PL 02/13/1964 - 7165��x D� � P].aaning Ca�issian lfwting Fobsuary 13, 1964 t .No. 80�,L �AI�. s __..�. AP'P80i�iB �TBS 0� PT.l�IlZING C�.SSIAN i�STiNG 0� JAI�ABY 23, 1964: 1-2 — � _. � ._.... a�cBSVS r�s oF �rs & su��rzsloNS_ sns-ca� �c oF 3� . � � is-2o 1 o CO�NTi�1D8D POBLiC �A8II�1G a BSZ� BIDQiTBST. ?AA 463-24. DB. BI�CHABD ?-8 TBBZ� AND HA8�18Y P8T86tSQNs Lot 16, Biock 5, Bic� Crask Piaaa South Additiano R�o�s from B-2 (li�d.ted nultipls f.aad.lq dwellis�g) to 8 3 (g�aw�cal, mnitipls fami.lp d�elling) e � � 2, r,7� t1� 3a Pt�LIC �ING: PB�'OBBD P1t8I.I� PT.AT #64�-01, CHABL�S JOHANSt�: 9 4a 5, r�p�,ac os cuziac i, �o��.aay na.��s, LOT SPi.IT BIDQiJ88T: L,S . ffi3-35, DONALD BOliB�S e 7'�at past of Lot 19, Block 1, Spriag Laks Park Lak�side lying Plorth of tha South 85 feat ti�reaf aasl the South 85 feet of Lot 19, Block 1, Spsiag Laks Pstk Lok�eide. (Se� Plata & SubdivisLoue Sub-Committee mi.�utes of Y�bsuary 4, 1964.) 6 o 5�2�1D AVffi�1I18 N.8 BQAD. PLAN & 8AS�1T8 : k16►BIAN S�LIS 2DID AI7�A'I Shaldon �brt�asan. (Sae Joint �sting oi Plate & Subdiviaions a ' 8traats � IItiliti.�s Sub-Com�nittsss miautes of Fsbsuasy 4, 1964.) 10-1i � Lv3, $64-01, D0�0�[ B�!►XTSR. Lot 2, iLloland 13'1� 7o L0� SPLIT iNQUIRYs ,_ • Gasdsne, Cantiaouad fsam tha January 9th msetiago 8. VM.ATI0�1: ALLSY V�TI0�1 8A4 �64�-01, � 8A8�8� s A11ay � uo�rtb of and adja�e�at to north lia�a of Block 10, Spri� Bsook park lying betwesa th� West li.a4 aad 8ast lins of Block 10, Spsing �+ook Parke (Sa Str�ets b Utilitiee Sub-Caa�itt�a mi�out.�a of F�bsvary 4, 1964. ) �t Ylaaa4ing Cotmuiesion �stiag ot February 13, 1964 l0e IA? S RIDQt�BTa L;�So �64•04� GLEN LIIDIDs Lots 11 thsou,gh 15,BI. 2, �rda Park. (S� Plats b Subdivi�ioas 8ub-Ca�i.tt�e mfs�ut�s of F�bsuary 4, 19640) �5 llo PLAT P S �63-07 B�NABD �Is A 16•1? saplat of ts 3 thsa�ugls 9, �uditor's Subdivisiaa �ZSe Sst public h�asing date. (Soe Plata b Subdivisivns Sub-Co�3.tteo minutos of Sopt�mber 109 1963.) 120 88ZQTl,�IG 81QUB8?•.TO B�CO�SID�s Z0� �63-17, B�N i�0�.�: � Lot 1, 18 Block 1, Juli�-Aa� Additioao B�eaon� f�a 8•1 (si�g3.� family �nelling� to 8�2 (doubl� bvng�►lam�. 13e s ZQA #64-02 C Ho s Lot 14, Auditor'e Subdivisica (�ised) �13. Bezc�ae from 8�1 eingle fsmily ciwelling to 8�3A (multipla d�ralling�o 14 0 �STING OF FBB&�i 27 , 19b4 t Coaf i iet with Chambuc oi Com�aree msatiago � � f , � � _� . _ � � �� � C �� �� �/ �r%,_ _� �� �iU — -� �- � w > � a N �'� � 1''I li N �� � I �i i i J i � I V �,'�, i ,, -='I .� � ''�,`,I --- �—_— l � � Moo^`// ��KE T � — �L _� . � Planning Commission MeetiY February 13, 1964 � � cmr oF FWDLEY o�� s�r � �� -��... ec�u[ I��ZW � /// / �l� �� � PLA�G COl�lIS8I0N 1��TiTLNG • JANIlASY 23, 1964 Page 1 The mesting wss callad tc ordsr by Chaismea Fsavi�c at 7:45 P.M. R�,�1.�: M�mbere psesent s Joha�oa, Battdsl, �Cravik, Thompaan. B�sg�maa• Othsrs preeentt �oginseriag Assistant, Clark. :`�Ti � • �� � �: : � - �.i:'� � � : � .,i:�; � • ,ii : •�' • :� �TION by Baadel, s4candad by Ber�man, to appraar� ths mi�autu oi th� Plaa�ing Co�o�ieaian meeting of Jaauarq 9, 1964. Upan a vof.ce vots, all voting ay4, the m�tLon carri�d, �BIVS?88 �S OF 1�18 PABRB AND P�YG�OtiND6 �TING 0�' � 13. 1964: t�OTIOIQ by 1bt�paoa, sscondad by Jobanson, that the Pleanit�g Ca�emissSon xeceivs th• minist�e o! Chs Parke m�d P18ygsounds Sub-Co�oittiw m�atiqg of Janua�ry 13, 1964 and coaacur with ffis policy of the Parka imd Pla�ygs�o�mda Sub-Committoe of bei� umalterably opposad ta the vacativa of aa�y city held ].�ad eoatiguaua to pask laad, aad the evesituai a�quisitio� ot all laa�d � b�twre� ths p�rlc land in Outlot 1� Peasson°s Crai,gwsy �stat.ss a�d th� riv�r end south of 79th Way, aad that Mr. Donliu check th� a�nsrship of und�vslopsd loes in Bioek Z, AA, �md BB. Riverviaw Hsighte. Upon a voio� vote, Che m�tioa cssried, � iNFO�N�TION a�Q'D&ST: 8eaoaing, ZQA #63-17, Lot 1, Block 1, Juli-Aun Additioan, Ba�n t+Tolke s Mr. Wolke waa psaeenC aad a di�cuasian £ollo�ad s�gardiog soaing psiaciples, poasibl� procedurs of t�e-opeaiag hia rsc1uast for resooing of I.ot 1, Block I, Julin•Ana Addition. Mre Wol.b�e was ingo��mad lhat th4 P].mming lsanm�i.seioa ��r tha impr4esion a six m�nth time laps� vaa o�coaeary before re•opaaing a seso�aing request, but that Wym�n 8�itb, City Attoraay, would b� a�eked to gtve aa opiaion on r�instatf.s�g a ps�vtousiy coueid�l^ed sezoniag rrqwat. 1, gpILDII� S?ANDiA�RDB 8lTB-COl�1ITTSS M�"�I�iG ORt �C�BS 12. 1963 s A. Su�w�t�d Ord�p�ss„�ara to mnand ��c. 45.23 of Citv Cod� ro Sid� Ya____sd �C,L,is�meats ios sesideatial daeilin�ts : ifOTI0T1 by Thao�pson, aecond�d bq 8ergiaan, that the Plaaning Co�i�sioa aoacur with the Buildiag 3tanslards Sub-Ca�n,itt�e aad r�aonmo�tad to tha Counail that tbe mn�adment, $uggestad Ordinaacs to amand S�a. 45.23 of th� City Cod�a ra Side Yard B�equiremante fo= resideatial �wallinga, bs adopted. Dpan a voie� vote, all votiug ays, the motioa carri�d uamimausly. � � � � Plwoa�ing Ca�miseiaa rieeting • Januasq 23, 1964 Page 2 Be 8u�astsd (�cdl.nancs �a amead S�acti�aa 18�.03 of tha Citv Cod•a The Plaiming Conmiseiou caatinu�d Lhis .ieem uatil the nroct maetiug of pebsvary 27, 1954. C. Su,t��stad Ordiaanco to +m�eud Sec. 45o2b of �itv Godts Paragzapha a, b, and c wex� discuasad. It was suggset4d that paragraph d, ragasdiag appro�al for a differant elevatian by th� �uilding Board, ba ahangsd to S�gin�esing D�part�aeato After a disaussiaa of this pciat, Ms. Johansoa was inatxucr.ad to ra�nsule with ttu Citp Attoropy relativa to Itma d aad brin,g th� msttsr back to thh� Plamning Co�►iesion for racoa�m�ndaCiana 20 �s Mawbarahip aa Plaimiag m�esahip on Pla�aing Commise BL��OY�� � O JNC OC1L�L�Bi{�IRi O Coaimiesi,oa� by Safety Cammitt�e Chaisman and Lon by m0mber of I.eagu4 of Wam�n Vot�sa, 1�1'IOTi by T'hcmpsan, ssconded by B�rgmanq thhat the Planning Cm�aiasioa roquest Cha3.xman &r�vil,c to confer with the Msyor and City Mmuger and d,�fiae the propo�al as to why this partiaular board should b� incseasod ia s3ze to imcorporat� either tha 8atsty Co�oittes or L�a,gue af Wamoa Votasoo IIpoa a voics vats, a12 voting ay4, tht m�tiau carri�d uaenim�uslq, 3o POFUI.ATIO�T D�I'lY IN bDLTIPLB DWIQ.LING DLST�ICTS s During the discneeian th� fo�lawing points of visw w�ere brov,gbt ups M�st of the uultipls d�relliug diatiriczs are zaaad R�3 with the requisea�eat o# 15,000 square fest for the firat foux units. The s�ipulat3an of opsn spacs should be in terms of the a�r of uaite, and a£os�nula or slidit�g saal� typs, shouid be usado Consici�catioa of the location of a building oa th� lat to give m4rs u�e of the laad sbould �� giv�no The prob2am of de�aaity of populatiAa should b� caasidersa in coajuactian with aews�c lin�ee and the capscity %r which tt�ey ware� dasig�edo An ovcrall pian, shawing arh,at ths pic�use of aaaing is nmw, n�ear future pians, end t�► yoare from aaw and eom� seatsment of principlse to use as � baais oi ctecisian shaald b� m�d4o Wo liave to take iato conaidsratioa that the peopla wiw mo�ve aut hore, do so b�►caua� thay �nt to live ia a rssid�tisl azeaa �a ctioice of a d�cieioa is n�ot so gr�at aaw because there �sa�t tao much laud availsblaa Ths Mi�saota Bur�au of Business Plamaing has ofie:red ita servicss. Chairman Kravilc a�mouz�ead th�tt Iteme 4, 5, and b wauld be talcea� up at tha Febsusry 27th m�sti.�g. that tias ao�tin� wiould stast psomptly st �:30, gsv� 45 ms�ut�s to � aubjact and planuing to adjousn at l0:00 o'c�oetco �T: Chaixmaa Rsevilc d�eclared the meeting adjousa�ed at 10:35 P.Mo Rsspeatfully submitted, ��,� // �� � ' �acarding Sacsetary► ,� . � � �� ' ' -- —. �._ PLAT3 AI�D SjBDIDIBiGIiTS SUB-CQllit�i8 1�iG � 4, IJ64 Tht Plata and Subdivisioas Sub-Caa�itea rsting was call`d to crrd�r at 7sOQ P.M. oa 1►ebsvary 4, 1964 try Cbsism�n Baod�l. N.1 o�mb��n w�re pr�aont. Mro Wagaer aad l�s. Clstk wra alao in att�adan�o llro Drmi�lean aant.�d to b=iug to tb� att�nt3aa og Ch� Plaa�ing Conm�iss3aa and CiLy Councii that th� City of Ftidlay shouid inv�stigatt th� poaaibility o! gottiog Fed�sal �id m�nay fos t1u puspo�e of buildin�g ead op+srating an apsrtm�ent compl�oc to asrv� tha r�tis�d �ld�riy p�Pi�. lo First itam of buein�ss coasid�ar�d was t L�ot 8plit ittqu�at by Dan,ald Bairks to split Lot 19, Block 1, Spzing L�k� Pask Laloaid�. It was nat�d that Hr. Bourks'e pses�at gasagt wald av�rlap onto tht aw► building sit.�e T6� ccmmitt.w f�lt �hat this garag� a�ould hann eo be marad and l�lr. Bourka agreade Z'he nsw bnildi�g sita �riil cdntaia app�cim4tely vnly 8500 aquas�e fs�t but that th� sit0 ��ould have 8S gwt oi fxontage. � by Bandsl to secoa�msad appsoval oi ths lot aplit as shoaa an th� r.srtificate of survsy continga►t upoa zh� r�cao�val og th� garag� bsfos�� any buildiag pasmita be isau�d. ibtioa paes�d. 2 0 1ha a�eo�nd iC�ea. PsoPoaad plat oi Bay P�t�saon, �rl.11 ba �aatia�ued until tha aest m�stiag u no oa�e was ps�a�nt to s�pr�s�t th� plato 3o N�act it�m coneid�nnd vaa s psopoaed plat of th� ald �tf.osd p�+�psrty aa� awwd by �s. S�act�! �ho Was ps�s�ant W ps�srnt tht psopos�d pl�ato �ha coco�aitt�a notad that s atructura would lia insidt the propoa�d right of way for Folk ats�at. Mt. S�oct�s +q�pla�.n�td titaL th� stsu�tusa �►aa a twuss of eoasicLYai�is value aad wouid bs vesy �ocp�sivs to mav� aa it haa ao bas�eato It ��u aleo noted that t'ha lota an ti� �ast sid� ot Polk Sts"oeC on��e subst�md�tsd in fsoat�ge but �uce of psop�= a7c�a. l�?ZO�t by D�ielso�a that th� Stra�ta aod Utilitias Sub-Co�mittN should aet oa th� etse�t Isyout b4for� Pl.sts and Subdiviefons Sub-C.aamittss msk�s a�pr swaaaos�� ati,ono botion passsd. 4. Next itsm cauider�d vas a Lot Split inquisy by Glam►Iund to epiit Lots 11 thr�ough 15, Bloc�C Z, ilyde Park. Mr. Luad a�cplain�d that ha aaw awae Lots 11 ths+ough 14 �160 �t �so�taga) aad is ro�naid�riag purchaaing Lot 15 a�hicb ie tau forfeit. T6ie vculd resuit in a totai fso�►tags of 200 feet. Mr. I.uad iaquistd that ii ha did puseheas thia lot, w�ould tht �t�mit�ee Iook favosably upoa eplit�iag tha 2� %ot ls�tago into t.hr�e building aitoa, a 70 fcot caroar Iot and Cwo 6S foot intarior lots, The ccimmittae aoted tbaC ti this �o�es�e not allaa�ad, it rr�oaid r.auit in a 40 �ooc aaxner �ahiah �ould juat lia vacant and not b� msintain�d, thanfars the majosity ai ths coa�or3.ttre fslt th�y toould look favosably upaa the s�qw�t. � rlaa a�dt aibdi�vi..soos sub-co..ttw Y..tsng - ZIa/6b P� Z � S. �act it.�m aoasid�s+�d fas a lot split �quat by Zb�olas�c �d Posdlinig to �plit t� apa�et�t �it� at I�od� Dti�v� aod Bigbrapr 6S, pa�t of Lot 1, Auditor's �diviotoa �l23. T� aamo3,ttM ast�d d�at dw lot � m�ah iss�sr d�an a� aan add qu�stian�d th� a� s�quiraots laar ffi� �iating spastw�t� oa th� lot nar. Tbs 00000itt�s #�it tiwy �ald lilos t6� City 1lttornry to iawsti,g�►ta t.ht as+sa s�quisaaits fos th� �0■�ts b�losa thsy m�ke a�a�y s�dnti�on at tba s�qtwt. Zb�s+s wa no viee obaisaias a�d. � awtins adjowra�d at isls P.1t. ttull sob�d.tt�d, �� Dass�el C �oosding S�esytasy � n �? r`1 '. 5 , ,, ��:�r: : 21� t �i� M �.-: :�1 : t1 ., �Y �:��. �:�: !� f - �_1:1'11 . '�' =ha StYeats and Dtiliti,.s Sub-Con�nittea mrtiug was call�d to osd�r at 9:05 P.M. All m�mb�ss r�era presant s�pt ilasria. Otb�sa prss�, Wagnas mmd Clask. Bisst ite� c�eidored vsa tho Tillvs Plat and eusrounding atoa. shs C,o�mitt.ea �aa ps+�seutad �ith a layout of th0 ase� sba�ri�g all �ciating atructnsre and t�s a].v�ag Os�000d H�or. Mro Tili�r was prese�►t to diacu�s tha area. Tha Co�ittea s�qn�eC�d tba City St�Bine�=fn8 D�spastmait to d�saign a 30 foot etreet to go �ram Gard�ua to t�w 1Qosth adjacant to th4 �Taat odg� of the siller proposty and retus'Y► �he la,qout at th4 a�t mesti�ag. �oct item oi business comid�ared was tha Ailay Vacstia�a,requosted b'Y Mayasrd �sse�, lying aa tho �rth liae of Slock 10, Sps�ing Brook Patk Additioa. itr. Re�smwaen wes pres�t to discuss tha saqusst. �1'I�1 by Ubb�a to r�acom�►d tt�at tha alley bs va�st�d snd tha utility aad dsainaga rigi►t� be satain�d. botioa paas4d. /'1 iha second it�m o�t tha ageada, I�P�� P�i�i'9 Plat #64•02, . o� aoatinuwd until th� nmct zegnlas mestingo 1ss. Ubbeu.waa namsd vics ahais�en of ttse Strosts and Utilitita Sub�CommitC�a. Tbs m0ating adjousaad at 10:00 P.M. tfu p ttsd, D�es�rel Clask Rsc�sdit�$ Seczetary n � lB�AitT 4, 1964 F1�����1 .I i yl/�� c7 � P'J.AT8 ApD 3DBDMSIONS 3QB-+C.�I1'!BB ST�SB'�S A�ID UTYLITIBS SDB-�CQlIIT1'� She join� msatiug of tihe plats and Subdivisi.oa� and Stseats and IItilitiu Sub-Coovmitteee was callsd to order at 8 s 15 P.l�. All m�b�s �cs ps+�aant �capt iisssis of Str�sts and Dtiliti•s Sub-Cocm�itt�a. Othsrs pst�aat �rer� Waga�c and Clask. Fisst item consid�arsd �as the propos�d plat of ths �fford psnparty aow o�wn�d by Doaald 8eates. Mr. 3exter Qas pseeatt to presaot ths prapossd plat. ?he mei�a iCem of di8cusaian was the proposod right of t�a,,q �os Polk Sts�aet thsnugh the plste It was aotad tbat 4a osisting stsuatxurs ��onZd ba ia the Strest. Mr. Sextes poiatQd out that the strueture was an oldtr ilowe oa a elab fouadarion aad ie w�rth about $8,900, too much to just tear d�vwn. AlBO it ww�culd b� eocpansive to mov� b�ca�sse of its stsu�ctiural natur4. 1�I�i by Dbbon to raco�nd that Polk Sts�et ba dedicatsd from Hatha�ay to Lyad� sad ist thQ Platming Coaomias3an os Cameil decide w�at to do about tho aa�isting houst. l�btian passed. n Heact it�m co�aidac�d wae the proposed stz0et dedicatioa of SZnd Av�u �m Highway 65 to Taylor 8treet. It vas pointed aut that two� oi the thsw affect�d ps+�p�srty o�wa�rs had alrQadq agr�d to d�dieste psnperty fos a SO $oot sts�et right of w�y. �TIO�T by Ubbau to aak for a 60 foot right of �ay and mak�e a saquest to tha Highway D�pa�ttm�nt to psovids for a croasover aa 8ighway $6S at this point, 81ao 1to get right oi �y fos a sesvice dsiv4 aa ths Baet eide of Highway #65 froa 53rd to SZnd Av�ue. l�otion passed, Naxt itann c�nsider�t �aa th�e Strett ptob Briskson Plat aad Mississippi Plac�. Tha Co�itt.�s assa and askod ths City �aginsssin,g D�pastment to sts�t pattasn on ths mnp, and psessat it at tha n�eoc Ths Joiat M�meting adjoarasd at 9s05 P.M. l�m layout b�t�ua Saa studi�d the �p of the lay out the psoposed t msetin,g. �ctfu�.ly ubmitted, Dssssl Claack Bacording S�cretasy � � VL � 0 �� � _�.�.. z on�e o �., R•/ � ..._....... Ot� ��� At .,� W Z � W � � � C!7 � � � ti� �P Q �� �� � 9 � 20NE0 R-2 �S REZ4NIN�� ►7 GR. R. TI�ELGNp LOT 16 QtKS� RICC 6REEK F4A2A 3outN��� o� P° _`�� V ��. L0�/ED C - Z - Sr'� Ig-� l� /,1,I � I,tI �, f„I /.�,1 I 1,,,/ I.,,� � C.t � y t1 � ' �: 3 � an�� t� R • s t7 0 Mi� �IS S1P�i ST�� � T . N���S . , , v A� ��r�`T' � �'Q �,� � � ,To�v a c • � -s .� : P�� N'�: 5EC /� :� o A N3e,r `�o ���i° , i �►i�� � 0 n I`1 ti � r% �i � �� � Z � Mrss�ssi�N� 5�, I_OT5 1� �' l7 �LUCi� .5� 6� I C� � �� � C K P L�4 Z A Sc� C�TH /�L�.l� E:� Rezoniqg lEb3-24 Dt�. itich�rd Trezona L. 16, B1, 5, �ice Creek Pl.aza So.. Add e � � / r'� � � D owv. 63- ��s DH�wrv By �,,,, N. C.N�CK�.� iiy ,�NI'KOV�ll (37 t� AT�=- / � - / 6 -- b3 � O�F]�CIAL NO�ICE CTl'Y �' FRTDLBX � i : .i�:`:i� .a� r: .r ' �s!��M.�� � ' � � �'0 WHO�i 7CT MAY C�i10EBN : Notice is hereby given thati tiliere will be a Publfc Sea=ing of the P2annfa�g Comaaiseioa of the City of Fridley ia the City Iiall at 6431 UniveYSitjr Avenue Nartheast an February 13, 2964 in �he Caun�ci2 Chamber at 7:30 PoM. for ths pnrpose of: r Coasideratioa of a proposed preliminary plat, P.S, �64-1, of Outlot 1, Holiday Hills, lyin,g in the Narth Half (PI�) af Sectian 14, T-30, 8snge-24, Caiaty af Auoke, State of Minaesata. Anyoa� desiria,� to b� beard witk� rsfereuce to the abo�ve ma��r will be heard at thie meetia�o KENNBTS i. I�AVIK CHAIRMAN PLANNtNG CO�IISSI@T Publish: Th� Becord - Fridley Sectiano J�niasp 29, 1964 February 5, 1964 � 0 � _..K-''� �, ���� �r � '� i —•. � � � O va Z �� � �. ,...�' : �,.r ..�.- _;. _..�. �,� �-� � _ . . .,.--'' � � � �� `.� � ` ^,y`a�,�,.. �' . ``" ` !-^c�. � , " 1 i"p ,..•- " /' � s' - ...�"' �`A"'� y� � � '�,�� / ,!�,�--. � �^ . r . • s*��,�i � P���,. id°' 6%. y,.�./� �, 1 i _,r''"� t� '�- ���,.>.'°`�t ,.', ..•� ,...�' � •/_ "� tt. r*.�"' t . t'�'' .� � � ���� � 6 �o' � � O Z � C z r°— � �n�1��1�D � t.�� ��,� :�3 � � � �. r ���!'-� z �b�; -; t �, � � , �ia� �:'� 2, a; C "�, '� �`.:�..��� ,� � Ci ,� � .�. ' �� �� � � �� �.anxn� �.3�-1� slbert !�. L�effaes Lota 1•10, nl. G, 8ivezvirv Hsigbta S�e. � ef 3. .l � � � ,� /` �� �'� c�� -_ C � � _3 � ALBEIiT M. �UEFFNER ATTORNEY AND COUtrSELOR AT LAW 808 NEW YORK:BUILDING SAINT PAUL 1, NINNESOTA OFFICE: CA PI�AL 2-6384 RESIDENCE: CA PIiAL 8•3887 f r?avember 15, 1963 The Erry:ineerin� Departme t City ?��ar_a�er and �'lannin . Board Fridley, TJlinnesota Gentlemen and the above oard: The undersi�;ned hereby p tition ;�ou and the abovs Honorable Board tYi t the following described real estate si uated in Hennepin Count� on East River Road in the City of Fridle� ar_d State of P�;innesota; and more fully descr'ibed as Lots 1 to 10 inclu�ive, 'rSection G" (Fridley) IZiverview �ieights be changed from property zoned as one family dvvellin� district, to tiz t of Limited Pv2ultiple Dwellin�• Distri t. Dated PTovember 15, 1963 � /.' / _ � ..� �rv r • � ,�. _ � ,. ,. . �v 1 ` � \..n � rF� .. \ George . Darveaux a.nd C rol . Darveaux Owner of Lots 5 to 10 in lusizre, "Section G" (� �'idley) Riverview H�i�hts. , � 1 �..�'��,_�, .� �;� •. � �: � ��i �:� � � � wR �,. �� . � ; � � . ,� °•�, t, ` � � � i `�:� :, .� � _, 4- 1° 11 ; � 1 � 4 � `� � 12 �oa�ld �a�sfo� S T L.B. �63-35 ',O Saoth 8S• of L� 19, � S '9(� L 31. 1, Sp�i� I.�lce !at 8 U�/� � w,� T_ Lk�ai�M io � . C k �v 0 O,�Q , 'q��. ` �y ��6, ��, '� S tn��`�- �-- �6' � ,�,� �' ��, �6 �� . +� �� � f6 19 w . �� � 8 „ �� � 7645 , � � Q � r.� � � _ Q �� � � C,���;'1' N (� �. � a � � _ �� � � '' ------ P R o Pos � Lo r 5 Pt. � f, t� . . � (� aD 7 !�� I — �o �,.� ` _ ,00' - /00' _ u1 i� � � � 0 � � v L�RAW�NG � C��-oS vFr A w;d t r C: �o � F���i•iJVE,v Gr O� :�1��/�4 ,,;�C h d. C /�I .� � i / (� � � � PLATS AHD SOSDI'tR3L�'A1S SOB-C� �JG JANOASY 6, 1964 .___._.._._ B�OL.L CAIZ: M�em,bsss pztseut: 8sndel, Albsecht, D�eaislsoa Othasa pseseaL: $a�ginasrin,g Assistaat Clask 1. � 2. 30 4. � • Y• AViFSi• P�c. Pst.�s�cat waa preseat �o aplaiu his idea. it �as pointed oe=t that the lot to be sp1iC ia av�s or�s +ac�n. The Ce�itt�e fe1L tl�t tha srea raquirems�nt sh�ouuld b� rr�aaivsd and 8 awtioa by Ms. Albrecht to rQOOam�sad appzwal of tbis lot aplit of Lot 14, Auditor's Subdivisian �F92 snd Outiot $]., Worrsl Additi,an eantingait upan a ded#catien of 30 f�at ior e4clCiaisy str.st. rbtson passaa. LO'l SPLIT I�t : L.8 .�64�-1. A�8 . D0� BAXT�. I.OT 2, ?�I+�.A�]D CABD�4S : _ �.— � �cs. Baxtar was proseat to a�cplaia rhe as0a aad her Iot. and said her lot coatains apgsavci�mCely 44,000 square feet. The CommitC�e fsit that the atea r�quisem�ent ahould bs �aived and tha�ght that maybe the lot cwld bs aplit into ths�e lota to fae� Cerdana. Motion by Demielson to s�o�d appraval of the lot aplit of Lot 2, �slolaad Gazdeas. M�tian passed. Mr. Jobaason wa8 psese�nt bo rxplaia his p1aC. Motio� by AibrOCht to secamme�od appsaval of t�e ps�limiaarq p1.at of rep].at of Outlot #1, Holiday Hi11s. Motion passed. VSIT' 8 ADDITt�i s B�ef�szed by Planain~g Commiss ion at Dscemob�r 12 , 1963 masting. Thie Committes will wa3t uatil the Stacsete aad IItilities Sub- Co�ittae maks a sacoam�eaded s�st layout far th� asea. tfu tt�d, '�"""''\ D�ars�I Cla�1t it�oozding 8�arat.asy 13 f� n �~'�O 1`�'� .��%.� L 4 T SGL. / T nF �'C�U i/�+ � eo' � o T 2 �>> i�IL��. aL� �.�.� _ � � /�?�� NS -° �� % ,� �� � .� � - 7' :��o�v �2� t�/ 14 � n � � Z Z � '� .� � �� c�� '�' ti� O � ��' 'r.� �,�. t% � = v� i .��,:,,�c n �i� G � � < � : Ct�u G� t-� Zk � �. (� n �G � G � G � � �_ � � ; r` (c G � � � � 5 T� sT r — - I 6I� �a, ti.s. �oa � ii r.n� is, sx, a, �� �,5 ,�TH c�T o � ra�qL� �s� � � � �� 1963 Pag@ lr. �i �zthez diseuesi�vn follo�w�d rsgasdis�g �athes o�r aot it wae asc�easy to hold a public haari�qg an t�u se�aazin,g. �t was d�cidod to add fustber to the fisst m�t�. � 160 16 �� �5* �P�, ssesond,ed by Na,gel, that if the Planalstg Cammis+eion iinds that tha C3ty Akto�enay doea not saquise this ts b� �e�eaoa�ad, t.i�► P� P�1��asY P�t iT'•S. l63-08) be safazrad to the Plats and S�bdiviai�ea�s 8'ub-Co�mitta�e aad thet Oetobes 10, 1963 ba est es ths pre- limiasry plat h�s=i�g. IIpan e voica vets� a11 votip8 4Ye, tbe m�tirou �arr�ed. •.,►•�..�o+. s r --•• r D �3�U7 � S N�1'Ch�t eos� �s 5 aad i0D_ Mr. Julkoweki �+spla3aad tha� hs just �ish�d to gst the gat�tral opinian af tha P1�ning Camaiss3on s�a;gazdia,g the problems com�wct4d t�i�h this piece of Iaad usi�g Lhis as a basie foz hia plaaming. 17a B8Z�1G I�1Qi�tt ZQA �63-16 -�B MABBII+�s 8],a�ak 6t L�ta 13 th�u 16, SP=i�t8 Bs'�ok Park. I�c, 8oacb Msr.simerr end ifir. Phil 8Ams6�r axpl�alsto,d tbat Lh� abov� psogesty hea be� purciias�d fe� a m�ati�g piacs for Almoholi�as daom�ymous aad tLat tiw Co�mt has give�n themn t�ao It�t.s. 7�us prablem no�w ie what aoaiag catQgasy, should bs r�eqwet�d. n �� b'9 �8�a 8e�oaded by 7$m�8a'p, tllat tho P18a�3a,g COao�iBSirOa ra%ar t'hl�s matter to ttw City► Attiorney fot his opinio� of tiu Psoper �aoip,g of �s masti�8 Pla�s for Alcoholias An��m� at Bloak 6, L�ea I3 thsu I6. 3pring Bro�o�c Park. IIpoa a voiao vot+s, all votiag ayo, the . ma� cassi�d. rA:�U� ��1 �.t N;�: �x1�� h. � r[a� � _ � � :i 11 �i: �; � �'� II' �� i70A �Y$1iiiV� �• � �i1i.Rr�y �o �Mi��r ��� � �"• Vif�'J BasziaSer r�sra pi1�ala�t. Mr. �►ira stated his c1i�'s prablam o� no BoQae,e at tba P�t tims. It was pointad a�t tbat in the �, � t� Iaad f� t2w aasth is dsvelapad, a atreet �i�tld bs zequeered. 80 6+CLi.Oil S�T�l11 t8�31. 19. �N�B __�O�i 0� �QDn�}8Ai'O�.IS GAS �tt�A� p�T �5-197-8 d�D �, I_t Mt. Case of the Mi.uaasgo].ia Gas Comp� �s p��tto '� � P�ta a ps�blam du�e La advars�s gs+ouad ea�d�itio�a, end Cemttat Av�ou� to O�ndag,a, atc. dwa to tha �.dth ai !� sLr�sts, 2�t�1 1�q Thomp�,, aeaoadod yy �,� �at tb�s Platmis�g Cammnissiaa coa�mwC vi�h tha 3t�ceets aad tit�.li�ias $ub-Coo�mitfi�e s'aa�mdsti�aa Lo dsny i�i tlLese pes�mit8. Upaa a voica v+ota, all votia8 +�YY�►. �� easried. n n � pgg� a 1`7 r�acs a�n sn�vrss�o�s sua-c� r� a� s� io, �.9a3 Z6e mwt,in�g �►as aail�d bo orde= at 7 s 00 P.l�ii. �• $�L, f��= N��brre Ps�aeamt s D�ni,sl�oa �►d Basnd�l. � � 23imi�oe abs�mtt Albsw�ht otl�rrs pr�sas►t: � Cies► Km+�Beor W+��. �o�gin�ias Assiataat l�srsai Cla�k � Z• 3. 4. 5. Sl� Pl,ats & Subd3viriraas �b�ommitt�e �rould lik� tro 1ma�o► v�y tht Irvt 8plit aaa Lots 16, 17, 18 El�ook 17s F'M�d�abr Pa�k aoss not �l�d �rough thie �o�o�i.ttas� t r No��ssC D�r. Juibo�rak�i �as ptnra�t to e�pisia hia gl�as ea�d �yant a�i ths� �s. Ke. Dma,tslaoa point�d oat to ih. Ja]]� tbat �.a p�o�t,y itseo adja. Qe�t #� L1�aa Inf�ss�at4 Hi,gl�t �d �tt yau m�ot de�Kwd npa�a i�s 8i,� �t ps�nt �►t� ee �ring fi.�ai. �� lr�i Dwi�akl�4n t� x�aoomna�d to t'h+t �g E3o�ma�.aa3o� �app�+a�eaJ. of ats�st layaut bat nort to �at c�► t�us lota uatil � t3a�a +�e tbe aoai�8 �ae iinsl. �nx�ed. It �aae po�nt.�rd aut that thia pl,at eLould gQ � da 8�ta and 1Jtilit3�s 8ub«Co�mittaa elao. --- �'� ��' ''�'' '-' ' �_�_' _7. ;�► _ �: �- �: ► Bob� 8isd t� prea�t to axplaia his P�pP� P�• It w�s +euplaia�d by �r. Bis�d that thio plet �roald ha1P �eloP d�ts �a tihlAh has boen mv�cs ar isse s psoblom ae f�r aa etarwt vldt'hs a�nu oona�sa�d. t au b�► i�c. nrms�.lao�a rbat tt� r�.ats a ar�divseiao. �b�Coa,steaa $PP�'+1e th� plsa ae px+�ntsd oiCh tho eaae�ption tl�aC t�a 1S� utility easl�nt thsoa�gh B]roa�t 9s Adamr Strest lldditi�o� l�om 7t� ts Washt�,tgto�n Strest shazid bs s mini�m of 20' ia ai.dth. �art�d. � I'LA� { P 8. #69�08 - MAR�6Y A�D�TI4Q •�� s ti I^� Mr. &at Sa�cd].in6 otis P�»seiat to �acplsia his p].�s. ;l'hl,a ia a prapoa� piat � dis�s aar lots, t�a+� o# whtsh voaid b� usod f,a� s�tar�nt baildi�qg end laa�sfi�d jnst wat of � Aas�a aa th� p�s±opo��rd aorthrest eiuta dsiva of tl� ia� at ib�y. #6� and Iatasatat� �l694. It � goiat+�d oat to Mr. �a�cdliag �tt perC af hia laad vas aot aan�d %r miltf.pl.a cbrolli� uae and �bnt t�,ts filoanittau �nould nat m�ks am�y s+�omo�datl� to tha P3aa�ing t�=saion umtil Chs ps�r �o�in8 �s �pp�sw�d. .�t $OC.�iv�t ivt 9, Blaok 1, Spsi�g t�eY+� Pssk Laict�ids. �. V�sail wa 8riasat to �splaia �hat h� vo�d to �o. Lot 9 at Pst�t�nt ia applpoo�swly g00� s 12p' and ie a eaoa�a� 1ot. r� � i1 e i i � � � , � , SC.,yc_� ; = IDD i3S.o ► � « -� ��J� �:, � � � ' `� �- j�.. a ; r � �,t � � .� �' .✓ , � _�._' � , .l �' i� � �� 4 � � 3� • � _..a.u�.. 9 � "{ \ , �..^ � � � F p (j Af ✓r LJ � »i �� � �--��-- � ,,: s � � n; _�..�,,..� �.. ���'-� � tr ., � ! U �� �;� 3 �� ��,. °�.. 1 r:; / s ( i / � � / �,' � � '.i `"".,.. � ��y , ,5.��.. ' � . L.� /? S , � � 1 � �,5. � �/�� ����� ��C ���� '�� �° � 4._3_.t � � � � � W R�xorv�n�G �ir �u�..��. (;C�s+ � ��"r1 ) 1� P�• r fc r� - 2� Lc.t f� �?,tcC!< 1 �.,!� i'+r„� CGr:�•l�=ftE� wLbK G I ; i t�� � d � �� � �� ! V � Y 4��, 1 m..�:. � i r? w a r� t� �,� -� o y r�,�A����, :,<�, c,�:_� Ct�c.LKEG �r �) !�r'!'Rtv�:�• P { �✓' . DArt �!,I;l&� �� i�1 MINUTFS OF THE PATtK3 AND PLAY(�i0IIND6 SIIB�•COR� :ITT�E MEETIl�iG i�RUARY 10� 196�4 -- .__., ....�.r.... `... The meeting ��as called to orae� b�► Chairman Thampsan at 7s3� P•�:•, at the 2�Si,d].e�ad Bnilding. l�,embera Preseut c Chairman Thcmopso�, Hughes, 9rrsnaen, Sk j ervold. Others Present: Park Director Aoalin AP,�,�P'R�V...:I:. �.� I`a.IN,�s r�,otion by Sk�esvoid, seconded by ii�ughes to apprwe the Miautes of the January 13� 1961, meeting of the Sub-Ca�nittee as mailed. ��tioa carriedo PARK D,� !S A. EPORT: Ntr. Donlin repoz�ec] as follows: 1. tdF�LSs The Citq has a faur inch pump which could be utili�ed in Locke Park. jlork cou2d begin imno�ediately of the actusl drillir�g of a well with faur inch c�singa. 2. LOCKE PARK BIIILDINGs The b�i7.ding has been inapected and appo�aved by the bui7.diug inspector. The overhead door and the casemente have not � ae yet been paiute8� but this can be done by City persa�nel. There ia a standard yeat�s warranty on the atructure. 3. BOY 3COIIT I5ZAND PAOPERTY: The Viking �ouncil of the B.S.A. has thraugh their real estate aw�:�►ittee aonside�ed the sale of a five acre tract at the Rice t�eek mouth, and the 2-Iiasiesippi �iver. The roal. estete committee hss agreed that tl� City ehould have f''i.rst opportunitq to pnrchase this land. The land has creek and rivea� acaess but the�e pe�bape would be a lack of perking spaae. t.�. Denliri vas instructed to continue contact with the Viking �ouncil Pa� further d�relopmae�t and to report to the �b-Commoittee. 4. CT�ASFS ISLANDs The �ub-Cor:a��.ttee 3nstructed the chairma�n to expedite ihe fina].izstion of the purchase of �h,a.sea Islsad. y. TOT LOT AT 2100� LAKEs 2he J.C.'s wauld at soqne ftiture date like to cont,ribute a Tot Lot at t he rJarth end of Moore Lalce. Thie wrnald take place af'ter developaaent of this area by clearing and filling. 6. RNE4�VIT;I'I AFIGiiTSs Donlin instructed Riqervie�w Hei�hts. Action dePered until mext regular meeting. tir. to obtain iaformeti.�n on Lots 20 - 26, B].ock BB ?. ORDIlJAhCFs A copy of t1�e Colurnbia Heights ordinance regulatin� psrlcs, n adapted f�aan the tiitmeapolis Ordi,r�ance, will 'be included with t.he mit►utes of the r^ebrusry 10, 19b4 S�.ib-Com�ittee meeting. RF.PORT �'�iaif t�_„�CI�s 1. JOINT MELTING OI� PARR.S AND RECREATIONs David Cbastea appeared at the meetiag to spee]c on behalf oY the este�bliai�ant ot a y+auth ce�ter in �'ric3lsy. Ae aeked for norrofficial aupport l�rcm individual memsbe�a of t�eth ee�mittees. � TE!@ P�� CO�il�.t.'E8e W��. OOA+.�l1@ t0 Ob8@�'V@ 'f.�lA $d�P610�1AbB1'lt. O� 'f.�'lA Ydaih Cente� Pro�eat. P�TI�_T�_ ��x�;�: The Park nirect,o� was instsuctea to p�epare a���{�+, �•h�e fa�.196�� �� and to pr�aent the same at the neoct regular meeting. j�,KF.,,,�$I��D _ID_=�Q�j: June Ll�, 1961i, uas set as the t,e�tative dete fcar e�ledic�ti.�o� of the Lcoke P�rk Pacilitiee. Ch�airman Thomopsoon was to octi- tact a pote�tiel speake� fa� the dsdieetio� and e p�ogr�n is to be �is�- auased at tl�e nex� regular m�eeting. S?ST�t4 F IORI I��' ,�, A�otion by Hughes� seconded by 9vansen: That beyond the three iesues to which the coammitt,�e ia no�v oo�nitted � e. Chases Islatad b. Locke Park c. ffi�osd atid Hagc that theTe be ereet,eci a pern�anent beach ahelter et �bore Lake. Thia is to be nua�ber frna oa the list of poriorities. Z 1 � ��i. L� �:` t�otian by S�sjeTVOld� seconded by Fi�hea� that the meeting be edjovrned. n Alotirnn carried. Respect�].ly subr:itted s Chrietian R. 3kjervold II 3ecretary Pro Tem � ��