[NUE NO#�'i"f��*': ' �, MtNNEAPOLIS 27, MINtV��flTA �,i �. ��. �'�� 4, 1961 ,� (.. . , �� � ;:;- �� I am enolosing a dra�+ing of property that t rnm at 5299 Buchar�an St. N.E. nnd•r legal deaription o! Lotb 13 aad 14, Block 2, Horison Height's. I would like to obtnin approval. Pro� the Planning Coo�isaion to take 10 t�et !'ra� � lot 13 aad add it to Lot L., leaying I,ct l3 ap�ozinately 75.04 Y 126, aad Lot 1l. �: sprmdae►te].t 95.04 a 1z6. �lr . � Then i�o�edi,at,e],y upoa obtaing thia permit I xi]1, baii],d on lot 13 � nsv hans� 26 Z 58 vhich includea an attached garage. This hauae vill sell Por �19,900.40 Tl�ea in tiie arping on Lot 7.I� I vi],1 build another nev houe� whiah wi11 eell loar aprozimately �24,'�00.00. J1s you knov there ia a e�oet3.l h,o�ae noW on Lot 14 which I vvuld like to lsa� t.h�. until 1 atart building the new houae on Lot ].l�,. Eacloeed is n� check in the amo�nt of �15.00 for filing teea. �. �� ��� � �. . Yours Tra1,y M.E.Ma�nrel], �� ( � . � � Mazti+�ell Realt C ompanqr � � '���� �� ��'- /' i a� � We BuY, Sell and List Re41 Estste oi A�I iaesc,ril� �� �f�� �#���5� ��_ . ���.���� 'S ` �� �: e� '�''�''����� �t� �'� ���'�` � s �a , r �� xac� _ � p' �,�� �� � �a2 , � �. �'4 � � `' �' & �s � - k '� Z�.�$� c_ v ,' .� , i.4.eF� ��' �n . �fh: ' i � F° � � �. � 3t � � Y 3, � �� �. � _ "•� _ a � ''�t 8'$'4 - .. � - �' x� . 4 f i,�,�,;' � _ - . . =+4'^. :,y . . � , . . } ` `.s.: �: .F � � ¢. �g3. 4^' � . ' . . . . . 1�:. ' � ' . "�` � 'l� �� - . . . . . . . . ; �-. . i .i ' f. � � ..yt; � - � � 1. E �t �x � �. � �_.� • � �� s � : �:. � ��� � - ,� , � � .��. ��, � ��� j, . � - 9 { � � � VC. SL �� � � si1 � �. ��� � _ "' ��� h � �., �'� � f� c � �� ; I -3 �� I � , , . . I . . . ��„ k_ ' � e I f t m� y � - �,` . . � ',�!. � S e'' � I x sA � � ' �� l � Y< � _ L a'r �3 . ` ' � ��. Y � � �.� � y . I �.� � � �: �:� . � � ��= :pL q yk r � �� � � . . . . � ' � ��u g�i .. � . I . . . � -�.'�� � � �� � ��` s ���i .. � . � I � ` f �- �' � f °"� g . �/�� � zF`� e:..,,. .... .. ,...... ...,y . " . . . .. .r., . -+` ... r� . .. . . . ' ��.� � t.., ....K��: �� QVC.NpNF#N S ��.��" ����- � � ti T �:, w� wfr�. �. .. � �;- � , � � � � � .� � �� � � ,� � �� ,� �; '� ���'s� � � r�� , � ,� �; ��' ��5.. �'�'.�� �� �� , ,�,�� �� � � � x � �- � � � - "' �"r Li . - , z�� - ; ` : ;z� � _�. � •< - � �� . � - � � - . "�4 �g.w.. . . � . . . � � . �,.;_�"�„' - . .. . 5 w, .� ��-:, . . . .. +F .". 'p�w y„ r . . . . . _ � �. " , . '��� �n..: . �.� u; ,�-`� � �� ��.���', � ��� ,, ,,' $ 4 4 ��.;� ,�'���*y�� ' �� �< '�� � �� � � ,� 4 : x � �: �. .�"�"k : : Y' d-��y(a� h . 1 : � : �'y �� � rl XY ��G` �, ., -: 'F �:- � p' . � � � ri � wt w A y � � .y� S,� . ty l�-�'� � Q f -• :F"" ���.imsw. '�.a x :�e �' . ,. i �h)s-.�� s ��� ..,'-e, < ; � E ��;� , X�:-'. - 'AY�- r�'. . � ,:3E *a,� lk� '.� &5 . . . y ..w.-__.. _ . . . . � .. .. � . . . . .. . . � .. .. . .. x.;.>- x.. .... '. � , . . . �- . . T,. . . .. . � . . � . , - � `'f : .. � . � � ..�= � . .. . - u},yp,,..� ,:.1 _ -.rc,w �,... � � � .... �s�u�,.s�. _ _ , ��:.�. . . P1�IlNN.[N� CCX�BZISST0�1: n Noa Rsgu�c MeetiAge Noo spsaial. I+�eetiage Preli�ad�y Plat Ao�iaoe Fav�oarab7Js Un!'avo�'atbi,� �6 Resoa�i.n� �tequeat 1l,ctioa�s FaQO�abls ua�ca�i. � �'1 BUIi�� �i� �(n•lii.i.:��u'lt'111� r�a�Tt�Y x��x�s m oc�o�at 19�a THIS I�2QNTH r� 0 !� 3 0 1 10 3 0 7 PLAT$ & SUBnIVI.9I�iS 3UB�COP•II'd."iR�Es Na, o� Meetir�ge Pre, P.l,a� Reao�eridstiaoaa Favnrable Uafav�oa�al�le � , STREETS dc UTILITIES SUB�CONi+1I'i'TEEt Noo ot 2�etiz�ge � Na, af Ca�ea Ca�.d�r�l Favoara2iL� Un!'aa�sb�s �8 HUILUII�l3 $TAI�?ARD�S SUHrCCtg4ITTEE: I�o of N1�sti�ga Hoo ot Canse Cor�aid�red Favorable � unta�able � P�x�s aC �.iiit�xxw�vns .su�c�Q�' ' ' ! xoo � rr�t� No;, os Caees Co�sidered P'a�oar�ble Unfavosable �: . BQNiD CF APPEALSt Nco of I�eetin�s i�Iao of Caaes Ga�idsred Favorable unfavorable � n BUILDItdt} Ht�RDs Noo os 2�aetinge Noo o� Caaea Caa�aidsz�d FawrabLa UnPavaral�l� �+6 '1 7 0 1 6 1 a � 2 2 . � � i 75 0 2 . � � R �� i 0 0 THI�S t�IaD1TH L�i,.ST YE�AR L 0 i 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 . � � � i 1 5 2 1 2 . � � • . � . � � 1 2 2 0 0 . • • TATS YF„AR TO DATE _._........... 4 26 16 0 10 � 9 � � 30 9 l�D, 18 3 19 8 � S 3 ].5 2 9 0 2 io 53� 0 23 8 � 6 4. 3 �t 2 -1 I�AST YEAR TO D�ATS� DA .�........�n.�. 4 3d 75 0 3� � I? �5 26 7 20 9 1 10 6 15 3 1 u 8 � 0 lb 5 52 0 3 7 a5 1? 5 3 3 1 1 %'\ 1�t0 MO��THLY REPCJRT • OCTOBI�R 1961 Nvte: Coonaideratian aleo giv�en by P'lanning Cammiasian to: lo 20 30 lto 50 60 ?a 80 9v l00 llo Thres a11ey vacatiat�s - SAV lf-48, SAV #-11 and alley cor�acting 57th Ave.• nv�e to 58th Avenwe NoE, between 2r�d Streat and I�La3.ti St►roet 1d4Eo St�reet va�oaticn - SAV �r05. P'our laL split requaete (2 favorable and 2 pend3.ng). Four buildi� permi.t requeeta (2 fa�rorable, 1 ur�favorable, 1 pending) o Reqwes� for poesibla rev3.aio� of aetbaaka for Fraaklir� T�g, Coo ►�t�ahase o�£ pronerty for park fram United Pow�er a.nd Laad Co�ps�yo Strest claaure - School Diatrict Pio, ].i�o RighL-o�P-�y • ?3� Av�enue N.Eo Area at.t�ot atu�r requ�eet • I�3attsrhorn Drive to Lynde Driveo Iand acquiait�io� - i�arlsr. St.reet lsyout - NoE, 4 oY Secti.a�� ].20 DEPAR��tT GF InTB?�IC t•J�SS ►�ONTfiLY REPO�RT � �w - � �� � i�+a- r � le 9tres� Projeat 19'61� -��� involving P�s� eaBine�e�ing9 t'ield �s �es o�aput,atiass� ostinatsa� speci.fiaatione and gi�ade ahan�ea� Bida oper�ed Oatober 17� 1961. Contract awa=ded t�► Cou�ail to Barton Co�at.ruc- t..i.ou CaApa�r !or stsrting in �he Sprir� ot 19b2o 2o Re'vie�wed sttrsat considsratior� . i�alving gra,din8 oS Hugo 3fi.reet' looatiott �1 0�! Irot�taon and Wooc�y Lat�e, 73='d Av�eciuer N.To and atreet� iti Z�alo�y I�lan�oaro prslimi,nary inapeatian of 1959 Gtreet� '�-ojeat w3.th Ca�aetootc and Davia, Coneulting Engineers (Co�traotor: �ZcCrassau). � 3o Re�vie�sd saeea�,�ent procedures� 4, t�oaesering o! plata: Future ITeighta� �Ierr].ng Additioen, �ef.erao�n ►'�.4t� �nplia�e t�ardena I�eloland Cat�ne and T�slo�r Y�2anoa�e 5o Prepared apeaificatians tor and reasived ano� plar bids -► �atober 1?• 19610 6o Interatate 69I�: Reviewed ut�t2ity reiocatioaz with State E�ineesa; coac�er• �d xith (3, Hoeak re y'3ra Avenus extensio� to �uuc Hight►ay Noo 65 paropoaal; atter�aea epsaial counoi7. maeting re xighwa�y 692t ana xigh�r 65 rroatag� road dieouers3.ona T, Cacit►it�aLSd �agol.iationa Yo� 31iF and 3tt4 xat.�r pso jeata re Daacnsqy Catholic Diooees, Reoei�ned eba:ui�ard �orm psrmite from Qreat Northezn and Northern P�aitia Railro�cis tor 31�' o�� j"e4��6 ahange orc�er a�d ad�d�d aoste �o por�jeota 8o Caatl�d vork asi drain�s Ps'oblem at Shsll Oii Campaa� sits at b�.et Av+eawe a�d Uaiisrsity av�enws N.Eo and snoLhsr na�th o� Ri+�e Crseko 9. M.s.A.3e: Prepared poropasal reron�ting t��t,erhora Drios ii,/�+T i�31,3i� imr+olv� ,�"`qg�a"'�ic+as,� ?z�co�po�'4tsd at�d Ca�t�holio Dioaes�. iasTieysd p].�a ot Aarss' I�cor- poa�at�ed to roplaL la�ad iri vioix�tRyo 1�evieWSd P�'oblem o�! T3� Av�eems N.Eo aR!`ja�t to M�lody Maaor i�3a?i• Confarred �ith I�.tnnsso�4 Higin+ay Dspsrti- �t rr p�opo�ed rslooat�io�e and itf �T aequiaitioa p�aoedureso Caotarre�d �rith l�t'o I�o Sa11to1'�olw 3� ROtttA #302 0 n n I44IyTIiL�Y REAPORT - OCTOBEft 1961 10. Imrestigated t'ele Yard water ay�stem wi�h Iss Knutson of Co�nstock and Davia. Irrv�estigated mar�datory ume of constructioa m�eters due to ahout �1.Os0a0 e�acessiv�e losa in revenue dur�.ng conetruoticn aeason. 11. Ix�pect8d interoeptor aever at Univ�ersity Av+enwe and ?3rd Avex� N.Bm and noted defiaienaies to be cozrecf.ed. Discus�ed f'ir�a1 i�►spect3am proaedure �d.tti l�r. Hafn�r of Saadatrom and Haf�nar. 12. Prooeesed reqwesta fa� resani�g af vartated Berlin Addit3.aaa {�la,3e�akli, I,octs� p�ape� (crabtsee) and ccahraa in regard to p�rk lana in Audito�'s Subdivisiaa� Noo 88: l3o Px'aCes$i� ?�and Alt�el^8ti011 pelini.t �ox' SpSrf�atil Depe�rtsaanti Stor9 fo�' Rlo�tltac0l of draina�e and e�ocavat3.on problemaa �te P�'C[IIOti�0Y1 tiOl1�' ii3.�l �11fi6I'@S'tiQd. IDS1iUF�C�'i11Z9!'� Ise Rsvienoed. plans t�i.th the City Manager aad Superirit�encisnt af Pub].ia Wo�ke for futurs reo�d�t3�oo of De�t �f �ublia 1r7orka w� �ater �retsm� is p�.aced irito eenri.oe. 16� Loat dunidr_Engit�seMng A�.d� D�hl.berg to Arrq}r for oa�e y�ear. Ci.f'y E�fsieer attenclbd P,E.R.A. a�nnual me�eting with City � and Fiitanoe Direatara 17. Revie�roed Octobsr 29, 1961 collap�e of Reasrv�s Supply cao�ny buildiag t�titdi Huildir�g ?srpeata�� 1$, City �ir�r atterded 3 City Couna3l meetiags, 2 Fia� Cd�nis e3on meet- i.t�gs f 1 i�l.ata snd Subdivisiona Sub-Caamnittee msetiag, 1 StTeets and Utilitiea 3ub-Com�dttee �aet.i�ag ancl 1 Chamber af Gcar�neroe l�ncheoas� 19. Prepared data for atter:d�ar�cs at meetinga, a�nd ps�epared minutea foT maetioga a�s PLaru�i�g Coa�a�i.aaio�� Sub-Ca�aittees and Sohool Board. Attenc]ed CoLn�il $� �� BO�Bil Iq8@'tjllg�a �� �+8� ��C'�CRI�o 210 Assist in fire aalle. 22. 8outive voork Yor hearl.ngs, meetit�gs� miuutss� Qoa�aitteos, petiti.aaas� P7.atss ma�, aketohea, co�lainct�.a, bui.ldi�gs, so�ing, etcs.. r �;,,� • • • � �.: Ca�NTRACT PRO�T�CT STATtiS CODITRAGTO�t +gtrl�4l0� �?9r�, ��s $8tl 3tre�ts 1960�1 �aCroa�ari n str�ete 1960-� Araaan cons�at�.an coo�p�p► stre�c. �-� n�a.�► s�aas�og CCMPLBTI� 99� 99� 8I� Page Four M�fiLY REPfJRT - OCTOB�R 1961 n CO�TTRACT PIirOJECT No.•d�i.ae Cr.� E.aiwy. 65, W.•Htry 5b xo. Ric� cr., E.•�y. 65 Ro We11.s To�wer and T4nk Water�oa�iri t�oject water,aain Pro jeob Waterm�3.a Projeot P�rkvie�r Oa�k� ASeuc3.aa Hi]le Oea�era7. at"ea No..1Rio� Crd QeriAiBa. 81�@8 + F88t jJSx"t. o� City t3eneral area .• 1�7eat part of City Jaokaa� 3t. & 66th Aire. dc �other arese Hias. 3t. & 7th (Conrt Caea) Riokard Rd. .• 66t�h & Jaok- aon� st. al. r� � ;�+, :,+- i� ��• �� •i, 1. 20 3. 5. b. 70 80 9. 10. � C4NTRACT N0. 3 & 3S 2� S & 3 S 2laB Pro�. 33 t'ro�� 33 w 31� W 3�E � � s � ss �3 S & W l�ll S dc W i�8H H S & W 1�8C 33 ?�9 33 5Y CONTF�ACTO�t Ssruisfi�roai & Hsfner Sar�.strau & Haf�nar I,�nie-Mi=m. Co. P3.tteburgh•�e$ Moina R�audall Hrot�era $�� � s� sarbarosaa & sooae Maa�tBo�me*'Y Ccnatro Mccroeaan Sandets`om & HaP�sr OTpl�► & 3cr� Randall Bsathere Mian. Setirer & Wat.ar Ericksooa Brothers 33 ,52 (A & B) Walba� Ccnet�r. PUHL�C W�tB3 3an. ssti+er �o�lc - tluatring� clesning and repairs • abo�nt l�,000 feet aleaued (86 honre). leaks t(1t9��).� of disks aud Se�rer & xater inspsctioaa i97 houra). Curb boac 6e valve re�ire (!t7 houra ). M�ter ins� �ia�t & rap�ira {It� hours 1 • WBtern�in bre8k (20 hOUre)• Fiuet�ing hydranta & makiag vater taps (�t5 houre). Pua�phousa iaaneat.ioa�s (31 h�r+s) • Lif E atatiosi in�peotiona i31 houra). Coii�ating, rater bitta & misoel- l�ur�aue �rork (61 houra). S7.�iEET W�t$ CC��iPZETIO�+i s-9896, � �s 95�6 99� 100� 100� 1t7�6 ' :� . :� •� . �� SS.100� sSa95� SSm100y6 1. Cleaai�g etreets 3n City (98 houre)� 2. Pat.sshing ats�eet,e - uaed 75 ta�e o� A.c. & MRc. road mi.�c (305 howrs) o 3. t�rawl aurPaaiag o�Y at�reats - 162 ra tone at Claea 5 t78 houra). !�. arading o� a�r�eeta (76 houra}. 5o Mia�1.I�sYrsous ats�eet �ork (lt4 houra) o b. �Haintenanoo at at.reet equip�asnt �7tt hOUl's�a �t"� �����._,i��.�2�3 1. 2. 3. S. 6. 7. 8. 9: 10. 11. Pumpdng IIai�rsity & 61at (18 houra)o Building aatt bin {1t0 houra). shop ,rca9c t 3o hov�rs) . Votiug boo�hs (T houre). signs 6e aigrials (13 houra ) . Par1c va�ic {lb hanra� haara). I�tre nspsrt�ea� t5 hours). siok leav� t2? howrs). vaaati.o� t3m� 32 houre). Holida�r t�tms ( boas�a). � ^ n � ��:- �� KH� ��� • u ' �� PUSI,IC HRAF:[�1C� 8�'� THE PLANNINt� C�'SI3 �t� TO ��i�I IT MAY CO�CSI�ts Notice ia hereby giv�an that fi3�ers �oill be s Publio ;�eariag ot' tlie Plarming Co�eaiaaioon ot the City od Fridlay in t�i�e City Hall at 6?�. Univ�eraity Av�enue N.E.� ou Zhursde�r� Oatober 26� 1961� in tYre Covncil Chamber stt 7:30 ri.M., f or t�he purpoas od' Co�eiBeration af a reqweat by Beraat�d J�].- kart�sld axid ae smended by t�e ?1�rm'Lr�g Cam�- mi.aa3aa� to re�o�e trom R-1 (reaideatia7.) ., to t�i (light induetri.al) that pex� o�" gp�ing Brook Park Addi.tio� ]yfag east ot Linooln �' St.reet an�d norGh of A7.bata�t St.reQt and dss- erl.bed as tolla�we: All o�Y Lote 38 146, B'1.oak t�, Lota 1 tk,r�ugh 9 and La� Lhr�h ltb, 81ock 5, Lots 1 thro�ugh 9 atzd ots Iiz through i�b� A1oak 12� a�d I,ots 1 tbro�ug� 5, Ba.ock 13; au lsine in sp�ing Bsook Paric Additiau� City at FridLsy� Como�q a� Ar�olclt. Al]. i,n 3�t�.oaa► 3, T"3�s �• pay�o�s de�3s�ing tc be heard vith reters�ace to ths abovs mstter xil]. be hsard ati this meet.inge Publiaht October 12� 1Si61 Oafirobar 19, 1961 PAUI. 3F�1�R �AL CHAIItT4N+i PI,�A�II1�Qr C�CS3I� � � � � C�'FICIaL NOTICS GZTY CF F'RIDiEY ''�� � PITBLIC i�Q 8�0� TAE PL,ANNIlJQ� I3 �3�J �0 Z�i�i IT MAY CO�ERNs Not�ice ia hersby gi.v�en that there w�d33, be a Pnblio Rearing of the Piarming Co�.tasion ot �he City of Fridley iti tt�s City Hall at 61�,3�. Univ�ereity Av�enug N.E.� o� Thuraclaay, Oatober 26, 1961, in �W�a Couaail Chamber at 7:� t'.M., for tY�e purpoee o�" Conaideratiou of' a reqweet by HeYSSard J'�7.- ko�etd and ae ameaded by t�ne '"laYming Com• miaaio� to re$aa�e trasn iL-]. (reaident3ali .� t�o I�l-1 (light induatrial) that part at 4p�ri�g &wok Parlc Additf.on lying east at Linao].0 �' 8t�teet and r�orth of Alba�► Sttrs�t aad d�ea- aribed as follawat All ot Lots 38 �rau�h Itb, Bloak !y Lots 1 t�rou� 9 and Lo�ts 38 La�o�h 1y6, 81ock 5, Lct�s 1 through 9 aad e li2 thro�ugh 1�6� Block I2� and Lote 1 � 5, �.00k 1.3; � 1Y�g �a slarsn8 Br+ooic Paric bckdit�iooa� Cit9 ��Y, ��Y od' Aaokt. All Sn Seotior� 3� �30, R-21t. An�ro�e ds�3ri�g to bs heard �rit.h rePererae to t,i�e abov�s mstter wi71 be heard at thiv maet.l.ngo PI�b�,�,it1! OC$ObAl' �� �.�l1 Oar�ober 19, 1961 1 "i;rt� ;:�I' t':N `I:�i' + ' , !���'t �, ;-N � •,�