PL 11/09/1961 - 30115.�. y � �,�un�a co:�srori ��B�ra • Roo��� 9, 196i a.._... 'Pt�e meetitlf, ltas Ca1,1ed to aa'der at ?:50 P.M. � by Cl�air�n Segne='o Prese�nts Chairman Segner� I3ambers Tho�apeon+ Na�el, Kra�ik (arri.v�ed 9s0� P.I�.)s Citp Matsager Wet�ner �cl City E�.aeer Hrafm. Ab�ents Me�rnber B�na�al lo APl�'RGVRT�, CF MINiJTES o REGI7L� MEETITt(} C��' 0(�TOB�t 26� 1�1t .......�....a...�....... ............�_...�.. I�Iot,ion by Nr. l�agels and seconded by I�ir. Thompeon� to apps�orv�e tt�e m3�AUt�� ��ubndttedo Upon a voiae vot,e� there beiag no na�ys� asid mdfi.i.an oarried �us]y. � � 2o RECFIVT�, NQNUT�S — 5_�'REETS AR?D UTILIT �� METTINa C�' N�Pi�•'1BF,�t 2, 1961a � rrli7�a�Y� r ��oai��/01�re Motion by T�r. Thompson� eecondsd by P�lr. Nagel to receiv�e bhe 3Lreeta snd Utilitiea ndnutes of Nav�embs� 2, 1961. Upon a v�ice trote� there being !10 1�e1yS� the mot3on carried �mnnime»g�y+ 30 �� �'N� r�� A�}D SUBDNI�IONS I�lEETINa CF NOVE°�R 2s 1961s Mc�ion by Mr. Thcsnpsoa' and. �econded by MP. Nagel� to reaei,v�e ti� minutes of the PZata and Subdiviaioaas meeting of Novemb-�r 2� 19�:1.o Uprnn a voice vofi.�D 'Lh�re .being no n,ays� aaid motion carried unanimoualy. ' ^ �. P�BL�$C ��FARINa (CONTINUI�) • BEsJSC)Td IlV'PESa�NT CCtK�ANY 1�EZ0'A1lzdfl�t ew�.�r�, - ■ r . - I�Ir. I,avia,e and Mr. Chandl.er xere pre�ent to expl,ain plans t.o build a aerviae a�ation aa� pareseat Ltite�2 and 3 so�ed C-1 and a groaery atora aan Lot 1 i.t' rsaoned to C�,t• I�1r. Chandler aLa,ted that if 1�t 1 ie no� re$oa�sd� they �rould requeat uae of Lot 1 a� parking in coauieatioa� trith so� other aoa�riaal use ari Lotrs 2 ana 3, if Sectiaai 5eloo5 of Za�iag Ordit�eace ia applicable. Mrs. S�ttx�y oS 6450 Fa,st River Road registered her objection to thie Iand being rezonied to any other �anea . ' Mre Bsa�ley a� b1t54 Sas� River Raad exprea sed opposit�.on tc reao�ing . to obher than. resid�eafi�ta]. ani� ��u�gested ,an apa�rtmeni hauae as a good usee He rai.eect ttie quest�:on af uee of private driv�e � aloa� LoL 1 b�i the p�esenti reatauraut �eri�t and st8ted thet o�t•hePe in �•he are�t Opposed this 2�ezaa�in�o � The �eer esPl.af-ned that �1:� ac�ja�cer� property � o�rt�ei�e w�ere hand delivered notices o� hearir�a. (Nofi,es The p�ivate ch�3.v+s re�erred ta ie pls�t�ed as an al7.ey along I�ot 1 only) e . �, � :Ir. Cardas ��hv livee across the- atxeet� ob�ected to tha re�uoni�ge Nlr. �e�ner a�ked Mr. Levine if, he la�s�a t,hat the preaent nearb�y eervice s�ation has loat maney and has had man�,y tenants in ths laet four yeara and ^ i�hether hia caanpan,y has fully e.'cp].osed the possible uneconamnical uee of the sit� as coa�aercial. . , Mro Na�el stated that he falt'the City should decide an the beat posaible altsrnate uae co�siderir� the desirea o� the property ai�ners and ad3oining � � � P1A�ifiIYNa COt�iIS�IO�i I�IDNTFS - No�3I3Eft 9a 19�1 ^ P�1��3► ��� I�tia�s by N1r. l�agel to hoid the matter aver ur►til t�s a�eut maoting on Navemlier-3Qtti eo ea to giv+e all psztiea �ncesaed aa oppartunity to decide oa vhst tliey taanto 3eco�ded by Mr. Tliompea�ado Upo� a voa.ce vot�' there being n0 3�1'O� �d aOt.f.O�i ca!`!'�� 1��ORtB�,}/o • 5o x�n�xY rt�T �6ia'1 � nort �rriort: �+rAf���r���r �i�tian by� Mr. Thompst�s� seeoncied by Nagel� to eet public hearir�g fa� P��Y P�t foar Na�vember 30tiio Upon a v+�iae v�ote� there being no n�ye� ne�tiaa� car�ried unan3�us]y: � . bo MAI.ATJF'AiVT IAT �5�'IST RbRi,EST3 _(can�inued fraart► Uctober 26th l�bee�g) e ' The .I�giY�eer eYpla3ned tha't s3.nce the S90o00 �ee ior t,he 's�x 'split rec�west.� by Mro Malanfa� ha� aot been .received at last �et�, no act.i.an aould ba t:ataen on the �equesta; havaver, N1r. Malarifaat had �sid Lrie fee. just beiora t�his meeting eo tha� th� P7.anning Ca�deaion cauld �na�t taks aation 3f t� eo d�esisedo 1�ot3�n by Mr. Tham�pao�� aeconded by Mr. Nagel� to ci�y �71 six �requests tor lr� apliteo Upan e voice v+�te, there being no aay�, aafi�i nco�i�oon carr3�ed •U!ffi�L�.111011S�o ?o �tJZLDING 'Ef�2LT APPZICATION - 1nTACHTLI��t INDEP. OIL CO�rIPANYs ...�..�..._.���o... l�o.. I+sraoa and Mro Mix p��esented plana and aw��vey for s ser�rS.�s atatiou osi all od' Lo�E 18y Auc�.tor�a Subdivieio� �`77. The Engiaeer ex�2,si.ned t�hat tw a�oLiaan has beeu taloen am checki�ag trie .p].ans by ti�e Bvil� Inenectore si�e a 7�and tllterat3.o�t pbrnd,� had to be processed firetA �hi.ch fmolved s topo� msF and detennit�sttiau and parot�oaed aolut3.on of drai�ta� . p�ob%n�o He 1'8e�nded th8t the Bui.].din�,► P�rnd.t be app�oved aub�eaL to tY►ees itemso Motit� by Mr, Ns�el� aecondsd by Mt. Thwnpaon� �t�o r�comnend �appraval af apgli�a�iaen sub jecL to Building 7napect,etia a�p�oval snd �pprovs�.. �of LaAd Alt�eratioart Prarmit by Lhe City En�irieer. IIpon .s voice vote' ttiere 'beit:g no n�rsy aeid��aotion csrried uaanimoue3yo 80 ,�,REZO�T(i . RF�IUEST � � �� Mro Crabt�ee s?�pearad and explained hi.e letter requsat to resa� land id jacent to Univereity Avenue N,E. oa the West between ttra .3out,�1 lfr�e odC Sebtion ]1 a�d the I�orth Lir�e of the Southt�aaL Quarter o�' Seot.#.on 1.�.� T30, R2l�e Weat be re�aned ir�m M-1 (Li�ti�� Iudustrial) and R•.3 it�eneral tiult3.ple Fam3.�,y Dwe�liangs) to t1�e Za3ir� of I� (Heavy Ir�duetrial)o T�e $tngi.aeer rsporLed that he had ca�taated Mr. Mad$en �ind Mro Madaen did not d�eit�s to joia in the petit3.ons but did not op►�oee ito � � � M�i�iC`ri Mro Tha� ta ee t a Publio Ae l�� by aring Yor Nov�emb�r 3dth oa� t�i:s i�eqiyeato Secondsd by Mr, I�;e1 and upon a vbice vote� there be#xig no ne�►e, �'3sd t�us�jr, J ' � n /'� Pa6e . Ri�rss �'L�AI�YQIISG Cd'i�S:5I�1 MIIWTLS - N09L�e1B�It 9, 1961 90 ALLEY YACATI�T � SI�Q �llt Tt�.a t�as a lettes' requeet Por recarisiczeration a� p�evious Co�s�iam action rec.wmraend#rag denial oY a petitiou to cloae' the alley in H1.ock 12� P3ymou'Eh Additian. . � .. Mre Pau7.• Pbtereoa of lt620 • 2nd Street N.E., co�1,d aot aee why ths 811ey Coltld['i�t be C1o8edo Nlr. De At`Chez' ot }�608 - 2nd St�]c�e9't N.Ee quieAtio�l8d whether the alley had nat bseaz alosea about fQur yeare agoo M�r� H, $eppL� of 1�635 Main $tseet NoE. astted about ap�roval to build f'enees iti t�e a11ey. Mt�'�. Thampson of lt61�1� - 2�d St�reei� N.E. �aa also preaent. `,lhe C�ty M;�a� su�geated that a�r petit3.cm� be, s.ubmit�ed to alo�e all, but the er�$ of the alley Where tw �ara$ee n�ed acceaaa Thoee present a�t�eed to thia snd�to au�adt euch a petitioa po.3ar to tY� �� m�setiag of ldovember 3Qtha. � Motian by Mr. baaed an ric�r �equeelt vote, there being no Th�nq�s�ori to refu�e to reconaider vaaatinn to be sub�.tted. Seconded b,'y Mr. Na�;ela nays' said motion cat�ied tusar�ua],yo of es�tire s11eYs Upon a wice YOo L02' SpI�IT Rk7QUEST - 3A8ARIA30Ns �..�.........._�......�.__� The Engiaeer expla.ined thst ths reque st to ciivide ?�ot 7, Audi t,or � e Subdi.visian �92 i�nto seven parcela does not com�],y �rith t?ze lot split or�2i.nanae ia mar�y ree�ects and tho• lot, requiree pi.atting�,. Mo�ica l�y Mr. N�gel to receive the s�equeet arid direci petitiaa�er t,fl aub�nit a. plato Se�coaded by N1r. Thaanpaon. IIpon a voice vote: thero being no ha�yas �se�.d. motion carried, unanimouslyo Ilo STORIi SLWEii PETITI�+1 �C� LIt�INATiY PZAT #61p03) t � �i �ia�rss�+ r r.. .�a ..i�nn.��.��.rai ..irrwwPs Mr. Crabtreer app0ared to au�mit a petition for atoru► ser,ier imrolving h3a p�oposed plat West of East Ri.v�er Road and a�jacent to nchool p�oper�tys a11 in Revl.a�ed A�ac�3.tor �a Snbdiv3.aion Noe ??. TThda �ineer exp2�ined t�t this plat ha� nvt bsen able to be proceased uatil auch a petitio� ysa rece3ved arid p�+o� cessed9 �ir�;e tlie draiva�;e area is qutte large aiud t.he autf�ll wit2 pa�obably be located iu thit� ps�bpoeod p3at are�o � � . S�oe such � pstitioaao a�s p;co�ier�g ncidressed to tY�e City Co�ascil� t�e Cmmdsaion ac�riaed Mr, Crabt�ee to iE�a it aver to the City Mana�er� 12o PROP06ED 3�TIiFET LAYO�fJT �N.�E..� SEC�. 1�2 �{St.reet� dc i3t.ilit3e8 Mfnutea of Novo 2.� 1961)� F�otio�f by rir. . Nat el to concur iri the rr�ao mmendat3on of tl�e Street� at�d Utilitied Sub4Cac�rdttee ar�d recomaaend thab the Proposecl Stre�et La�yaut (Drawiri� No4 106 dated au�st 15s .19�1.) fo� th,e• N.T 4 of Secti.an' 12 be Yiled s�rS.th ths a�prap�i.a�Ce Countq Off'i.ciglse Seconded by N1r, Thompeo�, IIpco a voice trote, there being no nsye, �id maticoz carried unanimous],y� � Nt!a. KRAVIK ARRIVED AT THIS FOINTo 13o V � LOT 5 BLOCK HYDE' PARK ADDITIO�T (Str�eta & Utilitiee Nlittutes aP � _ ' . F4otiam by Mr. Thoat�on to conaar in �ecam�aendation o� the 3t�i�e►t�e and Ut311tiee 3ub•Ca�nit�tea and reco�er�ci app�vval a�f a rears�angement o� Blook 328 Hyde Park Addition if tYie �re�ul.t is a 50� ri�,h'�:ofrw�y for 57� Avenue f'ro� � n Page Four �a�rnt� ca��zzss��i� i��t�TE.s • �tovEi��x 9, 19b2 6th and 7th St,reetas ar�rl vacation of 58th AveYna� fro� bth �0 7th St�ee�s; arbd vaaatiou af a11ey in B1ock 32; and inatru+ct the City E�g3.�aer to pre- ptu�a a�reliminary glat of rearranger�ent and arrange a n�et.in� �aith tl� Planning Ganm3asiari and the affectod property a�wnerso Seccaxled by T�r,. Nagelo Upa�a being put to a voice vote� there being no nayas aaid mation csrzied t�is]�ro 7.�o AIJ`E�Y VACATIOIJ •� 3AV �/�131 Mro He Rirohman an:l Dr. S�elly �ere prasent to requasti �avorable 8�ctian oaa lstter ziequeat.it�g vacatio� of the alley in Blxk 13a Hyde Parlc Additioano This �s presented tc the S�reat,e and Ut3lities SubpCaurai.ttes at it.s No�vember 2� 1961 meetin� but held rnrer for vieving by Cammi.tteo r�amberae I�r. Na��;el at�ated t�hat he had ohecked vith the other t�ro mambers and it xas their rec- a�ueadatiora to vacate thia alley. Mr. Holling�vorth, who � a ama%2 builciing abuttit�g an the alley, t�aa preaent and stated he wa,e not opposedo Motio� by t�o 1�1a�e1 to re±como�end that this allay be vacated and a public hearin� be set up by the City Councilo Secrnnded by Mr,...Rrapik. Upon a vo3.ce vete� there bein� no nsya, said motion carried una�iouslyo ].5, PETITION FOR RLZOIJIA3Qr BLOCK 6& 7 IiYDE PARK ADUI�ION= The City T�Ianager presented a petition� received at a Ci Co�.�cit meeting9 sigaed by aIl th,e a�mers of Block 6 and a�3. but sia (� property a�rnera oY B�ock 7 to rezons Lhe two bloaka from R-2 to ft-1. Motian by 2�ir, Thompson to aet up public.hoarin� upou payment b� petitionera of f3.Iin� feeo Seconcled by iTr. Kravik. Upon a voice vote9 there bein� no na;;�s� said motian cat�ried uaanimausly, t�eeting acl�ourned at 9:35 P•ti, Respectful�.y eub�dtteda i�� � CAT,VIIt r. BftCJt�1, ?. E. Aatin�; Recorciin�; Scacretary I'lanning Commissios � PLANNING CONLMISSION MEETING - NOVII�'IDER 9, 1961 Agendas sent to: Benson Inve�tment Company Don Anderson Lawrence I�:alanfant Andrew G. Kohlan A. D. Strong Company Sue Miskowic Notices delivered to: (Agendas) - �enson :?ez�ning: House j�zst north of T�7r. Se�ner�s home. o�'� `.' " �� � Bre�Tle,y - 61�5� East Fiver Road Snow - 6l�0 East River Road Luckow- 6�.60 East River Road Waldrop - 6I�28 East River Road Sakry - 6�50 East River Road Beckman - 61�30 East River �ftoad Ke7_ly - 6L�18 East '�iver Road � Mi.nutes sent to: Sue Miskowic Mpls. Gas Company State Highway Department � �a� // :�o �'/ PZADjNlNa Cg�ftiISSIC�T: � Noe R,sgu].ar Y�te�ia,ga No, spec:fssl Meetir�a c Preli�r�a� I�Bt Actio�s FavarabLe Uffiavo�abl� � R�saoa�i�g Rsqu�eet A�'E�ia�ts R Fsv�a�abZs Untsv+o�able � � EC.E�S E:1'iD C:c�:�i;�i:i�SIG1V� r�or�ixt.� ���s a �ov�� 2961 THIs MONTi�i ...�,� 2 0 2 0 0 2 ? 1 5 �TS � sv�zvzsio�s sua�caNa�rrr�: Noo af I+�et3nga 2 Preo PZat R,eoamme�ixiatiaos 7 Fav�able 2 Untavaa�able 0 �n� 5 STREErs �C tIT�LITIES suB•CCf��ITTE�:: Nco a� F�eti� �Noo ot Caaae�Conaidsred Fav�orab]:e IIvf'av+o�ab3,,0 i'�adit�g BUILDINa ST.AIdDARDS 5UB�CCt�[?ITTEE: Noo at I%stf.aga Noo ot Caees Co�aidered FatirorabZs Uutavo�able Fbn@ing PARKS & IyLAYCitCRi1�IDS S�3B�C�4�IITTE�s Ploo of i�eetinga Noa of Casa� Coz�ridered Favaa�abl+e Unfav�rabla Aertdiag HMRD � A�'P'EALS s Noo of i�eeti� Noo af Caaea Conaictiet�d Favorabia unfavorable Aendin� ^ BUILDING BQAiiDt Noo of N1Qatinga Noo � casea co�sa�a Favarable un�av+a�ab� � 2 92 0 7 � • � 1 2 0 1 1 2 i 0 1 � 1 0 Q TIiIS PiQNT�i LA3T YF.9ii 2 0 ? 3 0 � 2 i i 1 3 0 0 3 . . . . 1 1 0 i � � • . • � � 0 1 6 � 2 0 TFIIS YB�R TO D.-..._ A�TE� 1? � Z8 lb 0 ]2 53 10 35 19. 1�T 20 3 21t 10 35� 3 22 2 9 0 2 �� � 0 211 9 15 � 3 5 5 2 2 � I�A3T YEAR TO......�T_�.� 20 b 37 18 0 19 50 16 27 8 23 9 1 13 3 i53 1 ].1 9 � 0 17 S 5 0 3 5 25 1T 3 z 9 5 3 � � � n P8� Trr0 iS0�3TiiLY RE1'ORT p k�OYEt�ER 19bi Na�e: Consictieratio� a1ffin giv�en by ?'2ar�nin� Comani�siom to: lo Three axl.ey vacafi�3o�a - SAV aE�il, SAV #-13 and SAV ��..11 (2 favos�ab�� atid 1 unfano7�ab1�) o Street vacatiaai - �ivervic�x i"er�ace (favorable) o Two lot eplit requee� (2 ua�favorable) o Three building pesmit reque�s (2 favorable and 1 pendi�) o St.orra ee�r petitiou - Revissd Auditar,s Subdiviai@a Noo 770 Pr000aed street I.ay�ou� - N,Eo Q of Sec�Cia� 120 Rearrangem�nt ot Block 32 � iiyd� l�ark Additi�no Reaolutio� relat.�ng �o l�kes� e�reams. and wa.te��aays and lands a.�jain� � Mf�iZiV{7D . 9a Setbarck request - Fraaklirt Manufacturin� Co�pat�r, 10,� Lauui acq�si.aitian � Lot 69 . Aud3f.o��.s Subdivis3.on Nofl 1290 llQ Acquiait.i.cm of L�ka propertyo ].�So Emplcym�s�t of Park Conaul�ar�e 20 3a !to 50 S, 70 80 DE PARTMENT C�' PUBI,IC WORSS NlOI3THLY REPO�T. E1GiNEEf�TNt� Ea�eiosati�: r.....� 2, Securing easemante Yor 3l�� and �}�a Pro jects froan re,il.roads :and Daa�t�qqa Receiv�d coaqy old eaeemsata frvm Ci�y C%rk ior cheaid.ng and recordix�o Plata s .���..... 2o Praceas�.ng I�ieloland aardons Add�tiaai� Nloore Lake Hills 2nd Addit►i.am9 Fridtey Incivatrit�l. Park P7.s� One, Sanc�y Terrace� 82ock 32 �. Hytie. Parft Additiaa�; Crabtree plat and ;�elo�y I�isiwr� Revieved grobleras of inspec� t�oaz �nd aoceptar�ce of aubdiviaiaa izap�oroements by pMvate cont�actore arui engineerso Edgewater Garder� esc:row problems oi Hchn di�cusaedo Zan�ngz 3� Itevle�ad apart�rre� plans by Agaaho Center f or Aigh�q Na, 1pp o pxa•. paring of ne� zo�£n�g n�ap. ni.scussea city view resoning anci na�a ae� Iivered seaoad reund of natices to prorerty o�ners at requJegt of Citp Counatl. � ; Stroete s 4, Diecuased 9ali.tern�n franta�e problem - Trwnk Ftighv►ay No. b94. Aerial pho�t�o �orderod. T}iacusaed Ce�t.rat Avenue improv�ement t�oi.th County F.�- n�er. Revie�ed grade at 5ath and t'ashington Aveaue witA CaQnstock at�d DaviaA , I�I.S.1.: .`.....� 5, R,eviewed alternate proposals for AJoo 30t routing. .,�','taada D�� _ e: t�avie�d �draitsa�e Por Spartan Store� Dealer�a i�lariufaaturing Ca�p�y, servioe etat.fon . I,ot lII, Auditor�e .�bdiviaian No. ??, Lyndals Build- c�a°� 7� Add�.t3.� t�m.r�r��a.� �c�Iu'�:ion9 �kz�lv. St�,t�.oa .� 61�t a�d tJniv�x��3.�g P� Zi1x°�e �on�s�zx �pt�.� — NUVECU�. �.96�. � A�er.ue IJeEo r�a�.`� Sta�e Hig�way Depar�Paaen� and eons�ructed �,aimpo�a�°y 3.inQa a� City expsnss axid b3.� led Shs7.�. Oi�. ComvaY�yo Re�vi.e7aed rapar� of joint Engineers on SS �1.2 (Colur�Sa Hei�;hts - Fridiey) o � Wat,er and Sew+er: ?o Requea�.ed by Ctas Compar�y and Comstoak c�nd I3avi.s to assist in securin� eaaemea� for gas s��.ce �o We7.I �rap Housea Reviewed Spa.�+�tar! �ra�,er and sew�er caru�ection problerr.�ss, assessmen� �robiema and S�a,t�e involv� abento Inspection of Sa,ni�ar�,� Sc3w+er Pro��ct Noo 2ttAA a�t ?3rci anci Qni�erv aity Avenue NoEo R�vie�red pea-ttinent inia regarding se�nez• snrvi.es to WoodCrest Schoo2a Furn�.shed water system in�o to underwrltsrs. Discussed sewer connec�F�i.on problems wi.th Freeman3 Carlsan and othereb O�btainsd �igned agreen�nt from P�r, Na�ei on altex�to sewer constru�.� t3.on to ZtiToo�+craat Schoola Y3'orking up 19� watez' aru3. sewer pro�eaia�m Coaastc��C and Davis: 8o Rovie�d Osborne sewor canst.:uuctiare�, {}ardena water projecic 3�.�, curb i.n Melc�r Msn�r arul insp�cted 1961r�. straetao Prepar�ed u�em�s regarding eat3mates at requegt oY Gity I�nager, after confer�►r� t�i.ih Mr, Cwa�tock� Traf'�ia Signal.s t 90 I�sha Eleat.ric Comp,az�r unavailable for emergenoy repair af sig�.s .� draw3.r�;a x�equsste@ for futu� ta�see Parkat _...._ lOp Prapared legal descri.ptio� oP Lxl�e Property, La�d Alt�eration Permita: llo Processing Sp�artan Store percai.t and for servf.ce station on Loi 28, Audiw tor�s Subdivision Noo 7To Gezleral.a �__....... 12o Prepari.ng 1962 reportse 13o Suggssteci revi�ed complai�nt formo 1.1�. Prepared lettor aas�sering I�r, I�al.deney4 e aomp3aints. IS, Prspared data for at�endance at mEe4�►inga, and prepared minutes for msgt� ings af s?�lanning Coimaia s3on� Sub-Co�aitt�os and cchool Boardo $ttend� ed Cauncil and Bui].ding Bomrd maetingsa 16� Fi.eld inspec�ions. . 17. Aasd�rt in fire cal.Ia. 18. Routine work for hearings, r,,aetings� miautes„ co�iti�eas� petztians, plat,�8 maps, sketahes, complainta, buixdinge� zariizag� etoQa CONZRACT £�ROJE�T STATITS � 3�EET PROJECZ`3 CONTRACTOft s�ts 1959•1 St.resta 1960•1 5tr�eets 1960�2 Streats 296�A�. McCroas�n P�cCressan A�on Cons�rucf�.oaa Coonpa�r Du�k1 �� Sux�f ��3.a�� c��za� . , �� �s�� � i �. • � •.; / ` .� � ;z'�„" �.'''ri,t;;` ii�lial�°1�;.�.. i;?��'�IJi43 _., �. ��tt.r*i..:..�;l.a:.6 ��rCSj.�;. �:i�.'�?5.`��;`� '�:a}�:�i� .w,u...�....,...�.�.�.rs.s S�I�:: >-`'.�.5';e C�X'a � 1�::.�--•'Y'��,�*o �;,t� L•i ,> �->ii�.*�� � iiG*,;, i'.�.i"'.t3 �'iF'c,� l���S`ws�`j :, �i� t•'��:� � ��`(7W�8:i^ r'3YIf}, %d.il�C �d��°,��a�.� �°r�,��t�'� +,'1�. ar';�°f'18.�Y1 '�X"��'+9�� ?:r��,..�:C3".?�!.'�,.11 ��i'Q�Q�"� '�i�.'��ttain °'.rajer��, t;a'„� .�;nai.n i'�o.���'F� `���:r�. ��� i�u�cP�.�� C:�,; ����ar��� .�ea �.� :r�as� �-��; nf u�.�gr t'.�..nr�r�. �:r�a �- ��o�s�- �:r�t� �f Ci,�� �?�.�1Cc�"'C� i{Ci _. - ��'�1. �t J�t:�t�_ san� ei�;, �.� "�s��;i��: rt�i';i °"�,:��`�' i��C� r di ,,,�`i t t;+i. e; � c`� �w.�,rj �� �:�� L ��";� �i'��:� � :3.� . T�r y;�.�s.l ,�K GJ � �LL�i �:T ��H«� l� ;�lt����{� V i.a- 4} L.�.V� � '�: 'tbr �,�5� � � �br ��� SS �� (�1� k'U�i��t', ��JC�F?�:5 ., �... _.. . m _. e.. o... �.,. � a�;, 5��°�,�r�,� �e��° cl�t�.�ir.� •rcadd��; �� �iu�h�� � a�,ou� �'§,� ��o �S7 t��zx� i � ? � �3��,�y �a3°�� �g�.�� � snasaho�.�� n.rAC� bre� ( it�. hou.'� � � �� Pump� ��,t:c�� .� Un��z°si�y �'��� �.c� �al�� ��:: � 9 }�c�u�'s � � �v f� 11 W.8...� iiQ`Ai �i tsL1i� .�l�Yi�, �' �+4i Utll.���i"{��..�u� �rt� +5�.�'�, A'Vt� u (:i..�. ia01zT'r� � � 5�� C�.��.r�:i.r�, i;h��i�-�.ng a.�d �ra.i,r� �a�` ��cx� sowe�t� t' �'� hQUres j ;, i�r�sc�����:aus ��� �. �� '� :; �o �� f� �; �� ���r.�is�� �%e�� �igl� (�� hou:���. Sk��p �ca�°te � aC3 �'a�t� } �. Eq�:i.g�.�� ���°s� ( �� �aou��; . �'�'i� s�cr�k ( 8� hc�u.xes j <: t�is�e�:i�n�er�� � �5 ��o��.r�� � � �aii�Yt� � `.z..�.� ka�ur� ) � ��a1t��.ot� �ime (��S '�a�:cr�� � ��.�3� l��v� ( �� hotzr� } .. �C7"�. ±`�?i:� "i t� �c"%i�a.l� Ei.�is�.�i h!'. 4;cS,.�'n�l��.�� ��t�tIS�;Y=�71"t �t iZ�€`n�;�' ����y,y���i-L�t�2��.� �Cc�� W.i{/�iNYi�.ti��lb��'V� ll�.a.iL4^ !3c'3S':��s"G�� �': : d37k� �„�?��� ss =�t�� �.K�.X� �e�<�1. e� :y �if18 Ca�°�. 13,. "��2��ars he�a� Gons��;, �as:c�stx�qln � �#.°ri9�' ��k� & S+�rs;� ��.&L��.J, i�Z`�9�;�1h3�'1� ��7a2b�as cari��'�"- a'�a�i'�ti:�rZ" '�IC� ._.._»,_��.��� a°rn�! 1::�'..1.1.+✓f�� �"= f�(};t C'r` _ l' ,^oa < . �,.�• � v ��� h.T..,._:.'�,i�._}?t L r?�i�i;, �';' J �`% ,� ,�'�� t� ��. / :°��r � � ��� c,zP.,� c.r�I': � !�C� �$� 9�:� � �� � i;, ('�ne:��. �tre�� cie�izzg f lt]. Ya�u� � v �v Gen��°�. ��x�ee� p�t�� ,, `iC}�� �c�r�� �IyG;, m:i.� �C �.� �on� S�C� rai,� C;�� �aou:�w .� W �x�°r��l ��fa��.sg �c �x��ci�.ng ��:t���� ,_: :��.i ��ar� �la�� �° i � i 3 ��ur� � ., �,, �r��vel h�i�1,.�.�g -� �'� �s� �' f`c�r� '�.�kx�ti�:.,� �� 11Q�� �.g �i� � W.R'�ie�lrif c.' .%�:.�V ���i�r_+- � ��. r�at�,� ) � �� �:ns�i:��.ng r�nawr p�.t�r �r� V�:�:�:k ��.9 houz��j, � � ''�?�,x� �'o� ����i c on�x°e:� � l � �au�� i � � � ? li s�g�.laz�za�us ��z��t, �ao�is� f �� �:�ue^� ? WATER .,.....�.. 1. o Hyclrant ahacks & reP�' i$? hours ) o 2o Pieter inspection, repairs and bi3.� collect� (128 houra)a 3a Sew�r & water inapecti.on (52 hour�)o i�o Watezrnai.n break at Highw No� 6� and Hi�hway Nom 100 (20 haux�a 5o Water tapsa valv�e atnd cturb b�x �P�� i21 houra) p 6o F'7.ushit�g maina and miscellan�ous� work (35 hours)o 7o Put in new drain field at pum�p house (26 hours)o t3o Lift st.�ticm inspe�tion and �epairs i33 hour�)a